This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 133: Friends with 5-star favorability

  Chapter 133 Friends with 5-star favorability

  After the conversation between you and me, Chen Xiyi was arranged to have a rest, saying that he must be tired from the long journey.

  Chen Xiyi wanted to say that he is not tired, let's chat for a while.

   Just chatting for a while, I have made him a lot of 3-star friends.

   But he also knew that this was just an excuse.

  For the Salvation Association, now is not the time to chat and clean up the mess. Although the Mincheng army has disappeared and barely made the whole Guicheng turn from danger to safety, this is also the time when Guicheng is broken and rebuilt.

   And have to be wary of another attack from Mincheng.

  So except for Chen Xiyi who is free, the others are not free at all, it can be said that they are too busy to keep their feet on the ground.

  If Li Zhao didn't feel that Chen Xiyi had something to do with the Mincheng army that suddenly disappeared, maybe he would have to ask Chen Xiyi to help instead of arranging to rest.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi was not idle either. After looking around the room, he began to dig an underground shelter.

   Otherwise, if you can’t tell the truth, just lie down on the bed and sleep, then he will have to sleep until tomorrow.

   For Chen Xiyi, sleeping means skipping today by default. Of course, the drowsy state does not count. This is considered a negative state and cannot be skipped.

  He didn't make this underground shelter very luxurious. It was probably just a bed, a home shelter, and nothing else after the wall.

  It’s just a teleportation point, there’s no need to make it gorgeous.

   After cleaning up, he crawled back and put the floor back by the way.

It didn’t take long to finish all this. The most time-consuming thing was installing wooden ladders and torches. As for digging, it didn’t take much time at all. He used an alloy pickaxe to go down to 1 unit, before and after, or even a second. None.

  If he was not afraid that he would not be able to get up without a ladder, he would have used more picks to ensure faster efficiency.

   After finishing all this, it didn't take much time, and he was still busy outside, so Chen Xiyi could only fix bugs and conduct further research on the Baiyun method on his own.

   It was night, and Li Zhao came here with some fatigue.

   "Guicheng is waiting to be rejuvenated, I accidentally got busy until now, and neglected Brother Chen, I hope Brother Chen will forgive me." Li Zhao came over and said with a hint of apology.

  Chen Xiyi said that he was very pregnant: "It's normal for things to happen for a reason."

   "I've already ordered people to prepare some thin wine, which can be regarded as a cleansing for Brother Chen. Now there is nothing good in Guicheng, and I hope Brother Chen will not dislike it." Li Zhao spoke again.

   "Catch the wind and wash away the dust? It's okay." Chen Xiyi originally wanted to ask about Li Zhao's email, but he was ready to leave after asking.

   As for gaining goodwill, Chen Xiyi actually knew that now was not the best time to gain goodwill. Most people were focused on rebuilding Guicheng after the war, rather than chatting.

   Didn't you see that Li Zhao came here alone?

  Li Zhao brought Chen Xiyi to a side hall. There were only three dishes and one soup, which was obviously squeezed out from the few remaining supplies.

   "There is nothing good in the city, so I have to treat Brother Chen with this."

After Li Zhao was seated, he poured a small glass of turbid wine. It didn't seem like a good wine. Guicheng was besieged for three months. Li Zhao is his name.

   "You're welcome, I'm not interested in what to eat." Chen Xiyi said.

   "You are still open-minded. I don't know how to deal with this mess." Li Zhao drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, and said rather bitterly.

   "You have to believe in yourself, I think you can do it."

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi immediately drew big pancakes and filled them with chicken soup. Anyway, he was fooling around.

   "I'll just borrow Brother Chen's auspicious words." Regarding Chen Xiyi's behavior of painting big cakes and pouring chicken soup, Li Zhao can only take it as consolation.

   While talking, Chen Xiyi suddenly changed the topic: "Did you receive the things I sent you a few days ago?"

"You mean the amulet and the pendant, as well as the food, thank you Brother Chen for the food, it's really full, eating one serving on weekdays can keep you from being hungry for a day, which saves us a lot of money." There will be less food." Li Zhao didn't feel anything, so he said immediately.

   "I just want to ask, how did you send me something, and how did you receive what I sent?" Chen Xiyi naturally asked directly when he heard this.

   These words made Li Zhao confused. What do you mean by how to send and how to receive?

   "Send it normally, and receive it normally." Li Zhao can only tell the truth, so what else can he do.

  Chen Xiyi could see it. In Li Zhao's eyes, this was just normal sending and receiving letters. As for some unscientific things, they were completely ignored.

  For example, the entire city of Gui was besieged for three months, how did the letter get sent out and how did it get in.

   It is impossible to say that the Mincheng army outside the city specially made a way in.

   "Aren't there other strange things? For example, how did the letter come in and send out amidst the siege of the Mincheng Army?" Chen Xiyi continued to ask without giving up.

   But this made Li Zhao even more confused. He thought it was normal, why was it abnormal.

   "It's not enough to send it directly, what's the problem?"

   Li Zhao's answer made Chen Xiyi understand one thing, that is, Li Zhao didn't notice anything abnormal at all, and even took it for granted that it was a normal thing.

   This made Chen Xiyi feel a little bit crazy, it didn't take much to figure it out, there was something wrong.

  Then asked some questions such as where he found the things he sent, or why he knew he liked these things, etc.

   Li Zhao's answers to each of these questions are normal, but very abnormal.

After a questioning session, Chen Xiyi also understood that as long as it involves friends in the Homeland game, the other party will probably normalize all kinds of unreasonable things, that is, even other people will not feel anything weird The place.

   Otherwise, if Li Zhao took out a lot of food and said that it was sent by Chen Xiyi, someone would definitely refute that the outside is full of Mincheng troops, how could it be possible to send things in.

   "Brother Chen, I want to ask, you are responsible for the disappearance of the Mincheng Army." Li Zhao asked suddenly.

  Chen Xiyi, who was turning this corner, was a little caught off guard.

   "Yes, I did it." For this reason, Chen Xiyi admitted without hesitation.

   Regarding Chen Xiyi's admission, Li Zhao was not surprised at all, because someone had tipped him off before, and with his own guess, he had already guessed nine out of ten.

  He didn't ask why Chen Xiyi used such perfunctory reasons to fool him before. It was in public at the time, so it was really not good to say it bluntly.

"It seems that Brother Chen, you didn't come here to play with me, but you came here to save me after you received my letter." Li Zhao is not a fool, Chen Xiyi came to him not long after his last letter was sent. Wan also took care of the Mincheng army stationed outside.

"It's a small matter, how can we still be friends?" Chen Xiyi was not surprised when Li Zhao discovered the truth of the matter. After all, apart from the abnormal process of sending and receiving letters, Chen Xiyi's appearance after the disappearance of the Mincheng Army, plus Someone tipped him off, there is no need to guess, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

  Li Zhao is a normal person, and even his SQ is not low, so it can be seen naturally.

  【You have a conversation with Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, and the atmosphere is harmonious. The favorability of Li Zhao, the president of the chamber of commerce, towards you is +50, and the current favorability is 5 stars]

   "Li Zhao, on behalf of the people of Guicheng, I would like to thank Brother Chen." Li Zhao stood up abruptly and saluted Chen Xiyi.

   Li Zhao's salute is nothing, the main reason is that Li Zhao's favorability has soared to 5 stars, which makes him feel a little crazy.

   "We are all friends, please be polite, please be polite, just write to me directly if you have anything to do in the future." Chen Xiyi said hurriedly, wondering if this is a 5-star friend, and whether other new functions have been activated.

   It seems that after becoming a 5-star friend, Li Zhao didn't treat Chen Xiyi as an outsider at all, and just sat down and chatted carelessly to complain.

  As for why Chen Xiyi was able to kill the huge Mincheng army with all kinds of weapons, leaving only the equipment and clothes, Li Zhao didn't even ask, he believed in Chen Xiyi.

   "Let me ask a lot, why did Mincheng come to attack Guicheng? Is there any reason behind it?" Chen Xiyi asked casually.

Hearing this, Li Zhao also sighed: "I don't know about this matter, the other party won't talk to us at all, but you don't have to think about it, you know, they just want Guicheng, this Mincheng Marshal Qian, It’s no different than our city of Gui, which has three cities, and they are like horns, with a lot of soldiers and food, so it’s inevitable to want to expand.”

"And this city of Guizhou is rich and rich, and there are many commanders one after another, and none of them can sit for a long time. After this internal friction, then Marshal Qian will naturally have to take advantage of it. If the previous Marshal was not too useless. , To actually run away after hearing the news, the situation may not necessarily deteriorate to this extent."

  Based on his speculation and some news channels, Li Zhao analyzed why Mincheng came to attack them.

  In any case, Chen Xiyi looked exactly like what are you talking about, are things that complicated?

  For Li Zhao and the others, things are really that complicated.

  As far as Chen Xiyi is concerned, there are three cities in his mind, and it is a bit troublesome to kill them.

   As for talking about long-distance and short-term attack, political means, etc., Chen Xiyi should be able to think of a way, but he has better and simpler means, why use these time-consuming and troublesome means, and have to negotiate conditions and other means.

   "What you said is very reasonable. If I kill all Marshal Qian's direct descendants, will you be able to control the situation?"


  Analyzing his stature, he started out carefully by cheating and abducting, and even experimented in the grave, not to be a grandson by beating around the bush, but to accumulate strength in order to be able to crush the game.

  If he still has to be a grandson in order to save his strength, then what is he doing, he can just omit this step and become a grandson.

  Since it can be done once and for all, it is natural to deal with it all.

  Chen Xiyi has nothing to do with the life and death of the Jishi Chamber of Commerce, the People's Salvation Association, and even Guicheng, as long as Li Zhao and Mi Hong are fine.

   After all, these two can deliver real benefits to him, so it is not impossible to help.

  He was thinking, if Li Zhao is said to be more powerful, wouldn't it mean that he can also gain more benefits.

  Whether it is an item with historical background or a Qi refiner inheritance, it needs a powerful background. Otherwise, how do you collect it? Do you collect it by yourself?

  Li Zhao was silent. He didn't expect Chen Xiyi to play such a big game, and he would kill Marshal Qian when he came up.

"I'm afraid it won't work. Guicheng is short of troops. Even if I send people to take them in, I won't be able to suppress those people. It's very likely that they will only be emptied by those who are not direct descendants." Li Zhao thought for a while, this is tantamount to swallowing an elephant. Overwhelmed.

   But this problem is simpler in Chen Xiyi's eyes.

   "If no one can stand in the way of your people, this will always be possible." Chen Xiyi asked again.

   Now it's Li Zhao's turn to be a little bit crazy, what are you doing?

  (end of this chapter)

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