This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 144: Brutal Elephant and Dew

  Chapter 144 Elephant and Dew

Chen Xiyi only stayed in Guicheng for two days, and he didn't stay any longer. It was useless for him to stay there. He just ate, drank and drank to go about his day. With such time, he might as well go back to the Shu palace shelter and do more experiments. .

   Li Zhao stayed and asked him to stay for a few more days, but Chen Xiyi refused, saying that two days had been wasted and there was so much time.

  In fact, everyone is very busy. Li Zhao has to deal with the affairs of the four cities, and also has to plan follow-up revenge. He is still in a war of words, waiting for something that seems to be out of control.

  Mi Hong is also busy. On the second day of her wedding, she continued to work in the Jishi Chamber of Commerce. Originally, the two of them might have a rest, but since such an important event happened at the wedding banquet, all subsequent arrangements have come to an end without a problem.

  As for Liu Ming and the others, they naturally returned to their posts under the protection of heavy soldiers.

  Now that this is an eventful time, it is hard to talk about staying, so as not to cause problems.

  To be honest, according to Chen Xiyi's thinking, if he really walked out of the city alone, he might be shot.

   Nothing can happen in this troubled world, especially when someone is already eyeing Guicheng, and he is still Li Zhao's guest, so how could he not attract attention.

  At the wedding banquet before, but many guests saw him, there must be people with ulterior motives hidden inside, it is impossible to say that all of them are pure-minded people.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi usually doesn't walk. After telling Li Zhao that he was going to leave, he teleported directly to the Shu Palace Sanctuary. Unless they came to Shu to dig the Shu King's grave, otherwise they would never be able to find Chen Xiyi.

   There are quite a few other commander-in-chief's sites in the middle, do you really think you can swagger through the market?

  But if he really dared to come over, then Chen Xiyi could only reluctantly grab them all as experimental products.

   Otherwise, what else can I do, I can’t say invite them to dinner.

  After returning to the Shu Palace, Chen Xiyi naturally devoted himself to his career in full swing.

  Spring went to autumn, and it took another whole year for Chen Xiyi to read all the books in the library and make them his own.

   During the period, it seemed that Li Zhao also sent several letters, one of which was his son's full moon banquet, but because of the lessons learned from the previous wedding banquet, it was only a small-scale invitation.

  Chen Xiyi did not go to participate, but directly replied to the ceremony until no one was there.

   It doesn't make sense to go, it's just a trivial matter anyway.

Most of these letters were sent to him. Some of these inheritances have been obtained by Chen Xiyi from Xutian's library, and some have never been seen before. Obviously, other Qi practitioners did not put them in. of the library.

Xutian Library only needs to put one book in a year, not all of them need to be put in, this is the freedom of others, Chen Xiyi has also released these two books for corpses and ghosts in the past two years. The first draft of the research went in, and it was considered a job.

  Of course, in addition to inheritance, there are also two goblins.

   Glove Leprechaun: Brutal Elephant and Kettle Leprechaun: Dew.

  Both are turned into items, just like the pouch fairy.

  【Glove Fairy: Elephant】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Brutal Elephant Vigor】

  【Ability 2: Thick and fine】

  【Ability 3: Unparalleled Defense】

Mang Xiang is an anthropomorphic baby elephant. It is not big, not much bigger than Chen Xiyi's palm. It can be turned into a pair of black gold silk gloves. Now it is worn on the hands. The blessing provided to him is blood. After that, Chen Xiyi felt that his body would also become weaker and stronger with the cultivation of Yuanshen, which could be regarded as a derivative of popularity.

The three abilities are also very good. Man Xiang vigorously provides the powerful power of his hands. Unfortunately, because Man Xiang is a glove fairy, it can only be provided in the hands. Although it is very unscientific, it is enough. After all, the force is coordinated by the whole body things, not hands things.

Thickness and fineness make Chen Xiyi's hands more flexible, which can be regarded as one strength and one skill. The final defensive unparalleled is to provide strong defense power for his hands, that is to say, if he can't catch bullets with bare hands, he can block them with his hands. bullet.

  Can't catch, but can stop.

  It's a pity that he looks like a glove fairy. Perhaps because of his experience, he can only turn into a glove to provide combat power to Chen Xiyi. He doesn't have combat power himself.

   After all, it is a factor of force majeure.

Not only that, but also activated a lot of related fetters, such as the dragon and elephant Dali, after having the elephant, a dragon-type goblin is needed. As for the kingship, he is not a dragon, his body is actually a bonsai, the one on top The ink dragon is just a fake, so the fetter system doesn't recognize it.

  In addition to Dragon Elephant Dali, there are also winter suits, such as gloves, scarves and felt hats, etc. This is not easy.

  【Kettle Fairy: Dew】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Enlightenment】

  【Ability 2: Manna Sprinkles Heart】

  【Ability 3: Relieve the body】

  Dewshui is rather strange. It is a turtle whose shell has turned into a lotus leaf. It is naturally not big in size and can be turned into a small silver-plated kettle.

After turning into a kettle, a drop of dew will be born at three time points in the morning, noon and night every day. The dew produced at each time point is different. The morning dew has the function of enlightening the head, and it can be used as the food for the soul after taking it , perhaps because of the lack of growth, which made Chen Xiyi relatively tasteless, but it was enough to grow.

   But it's only for Chen Xiyi. If it's different, it means experience water, and everyone can use it.

  The drop at noon is nectar sprinkled on the heart, the effect is very simple, it restores 100% of the life value.

  The last drop at night naturally has the effect of dispelling and relaxing the body, and its effect is also very simple, dispelling a negative state.

   More importantly, these three drops of dew can be superimposed without an upper limit.

  This dew may only be useful to Chen Xiyi for the drop of nectar that is used to restore blood, while the experience water for enlightenment and the elimination of negative states for the body and body are more useful for NPCs.

  Of course, this is also now, when Lushui grows up, these three abilities will become more and more buggy.

   And this is just the beginning.

   But these are not the point, the point is that the dew will help him use it.

For example, he was knocked out of his whole body equipment with one move, and the overflow damage triggered Zhangliu's dodging for death with only 1% of his health left. back to full.

  Combined with these two abilities, as long as the dew of sweet dew is not used up, Chen Xiyi is an immortal existence.

  The ability to remove negative states is also useful. His tenacity enchantment can only exempt one negative state at a time. If he encounters multiple negative states, Dew will directly use a large amount of dew to eliminate them all at once.

The experience water for enlightenment, this thing has to be saved up for one-time use, and it is also excellent for leveling up, and if you don't use it, this experience water will gradually have more experience as the dew grows, which is equivalent to An investment that will never lose.

   You may not be able to see anything in a day or two, but if you accumulate more than 3,000 drops of each of the three types of dew in the kettle over ten years, this is not a small sum.

  It is equivalent to the longer the accumulation, the greater the value of dew.

   Chen Xiyi was very surprised by the aura provided by Lushui. It was popularity.

  He never expected that Lushui would provide this kind of qi mechanism. With his popularity and yang qi, Chen Xiyi's follow-up experiments would be smoother.

   And the bond system update brought by Dew is also quite a lot, of course there are some serious ones and some weird ones.

   Serious ones like Guihe Yannian, you have to find a crane for him, or you can find a ginseng-like fairy for ginseng.

  There is also, for example, manna vermilion grass, which is of the vermilion grass type.

   The unscrupulous ones include a set of pots and pans, a pair of kettles and cups, and the like.

  Chen Xiyi also guessed that both the glove and the water bottle were damaged magical artifacts, and they must have been damaged for a long time. Maybe they were magical artifacts used by the Qi refiners in Xutian.

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to have a complete spirituality.

  To tell the truth, Chen Xiyi wanted to raise a goblin by himself, but I'm afraid it will take a lot of time, so he has been planning it and not implementing it.

  The main reason is that he wants too much, such as completing the fetters all at once.

  But Chen Xiyi thought about it, wouldn't it be better to wait until his strength rises and see how to artificially replenish his spirituality if he has a mind?

  He felt that the time cost involved in cultivating a complete spirituality by himself was enough for him to decipher the historical background and spirituality in this item.

  This item that can turn a psychic into a fairy, the time unit must be at least ten thousand years, and it needs to be held by a big person for a long time.

  Whether it is a Qi refiner in this world, or the three great patriarchs of the Shanhe Sect in the previous world, they are all existences that started at least ten thousand years ago.

   It's just that Chen Xiyi feels that at his own growth rate, he might be able to catch up in ten thousand years.

  He is still very confident in himself. As a player, isn't it normal to grow up fast?

  If it wasn't for him not having the upgrade module for killing monsters, he might not know how high the level is now.

  If he can really become so strong, he must be holding a musket to kill those demons and goblins from start to finish, even the Qi refiners will not spare them.

  Unfortunately, the homeland game is a sandbox farming game, and even most of the goblins tend to farm rather than fight.

  Don't look at the increased strength of the wild elephant and it can be used for fighting, but if you think about it carefully, in other words, it is good for farming with one hand.

   It's just that Chen Xiyi's behavior has been pulling some goblins away from the original cause. Now he has basically not touched the aspect of farming except returning to his hometown to collect a wave of plants and wood every day.

   On the contrary, the mountains and rivers and lakes have now produced a large amount of materials, and they have reached the level of self-sufficiency.

  Of course, a lot of spiritual things were also produced. Chen Xiyi fed all of them to the mountains and rivers and lakes themselves, and strived for more spiritual things in the items produced as soon as possible.

  ‘It is estimated that there are no fairies like mountains and rivers and lakes in this world. '

  He has figured out the types of fairies in this world. They are either incarnate objects or possessed bodies. They are used to assist in order to exert the greatest effect. There is a high probability that there will be no independent fairies.

'But that's fine, I don't know if we can combine the two fetters of five sense organs and five senses in this world. . '

  Actually, Chen Xiyi still wants a goblin who specializes in plants, planting, and breeding to take care of his home. Otherwise, he has to do it himself every time, which is also a very troublesome thing.

Of course, he still needs those goblins in construction and management to handle all the logistics for him. Now his home is just a wooden house. He always said he wanted to change it, but he has been busy until now. To deal with this has been going on for several years.

  Procrastinators dare not procrastinate like this.

  (end of this chapter)

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