This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 153: Assassination incident

  Chapter 153 Assassination storm

   "Have you heard, there was an accident in the Marshal's Mansion last night. It is said that someone pretended to be a girl from Fenglailou and poisoned the banquet. Many people were poisoned to death."

   "Really or not, where is this thieves so desperate, how is the commander?"

   "What else can I do? I died on the spot, and I'm still in chaos now. If it wasn't for our housekeeper not drinking, otherwise, tsk tsk."

   "That's really fateful, what happened to the poisoner?"

"Dead, he was shot dead on the spot. It is said that he wanted to escape with an excuse, but he didn't expect that the commander in Dingcheng was so impatient, he died of poison before he could get away, and he was shot dead at that time , I heard from the steward that it was spattered with blood."

  Chen Xiyi sat on the sidelines and listened to this group of people talking one by one. Anyway, it was okay at the beginning, but then it became more and more outrageous.

   But what surprised Chen Xiyi was that the assassination was not in Fenglai Tower, but in the Marshal's Mansion.

  ‘It should be Yueyu who did it. I didn’t expect that his real purpose was to sneak into the Marshal’s mansion. '

  Last night, the commander-in-chief entertained the stewards of their caravan, so he recruited the girls from Fenglailou, and Yue Yu's stepping point yesterday was not to kill people in Fenglailou, but to sneak in.

  As for a man disguised as a woman, this is not uncommon. Yue Yu has the ability to disguise, which is not easy.

  Yue Yu was shot dead on the spot, and the commander-in-chief also died, so Chen Xiyi will definitely not be involved in the follow-up matter.

  The top management of Dingcheng probably has been in chaos since last night. There is only one position for the commander-in-chief, but the commander-in-chief has more than one confidant.

  The commander-in-chief is gone, of course they want to be in the top position.

   As for avenging the commander in chief?

   Didn’t the report be made, the assassin was killed on the spot.

  Chen Xiyi always felt that there was something weird about him. He couldn't say that he was a disaster star. Wherever he went, he would be unlucky.

  Recalling it, it seems that I have directly or indirectly harmed many people along the way.

   After checking himself carefully and making sure that he is not a disaster star, he finally relaxed.

  ‘This time it shouldn’t be a coincidence. '

  Chen Xiyi felt that maybe this caravan was a disaster.

  After all, Chen Xiyi was not the only one involved in these unfortunate incidents, there was also this caravan.

   "By the way, you know that last night the steward recruited another doctor accompanying the team. He was still a young man. The angry doctor Bai didn't show a good face today." One of them suddenly said.

   "And this thing, why didn't I see it, where did you hear about it?"

"Just in the morning, I went to see Doctor Bai, but you didn't see that face, as if everyone owed him thousands of dollars. I talked to me for a long time before telling me. It seems that I was recruited yesterday, but I haven't seen it yet. Come and report."

   "Tsk, Doctor Bai has been with the caravan for several years, it can't be that the manager dislikes Doctor Bai because he is getting old and wants to change people."

   "Who knows what the stewards think, I heard that the new doctor is quite young."

   "Hey, don't come in here on the basis of human favors. If Doctor Bai is squeezed out at that time, if the medical skills are not good, then we will have to suffer."

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of some coolies, coachmen, etc. present also changed. This is related to their real interests.

   You must know that you will inevitably suffer from injuries if you are traveling with a caravan outside. A good doctor can save lives.

  In a month, they basically have to spend 25 days in the field. If there is any problem, they can only rely on the doctor who follows the caravan.

   Therefore, the doctor's medical skills are the guarantee of their lives.

   "Don't be in a hurry, wait until the matter is confirmed. If the manager is really out of favor, we will not agree to this matter." Someone said.

  Chen Xiyi didn't care much about it. He wouldn't get sick, and even if he got sick, he would be exempted from the toughness enchantment. If he couldn't bear it, he could ask Dew to use a drop of nectar for him.

   What is strange about Chen Xiyi is the timing. Didn't an accident happen when the steward went to the banquet at the Marshal's Mansion last night? How could he have the time to invite someone in.

   What's more, it's extremely weird to recruit a doctor after only coming here for a day.

   "What are you doing sitting here? Hurry up and pack up your things. We'll leave Dingcheng in a quarter of an hour." The steward roared when he came in.

  The original discussions immediately quieted down, and the original doubts became doubts.

  Dingcheng will indeed be in chaos if the commander is dead, but the goods have not been sold and replenished in time, but the living supplies have just been replenished. Wouldn’t it be a lot of losses if they left?

  But no one dared to say anything, and they all hurriedly got up and prepared to leave.

   Being able to make the caravan leave at a loss shows that the situation in the city is very dangerous, otherwise they would never have done so.

   "Brother Chen, this way please, I need some help from Brother Chen." Seeing that Chen Xiyi was also about to leave, the steward said immediately.

  Chen Xiyi was a little confused as to how he could help.

   "Tell me who is in charge, I will definitely help if I can help." Chen Xiyi certainly wouldn't say that there is no problem with his chest, and he is not the father in charge, so why should he say that.

"In this caravan, you are the only one in the caravan who owns a carriage alone. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to break the contract. It's just that a distant relative of mine was injured a little bit, and it's inevitable that there will be some problems with those big bastards. No brother, if possible, let my relative stay with you for a few days."

   "Don't worry, brother, I will let him leave when he arrives in the next city, and you can make do with it here."

   As the manager said, he took out two oceans from his pocket and handed them to Chen Xiyi, apparently intending to refund a little money to convince him.

   This made Chen Xiyi narrow his eyes, and appraised the manager's experience.

  【May: Assisting the killer Yue Yu in the assassination, and helping him escape by feigning death, and preparing to cover the killer Yue Yu's departure from Dingcheng】

  The first thing in the experience is to give Chen Xiyi a big secret, good guy, are you with Yue Yu?

  In this way, things are a bit confusing.

   "It's just a trivial matter, so there's no need to refund the money, but I have to make some requests, I don't know what the management will do?" Chen Xiyi stretched out his hand and pushed the two oceans back.

   "Brother, just tell me, I guarantee that my relative is obedient." The steward said without hesitation.

   "Be quiet on the road, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do, what do you think?"

  Hearing Chen Xiyi's request, the person in charge naturally agreed: "Don't worry, brother, he will definitely not disturb you."

   "That's good, I prefer to be clean." Chen Xiyi said with a smile.

   "Brother understands this, it's getting late now, brother, you should hurry up and pack up and get ready to go, I'll get busy first too." After finishing speaking, the person in charge quickly left to get busy.

  Chen Xiyi didn't say anything, and went back to pack his things on his own.

  You don't need to think about it to know that this so-called distant relative is Yue Yu.

  ‘Interesting, huh. '

  He guessed that maybe not only the manager knew about it, but even the doctor accompanying the team knew about it, and deliberately released such news to cover up Yue Yu.

   When the time comes, something will really go wrong. The steward said he was a distant relative, and the doctor said he was a new doctor recruited in. In this way, Yue Yu was directly assigned as a relative of the steward who came in by favor.

Someone really needs to check, but the whole caravan testifies to Yue Yu's identity, and the reason why it is arranged on Chen Xiyi's side is because Chen Xiyi monopolizes a carriage by himself, and on the other hand, Chen Xiyi needs to come to deepen the character design. testify.

  He actually has nothing to clean up. If the things can be put in the inventory, they will be put in the inventory. If they can’t be put in the inventory, they will be put in the Pixiu purse.

   There are packages, some clothes and some messy things, used as a cover, you can't really just leave empty-handed, it will easily arouse suspicion.

  Going to his own carriage, Yue Yu had been waiting there for a long time.

  The upper body was wrapped in bandages, and blood stains were still oozing from the bandages.

   Obviously, this time he didn't pretend.

   And the last time I ate free food and was dressed up by a rogue who was thrown out of Fenglai Tower, it should be a disguise.

   "It's the first time we met. My name is Yue Yu. I've been nagging my brother these days." Seeing Chen Xiyi getting into the carriage, Yue Yu immediately said with a smile.

  The acting skills and disguise are really good. If it wasn't for the killer's name Yueyu hanging above his head, Chen Xiyi would definitely not be able to recognize him.

   "You're welcome, it's easy to do." Chen Xiyi also replied, it can't be said to be rude.

   This Yueyu is a white name, which means that he has no malice towards him.

  But he can be sure that Yue Yu must have recognized him, and he just didn't show it.

   "Would you like something to eat? A specialty of Dingcheng." Yue Yu then took out some snacks and handed them to Chen Xiyi.

  Chen Xiyi waved his hand to signal that he didn't need it, but instead turned the topic to Yue Yu's injuries: "Your injuries are interesting, and they didn't die. It seems that the doctor who rescued you is very unusual."

   "Isn't that right? They said that I was lucky to be alive." Regarding his injury, Yue Yu didn't directly say what the reason was, but he didn't hide it either. Instead, he joked a little frankly.

   This is neither rude nor suspicious.

  Chen Xiyi didn't continue talking, he knew that the injury was fake, it was just to cover up people's eyes and ears.

Especially judging from the treatment of this wound, it can be completely disguised as an injury suffered two days ago. clear suspicion.

  ‘It seems that Yue Yu has an unusual origin, otherwise how could he be willing to risk the entire team to save him. ’ Chen Xiyi didn’t think it was causing trouble.

  If it was placed in other carriages, it would be in trouble. If the caravan did this, he couldn't object clearly, which would make people suspicious.

   But if you want to put it in his car, you can cover it up if something goes wrong, so as not to cause trouble.

  White name, not red name, maybe he will become a friend with green name just by helping him. With a character like Yue Yu, maybe he is a copy of Li Zhao, and it is possible to help him expand his circle of friends.

  If Yue Yu is really that kind of heinous person, it is impossible for the caravan to take such a big risk, assisting in the assassination, assisting in the suspended animation, and even helping him escape.

  This shows that the other party has advantages in him, and he is also a person who can make friends from all over the world.

  Chen Xiyi still likes this kind of person, because it has a certain investment value and because of the high rate of return.

  The previous investment in Li Zhao is enough to show that this friend is a profitable system.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xiyi's mood improved a lot, and the next step is to find a way to gain favorability and add friends.

   "Brother, you seem to be in a good mood, did you think of something happy?" Yue Yu captured Chen Xiyi's mood very keenly.

   "It's nothing, I just thought of a joke." Chen Xiyi didn't have anything wrong with being noticed by the other party for his good mood, and instead said it easily.

  (end of this chapter)

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