This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 119: Second corpse change

  Chapter 119 The Second Deadly Change

   Wei Hong woke up wobbly, he didn't expect that he would really wake up.

   After all, the last scene before he passed out was when he was knocked out by the tiger demon.

  The dazzling light made him very uncomfortable. After he realized it, he found that he was locked in a certain prison.

It's just that this prison seems a bit too perfunctory. It's just a fence made of wood. Looking around carefully, the three people who went to the grave with him were also locked together, but they haven't woken up yet, and even the rucksack All supplies are here.

  Looking around again, there was a water monkey imprisoned next door to him. At this time, it showed its head in the water and looked at him with pity.

  He was a little puzzled why the tiger demon wanted to arrest him, but when he looked again, the tiger demon was locked next to the water monkey, and ghosts were huddled in the corner.

   Wei Hong's pupils shrank, he didn't expect it to be like this.

  At this moment, his eyes were looking at these wooden fences, and he couldn't help being surprised.

  Not only water monkeys and tiger demons are imprisoned here, but also a series of monsters such as water ghosts and zombies, but these monsters are very honest and dare not do anything at all.

   Obviously, there is a more terrifying existence here.

   "You are awake, it seems that the tiger demon is still quite measured, and I have to treat you again if it is saved."

  A voice came, and I saw a scholar walking over in a hesitant manner. Seeing that Wei Hong was awake, he said immediately.

   "Who is your Excellency, I am the Mojin School"

"I know, you are grave robbers. I watched you come down. To be honest, your situation is very bad. I don't care about touching dead people's graves, but you are still robbing the place when it has an owner. This is called trespassing." Does the house understand?" Chen Xiyi asked.

   This made Wei Hong a little embarrassed, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

   "Tell me, how did you find my tomb, and why you came here." Seeing that the other party was silent, Chen Xiyi could only ask.

"We came here on the orders of Marshal Li from Rongcheng. He entrusted us to steal a guqin from this tomb, and after that, he would give us 1,000 yuan. He also promised that if there was any treasure in this tomb, he would not take any of it, and it would all belong to us. As long as that one Guqin." Wei Hong sold the people behind them without hesitation.

   If he ruined the errand of Marshal Li, at most he would not go to Rongcheng in the future, and he would only lose a thousand dollars.

   But if he dared to deal with the person in front of him, he would definitely not be able to get out alive.

   "Marshal Li in Rongcheng, tsk, I didn't expect this place to be a sought-after location." Chen Xiyi didn't know what the guqin was for, but he knew that the guqin was gone anyway, and it had turned into a camphor willow.

   "Forget it, you guys just put it aside for a few days, and then I'll find a way to deal with you after I finish dealing with the matter at hand." After Chen Xiyi said this, he left.

  These four tomb robbers have to be raised first, and then they will be used for experiments.

   Now he has to perfect the corpse monster's body ability first, and walk around to the side to bring out the corpse monster that was locked not far away.

I have to say that this tomb robber has a lot of auras, each of which makes you more or less stained with resentment, evil, and spontaneous murderous aura, etc. In addition to these auras that Chen Xiyi lacks, there is also Yin Qi , Ghost Qi and so on.

These qi mechanisms may not have any effect when they are young and strong, but once they are old, they will explode, and even once they get married and have children, these qi mechanisms will also infect their newborns and even those who are still in their womb On the fetus, resulting in deformities, underdevelopment and other consequences.

   What's more important is that these qi mechanisms are entangled with each other. Unless you go to a qi refiner to help them get rid of them, no one can deal with them at all, and you can only leave a disaster for yourself.

   You don’t need to think about it to know that this is a group of tomb robbers who kill people without blinking an eye. They must be very diligent when they go to the tomb, otherwise they will be infected with these auras.

   There are not many qi machines, but they are extremely harmful.

  Chen Xiyi extracted a little bit from each of them, but did not help them get rid of it.

  He wanted to find out the principle of why human energy and yang energy can coexist with these negative energy mechanisms through the bodies of the four tomb robbers.

  According to the normal situation, these negative qi mechanisms cannot coexist with the popularity and yang energy of people at all, but these four tomb robbers appeared on them.

   It is likely to be related to their own inheritance, and Chen Xiyi can only say that the world is full of wonders.

  Bringing up the corpse queen, Chen Xiyi was not only thinking about the tomb robber, but also thinking about that Marshal Li in Rongcheng.

  The other party will definitely not give up. Although I think this is just a trivial matter, I can't help but make trouble.

   Now that he can find four tomb robbers to bombard his head, he will definitely find someone to come over in the future.

  So we have to find a way to solve this matter as soon as possible.

   "I can't get away." Chen Xiyi sighed, this really has to go there, I don't know how long it will take to finish.

  If he leaves, what if there is a riot in this shelter.

  So some people can only put it aside temporarily, pay more attention to the map when the time comes, and deal with it when the other party comes to the door.

  Anyway, he is relatively short of experimental products, and if someone comes to his door, he can save himself from catching them everywhere.

  Tie the corpse to the operating table, and start to guide it into the mode of corpse transformation.

  【Mutated Corpse, HP: 100%, Status: Evolving】

   "It seems that there is no problem with the data, and it has returned to the state of evolution, but the prefix has changed from recovery to mutation. Obviously, it should be the cause of the second corpse change."

  Chen Xiyi channeled the evil, resentment and so on from the tomb robber into the corpse demon's body.

  With the entry of these energies, the structure of the corpse itself is also changing. The biggest change is naturally the overall structure of the corpse, that is, the corpse skills.

  He was thinking, it seems that the biggest benefit of the corpse monster is not the corpse, but the process of corpse transformation.

  If he masters the ability of corpse transformation, and then combines the ability of corpse, he can develop a passive skill that can evolve.

  That is to say, the follow-up does not need the participation of the corpse monster, and he can directly conduct experiments on skills.

   And can further develop the remaining two abilities of the corpse.

  Finally, let’s combine the Tomb Raider’s inheritance method that can make Qi, Yang Qi and other negative Qi mechanisms live in peace to further optimize this skill.

   This is not impossible.

  Even if conditions permit, he even wants to use this basis to develop the ability to integrate water air, earth air, and even purple air into one body to achieve immunity to various spells.

  Since the development has begun, it is natural to go to the top level. It cannot be said that just making a passive skill that increases defense and strength is enough.

   It’s not that there are no conditions.

   It may be a bit difficult, and the consumption is not small.

  Watching the corpse monster perform the second corpse transformation, Chen Xiyi was not idle, he clicked on the Yunzhuan Daolu and started to look through it, he hadn't finished it yet.

To say that this Yunzhuan Daolu can be said to have developed to the extreme in terms of innate supernatural powers and spells. Other inheritances are born with innate supernatural powers relying on chance, and once this Yunzhuan Daolu is refined and nourished, it will definitely come out of the Daoist Primordial Spirit. A talent related to spells will be born.

  After practicing a spell, there will be associated magical powers associated with it, and with the improvement of this spell, not only will more accompanying magical powers be born.

  These magical powers associated with spells can not only reduce the consumption of the spell, but also enhance the power of the spell, or change from a single body to a group, etc., which is simply unscientific to the extreme.

   Therefore, as long as a spell has been cultivated to a certain level, the spell that can be released empty-handed by relying on the magic power associated with the spell is comparable to the power of borrowing a talisman and a magic weapon, or even stronger.

  So this Baiyun Daolu is divided into two factions, Wanfaliu and Yifaliu.

  Wanfaliu can learn all kinds of spells, relying on the accumulation of a large number of spells accompanied by magical powers.

  Basically, a method does not choose too many spells, and even chooses only one spell for extreme practice, but once it is cultivated to the extreme, a spell can derive thousands of abilities with the blessing of the magic power associated with the spell.

   "This is the real cultivator."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help sighing with emotion.

  Of course, the opposite also has its flaws, that is, the cultivation of spells requires not only extremely high comprehension and ingenuity, but also a lot of wealth.

  Practice spells are basically more difficult. The process of practice requires not only geomantic treasures, but also various materials.

For example, the Lingguang Vajra Divine Art requires such things as gold powder, silver grains, copper nuggets, and iron essence. In addition to these, as the cultivation progresses, it is necessary to go to various iron ore veins, copper ore veins, etc. in stages. A series of ore veins need to undergo metamorphosis.

   As far as this consumption is concerned, how many non-qi practitioners can bear it.

This is quite normal. After all, you can buy it with money. For example, the spell of no bounds requires only ordinary animals at the beginning, and even all kinds of monsters are needed later, and the more beast spirits in this spell , the stronger the monsters needed, but once you reach the late stage of training, you can release thousands of beast spirits to help in the battle, and you will win by lying down.

  It's a pity that with this consumption, I don't know when it will be possible to achieve the situation of galloping beasts.

  The method of refining qi and nourishing the mind is quite satisfactory, and it cannot be said to be magical. The real difficulty lies in the inherited spells.

Generally speaking, if you are poor, you still need to follow the flow of ten thousand methods. After all, you only need to have the starting materials. Being able to use it flexibly is also able to compete with Yifaliu.

   This is also krypton gold, but the krypton is talisman and magic weapon, and there is no need to find those messy things for the follow-up practice of spells.

  The spells in it were an eye-opener for Chen Xiyi, even he couldn't cultivate and cast them. These spells were far more stringent than those in the other three inheritances.

That is to say, the pre-cultivation must have the Daolu Yuanshen. If there is no innate magical power related to spells in the Daolu Yuanshen, it is impossible to make these spells successful, and even if the cultivation is successful, there is no way to make the spell. The birth of spells accompanied by supernatural powers.

  It is equivalent to being tied to death on this road.

   "Spells and innate supernatural powers, there are gains and losses."

  Others ordered him to make gold, so he probably doesn't have much influence, and this Yunzhuan Daolu is really not easy to succeed.

  As for the savvy and roots required to practice spells, in Chen Xiyi's eyes, it is the lowest threshold. Being a Qi Refiner does not depend on luck.

   "Fortunately, I don't practice Yunzhuan Daolu. With such an inheritance of supernatural powers and spells, my Taoist inheritance has added merit."

  He can't cultivate, but he can learn what he needs from it, and finally integrate it into his own.

This is the way he wants to go. After all, he is no longer suitable for any inheritance. He has no popularity and yang energy, and has lost the foundation of many inheritances. Unless he can have the corresponding goblin to bless him, he can only go out come your own way.

  (end of this chapter)

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