This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 154: Calculations that have existed since the beginning

  Chapter 154 The calculation that existed from the beginning

  【You have a conversation with the killer's Yueyu, the atmosphere is harmonious, and the killer's Yueyu's favorability towards you is +1. Current favorability: 2 stars]

  Chen Xiyi was chatting and laughing with Yue Yu and brushing up the favorability, but the efficiency was a bit slow, and it took a month to get to 2 stars.

   "Brother Chen, when we arrive in Licheng, I have to treat you well." Yue Yu said while looking at the surrounding scenery.

   "Are you going to this Licheng? The road in the middle of Sichuan is really difficult, and it took a month to get out." Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled. There was no white dot nearby on the game map, so why did he arrive?

  Zoomed out to check, the white spot that is closer to him will have to go for at least three days, why are you saying this now.

   "This place is already on the outskirts of Licheng. According to the strength of the caravan, it will take another hour to reach Licheng." Yue Yu continued to answer.

  Chen Xiyi had a change of heart, and it was impossible to get there in two hours, because let alone a two-hour walk, even a two-day walk might not lead to a city.

   "My brother can't be mistaken, it doesn't look like there are people living there." Chen Xiyi said after looking at it for a while.

  Yue Yu smiled: "Brother Chen, you are so confused by the car, there is no one in this wilderness, I have lived here for more than ten years, how could I be wrong."

   "Really, I'm on the edge of a dead end."

  Chen Xiyi said so, but he didn't think so in his heart.

  The game map is impossible to be wrong, and looking at Yue Yu's identified state and the mood on his face, it doesn't seem like he is lying to himself.

  What's the benefit of him lying to himself, and it's such an insignificant thing.

  In a daze, he always felt that something was wrong, and checked his state carefully, and there was nothing wrong.

  Reviewing the situation on the road, Chen Xiyi felt that there seemed to be more and more problems.

  Two hours passed in a flash, and Licheng arrived.

  But there were none of the soldiers and the bustling people who were expected to pay the city fee.

   A slightly rancid smell wafts from the gate of the city with the wind.

  Everyone couldn't help but thump at the same time, this is a big deal.

The matter spread quickly, Chen Xiyi seemed to understand why there were no white spots in the pear city, and it was the first time that Yue Yu didn't lose his expression, his acting skills seemed to be unable to cover up his sadness, so he hurriedly got out of the car and headed towards the gate of the city and go.

  Chen Xiyi followed silently, as if thinking about something.

  Everything was too coincidental, so coincidental that Chen Xiyi had no choice but to doubt it.

  The caravan stopped outside the city, because the streets were filled with rotting corpses.

   Flies and maggots breed, and a large number of scavengers are eating.

  In this case, the caravan would never dare to go in. The corpses were not disposed of in time. If they go in now, the bacteria and viruses produced after such fermentation for an unknown amount of time may infect the entire caravan.

  Yue Yu who wanted to enter the city was stopped.

  'Coincidence, it is too coincidental. '

  Chen Xiyi looked at Yue Yu in front of him, these successive incidents made Chen Xiyi feel dizzy.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know why Licheng became like this, but Chen Xiyi knew one thing, and that was that there seemed to be trouble.

  A large amount of corpse energy, death energy, resentment energy, and yin energy gathered here, and there was even a faint ghost energy.

   It is easy to produce a deadly change.

   But the next moment, Chen Xiyi frowned and didn't respond.

  Yes, there is no reaction, as if being suppressed by someone, and there is no corpse change as he imagined.

   Slowly withdrew from the crowd, stood in a place where no one was around, and said softly: "Ji Daoyou, don't you want to give me an explanation?"

   "It's just some small schemes. It just happened that fellow daoist passed by here, so I wanted to trouble fellow daoist." Ji Shan suddenly appeared behind Chen Xiyi.

  There is no name on the head, which means that this is not even a clone, but a remote-controlled illusion.

   "This method doesn't seem like some small scheme. This person can't be the representative chosen by fellow Taoists." Chen Xiyi seemed to be teasing, but in fact he was testing the situation of Yue Yu.

   Ji Shan shook his head: "I won't play this dragon game, and he won't participate either."

That's strange, why did Ji Shan take a fancy to Yue Yu? You must know that Yue Yu is a genius, but no matter how genius he is, he is just a killer assassin. The three abilities may be very brilliant, but if you really want to talk about it, maybe It is not as big as Li Zhao's political management can play in this world.

   "He will go to the Holy Ziyuan Empire. Do you want to go?" Ji Shan said bluntly without hiding anything, and asked Chen Xiyi back.

   This made Chen Xiyi's heart skip a beat, he didn't expect Ji Shan to say that.

   "It's not suitable." Of course Chen Xiyi wanted to go, but he also understood one thing, that is, this was an exchange of benefits.

  Ji Shan can let Chen Xiyi go to the Saint Ziyuan Empire to reap benefits, and even look at the so-called share, but the price is that he has to protect Yue Yu.

   "There is nothing inappropriate, just make sure that Yue Yu can live." Ji Shan said.

  Chen Xiyi was not surprised by what Ji Shan said, it was the price.

  He didn't ask why, maybe he would say it if he asked, but Chen Xiyi knew that if he really wanted to listen, he would definitely be out of luck.

  Recalling the whole story, Chen Xiyi couldn't help laughing at himself: 'The other party has tricked me from the very beginning, and they said they asked me, but in fact it's up to me whether I go or not. '

  He is a very persuasive person, and the other party's appearance is kind, but it doesn't mean that the follow-up actions will be kind.

   Ji Shan’s primordial spirit covers most of the world, and he may have noticed him from the very beginning, maybe when he first came, or when he became a Qi refiner.

   Perhaps he had been calculated from that moment on.

  For example, Dinglong Nine Chapters.

   This was probably given to him by Ji Shan through Cheng Zhen's hand. Otherwise, how could Cheng Zhen, who is so tight-lipped, have sold him the inheritance that has been passed down by his family for an unknown number of generations.

   Even the follow-up Soul Boy Ferrying Evil, Soul Returning to One Realm, etc., may have his presence.

   But there must be unexpected things, such as Li Zhao, what Chen Xiyi can catch when fishing is completely random, and Ji Shan must not affect him.

   As for how the process is implemented?

  Chen Xiyi doesn't know, but from Ji Shan's point of view, it is not difficult at all not only to have poor information, but also to be able to make decisions thousands of miles away.

   "Then I'll take a trip. I don't know when to leave?" Chen Xiyi didn't ask the departure time, but said that he had to make some preparations.

   "Three years from now, if fellow Taoists have nothing to do, you can make some friends with Yue Yu first." Ji Shan continued.

   This made Chen Xiyi very upset. Due to the opponent's strength, he resolutely persuaded him, but it is too much for you to want to tie him up.

   "I'm afraid it won't work in the near future. I still have something to do. It won't be too late to come back in three years." Chen Xiyi directly rejected Ji Shan's suggestion.

   Some things cannot be withdrawn. Once the other party withdraws, they will feel that they are easy to bully. When the time comes, they will do the coolies and they will accept the benefits.

   "Forget it, it's really wrong to hinder you for three years." Ji Shan's plan was fulfilled, although Chen Xiyi was not allowed to be a nanny for another three years, according to his calculations, it was impossible for Chen Xiyi to stay with him for three years.

   There are strong coincidences in these things, which may not be obvious at first, but they will definitely be seen after a long time.

   And those who can tell are all smart people, in other words, they are judging the situation, and they will not speak out directly. Faced with this situation, they will only act secretly. How can they be as reckless as Chen Xiyi, who just asks.

   As a result, many follow-up plans were cut short, but fortunately, this matter was facilitated, and many variables were reduced, but this also made Ji Shan passive, and Chen Xiyi had more autonomy.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Ji, for your understanding. Three years is not a short period of time. During this period, my brother Li Zhao and his wife have to trouble everyone to take care of them. Among other things, there is always something for them to live happily and die happily." Chen Xiyi immediately Just to add.

  Ji Shan didn't hesitate either: "It's easy to say, easy to say, it's just a few trivial things, since it's okay, I won't bother Chen Daoyou."

   After saying that, Ji Shan disappeared, apparently canceling the illusion.

  'Using illusion to achieve long-distance communication, this is really true.' Chen Xiyi never thought that illusion could be used like this.

  ‘More importantly, Ji Shan is probably not the only person who plots against me. '

  ‘I just don’t know what attitude they have towards the messy strangeness I showed. '

  The other party may not be able to detect it in the home or the underground shelter, but what if it is different when it goes out of these two places?

   Such an obvious abnormality can be noticed by ordinary people, let alone those group of Qi refiners.

  For a while, Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled, what exactly were those Qi refiners preparing for, and they needed to use such a weakling like him so obliquely.

  In Chen Xiyi's eyes, the Qi Refiners are already strong enough to use force to overthrow everything.

  'Unfortunately, I jumped into this pit, unless I ran away. ’ Chen Xiyi took a look at his reincarnation function, and it was only about 5% left before it could be completely cooled down.

   It's just that it's not time to leave yet, after all, there are too many benefits in this world for him to collect.

  ‘Three years, get all the details of all the historical objects on the map. '

  He knew that once he left here, he might not be able to come back, so naturally he had to get the things in his hand before talking.

   It has been delayed before, but now it cannot be delayed.

  Backing in his carriage, he didn't say that he just disappeared for no reason. Disappearing at this point would easily cause unnecessary trouble, especially when Yue Yu was involved.

  Actually, he was also jointly unhappy with Yue Yu. Although they were all brothers and sisters, he was cheated by him.

   After the caravan stayed for half an hour, they walked around Licheng slowly. The atmosphere of the whole caravan was a bit dull.

  As for Yue Yu, of course he didn't return to Licheng, but he still returned to Chen Xiyi's carriage. He was taciturn along the way, not at all as chic as he was usually.

   "Sadness and sorrow." Chen Xiyi comforted him. His consolation was not only about Licheng's affairs, but also the unlucky things in the future.

  Yue Yu didn't speak, just nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

   Regarding this situation, Chen Xiyi has nothing to say to comfort him. It is best to let him calm down. After all, there may be no such opportunities in the future.

   After a long time, Chen Xiyi said, "When I get to the next city, I won't be with the caravan anymore. I'm going to find a good job there. This world is too chaotic."

  Yue Yu looked up at Chen Xiyi. He felt that Chen Xiyi's decision was normal. After all, he witnessed the massacre of the city just now. This incident was a severe shock to anyone.

   "Okay, I will write to you when the time comes, remember to send me some special products." Yue Yuqiang said with a smile.

  He really wanted to be able to escape like Chen Xiyi, but he couldn't.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't have any responsibilities, he can be willful, but he has, and it's a kind of responsibility that he can't escape.

  (end of this chapter)

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