This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 121: Plastic Teammates

  Chapter 121 Plastic Teammate Friendship

   "Somewhat scattered."

  Chen Xiyi thought that the factions of these four thieves were gathered in the form of a sect or a black society, but he didn't expect that he guessed wrong. How could this tomb robber become a sect.

  They are more like clan-type mentors and apprentices, so the relationship is both close and distant.

  The intimate thing is that everyone came from the same patriarch, so there is some affection.

  As for unfamiliarity, it means who you are in front of wealth, but you don’t care what faction you are in when you meet your peers.

  So the competition in this industry is very fierce. It is said that there are four major factions, but in fact they are all fragmented.

  The key to entering the industry is to worship the ancestors. Whoever worships the ancestors is a member of that family, and the business of that family.

The master who followed Mojinfaqiu would teach them Fengshui, going to the tomb, etc., but the emphasis is different. It belongs to the technical type of going to the tomb, while the one who moves the mountain is directly blasted with gunpowder. The most bizarre thing is to unload the mountain. , It is said to be a tomb robber, but in essence it is half warlord and half black society. Neither Feng Shui technology nor gunpowder technology can compare with the other three factions, but it cannot stand up to many people.

  Chen Xiyi got a lot of things out of these four people. The four tomb robbers he said were dry and hoarse.

   It’s just that what you get are some useless rules and the like, but Mojin and Faqiu are better, you can use the surrounding environment to distinguish Yin Qi, so as to determine the location of the tomb.

  However, this ability is quite tricky, because places with Yin Qi do not necessarily have tombs, so it can be determined by combining various ancient records, Feng Shui environment, etc.

   As for the others, there is really nothing.

  So, Chen Xiyi quickly focused on one thing that the four of them had done together, that is, worshiping the ancestors. He suspected that this was some kind of ritual, which caused the strangeness on the tomb robber.

  The ceremony of worshiping the ancestors can be simple or complicated, but it is nothing more than two processes, one is to call the Yin name, and the other is to enter the book of the teacher.

  The problem must be the yin name.

   "However, can this thing really work?"

  The materials used for this yin name are all messy things, and then they are mixed into a ball and dotted on the forehead, and it is completed after three days of automatic fall off.

  According to what the four tomb robbers said, this name is to make their name yin. When they meet those demons and ghosts who can prove that they belong to the four major sects, they hope to give them face.

  Chen Xiyi suspects that the so-called saving face is probably due to the accumulation of negative qi in their bodies.

  It is easy to find materials for counting Yin names, but they are not too precious. Even this ceremony is widely spread and many people know about it.

However, this is an act of drinking poison to quench thirst. It does not mean that the negative energy brought about by going to the tomb will always coexist peacefully with popularity and yang energy. No matter how tough it is, these backlashes will be even more terrifying than before.

   This is also the reason why the tomb robbers suffered miserably in their later years. Most people think it is retribution.

   "So, I need to conduct a Yin-name test to observe the process of forming coexistence." Chen Xiyi knew that the four tomb robbers had already performed Yin-name, so they couldn't do it a second time.

  It's not that he needs a Yin name, what needs a Yin name is his simulated corpse spell.

   As for backlash?

  To be honest, it is impossible for backlash to Chen Xiyi, it will only cause instability in the spell of simulating a corpse, and he does not intend to use the ritual of naming Yin names on himself at all.

   "We need to find a new experimental product, but the question is where to find it?"

  Chen Xiyi needs someone to help him if he wants to know the whole result of the yin name, and this person can't be himself.

   This gave him a bit of a headache, where to find someone in the wilderness.

   "It really doesn't work. We can only dissect a tomb robber for coexistence observation. When the time comes, Marshal Li from Rongcheng will send someone to carry out the experiment."

   It cannot be said that it is not good to rob people for this matter.

  Ordinary people didn't offend themselves, and it was a waste of time for me to arrest people for no reason. Besides, it's not good to lower my bottom line for such a trivial matter, which is already low enough.

   "I can only do so, maybe I can research what I want directly from the body of the tomb robber." Chen Xiyi felt that it was the same to get on the bus first and then pay the fare.

   Do what you say, do it, abducted to the prison where four tomb robbers were locked up, Chen Xiyi looked at the four of them, wondering which one to choose.

   "Everyone, I still need your cooperation in so many small things, but this time I only need one person. I don't know which one of you is willing to cooperate with me?"

  Chen Xiyi said kindly, this matter, if you can voluntarily, then voluntarily, if you can't, then Chen Xiyi will help them voluntarily.

  Hearing this, the four couldn't help but look at each other, only one person?

  Gan, it can't be that the itchy hands are torturing people.

   "He." The three of them moved at the same time, pushing Dunan to the front with one stroke.

  Dunant never thought that things would be like this, so he instinctively refused: "No, no, I am not."

  It's just that Chen Xiyi pretended not to hear the other party's words: "That's really great, don't worry, my movements will definitely not be too big."

   As he spoke, he pulled Dunan out with one swipe. The opponent's resistance was of no avail under the strength of the simulated corpse, and he could only be pulled away by Chen Xiyi.

  The remaining three hurriedly closed the prison door by themselves, watching Chen Xiyi dragging Du Nan away with lingering fear.

   It's just the four people who originally worked together intimately, but cracks inevitably appeared.

   They were able to team up to cheat Dunan today, so whether they can cheat themselves tomorrow, the remaining three couldn't help but have such a thought in their minds at the same time.

  However, this matter has nothing to do with Chen Xiyi. He does not intend to consider the emotional and mental health of the experimental subjects at the moment, and he will talk about it later when conditions permit.

   "How is your pain tolerance? If the intensity is not high, I can anesthetize it for you." Chen Xiyi asked gently after binding Du Nan to the experimental table.

  Dunan also knew at this time that it would be useless to struggle any longer, so he could only say hoarsely: "Then anesthetize me."

   Dunan couldn't imagine the treatment he was about to receive, but he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing. Since he had a choice, he must choose to treat himself better.

   "No problem, don't worry, although it's the first time I have undergone anesthesia, I am still very confident in my technique." Chen Xiyi's words made Du Nan lose confidence.

  Just as he was about to say something, he saw Chen Xiyi's hand approaching his forehead.


  Dunant fell into a coma.

  Chen Xiyi's anesthesia is naturally physical anesthesia, how could it be drug anesthesia, and he has no related drugs.

   Fortunately, if Chen Xiyi did not carry a weapon to attack, Homeland Game judged his damage as 0, only his own strength, otherwise, if he hit the opponent all at once, he might lose a lot of life points.

  Chen Xiyi poured a bottle of juice into the unconscious Dunan's mouth, which had the effect of slowly recovering health.

  Based on this condition, if Chen Xiyi is not careful, it will easily cause death, so there must be some life-saving measures.

  After all, people's physical fitness is not as good as that of demons and ghosts.

  【Rumor: There is a lot of turmoil in Rongcheng, it is said that it is because Li Hao, the commander in chief of the warlord, is furious】

A rumor suddenly flashed in the game log. This rumor was brought about by Zhangliu’s ability to attract wind and ears. It was dragged away, or someone dropped a coin or something.

   I didn't expect that the matter of Rongcheng and that Marshal Li would be refreshed at this moment.

   It's just that it's endless. It's just that I'm angry, and it doesn't seem to be of much value.

   It's not that there is no gain, at least Chen Xiyi knows that Marshal Li in Rongcheng is called Li Hao.

   "Warlords are all over the place. If you recruit some people to occupy a place, you dare to call yourself a commander. It's really cheap." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

  In fact, he was also interested. The four tomb robbers had been imprisoned by him for more than ten days and had never returned, so Chen Xiyi was worried that Li Hao might send someone over again.

  Sending someone over is not a big deal, the main reason is that he is afraid that the other party will send tomb robbers over again, which would be embarrassing.

   What he wants more are those who have not mentioned their negative names.

  Rongcheng is not close to here. It took several days for the tomb robbers to come here, and it was enough for Chen Xiyi to react if they really wanted to come here.

  Besides, he is underground, and he has sealed off the way to get in before, and the other party has to dig it himself if he wants to come in again.

  This will take a lot of time.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi needn't worry at all.

   "This structure is really interesting, and the coexistence between the two is interesting."

  After Chen Xiyi put aside the matter of the commander in chief of Rongcheng, he began to concentrate on researching the Yin Yin naming ceremony that Du Nana had already held.

   This time, a very detailed study was carried out, even an in-depth study combining the energy, flesh and blood of the opponent.

  During the research, I also compared the structure of my own simulated corpse, and used this as a reference for the optimization plan.

   During the process of in-depth research, Chen Xiyi's various thoughts and guesses got definite answers, which gave him a greater insight on the coexistence of Qi and mechanism.


  Looking at the trembling adjutant in front of him, Li Hao calmed down.

   "The big households in the city have settled down recently." Li Hao asked after taking a sip of his wine.

  The adjutant heard this, and hurriedly said: "Commander, after you wiped out the three families, you have become a lot more honest. It seems that you don't dare to do small things anymore."

"That's good. Since you're being honest, tomorrow you lead a team to Shuji Mausoleum to dig out the guqin. Those four tomb robbers are really untrustworthy. It's been a few days, and there is no news at all." Li Hao's tone was disconcerting Yue said.

   "Yes, Commander, just in case if the four grave robbers succeed and leave with their things, then" the adjutant asked with hesitation in his tone.

  Li Hao sneered dismissively and said: "Even if they get it, they will come back. Just having a guqin can't do anything."

   "Yes, Commander." The adjutant didn't ask any further questions, Li Hao was not in a good mood these days.

Those big families in Rongcheng seem to be unable to bear his oppression, so they want to join forces with Zhou Dashuai in Baicheng to destroy him. This is not discovered, and they originally planned to kill them all, but there are too many people involved, so they also You can only kill some leaders to make an example to others.

  Searching has collected a lot of wealth, but in this way, it is completely tearing apart the big family in Rongcheng.

   "Shu palace, longevity and wealth." Li Hao couldn't help whispering after the adjutant left.

  He didn't know if it was true or not, but he was sure of one thing, that is, there must be a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in the Shu Palace.

  As long as he can get it, he will continue to recruit troops to expand his power by relying on these gold, silver and jewels, and he may still be able to compete in the world.

  After all, you need money to do everything. You must know that without money, it is difficult to move an inch, and the military salary cannot be paid. Who wants to fight the world for you?

  (end of this chapter)

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