This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 124: Pouch Fairy - Pixiu

  Chapter 124 Purse Fairy - Pixiu

  【Brother Chen, I really like the amulet you gave me a month ago, and I gave the other one to Mi Hong, she... especially found a purse as a gift in return】

  【Attachment: Ancient purse (not received)】

   "Purse, I remember it should be the ancient version of the wallet." Chen Xiyi was a little impressed, but a little disappointed, thinking that he was given another inheritance, but it's okay, it's something for free.

   It was only after Chen Xiyi received it that he realized how outrageous this thing was.

  【Items with historical heritage: ancient purse】

   "Fuck, good brother, I have identified this brother, whoever offends you in the future will offend me."

Chen Xiyi looked at the purse in the shape of a tiger's head in the inventory, and he felt a little bit crazy. He didn't expect that Li Zhao really sent him an item with historical background. Those who can be noted by Homeland Games must have complete Spiritually, it is equivalent to Li Zhao sending him a top-level goblin.

   In this way, the potential of friends with 4 stars and above will be great.

  Chen Xiyi felt a little regretful at this time, if he had known that he had put Wu Xiu's favorability up, maybe he could have gotten something mixed up.

But if you think about it carefully, Wu Xiu seems to be inferior to Li Zhao. The physique of this person is different from person to person. Wu Xiu had lowered his favorability before, so unlike Li Zhao, not only his favorability is not the same. Will surrender, but also help him get friends, give him things, this is a true friend.

   Hurry back to the home for attunement, and make Hakoba and food by the way.

  【You used the skill attunement psychic on the ancient purse】

  【Ancient Purse 1% in Spiritual Awakening】

  【You get the purse fairy: Pixiu】

  【Purse Fairy: Pixiu】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Purse】

  【Ability 2: Only in and out】

  【Ability 3: Gather treasures and attract wealth】

  【You are blessed by the Purse Fairy: Pixiu, and you get status: Wealth】

  【The bond list of all things has been updated】

  【Lucky Beast: Pixiu (Purse Fairy: Pixiu), Three-legged Golden Toad (Vacant), Lucky Cat (Vacant)】

  【Stupid and confused: sachet (empty), purse (pouch fairy: Pixiu)】


  Chen Xiyi saw that the Pixiu was only the size of a palm in his hand, but it looked fabulous, but it was a little smaller.

   "It turned out that it was a Pixiu head. I thought it was a tiger's head. I wondered why the tiger has horns." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

  Then start to make the box garden, and check the three abilities of Pixiu by the way.

The carry-on pouch increases his inventory by 100 slots, and if the pouch is ten meters away from Chen Xiyi, it will automatically return to him, so it is called carry-on, and if it turns into a pouch, it can also give Chen Xiyi 1 The storage space of cubic meters is the kind that cannot store living things.

   Fortunately, this can still grow, and by then it will not only be a 100-slot inventory and 1 cubic storage space.

   This ability that can only enter and cannot be entered is also very simple, that is to prevent Chen Xiyi from dropping things after death. This ability makes Chen Xiyi very satisfied. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of dropping things after death.

  The last treasure gathering is a bit interesting. If it is in the pocket state, then he can automatically pick it up regardless of the pick-up distance.

  It's a pity that there is no remote collection ability, which is greatly reduced, but it's okay, after all, Pixiu is a purse fairy, and it's good enough to help you pick up things, but you can't force it any more.

   From this, Chen Xiyi understood that the fairies in this world basically had to cooperate with people, unlike the fairies inspired by items in the Shanhezong of the previous world, who were more independent.

   "Pixiu, purse mode."

   Pixiu turned into the original Pixiu purse in an instant, and Chen Xiyi stuffed it into his bosom casually.

  【Money Cake (Fairy Food)×100】

  【Saturation +100】

  【Fairy growth +1】

  【Fairy Heart +1】

   "I put the food in your storage space. If you are hungry, you can eat it yourself." Chen Xiyi said.

  【Pixiu checked the money cake in your arms, he said he knew it】

   "Well, it's good to know."

  Chen Xiyi left his home immediately, and checked the changes on the map as soon as he came out.

   "On the map, only the qi mechanism diagram of wealth qi has been added. Like Zhangliu, no new labels have been added."

   "It seems that not all goblins can contribute to the map."

   Zhangliu enhances the game log, while Pixiu enhances the inventory, so the game map is not enhanced.

   "From this point of view, the fairies are like small modules that can add or enhance various functions for the homeland game little by little."

  Chen Xiyi unlocked the fetters of the goblin, and there are still many fetters that can be achieved with only one goblin, but even though it is just one goblin, it is quite difficult to find the corresponding type of goblin.

   It is even possible that several worlds cannot be assembled.

   But it’s okay, Chen Xiyi has already found the correct way to open it.

   "It's no wonder that the spirituality module of the previous history had such a big flaw before it was ruled. Co-authoring requires me to cooperate with the friend system to use it, rather than really relying on myself to fight for it."

  Who would have thought that a friend would send something to him without knowing how far away, and the things he sent were all what he needed,

"I have to reply a letter to Li Zhao, so I can make the invisible stellar energy into a magic weapon and send a copy to it, and Mi Hong should also have a copy. The beginning of this is to mention her. The relationship between the two is definitely not simple. "

"However, the structure of this invisible qi is too complicated, and the magic weapon may not be able to carry it. Modify it and remove other messy abilities such as increasing strength and agility. After retaining the ability to supplement the qi, the rest can be piled up in the protective ability. gone."

   After finishing speaking, he fiddled with two pendants, which looked like two ducks, and they should be a pair.

  He remembered that it seemed to be found on the side of the road, and he made an improved version of the invisible qi magic weapon right away.

  Because a lot of abilities have been deleted, it only needs to form two kinds of qi structure, yin qi and yang qi. In this way, the purple qi amulet can deal with demons and ghosts, while the invisible qi pendant can deal with other people's attacks.

   Kill two birds with one stone.

   After finishing these, I casually found some food from the inventory, and threw all of them into the attachment.

   "Done, send."

  【Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, received your reply letter and received the attachment. The favorability of Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, towards you +10, current favorability: 4 stars]

  【Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, will give you the invisible stellar energy pendant to Mi Hong, the vice president of the chamber of commerce. Mi Hong, the vice president of the chamber of commerce, has a favorable opinion of you +20, and the current favorability: 4 stars]

  It was received very quickly, and the favorability increased a little, but what really pleased Chen Xiyi was the appearance of another 4-star friend.

  This shows that it may be double the happiness in the future.

  A 3-star favorability degree will not give him gifts and mail, but a 4-star favorability degree will.

   "This Li Zhao is really awesome, and sent me another good brother."

  Chen Xiyi doesn't think it's the credit of his invisible stellar energy pendant, it must be Li Zhao who helped him, otherwise how could he reach 4 stars so quickly.

   "Tsk tsk, I'm so happy." Chen Xiyi was so happy, this was simply double happiness.

  However, what puzzled Chen Xiyi was how Li Zhao viewed the things he sent him. After all, this fact was too weird.

  As a player, he can understand it, but as an indigenous NPC, Li Zhao must have no relevant concepts.

   So how he mailed and received letters.

   This made Chen Xiyi puzzled.

   "Forget it, I'll go and see Li Zhao when I'm done, and just ask him if he's okay." Chen Xiyi didn't struggle for too long, and it wasn't a big deal.

   After replying to the letter, Chen Xiyi realized that there seemed to be twenty-one people locked in the carriage in his inventory.

   Immediately, a few more prisons were built.

   Prisons are actually very easy to build, that is, they are surrounded by wooden fences.

Even though it is just a wooden fence, these wooden fences will also be inherited from the air wall after having the asylum of the home. As long as the people inside are not given temporary access rights, as long as they are thrown in, the other party will be blocked by the air wall and cannot come out.

  Twenty-one people, put five prisons, the remaining one is Li Hao, Chen Xiyi has to ask why this guy came to dig his grave.

  He remembered that the tomb seemed to be the Mausoleum of Shu Ji, to the effect that it was the tomb of the daughter of the King of Shu. As for who the King of Shu was, how could Chen Xiyi know.

  After Li Hao came out, his expression was bewildered. After all, his memory only stayed at the time when he was stuffed into the carriage, and then he came back to find himself in this weird place.

   There are not only demons and ghosts, but also people.

"Come on, let me ask you an answer. If the answer is unsatisfactory, your roommate can only choose from water ghost, water monkey, corpse demon and tiger demon. What happens at that time is none of my business." thing."

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi pointed at the few demons and goblins.

  Li Hao swallowed his saliva, this matter is simply a sword dance on the grave, it scares people to death.

   "This is the Mausoleum of Ji Ji? What about Ji Ji's body?" Although Li Hao was quite frightened, he still asked this question.

Chen Xiyi pointed at the corpse: "The one who is bound is fine. This corpse has turned into a brainless corpse. There is no other way but to tie it up first. You know it very well? Or will its blood plasma demand be reduced in the future?" It's up to you to provide."

  Hearing this, Li Hao quickly shook his head, what did he offer? This can provide a few meals, and it is estimated that he will be gone after a meal.

"Well, let's not talk nonsense with you, tell me, what's the use of you looking for that guqin, if you tell the truth, you can still live, but if you don't tell me, I can only let you be in charge of feeding the corpse demon It's over." Chen Xiyi can spend all his time talking nonsense with him, talk about it if he wants to, and it's not uncommon for Chen Xiyi if he doesn't want to talk about it.

  Anyway, his main purpose is to solve this problem and prevent him from disturbing him. So far, he has succeeded. As for the so-called secret, it is just an addition, and it doesn't matter if he has it or not.

"Shu Palace, the sound played by that guqin can calm down the rat monsters in the palace." Li Hao knew that he was still valuable, but first he had to show it, or else he would have to feed the corpse demon up.

   "Where is that? Have you been there? Where did you know about this? What is the basis for it?" Chen Xiyi asked like a cannonball.

"In the mountains of Sichuan, I have been there three times, and I was wiped out by those rat monsters. I was the only one who escaped back. I found this from an ancient book and it has been confirmed by me, so I We need that Guqin to appease the group of rat monsters so that we can enter the Shu Palace smoothly."

   "Rat monster? King of Shu? Did you bring that ancient book with you?" Chen Xiyi asked again.

"My lord, if you want to go to the Shu Palace, I can show you the way. Without me, there are many mountains in Shu, and it's easy to get lost." Li Hao cleverly avoided Chen Xiyi's idea of ​​asking him for ancient books, but Literally take him there.

   "Heh, that's a good idea, either give me the ancient book, or I'll send you to the prison of the corpse demon now."

  Chen Xiyi was not used to him, and wanted to control himself.

  I really thought that I would rarely go to the so-called Shu Palace, and I don’t know what’s inside, so what would I do?

  Continue digging graves?

  He is a good man, and he will never do this kind of thing again. He dared to stretch out four fingers and shoot four at the lamp.

  (end of this chapter)

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