This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 164: Lightsword Forged by the Crazy Sword Slayer

  Chapter 164 The Light Sword Forged by the Crazy Swordsman

  The first day of the Sword Splitting Conference came to an end.

  Currently, the top thirty-six places have been competed, and there are actually not many people participating, and there may only be about 300 Sanren Jiamen disciples in total.

  Not to mention the scattered people, it's a mess.

  Sect disciples, generally speaking, there is usually only one representative sent to the stage to challenge for the sword, and the rest are basically watching the battle.

   However, based on the background of the disciples of the sect, they can basically get a good ranking.

  For example, among the 36 people promoted this time, 30 people are disciples of the sect, and only six people are scattered people from Jianghu.

  Of course, Lin Feng is naturally among these six people.

  As for the rest of them, there are also prizes, each with a sword, and the lowest quality is better than those sold in ordinary blacksmith shops.

   It can be said that for the ten-year sword-sharing conference, Wanjianzhuang also spent a lot of money. You must know that these swords are all top-grade, and they cost at least a hundred taels of silver to sell.

   But this is the retail price. Wanjianzhuang is directly wholesaled by the manufacturer, so the cost must not be high. I guess it would be good to have a tael.

   It's just that people rely on this craftsmanship to make a living. The cost of materials plus labor costs plus time costs, as well as the highest R&D costs, are quite reasonable.

  Besides, these swords are for high-end people, and there are also swords with relatively low prices, which are suitable for different groups of customers.

  Boom boom boom~

  In the night, Lin Feng, who was holding his sword cross-legged, opened his eyes abruptly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then quickly retracted.

   "Which one?" There was a hint of indifference in his tone.

   "Lin Shaoxia, Ye Meng is here to pay a visit." Outside the door, Ye Meng brought Chen Xiyi to knock on the door and said.

  Originally, Ye Meng didn't intend to come, and Chen Xiyi didn't intend to let Ye Meng follow, he was going to come directly to gain favorability.

   I just met on the road, so I just followed.

  A trace of doubt flashed in Lin Feng's eyes: 'The second master of the Ye family? What did he come to me for? '

   Doubts are doubts, you have to open the door.

   "Please come in." After opening the door, Lin Feng said, he also saw Chen Xiyi, but he didn't remember it, and he was not one of the 36 people in tomorrow's final.

  Although it is said that Lin Feng devotes himself to practicing swords, it does not mean that he is an unworldly person.

  Since the invitation came in, it was natural for people to sit down and serve tea.

   "Second Master Ye, what's the important thing for you to visit late at night?" Lin Feng thought in his heart that he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and he would definitely not come here for no reason.

   "It's nothing serious, it's just that after watching your competition today, my brother feels that he is very close to you, so why don't we come to visit now." Ye Meng pointed to Chen Xiyi and said straight to the point.

   "Well, yes, I think we hit it off very well, so I came here to make friends with you." Chen Xiyi also nodded.

  Lin Feng was silent for a while, can he still make friends like this?

   "Okay, then we are friends."

  【You have a conversation with Lin Feng from the Jianghu people, the atmosphere is harmonious, Lin Feng from the Jianghu people has a good impression of you +1, the current favorability: 1 star]


   Now it's Chen Xiyi's turn to be confused. What's the situation? After chatting for a while, the friend added him.

  Will this be a bit of a joke? After all, I haven't had time to say a lot of things later, so this is a success.

   "Oh, alright, I hope you will come out on top tomorrow and get that lightsaber." Chen Xiyi just replied with this sentence.

   "Thank you."

  【You have a conversation with Lin Feng from Jianghu, the atmosphere is harmonious, Lin Feng from Jianghu has a favorable opinion of you +1, current favorability: 1.5 stars]

   Seeing the refreshed game log, the favorability point increased by 0.5 stars. Chen Xiyi had to admit that there are differences between people. After chatting with Yan Guihui for so long, he added 1 point to the favorability point.

  Looking at Lin Feng, after chatting for a few words, he immediately got a 1.5-star favorability score. After such a comparison, Chen Xiyi felt more and more disgusted with Yan Hui.

   "Then I won't disturb your rest. I'll treat you to a drink after you get the Lightning Sword." After finishing speaking, Chen Xiyi was about to leave.

   "Well, no delivery."

   The most confused one is Ye Meng, what is the situation, they have been here longer than you chatting.

  But since everyone said so, he had no choice but to leave and close the door by the way.

  Listening to the sound of footsteps moving away, Lin Feng touched the sword: "He actually came to make friends with me, he is really an interesting person."

  His sword heart is clear, not only can make his mind pinnacle to the sword, but also can perceive other people's vague thoughts about him through the sword.

  From the situation just now, Lin Feng felt that Chen Xiyi really planned to make friends with him, not out of other malicious ideas.

  That's why he simply and neatly regarded Chen Xiyi as a friend.

  As for Ye Meng, he is purely a middleman.

  His sword heart is not only the sword, but also the heart.

  A sword flower lightly held in his hand: "So, what's so special about You Guangjian?"

  Lin Feng didn't care what kind of sword he was using. The sword in his hand had been with him since he learned swordsmanship.

   But when he saw the word You Guang, he felt something extra in his heart, as if this sword that was made by someone and named You Guang should belong to him.

  So, he came to participate in the sword division meeting in Wanjianzhuang, and he wanted to know what this sword is.

   "How did you guys chat so quickly?" Ye Meng caught up with Chen Xiyi and asked with some doubts.

   "Because we have become good friends, there is no need to disturb him to rest. He will compete for the Lightning Sword tomorrow, so he needs to rest well." Chen Xiyi said solemnly.

  These words made Ye Meng silent for a while, and then he said: "With Lin Feng's strength, he should stop at the top thirty-six. The You Guangjian is not something he can get."

  Chen Xiyi didn't take it seriously: "As long as you don't engage in shady scenes, the remaining thirty-five people will not be his opponents together."

   "Are you so confident in him?" Ye Meng actually didn't believe Chen Xiyi's words. Although Chen Xiyi was very mysterious, he didn't need to look to know that he had absolutely no martial arts.

  Since you don't practice martial arts, how can you see the burden of other people's moves.

   "Yes, that's how confident they are." Chen Xiyi said without hesitation, these martial arts practitioners are very peculiar, and to judge the opponent's strength, you have to rely on your eyesight.

  When facing strangers from the rivers and lakes, generally speaking, you can initially judge the strength of the opponent from the posture of walking, lying and sitting, the frequency of breathing, and the calluses on the body.

   Then further judge by the tricks and internal strength during the fight.

   There is no way to tell what state the opponent is at a glance, let alone relying on the opponent's breath.

  The system of this world has not developed to this point at all.

  Only innate warriors can even release their internal strength. The internal strength of warriors in other realms is generally used to enhance strength, agility, or to increase power when performing light skills, body skills, and sword skills. It cannot be separated from the body at all.

  So like many skill abilities, it is impossible to determine at all.

   "Then I can only wish him success. You Guang is not so easy to get, and not so easy to use."

  Ye Meng's first half of the sentence was quite relaxed, but the tone of the second half of the sentence was a bit dignified.

   "What do you mean? You Guang has a problem?" Chen Xiyi is not an idiot, so he must be able to understand what Ye Meng said.

   "The blacksmith who made You Guang died." Ye Meng said.

   "." Chen Xiyi had black lines all over his hair, he was guessing that Ye Meng would say that he choked to death because of eating.

   Isn't it just that a blacksmith died, who wouldn't die, he also died not long ago and didn't say anything.

   "Before he died, he went mad."

   Got it, died accidentally after going crazy.

"Before he was mad, he had been talking in some words that we couldn't understand. From the fear at the beginning to the fanaticism later, it's a pity that we couldn't understand what he was saying. In the end he died, died by the sword, and after his death , You Guang was born."

   "Afterwards, everyone who got You Guang died for various reasons. Before death, he was also insane, and finally he had no choice but to seal it up."

   "Now, I don't know why my elder brother treats You Guang as a prize for the winner of the Sword Splitting Conference."

  Ye Meng slowly talked about the origin of You Guang, as if he wanted to scare Chen Xiyi.

"Your story is pretty good, but your vocabulary is not very high. If you work harder next time, you might be able to publish a book." Chen Xiyi said that you, a martial arts world, have created a supernatural event for me, isn't that true? Nonsense.

  Ye Meng suddenly smiled: "You can see this, it seems that the description is too rough."

   "Okay, we should part ways now." After Chen Xiyi waved his hand, he left on his own.

  Looking at Chen Xiyi's fading figure, Ye Meng looked as usual

  ‘Unfortunately, these are not made up. '

   On the way back, Chen Xiyi was also thinking about what Ye Meng said.

  Analyzing from the status of the opponent's status bar, there is a high probability that what he said is not a lie.

  'Fuck, don't change my style of painting, I just want to abuse food in the world of martial arts, and I don't want to be exposed to any supernatural events. '

  Chen Xiyi has heard of Murphy's Law, that is, the more he thinks about bad things not happening, the probability of such bad things happening will skyrocket.

   It's just that Chen Xiyi suddenly remembered one thing, that is, supernatural events don't seem to be scary.

  In the last world, what he did to those demons and goblins seemed even more terrifying.

  ‘Sure enough, as long as the other party’s blood bar is on, I dare. I have the means to save my life. '

  He originally wanted to say that he dared to kill the opponent if he dared to show his blood, but when he thought of the holy knight Chris who had the blood of the phoenix before, his recovery ability and blood recovery speed were ridiculously fast.

  With 100% health damage, he couldn't die, at least he had a 100% recovery rate per second, and he might have the ability to save himself from death. This made Chen Xiyi very confused.

  However, Chen Xiyi wouldn't be too scared if he really met again, after all, he still has 20,000 triple-enchanted TNT.

  The previous 10,000 were used up, and I made another 20,000 from time to time. I have to say that it is really easy to use, especially on the premise that I can be resurrected.

  'Tomorrow, let's see what is the origin of You Guang, can it be so evil? '

  ‘No matter how evil I am, I don’t believe that there can be such evil as that group of qi refiners. '

   Regarding this world, Chen Xiyi still maintains the attitude that it is only a low-level martial arts world, because there are too few modules, and there is only one item with historical background.

   How high can it be?

   After analyzing it, Chen Xiyi also felt relieved.

   This is purely to scare himself. What else can threaten him in such a low-level world.

   Even if there is, then he will dig an underground shelter after taking the modules.

  If you can’t even live in the underground shelter, then go back to your home and live in it. It’s not impossible, as long as the reincarnation function cools down and run away.

   Returned to his bedroom, opened a passage under the floor and climbed down.

   This is his habit of digging underground shelters. Among other things, it is also excellent to use as a teleportation point.

Originally, he didn't have a room. After all, he didn't have an invitation card, but it had something to do with him, so Ye Meng arranged one for him, and he could save going back to the inn. It just happened to save some money. This money came from him. It's not easy, it all depends on the 'rescue' of other heroes.

  (end of this chapter)

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