This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 132: enemy? There are no enemies, are you dazzled?

  Chapter 132 Enemies? There are no enemies, are you dazzled?

   "Where did the white mist come from?"

  As soon as the gate of Guicheng was broken, a large amount of white mist suddenly gushed out from behind the Mincheng Army, which made the officers of the Mincheng Army a little confused.

  But this is not the time to worry about these things. After all, the gate of the city has been broken, and entering the city is the most important thing. The white mist is not a big deal.

   Not to mention, you can really eat them.

  Chen Xiyi walked in the clouds and mist, and the charging soldiers around him fell down so abruptly.

   There was no wound on his body, just like a robot with a power cut, it fell to the ground with a click.

  Chen Xiyi didn't feel anything when he watched this scene, but felt a little distressed.

   "It's a pity that the Yang Qi blessing was too late. If it had been earlier, these corpses would not have been wasted."

   The moment the soul is drawn out, it is naturally death.

  Chen Xiyi felt that after the primordial spirit had enough resources, it continued to grow stronger. This feeling not only drove the growth of his primordial spirit, but also made his thinking more active because the primordial spirit became stronger.

   "But it doesn't seem too late now."

  Among the clouds and mist, illusory figures emerged one after another. These are ghost puppets, just like those ghosts who were used as ghosts.

   While the cloud and mist rolled, a ghost puppet was spit out from it.

  These ghost puppets dragged the corpses that had fallen to the ground, and the corpses were collected in strange shapes like wax that had encountered fire, and then melted into the clouds.

   This made the ghost puppet, which was originally just an illusion, solidify.

  If the ghost puppets at the beginning were only creations based on yin qi, this one is a combination of yin and yang similar to ghosts and zombies.

   "Is this the ability of Six Arts Miles?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the figures that looked like clouds, but half illusory and half real. The feeling of waving his arms gave him a lot of room for manipulation.

  The large-scale cloud cover caused the officers of the Mincheng Army to be vigilant, because all the soldiers did not come out of the places covered by white fog.

  You don’t need to think about it to know that there must be a problem. It is impossible to say that you are still stupid and don’t believe it, so you have to go in and try it.

   What is even more frightening is that these clouds and mists surged over as if consciously.

   "Quickly close the city gate to block the white mist, quick."

   It was embarrassing just after shouting, because in order to enter the city, the city gate was smashed by artillery.

"There is something in the fog." I don't know who yelled, and everyone found that sometimes there would be a hand out of the cloud chasing the soldiers, and they would pull the soldiers into it unexpectedly, and then there was nothing. up.

  The soldiers who were pulled into it had no follow-up at all.

  Following the shout, more hands stretched out from it, those who were lucky enough to run away, those who were less lucky were directly pulled into it.

  For a while, fear began to spread, and all soldiers didn't want to be drawn into it by this weird cloud.

  Some people turn their heads and run when they are afraid, and some people naturally face the fear and turn around and shoot at the clouds.

  But when the bullet flew into the cloud, it was like a mud cow entering the sea. When the cloud got close to him, he suddenly turned around, but by this time, it was already too late.

  The white mist approached Guicheng at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large number of Mincheng troops frantically rushed into the city in an attempt to escape. At this time, the original idea of ​​killing disappeared long ago.

   But before entering the city, all the Mincheng troops were circling around the gate of the city, and a large number of soldiers were piled up at the gate of the city for a while.

Chen Xiyi casually threw away the fox's head that had turned into a broken piece: "Oh, the output is too violent, it actually exploded a magic weapon, but if it is not violent, this illusion may not be able to cover it. These people, so it's time to speed up."

  He scrapped a magic weapon, which held back the Mincheng army, otherwise it would be hard to find once they entered the city.

  If it weren't for the goblins who superimposed a lot of boosting abilities on him, plus the growth of the primordial spirit given by the Baiyun method of swallowing souls and souls, he might not be able to hold such an old person at once with this illusion.

   After all, such huge yang energy and popularity are enough to annihilate the illusion created by Chen Xiyi.

  Even so, Chen Xiyi can only delay for fifteen seconds. To be honest, he is too useless, otherwise there would be no need for such trouble.

   Fifteen seconds is enough for him.

The invisible stellar energy erupted, and the whole person came in an instant, and the cloud and mist naturally followed closely behind. The Baiyun method itself is a domain-type spell centered on Chen Xiyi, which is equivalent to a passive halo. Naturally, where does Chen Xiyi go? That's where the clouds are.

  The ghost puppets in the cloud are still unable to escape from the cloud, not to mention that they are part of the cloud, so they naturally go with the cloud.

  At that moment, clouds and mist enveloped all the remaining soldiers of the Mincheng Army.

   Devouring the soul, the flesh and blood melted away, leaving only a piece of clothing and various portable utensils falling to the ground.

   It doesn't look like there were many people here just now.

"It's a little hard, it's because the resources have accumulated to the limit. It seems that there is still a problem with the design. It is probably because I temporarily added the Yang Qi structure in the Baiyun method." Chen Xiyi found that his soul was a little unbearable. Live in accumulated resources.

  There are too many resources, and the aura cannot be quickly digested to transform it into the growth of the primordial spirit, which leads to a backlog in the primordial spirit.

And in this test, Chen Xiyi naturally discovered a lot of bugs in this white cloud method, such as the diffusion speed was too slow in the early stage, sometimes it would conflict with the invisible qi, ghost puppets sometimes could not be generated, etc. .

   These are all bugs that he needs to fix.


  Chen Xiyi stood at the gate of the city and vomited, although he didn't vomit anything, because this feeling of stretching did not come from the body, but from the primordial spirit.

   Switching to physical senses means eating too much and pushing it to the throat.

   Helpless, the three goblins, Tongmu, Zhangliu, and Mo Yan, could only work overtime to help Chen Xiyi with the Yuanshen cultivation.

   Possessed goblins can help Chen Xiyi hang up and practice. Every time there is one more, Chen Xiyi's cultivation will be faster. Of course, this can only be done through the aura blessed by his pupils, otherwise it will not be possible.

   But he doesn't have specific data on how fast it is.

The clouds gradually dissipated and merged into Chen Xiyi's shadow continuously, which made Chen Xiyi's shadow seem a little bloated, and from time to time, a little bit of cloud and mist seeped out, but luckily it was just a little bit, if there was no Chen Xiyi's eyesight , is definitely invisible.

   I stayed at the gate of Guicheng for several minutes, and finally felt a little more comfortable.

   "Brother Chen, why are you here?" Li Zhao looked a little strange, didn't he say that the good city was broken?

  But why didn't he even see the Mincheng army, instead only Chen Xiyi who was far away from home, looked at the clothes and utensils all over the floor, and he had an ominous premonition.

   "Oh, Li Zhao, how did you know I was coming, and you came to pick me up yourself, how embarrassing you are."

"Ah? You asked me what I'm doing here. It's a long story, so I'll make it short. You said you were living in Guicheng, so I came here to play with you. I ate two extra biscuits on the way. You also know that I have a small appetite, so just because this biscuit is sandwiched, I just supported it."

   "What? Ask me if I saw anyone else? No, when I came here, there were only clothes all over the floor. I was thinking that Guicheng would hold some exciting parties here."

  Chen Xiyi was talking about running the train, hooking shoulders with Li Zhao.

  In the past, I liked to ignore it because the other party was useless, but now it's different. This is Chen Xiyi and his siblings, who can't be shaken by money.

Although Li Zhao was full of suspicion, he didn't ask any questions. He just looked around and said to the guards on the side: "Notify everyone to stop the evacuation immediately, let Vice President Mi do it, no need, people have already arrived." Now, let’s do what we should do.”

   "Yes, it's the president." The city guard looked at Chen Xiyi, who was shoulder to shoulder with Li Zhao, in fear.

  Li Zhao didn’t see what was going on, but he saw it. The white cloud engulfed all the Mincheng Army, and then this person appeared in the cloud, who was chatting with their immediate superiors.

  If this said something that shouldn't be said, would it be swallowed up by the sudden white mist?

   "Why are you shaking?" Li Zhao suddenly found that the soldier was a little weird, and asked immediately.

   "I, I." The city guard looked at Chen Xiyi who was smiling at him, and couldn't speak fluently: "I'm excited, excited."

   "It's okay, don't get excited, let's go." After Li Zhao finished speaking, he asked Chen Xiyi: "By the way, did you see the white mist just now? It's so big."

   "Of course I saw it, but it was blown away by the wind. You didn't see that scene. It was so shocking." Chen Xiyi replied.

The city guard watched Li Zhao and Chen Xiyi walking towards Mi Hong and other members of the People's Salvation Association, his body was a little stiff, and he really wanted to say: Chairman, the one who hooked up with you is the group that killed the Mincheng Army Only the white mist of clothes remained.

  Of course, just thinking about it, he dared not speak.

   In the past, it was a joke to hear the legends of ghosts and ghosts, but now when such a weird thing really happened in front of his eyes, the fear could not be stopped.

  Many people saw Bai Wu, but he was the only one who saw Bai Wu turning into a human. After all, the people at the gate of the city had already evacuated, and he was the only one left who would rather die than surrender.

   This made him tangled in his heart, should he tell Li Zhao about this.

  ‘President Li is a good man, he is different from those handsome men. ’ He thought about the figure of Li Zhao when he came alone, he must have come to negotiate, not to run away like the previous commander.

  And in the past three months, Li Zhao's actions have been clearly seen in the eyes of these low-level people.

   As a good person, he should not be harmed by monsters.

  ‘I will die if I die, but President Li cannot die, only President Li can make the people of Guicheng live a good life. '

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Mi, Li Zhao praised you like a flower in the letter, but I didn't expect that he didn't praise you enough. This is Brother Wang. It's better to meet you than to be famous. You really are a dragon and a phoenix among people." , don't think about it, this one must be"

  【You and Mi Hong, the vice president of the chamber of commerce.】

【you and.】

  Chen Xiyi relied on the name of the NPC character and his experience, and when he came up, he would talk to people, talk to the devil, and the favorability of each one was refreshed.

  As for the guard who seemed to know something and was going to report it, Chen Xiyi knew about it, but he didn't intend to take it to heart.

There is no need for him to report, Li Zhao knows that there is something wrong with him, those Mincheng troops outside disappeared, leaving only the clothes and equipment all over the floor, combined with the sudden arrival of Chen Xiyi, how low is this IQ to trust Chen Xiyi heartlessly Full of perfunctory words about running a train.

   It's just because the favorability is too high, so he didn't say it explicitly. Li Zhao believed that Chen Xiyi would not harm him. There must be something unspeakable in saying that. It's not too late to ask when the time is right.

  (end of this chapter)

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