This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 123: go, follow me to the grave

  Chapter 123 Go, follow me to the grave

  A total of 21 people, not the 30 people Chen Xiyi imagined, this wave may be a bit too many dead.

  The vehicle in front was affected, causing many deaths, so these big soldiers came out because there were many dead bodies inside.

  The rear car survived a lot, and caught an adjutant, from which Chen Xiyi learned that it was Li Hao's confidant, who was ordered to dig the Mausoleum of Shu Ji this time.

  Shu Ji Mausoleum is the tomb where he used to occupy the magpie's nest, and the one who turned into a corpse demon is Shu Ji.

  Although the tomb is a bit crude, and the burial object is just such a guqin, but according to the adjutant's explanation, this guqin seems to be a very important thing, related to a certain treasure.

   No matter what it is, he doesn't know. The Marshal Li in Rongcheng didn't disclose it to him.

  The real reason is only known by the handsome Li Hao.

   After Chen Xiyi understood the situation, he stuffed all the prisoners into the carriage, leaving the adjutant to guide him.

   "I think, you should be able to remember the way back and where your Marshal Li lives." Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes and looked at the adjutant and said.

  The adjutant couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly said: "I know, I definitely know."

   Then I was a little embarrassed: "If we rely on walking, we will have to walk for more than a day, and Rongcheng is not far from here."

  This car is all broken down, and there is no means of transportation.

  Chen Xiyi looked around, and couldn't help sighing inwardly.


   Then he looked at the only car that seemed to be in good condition. It was the car that the big soldiers took before, but it was lifted and rolled not far away, and there were many dead bodies inside.

  Chen Xiyi walked over and picked it up, opened the car door and shook out all the corpses, then straightened it up and said to the adjutant, "Come and see if it can still be driven. If not, hehe."

  The adjutant looked at Chen Xiyi's behavior and couldn't help but tremble all over. Is this still a human?

  How could this car be played casually like a toy in his hands? He recalled the subordinate who was punched by Chen Xiyi and lost his upper body, and his face became paler and paler.

  Not for anything else, just because if the car can't drive, he will be in bad luck.

   So helpless, I could only cry with a sad face: "I'll try, but I don't guarantee it will work."

   "It's better to be able to drive." Chen Xiyi came up and sat in the front passenger seat, while the adjutant opened the car door tremblingly, sat in the driver's seat, turned the key and stepped on the accelerator.

   Every time the car failed to start, the adjutant trembled in his heart, for fear that the other party would come up and give him a big blow and beat his head to pieces.

   Fortunately, in the end, the car still started, and it slowly headed towards Rongcheng under his driving.

   Along the way, the adjutant didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of offending the evil star sitting beside him.

  Chen Xiyi was thinking about one thing, and that was how to deal with the follow-up in Rongcheng.

   It is indeed no problem to kill Li Hao with a slap, but the other party obviously has a secret. He is not coveting this secret, but mainly because he thinks that even if he changes the commander-in-chief, he has to come and disturb him.

  But if this adjutant is turned into a commander in chief, he can still use Li Hao back as an experimental product when the time comes.

   This lieutenant is a famous NPC, what if the other party makes trouble?

Red names are normal, not only these adjutants, but also the twenty big soldiers he arrested, the tomb robbers in prison, tiger demons, water ghosts, etc. are also red names. Maliciousness is certain.

   Unless Chen Xiyi destroyed the entire city of Rong, someone would definitely investigate.

  After all, the former general made such a big fuss over this Shu Ji Mausoleum, and even lost his life. The latecomers would definitely not think that this is a dangerous place and should avoid it.

   must be thinking that there is a big treasure here, so the former commander-in-chief has to get it even if he doesn't want his life.

   Never underestimate the greedy character of the warlords. You must know that not all warlords have brains. Many even rise up when their brains are hot, and they draw up their status by burning, killing and looting by force.

   Therefore, the warlords are changing very quickly, and it is rare to say that there will be warlords who have been as stable as Dongtai City for several years.

  From the mouth of the adjutant, Chen Xiyi learned that they had only followed Li Hao in the uprising five months ago, killed the commander of Rongcheng, and Li Hao became the commander himself.

  Even the situation in the city stabilized only yesterday, and the main method is to rely on killing, rather than relying on various political and commercial methods such as wooing and suppressing.

   Otherwise, Li Hao would not have said to find four tomb thieves to rob the tomb, he would have already let his soldiers go there, and the efficiency would be faster.

   That is to say, if something happened to Li Hao, those big families in Rongcheng would definitely have to make trouble again.

   After all, to everyone in Rongcheng, Marshal Li and his soldiers are nothing fun.

   Tax collection, robbery, murder, all kinds of behaviors are endless.

  Anyway, the meaning is obvious, even if you don’t squeeze out two taels of oil from the stone, you won’t be finished. That’s why those big households in the city contacted other warlords to kill Li Hao.

   It’s just that Li Hao is not the only one doing this, those warlords who have sprung up all of a sudden are doing this, otherwise where would they get the money to pay the army.

What's more, they also understand that who knows how long they can occupy the city in this period, of course they have to search it quickly, and even if they are beaten up and driven away, they still have the capital to continue enjoying their wealth and greatness in another place. Handsome career.

  That's why we can't wait to carry out violent expropriation. After all, if you don't collect it, it will be cheaper for others if you are driven away.

  So those cities with large changes in warlords can basically pay taxes for decades in a year.

   Still have to pay, after all, the money you gave to the former warlord has nothing to do with the present.

  Driving the car, he quickly returned to Rongcheng. With this adjutant around, it was very easy to enter the city.

   Those guards don’t dare to take care of them. As for why the other party came back, can they still ask?

  You little soldier asks what the second in command is doing, why don't you just want to die if you have nothing to do.

  Following the adjutant into the Marshal's Mansion, this Marshal's Mansion was still owned by the former Marshal, and now it has changed hands to Li Hao.

  The former commander-in-chief ruled Rongcheng for a long time, at least about three years, so naturally he built a magnificent mansion.

   "Where is the commander-in-chief now? I have something important to report." The adjutant entered the commander-in-chief's mansion, and immediately asked the soldiers who were familiar with and protected Li Hao.

  The soldier did not wonder why the adjutant came back, and immediately replied: "I was working in the study, and it is said that I smashed something again, maybe I lost my temper."

   "Well, I see, you go on patrol." The adjutant said without changing his expression.

   Now that he enters the city, it will be a test of the adjutant's acting skills. If something leaks out, he doesn't know whether the person next to him is dead or not, but he can be sure that he is dead.

  With such a short distance, it is too late to escape.

  Bringing Chen Xiyi to the study room, he knocked on the door: "Marshal, it's me. I have something important to report to you."

  In the study, Li Hao is a little weird, important thing?

  Is there anything more important than doing this for him?

  But now that you have come back, let him come in and make it clear that if you don't satisfy yourself, you will definitely not have good fruit for him.

   "Come in and talk." Li Hao said immediately after thinking about it.

  The adjutant pushed the door open and walked in with Chen Xiyi.

   This made Li Hao frowned, he didn't expect the adjutant to bring a stranger in.

   "Who is he? Does it have something to do with the important thing you said?" Li Hao asked in a somewhat cold tone. It's okay to lead someone, but it would be inappropriate if he didn't make it clear.

   After Chen Xiyi came in, he closed the door casually.

  The adjutant said: "It has nothing to do with the commander in chief, it has something to do with my life."

"What?" Li Hao's expression suddenly changed when he heard this. He knew that the adjutant was being held hostage, and he pulled out the pistol from his waist. The barrel was pinched into a ball.

   This made Li Hao's pupils shrink, he never thought that things would be like this.

   "Who the **** are you? Do you know that if you touch me, you will never be able to get out of the Marshal's Mansion completely." Li Hao said calmly after a brief moment of absent-mindedness.

   "Don't bother you to worry, or think about yourself. You want to dig my grave again and again. Don't you know that I live in it now?"

   "It's okay to send four tomb robbers there before, but now they even send troops to dig forcibly. Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

  Chen Xiyi patted the desk casually, and the solid wood table collapsed in an instant.


  Li Hao and his adjutant swallowed at the same time, they never thought that things would turn out like this.

   "Shu Ji Mausoleum?" Li Hao asked hoarsely.

   "That's right, tell me, it's your fault." Chen Xiyi said righteously.

  Li Hao just wanted to explain, but Chen Xiyi spoke again.

   "Since it's your fault, compensation is also due. I don't want much, just return to the grave with me."

  Chen Xiyi's words made Li Hao's hairs stand on end. What does it mean to go back to the grave with you?

   Before Li Hao could react, Chen Xiyi took out the wooden carriage, stuffed it in and put it away again. The process can be said to be smooth and smooth.

  The adjutant's heart tightened, no wonder those surviving subordinates were taken into the carriage by the other party, and they were going to be taken to the grave together.

  Thinking of this, his heartbeat couldn't help but quicken. He didn't get into the carriage, which meant that there were still discussions.

  Therefore, he could only put on a reluctant smile, and said to Chen Xiyi rather flatteringly: "Look, I've done this too, so just treat me as a fart and let me go."

  Chen Xiyi glanced at the other party and said: "Forget it, you've passed, and you will trouble me next time. The whole city will be moved to the grave to accompany me. I hope you can take care of yourself."

   "Yes, yes, don't worry, I promise that no one will disturb you." The adjutant was overjoyed when he heard Chen Xiyi's words, and hurriedly continued, "I'll take you back."

   "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I need to eat something to make up for it when I go out. Didn't I save a carload of dry food when I went back?"

   After Chen Xiyi finished speaking strangely, he disappeared in front of the adjutant.

   This made the adjutant's heart skip a beat, the stone was hammered, and he was taken back and eaten as expected. The rest of his life made him feel a little weak all over.

   Then looking at Li Hao who disappeared, the adjutant suddenly thought: 'Li Hao is gone, so can I become the commander-in-chief of Rongcheng? '

  A wave of ambition swelled up. Li Hao is such a handsome man, so he can't do it?

  【You have a new email, which has been stored in your mailbox, please check it】

  Chen Xiyi, who just came back through the one-way transmission of the asylum in his homeland, found another email.

  This made him happy: "Oh, my good brother won't give me another inheritance, so I'm so embarrassed."

  He didn't even have time to let go, so he hurriedly opened the mailbox.

  【A letter from Li Zhao, the chairman of the chamber of commerce】

  Looking at the new letter in the mailbox, Chen Xiyi became even happier: "I guessed right, it really is my good brother who sent me a letter, and I don't know what to send me this time."

  (end of this chapter)

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