This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 131: Baiyun method

  Chapter 131 Baiyun Method

  In the alloy carriage, Chen Xiyi glanced at the game map and game log from time to time to make sure that his good brothers and friends would not die for some reason.

  Thanks to his habit of digging shelters everywhere, through the teleportation of the asylum in his homeland, he directly returned from the Shu Palace to the lake where he was fishing before, and then drove the carriage all the way.

  At this time, I don’t care too much about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s exposed or not. This is a good brother. If something goes wrong, who will give him these things in the future.

   It's a goblin gift and an inheritance gift. Although the time interval is a bit longer, for Chen Xiyi who has no free time to collect, it's almost as if he can receive gifts while lying down.

  During the period, Chen Xiyi mailed dozens of food and asked him to hide.

  He didn't say that he was going to go there. Based on the normal situation, Li Zhao would definitely stop him, and surprises must be unexpected.

"Mo Yan's three abilities are very good, especially Qi Tong Yu Sen. If the Qi Sensing skill is to allow my five senses to detect Qi, the pupil allows me to see the invisible Qi, and the willow allows me to hear the Qi. That non-existent sound when it flows, Mo Yan is for me to be able to touch the qualityless air mechanism."

  Chen Xiyi held a wisp of air in his hand, which was simply provoking normal logic.

   Among the fetters of the five sense organs, the pupils are the eyes, the camphor willows are the ears, and Mo Yan is the tongue.

  But among the fetters of the five senses, seeing is the pupil, hearing is the camphor willow, and touching is Mo Yan. This is also the case. Mo Yan's qi is connected to the senses so that Chen Xiyi can get in touch with the qualityless qi.

  The remaining taste and wisdom, it is estimated that he can also obtain the corresponding magical ability.

  The only thing that puzzled Chen Xiyi was that it was obviously a book, why did it become a touch? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the book correspond to wisdom?

  As for the tongue, it can be far-fetched to say that scholars rely on one mouth, which can be the tongue in the fetters of the five sense organs, or the mouth.

  The fetters of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting made Chen Xiyi a little strange, that is, what is the relationship between the six arts and piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

   What's more important is that this ability doesn't seem to have any increase for Chen Xiyi.

   And the explanation is not as concise as the rule.

  After studying in the alloy carriage for most of the day, he found that he had no clue at all.

   If you want to talk about these six arts, of course he knows.

   "No, there is a change."

Chen Xiyi suddenly realized one thing, that is, he found that when he drove the alloy carriage today, it was exceptionally smooth, and this was still instinct. If he felt it carefully, he had an unnatural feeling, as if the carriage should not be driving like this.

  If you drive according to your own feeling, it seems that the speed of the carriage will increase.

  【Movement Speed: 110 (Six Arts: +10%)】

  Chen Xiyi took a look at the alloy carriage. This was not an illusion. The Yu in the ability of Six Arts was able to break through the limitations of the home game, increasing the speed of his carriage by 10% out of thin air.

  More importantly, this is only the case that Chen Xiyi has not studied systematically.

   "As expected of the bond brought by the top fairies."

  Chen Xiyi realized one thing, that is, the six arts are not one ability, but six abilities.

   Ritual is etiquette, but it is not only etiquette, it can even include various calendars, ceremonies, etc., which is equivalent to Chen Xiyi's ability that can also take effect when he is in formation.

  Yue is dance music, but it is not only dance music, but also has physical fitness, flexibility, etc., and can even cooperate with Li. How can the next dance music be supported without a good body.

  Shooting is archery, but it also has combat enhancements. Chen Xiyi suspects that he will fight back when he encounters an instinctive attack.

   Yu is driving a car or something, but Chen Xiyi suspects that as long as it is a vehicle or a mount, he can increase his strength, and it seems that he also has the ability to tame animals.

  Book needless to say, it is calligraphy, just need to practice calligraphy, his ugly characters can disappear, and it can be used for drawing symbols, formations and even carvings.

  The final number is probably the most important part. Numbers are also known as spell numbers, and the ability of a Qi refiner is called Yi Jing spell numbers.

   This made Chen Xiyi's logic even stronger, and there is no clue yet, but it will probably be revealed during research.

   This is simply a six-in-one gift package.

  With the ability to defend, Chen Xiyi found that he also had the ability to judge the way of the outside world, and he would not be as black as before.

  However, the abilities of these six arts are still in their infancy. To fully exert their abilities, they must learn relevant knowledge, and the six arts can accelerate Chen Xiyi's practice and transform it into strength and experience.

   Otherwise, without relevant knowledge and relying on instinct, it is a waste of nothing but a treasure mountain without knowing it.

   "Oh, the burden of studying has increased again, why can't you just give me the ability of the six arts?"

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sighed.

   "But it's okay. Didn't Li Zhao set up a chamber of commerce? It's not a big deal to just spend some money and ask him to buy some related books for me."

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi decided to make full use of his own advantages instead of buying slowly by himself.

  Li Zhao's chamber of commerce must be quite big, otherwise how could he poach a bank manager to be the vice president.

   Far away, Chen Xiyi could hear the roar of artillery fire. This was due to the hearing boost provided by Zhangliu, otherwise he would not have been able to hear it.

   And this also shows that Chen Xiyi is not far from Li Zhao.

   "The artillery has been used, so it could be that the general attack has already begun. It doesn't mean that it can last for two days, but it didn't last for a day."

   Being besieged for three months, it was obvious that conditions were to be negotiated, but it was amazing to be able to delay for three months.

  Siege without killing. Now that ammunition and food are exhausted, it can be said that the city can be broken at a very low cost.

   As for the reinforcements, to be honest, these warlords can claim to be commanders if they occupy a small town, maybe even such a territory is possible.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game map.

   "There are so many people. In this way, the Baiyun method that I put aside before can be further experimented. It happens to have been bleached before, and the appearance of the big devil will never be seen."

  Originally he wanted to call it the Styx method and the Blood River method, but when he thought about it, it seemed that this was a bit of a big devil's tendency, because when it was released, it was filled with dark clouds and blood mist, which was truly terrifying.

   After all, it is a spell improved from negative energy.

   Later, after the coexistence structure was established, Chen Xiyi made great efforts to transform and finally turned into white, and it was not that pale, but the kind of fluttering white that can be seen at a glance as a righteous knight.

  Although the effect has not changed, but wearing a good-looking fashion is equivalent to whitewashing.

  The cloudy clouds and blood mist and the blue sky and white clouds, you don't need to look at it to know that the latter is a righteous person, and the former is a proper evil heretic.

  Even ghosts were bleached by him to look like human figures, changing from ghostly to illusory.

If it wasn't for the lack of time and the lack of enough data, Chen Xiyi would have planned to add some special effects to the Baiyun method, such as ascension, degree of transformation, etc., to ensure that no one would be able to see the original effect of the Baiyun method. .

  Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes. He was not going to keep these warlords' top soldiers.

   It's fine if they call back and forth by themselves, after all, it's none of his business, but this time it touched Chen Xiyi's interests.

  My good brother was almost killed, how could this work.

  So he is going to make an example of others. The big soldiers in this wave of siege will die, even the entire warlord will die.

   As for innocent?

   Not to mention that it was a civil war, if it was a foreign war, Chen Xiyi really had nothing to say. The people who fought were all his own compatriots, so there was nothing innocent about it.

  Li Zhao heard the continuous sound of gunfire, and couldn't help but look bitter: "Li Zhao has hurt everyone."

  In this room, including him, there are thirty-five people in total, and everyone's spirit is not very good, but there is light in those eyes, called the unyielding light.

"What did President Li say? We have had this kind of awareness since the first day we joined the Salvation Society. It's a pity that we are going to die before our ambition is fulfilled. I'm really not reconciled." A young man stood up, Said sonorously.

   "Nowadays warlords are in trouble and foreigners are in power. It's a pity that we have a passion for saving the people." Another middle-aged man sighed and didn't finish.

  Another person added: "If you want to kill a thief, you can't bring it back."

"If we can live a little longer, I don't have to sigh anymore." Li Zhao was also helpless, he had already planned it out, relying on his ostensible Jishi Chamber of Commerce a month ago and the secret wooing of others. The life-saving society composed of people of insight took this city of Guizhou, and then they can do more things with guns.

   It's just that the city did fall into his hands, but the problem is that something happened.

  The former warlord heard that Marshal Qian from Mincheng came to besiege him, so he decisively took all his troops and ran away, and took away a lot of wealth and supplies.

  Then he, the Jishi Chamber of Commerce in Guicheng, took the position smoothly, but just as he took the position, the Mincheng Army behind him surrounded him.

   Fighting for a month, if it weren't for Li Zhaojia and the people's rescue association and the whole city to work together, I really wouldn't be able to carry it on.

From the second month onwards, the Mincheng army discovered that this was a hard bone, but also found that the opponent was short of food and ammunition. As long as they surrounded him and trapped him for a month or two, they could completely take down the opponent with the lowest casualties. It may even be taken down without bloodshed.

  As for the fleeing warlords, Marshal Qian in Mincheng wanted Guicheng, not the warlords.

   It's just now that Guicheng has reached its limit and was discovered by the officers of the Mincheng Army, so the general attack was launched today.

  Because of running out of ammunition and food, it can be said that there is no living force in Guicheng.

  When the cannon rang, everyone in the Salvation Society knew it was over.

  If Li Zhao had had another two months of buffer time after he came to power, the situation would not have fallen into this situation. He could completely rely on the Jishi Chamber of Commerce to restore the defensive power of Guicheng.

   "This is the end of the matter, everyone, let's go, I will stay and give an explanation to the commander in Mincheng." Li Zhao said in a deep voice.

   "No, we have to go together. If you don't go, I won't go either." Mi Hong immediately retorted.

   "The president thinks we are people who are greedy for life and afraid of death? Since we have joined the Salvation Association, we have never thought of retreating." Another person also said.

   "Only if you live can you have a chance. If you die, everything will be gone. If I die, I just lose one partner. If you don't die, we can have more partners." Li Zhao explained.

  No one is allowed in the room.

   "It's not good, the gate of the city is broken. Gentlemen, please change into your clothes and leave the city with me." A soldier waiting to be wounded rushed in and gave a heavy blow to all the members of the rescue group.

  After the Jishi Chamber of Commerce took control of Guicheng, the People's Salvation Association naturally came from the dark to the bright.

   "Hurry up and go, I'll find a way to meet Marshal Qian and ask him to restrain his subordinates, otherwise it will be another disaster for the people." Li Zhao's expression changed, and he said immediately.

   After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the door and saw the direction of the broken city. For some reason, there was a large white mist. It was said to be fog, but it was more like a cloud.

  (end of this chapter)

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