This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 143: The rules of the world game

  Chapter 143 Rules of the World Game

  Li Zhao's wedding ended hastily. Such a disturbance of the originally great happy event caused a lot of bad luck, and the follow-up matters could only be kept simple.

   As for who is behind the scenes?

   There are three families, two of which are foreign warlord forces, and one is a family in Guicheng.

  The former two relied on poisoning, but the aristocratic family was the most desperate, and directly let the dead soldiers attack.

   This made Li Zhao very angry. He originally thought that it was all outside forces, but he didn't expect that there were still unfamiliar white-eyed wolves in Guicheng.

  He thinks he does things fairly, and he has never extorted money or even suppressed good things.

  But the other party feels that he is acting cowardly and wants to replace him. This is simply intolerable.

  The next day, everyone in the family was arrested and imprisoned. All their property was confiscated, and they were waiting to find a suitable time to kill them all.

   As for killing only the mastermind, the rest are innocent?

  Why don't they think that other people are innocent when they want to kill themselves?

   It can only be said that this timing is too good, it can be called the best time to catch everything in one go.

   When Li Zhao got married, the news of his marriage was widely spread, and basically everyone around who was well-informed knew about it.

   The second is also very simple. When he gets married, the high-level people must participate. If he kills them all, wouldn’t it mean that the dragons have no leader?

   Such an originally festive wedding naturally became a huge weakness.

   "So, you want to take revenge?" Chen Xiyi ate the dried fruit while listening to Li Zhao's rambling.

   "Yes, Xi Yi, do you have any good suggestions." Li Zhao didn't hide it, after all, the day of direct rejoicing was made into such a look, and he definitely couldn't swallow such a sigh of relief.

   "Then fight, kill them directly, but I suggest that you can fight, but it's better not to expand. This is not a good thing, you understand." Chen Xiyi said.

  According to his observations, having a commander in four cities is already above average power.

   Although it is no match for those big forces, but it also avoids the danger of being eaten by Ji Shan, so it can be used to gain momentum.

   Li Zhao's influence is small, Ji Shan can ignore Chen Xiyi's face, but you can't push forward and use this face to expand and try to end the troubled times.

   "Why? You said this before, is there any inside story?" Li Zhao was also a little dignified about this.

"Yes, don't ask about the specifics. It's not something you should know. Let's stay dormant for another ten years or so. It's just an experience. Then I'll find a way to give you that quota. After that, it will depend on your means." Chen Xiyi didn't hide it, but spoke directly.

  Hearing this, Li Zhao couldn't help being silent for a while, and then said: "I understand."

  He didn't know why, but Chen Xiyi said that, and he believed it. After all, there must be a reason for Chen Xiyi to say that, but it's just inconvenient to tell him.

   "The two generals can rob or kill, but it's best not to occupy the city. Instead, it can be used as a training ground, and they can go there to rob from time to time." Chen Xiyi said bluntly.

   This made Li Zhao hesitate, after all, what he did was harming ordinary people.

   "Let's put this aside for now, let's talk about it after winning the battle." Li Zhao was actually quite opposed to Chen Xiyi's suggestion.

   Doing so would certainly allow his power to grow, but it violated his original intention.

  He became the commander-in-chief for the original intention of the student party, not for power. If it was for power, he would directly embrace Chen Xiyi's thigh now.

   "You decide for yourself. By the way, what is the situation of the family, how dare you make such a big move." Chen Xiyi was quite curious.

  The aristocratic family is really not small. There are about a hundred people in the mansion, and there are thousands of hired workers in various industries outside. It can be said that it is well-deserved number one.

   But it’s one thing to be rich and have someone. They don’t have many guns and soldiers in their hands. If they really want to succeed, they might be killed by those under Li Zhao’s hands.

   "Well, it has something to do with the policy. In the past six months, most of the policies I have promulgated are preferential treatment for the people at the bottom, and they are aimed at the upper class and the aristocratic families."

"The others are fine, but this one can be said to be a big business. My decrees have made them lose a lot of money and hurt their core interests. It was fine at first, but after a long time, they will naturally have to resist. , I thought it was just within the rules, but I didn't expect that they would do it on the day of my marriage, and they were going to catch them all. This is really "

   Li Zhao sighed, it really wasn't his fault, he took the lower route, so he offended these aristocratic families.

"That's right, just kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, hang the gates of the city one by one to let the blood out, let other aristocratic families know your methods." Regarding this matter, Chen Xiyi naturally favored Li Zhao, what relationship did the aristocratic families have with him, and he didn't know the world. Even if it is Li Zhao's problem with the family members, he will not say anything to do justice for the heavens.

"This is not so good. Killing chickens to warn monkeys can indeed be stable for a period of time, but if the conflict is not resolved, it will still become a flashpoint in the future. If you want to solve this problem, you have to eliminate the conflict." Li Zhao thought more than Chen Xiyi. Much farther.

  Chen Xiyi is lonely, and if he can't solve the problem, he can indeed solve the person who caused the problem.

   But Li Zhao can’t do it. He has too many things to consider, and he needs to bear the consequences of every order.

  Especially now that Li Zhao is a party, all actions need to be cautious.

   "Then you are busy, this problem is not small." Chen Xiyi doesn't understand these things, but he knows one thing, that is, the conflict of interests is not so easy to eliminate.

  Especially Li Zhao has now chosen to focus on the common people. This is a difficult road, but it is a road to heaven.

Li Zhao has great prestige among the people, and this prestige was his assets when he was at the Jishi Chamber of Commerce and defending the city in March. According to Chen Xiyi's thinking, you are not relying on the aristocratic family anyway, so it is better to kill all these aristocratic families. Redistribution of benefits.

   But this idea was Chen Xiyi's own thinking, he didn't say it.

  He knows nothing about management, politics, etc., and he must be inferior to Li Zhao, who has the ability to manage politicians.

   "Yeah, I just have a headache because of this, but it seems that Xiyi and you have nothing to do." Li Zhao said with a wry smile.

   "What can I do, you are better at this." Chen Xiyi knew that Li Zhao regarded him as an all-rounder who could do everything.

   After the two chatted for a while, Li Zhao didn't get any better advice from Chen Xiyi, so he could only leave to do his own thing.

   "This is the representative you chose?"

  Just as Li Zhao left, Ji Shan sat opposite Chen Xiyi.

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi poured a cup of tea for Ji Shan: "It can be regarded as a friend, since I have the opportunity, I will help."

   "It's a good idea, but it's too difficult to implement. It's a different kind." Ji Shan commented on Li Zhao.

   This means that even with your support, Chen Xiyi, it would be difficult to achieve great things.

   What's more, he is not the only Qi refiner who is interested in the position of the dynasty. You must know that as long as the agent you support succeeds in taking the position, it will be somewhat beneficial.

  As a new cultivator, Chen Xiyi's advantage is definitely not as good as other Qi refiners.

   "Just take it as a trial, or do you mean I can't participate in this matter?" Chen Xiyi asked back.

   Ji Shan smiled and said: "You can participate, as long as you don't do anything when the time comes, you can give any kind of support."

  If you want to play the game of fighting the dragon, you can, but you can only intervene indirectly, not directly.

  For example, if you act as a counselor to help, this is fine, even if you go out in person, but if you use the strength of a qi refiner, it will not work.

  Because you use it, others will definitely use it, so wouldn't it be a mess.

  Generally speaking, Ji Shan is the referee of the Dragon Fighting game, and he, who covers most of the world, is completely able to detect anything that happens on the ground.

"Isn't that enough? If it's really not possible, I will surrender directly at that time. The other comrades must look at my face and let me be a leisurely prince." Chen Xiyi didn't have much hope for Li Zhao's ability to end the troubled times. Can give him a place to fight for himself.

  The backstage is different from the backstage, so how to play it.

  The strength of other qi refiners is much stronger than him, and the agent he supports must be stronger.

  Ji Shan doesn’t really have much feeling for the dragon struggle. He only needs to determine the establishment of a unified dynasty. As for how to establish and how to establish it, he can ignore it, and this part of the benefits can be transferred.

   Otherwise, if you eat all of them, the appearance of eating will be too ugly.

  If you eat meat yourself, you have to let others drink some soup.

   "It's easy on your mind, but I don't think the representative you chose might think so." During these long years, Ji Shan has seen a lot of people and things, and he sees things far more thoroughly than Chen Xiyi.

   "I can't help it. I can only take one step at a time. No one can predict what the future will be like, right?" Chen Xiyi actually had a playful attitude towards Li Zhao's great cause.

  Because he really didn't have any hope.

  From the very beginning, he lost at the starting line with those future contenders.

  That's right, Li Zhao's starting line was Chen Xiyi, who was thousands of miles behind.

  As for those forces without backers, no matter how big they are, they are just cannon fodder, and they are not successful at all.

   "Indeed, the Saint Ziyuan Empire this time is somewhat beyond my expectations, no one has foreseen this time." Ji Shan said.

   Obviously, the emergence of technological creations has made the original chaotic world even more chaotic.

  A series of creations such as automobiles, artillery, telephones, etc. have suddenly jumped from the era of cold weapons to hot weapon battles, which has increased the number of deaths of the population.

   At that time, after reorganizing the rivers and mountains, it is necessary to withdraw the troops and return them to restore them.

  Technology is useful for qi refiners, but they don't want to get merit.

  One thing to know, the germination of technology will inevitably lead to Qi refiners to take it for their own use.

  Chen Xiyi is certain that folk technology will disappear before it is popularized.

   Qi refiners have long seen the potential of science and technology, so most of the Holy Ziyuan Empire's products in this troubled world are ready-made products, and there are basically no manufacturing methods, etc. This is the limitation of Qi refiners.

  Of course, other people of insight have seen it, so they also try their best to obtain it, but there are some, but it is still a drop in the bucket.

   Li Zhao, who has such a concept, is bound to be impossible to succeed. Once he is in power, he will definitely promote technology vigorously, which violates the taboo of other qi refiners.

  In this world, the biggest monopoly is the captive world for Qi refiners.

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help it either, he was sitting on the side of the qi refiners, and he couldn't beat those qi refiners, the lack of force made all the conspiracies so pale.

  The purpose of Ji Shan's visit this time was to test Chen Xiyi's thinking, and to advise Chen Xiyi not to beat him up.

   Now that I have Chen Xiyi's attitude and thoughts, I naturally won't say too much.

  As long as Chen Xiyi didn't plan to confront him, the Qi practitioners would give Chen Xiyi a face and not kill them all. For them, it was just a game with a small benefit.

   Ready to start anti-theft, send at 3:00 in the morning and change at 4:00, the garbled codes will be fixed at 9 o’clock every Monday, and random garbled codes will be random for the remaining six days.

   Pulling a wave of uniform booking and full attendance will affect more people.



  (end of this chapter)

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