This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 120: Spells that simulate corpses

  Chapter 120 Spells made by simulating corpses

  Chen Xiyi felt the invisible existence formed by several kinds of qi surrounding him.

   "Is this a success or a failure?" Chen Xiyi was at a loss, he felt that it was a success, because in his visual field of vision, a layer of structure like the body of a corpse was indeed formed outside his body.

   But the problem is that the infinite power he imagined didn't appear, and he didn't even feel any enhancement at all.

   "Let's test it first." Chen Xiyi turned his head and found the bronze coffin on the side. He lifted it up with both hands, and found that it was lifted easily.

   "The BUFF has added up, but why don't I feel any enhancement."

  Chen Xiyi looked at his status bar, but there was no mention of the status he should have.

   It made him wonder for a moment whether he had succeeded or failed.

   "My strength has not increased, but with the blessing of the simulated corpse on the outside, I am like an ordinary person wearing a mecha."

   "In other words, this looks like a skill to me, but it's actually more like some kind of invisible exoskeleton?"

   For this reason, Chen Xiyi also tried the defense power, which was no worse than that of the corpse monster. In addition, Chen Xiyi could speed up the repair, and his recovery ability was much faster than that of the corpse monster.

  The dead monster's corpse ability is essentially its body, while Chen Xiyi's simulated corpse is an invisible armor composed of air mechanisms.

If the other party wants to recover, it not only needs enough nutrition, but also takes time. Unlike Chen Xiyi, who can quickly recover by injecting Yin Qi, even if Chen Xiyi does not inject Yin Qi, this simulated corpse can also swallow the external body on its own. Yin Qi can be repaired, but the speed depends on the concentration of external Yin Qi.

  Mobilize the strength of the simulated corpse, raise your hand and strike with all your strength, and test the data.

  He is adapting and modifying the parameters of the simulated corpse little by little, so as to control the strength and speed that are completely inconsistent with himself.

   "My spell is probably enough for the low-to-middle-level spells in the four inheritances."

  Chen Xiyi knew before that Qi refiners do not cultivate their bodies but only their souls, and they have spells, talismans, and magic tools to make up for it, but he has no idea how much these things can increase their strength.

  After he created a spell to enhance himself with the body of the corpse, he realized how outrageous the strength of the Qi Refiner was.

  His spell is still in the first draft, and needs to be revised in the future, but it is almost the same as the original corpse.

   Qi practitioners may not cultivate their bodies, but that doesn't mean their bodies are really weak.

   "It's no wonder that the spells in the Yunzhuan Daolu require so many materials and complicated processes. Even if you don't need to practice it, you can kill demons and ghosts with only a beginner's threshold."

   "It's no wonder that the group of foreigners from the Holy Ziyuan Empire didn't dare to make any big moves. Perhaps the moment the Qi refiners cultivated the primordial spirit, they were no longer human beings."

   "It's just that there are no superhumans similar to Qi refiners in that group of foreigners?"

  Chen Xiyi thought about it for a while, and put this matter behind him. The most important thing now is to continue to perfect the spell of simulating a corpse.

  This spell may be relatively rough compared to the inheritance of other schools, but it is quite easy to use for Chen Xiyi, and its potential is not small.

  In the future, as long as he researches the secrets of the four tomb robbers that can make Qi, Yang Qi and these negative Qi coexist, and then applies it to the simulated corpse, the potential of his spell will immediately rise again.

Otherwise, his ability to simulate a corpse is still very limited, and it can only be used in places with little popularity and yang energy, and it cannot be used in towns at all, otherwise it will be used by a large number of people in an instant. , Yang Qi is annihilated.

  As long as the coexistence problem of the two can be solved, then the operability will be high.

For example, the pure yang qi golden light talisman in the Nine Chapters of Dinglong, the aura of vajra in the Yunzhuan Daolu, etc., can be added to it. At that time, you will think that I am a weak melee chicken, and the BUFF of the whole body will be unscrewed from the skull. .

   Just wait for those blind people to assassinate him, and then let them see what it means to be invulnerable to guns and guns, invulnerable to fire and water, not only powerful but also agile.

  Of course, he doesn't plan to fight melee, he just wants to rely on this to save his life.

  As a peace-loving sandbox game player, if you really want to fight, the most you can do is to fire black guns and throw TNT.

  As for the spells, I will talk about this later, just a spell that simulates a corpse keeps him busy, so he has no time to learn other spells.

  After the simulated corpse is perfected, it is not too late to learn other spells.

   "With this constant spell, I am finally no longer that feeble scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken. Unfortunately, the restriction is a bit big."

  Chen Xiyi sighed, but this is his first spell, so he can't force too much. Being able to succeed is already the first step for him to realize his knowledge potential into strength through practice.

  Dragging the corpse demon back into its prison, Chen Xiyi scanned the group of experimental subjects, thinking about how to get the four tomb robbers to speak honestly.

  If the four tomb robbers hadn't come, what Chen Xiyi would study next would be the relationship between the tiger demon's ghosts and the tiger demon's ability.

As for the corpse poison and corpse evil of the corpse demon, Chen Xiyi is not very interested. The toxicity of the corpse poison comes from the combination of death energy and Yin energy. Even the mutated corpse monster is mainly based on these two energy mechanisms. Combine with other qi machines for enhancement.

This can completely allow your own simulated corpse demon to synthesize high-level simulated corpse poison. As for the corpse demon, the value is even lower. It is just a variant version of the tiger demon on the tiger demon itself, which reduces the ability of deterrence. Instead, it combines with corpse poison Into nondescript poisoning ability.

  If you want the full version, you can study it directly from the tiger demon.

   Came to the prison where the four tomb robbers were locked up. The four tomb robbers had already woken up, and they looked at Chen Xiyi with some embarrassment.

   You must know that just now Chen Xiyi dragged the corpse demon back into the prison like a dead dog. The main reason is that when Chen Xiyi asked the corpse demon to cooperate with him to test the simulated corpse, he was a little bit harder.

If this were replaced by other IQ monsters and ghosts, they would definitely not dare to be cruel, but the corpse monster is different, it has no brains, so it is extraordinarily ruthless when it moves, and it is precisely because of this that Chen Xiyi can accurately test the simulation The strength of the corpse comes.

  At least after the fight, he is okay, but the corpse is not.

  Chen Xiyi still has a sense of measure in his actions. When the time comes, he will adjust the Yin-gathering formation of the corpse demon, and then feed it with the blood of the water monkey and the tiger demon, and he will be alive and well again when he wakes up tomorrow morning.

   "Cough, hello four, are you still used to eating?" Chen Xiyi walked over, narrowed his eyes and closed his eyes.

   "I'm used to it, I'm very used to it, it would be even better if I could have a few more taels of rice." Yan Qi hurriedly put forward his request.

   "That's good. I'll give you some more later, but I've met your requirements. I'm having some difficulties now. Should you help me?" Chen Xiyi said with a smile.

   It's just that the smile fell into the eyes of the four people, who were a little panicked.

  The water monkey next door had dived into the water at some point, the water ghost covered the bubbles that popped up, and the tiger demon also curled up beside it.

  In this situation, the four suspected that they might be treated by the corpse monster.

   After all, every time the corpse demon comes back, there is not a whole one.

   This means that the corpse monster is strong and strong. If it were any one of the four of them, let alone such a toss, it would probably die tomorrow after being skinned.

  How could Chen Xiyi survive such a disaster.

   "You, you said, we will do it for you." Wei Hong said bravely, what if we don't agree?

  Do you really think you can negotiate terms with the other party?

  The tiger demon who easily beat them like dogs shrank in the corner, let alone them.

   "Don't be nervous, take it easy, I don't eat people." Chen Xiyi said kindly.

The four of them panicked even more. Cannibalism is not terrible, at most they will die, but from what Chen Xiyi has done to the corpse monster and occasionally the tiger monster recently, they feel that it might be more comfortable to be eaten. The torture they endured while alive is estimated Not small.

   After the tiger demon who hadn’t seen the majestic king of beasts was proposed to torture a few times by the other party, he was honestly like a kitten.

   "We are not nervous, but excited, that's right, excited." Cao An said with some stumbles.

   As for being neither humble nor overbearing, they are grave robbers, thieves, of course they are bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

   There may be a way to survive with those gentlemen who are neither humble nor overbearing, but if they are not humble or overbearing with this pervert who likes to torture, what if the other party likes to torture this kind of person.

"That's great, I don't mean anything else, you are all elites from the four schools of Mojin, Faqiu, Qianshan, and Xiling. I just want to ask, every time you go down to the grave, how do you fight?" Avoid those entangled with qi such as yin qi, dead qi, etc., and even lock them in the body."

  Chen Xiyi didn't beat around the bush, and asked directly.

  The four of them were stunned. It was easy to avoid this thing, but it was locked in the body?

   What kind of situation is this.

"Your body is entangled with a dead energy, evil energy, yin energy, and all kinds of dark and dark qi in the tomb. The qi and yang energy of normal people can dispel it, but you are different. The qi and yang energy in your body To be able to coexist peacefully with it, think about it, things that are incompatible with each other can one day coexist peacefully."

   "Of course, this is just one point. More importantly, you are all right."

   "Normal people are either paralyzed or insane."

   "Do you think it's interesting?"

  Every word Chen Xiyi said made the expressions of the four people present change. They all knew that people in this line of work would not end well.

  Most of them are caused by disasters to their children and grandchildren or even get retribution after old age. I didn't expect there to be such things here.

  Especially the two kinds of consequences that Chen Xiyi mentioned, basically all of their seniors have the same fate, of course, only some of them, and most of them died in the process of going to the tomb.

  Anyway, it is true that the money will come quickly, but the end will definitely be extremely miserable.

"I don't know why this happened, maybe the three of them know." Cao An said, he didn't know the reason, the various procedures of their burial were in accordance with the rules handed down by their ancestors, but they didn't say why, Naturally, they didn't ask why.

"I don't know either."

"Me too."


  The answers of the four people were exactly the same, which gave Chen Xiyi a headache.

   "What about inheritance? Please recite to me the inheritance methods of your four major sects." In that case, he said it directly.

   This made the four of them even more confused, what inheritance.

"You're talking about tradition, right? We don't have any inheritance, only the tradition of the old with the new. If you want to know, we will tell you all about it." This Yan Qi looks like a man with a brain full of muscles, But in fact, the mind is very active.

  Chen Xiyi is a bit weird, there is no inheritance, only tradition, what does this mean?

  However, he didn't say much, although the possibility that these four people lied to him could not be ruled out.

   "Tell me, I just want to listen, but don't make any mistakes or omissions, otherwise you will understand what the end will be." Chen Xiyi didn't say what the end will be, and it's best to let them make up their own minds.

  (end of this chapter)

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