This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 165: we are all history

  Chapter 165 We are all history

   "You Guangjian, Lin Feng, is really ridiculous. It is obvious that Lin Feng won the first place by himself, but he gave him the nickname Jian, as if You Guangjian made Lin Feng."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Lin Feng, who had steadily become a dark horse in the Sword Splitting Conference. Except for Chen Xiyi, no one would have thought that Lin Feng could really become the number one.

   "The decent family is really narrow-minded, using this method to retaliate."

  Think about it, when the nickname of Lin Feng's lightsaber was spread in the world, and then it was spread that this lightsaber was a magic weapon forged by Wanjianzhuang.

   Then what will people in the world think?

  At the beginning, maybe he knew that he won the first place in the sword division conference, but as the publicity increased, it would only become that Lin Feng was relying on the power of the lightsaber.

  Yan Guilai sat aside and didn't speak.

  Although she felt something was wrong, she didn't agree with Chen Xiyi's words.

  After saying this, Chen Xiyi got up and left.

  After he was about to say goodbye to Lin Feng, he got up and went south to get the module.

   "Old Lin, You Guang got it, where are you going?" Chen Xiyi looked at Lin Feng who was squatting in the corner silently looking at You Guangjian, with a strange look on his face.

  Chen Xiyi's words made Lin Feng who was in awe suddenly react: "It's you, friend."

   "I said, where are you going to go next?" Chen Xiyi repeated it again, obviously when Lin Feng was in a trance just now, he didn't think too much.

   "Go south, I think there seems to be something attracting me, and by the way, I can challenge those sects to practice swords." Lin Feng stood up and put the lightsaber into its sheath.

  At the moment when she was sheathed, Chen Xiyi keenly noticed the changes in Lin Feng.

  【Ability 4: Swordsmanship】


  Gan, squatting here with you for a while is an epiphany.

   "Exactly, I also want to go south to find something, let's go together?" Chen Xiyi asked, he didn't expect such a coincidence.

  As for the issue of the Lightning Sword, anyway, Chen Xiyi didn't realize that it was just an ordinary sword.

   "Yes." Lin Feng said lightly.

  He didn't mind at all. Under his sword heart induction, Chen Xiyi really didn't have any malice, and seemed to have a lot of goodwill.

  Chen Xiyi smiled openly, he was not surprised by Lin Feng's promise: "Well then, let's go."

  Lin Feng nodded and followed Chen Xiyi to leave.

  As for Ye Meng, he seems to have something else to do, so I'll talk about it later.

   "Don't worry, I'll go back and pack my bags. I'll see you at the gate of Wanjian Village." After walking two steps, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that his things were still left in the previous guest room.

   And Chen Xiyi also thought about it for a while, he seemed to have some belongings to fool people.

   "Well, I forgot all my baggage. If you hadn't reminded me, I might have to come back again." Chen Xiyi thought, but still had to go get it.

   "Well, let's go."

  The direction of the guest room of the two is different, so the direction of walking is naturally different.

   "That sword, there is no problem."

  In the guest room where Chen Xiyi lived, Ye Meng had already cleaned up for Chen Xiyi, and asked when he saw Chen Xiyi coming.

   "You can't see anything as soon as you leave the rivers and lakes. How could I see it." Chen Xiyi said with a chuckle.

   This made Ye Meng startled, and then smiled, Chen Xiyi was right, even a martial artist like him can't tell, let alone a scholar who hasn't practiced martial arts.

   "Where are you going?" Ye Meng then asked.

   "Let's go south, take a stroll in the south." Chen Xiyi didn't hide it either, there's nothing to hide.

"The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is really good for you scholars, but it's not easy to go alone. It just so happens that you don't have a friendship with the Su Nu school, so follow her. The Su Nu school is in the south, and there is a caretaker on the way." , lest you run into a black shop and get slaughtered when you go out." Ye Meng gave Chen Xiyi a suggestion.

   "I don't have any friendship with Yan Guihui, not even a friend. I'm going to follow Lin Feng. With a lightsaber like him around, there must be no problem with safety."

  Chen Xiyi is not familiar with Yan Guilai, and she is not his friend, so it is nothing to follow blindly.

  Hearing this, Ye Meng was also a little surprised. It is really fate that Lin Feng, who looks like a stranger, will get together with such a bohemian Chen Xiyi.

   "Well, I wish you a smooth journey, and remember to write to me when you get there."

  Ye Meng actually wanted to go wandering with him, but he knew that he had a responsibility on his body and couldn't leave this sword forging city.

  Don't look at him drinking and dawdling around on weekdays, but his existence is one of the top combat forces in Wanjianzhuang, and he is also the direct descendant of the direct line. There is no big deal, the main task is to sit in charge.

   Therefore, you cannot leave easily.

   Unless it is said that other sects hold a grand event similar to their sword division conference, he, the second master of Wanjianzhuang, can only leave when he leads a team to participate.

  Sects not only represent resources and interests, but those with vested interests must take corresponding responsibilities to maintain the sect.

   "Okay, I'll send you some good wine when the time comes." Chen Xiyi picked up the bag, turned and left.

  【You have a conversation with Ye Meng from the Jianghu people, the atmosphere is harmonious, Ye Meng from the Jianghu people has a good impression of you +1, and the current favorability is 2 stars]


  Good guy, when you mention giving him wine, your favorability will increase, and it will be upgraded abruptly by relying on 1 point of favorability. This makes Chen Xiyi seriously suspect that Ye Meng is not friends with him, but with his wine.

  By the time he reached the gate of Wanjianzhuang, Lin Feng had already been waiting for a long time. He didn't delay on the way, so he was relatively fast.

   "Let's go."


  The figures of the two stretched very long, gradually drifting away.

   "Successfully landed, what period of history are we now in?" An excited young man asked his companion.

   It's just that the remaining two companions did not speak, with a trace of dignity in their expressions.

   "In the forty-sixth year of Emperor Dayinhuwei, there was a sword division meeting in Wanjianzhuang." Another woman said hoarsely.

   "In other words, it is the first year of You Guang, the beginning of the age of mythology." The middle-aged man showed fear.

  Hearing this, the excited young man froze.

   "We have become this history." Fear filled his eyes. They never expected that they would come to this era.

   "Boss, can we go?" The young man was afraid.

The middle-aged man known as the boss sighed: "Guo Chen, do you think it's just a joke? Can you really be sure that our arrival was an accident? No, it's part of history, it's their decision. "

"Wait, You Guang is just an ordinary warrior at this time. If I terminate him now, and if he doesn't discover the ascension ceremony, wouldn't they just disappear in the next twelve time series?" resolute.

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Nie Meng, what do you think we are? When we come into this history, we are a part of history. What you do, in itself, promotes the progress of history. If we really Can change history, so why did not one of the predecessors who went to various histories to prevent disasters succeed?"

"If we don't try, what do we do in this period of history, is to witness the birth of You Guang, the first time series, and then let the whole world fall into the disaster of the twelve time series?" Nie Meng said firmly. , now that it has come, even if it returns without success, it must prevent the beginning of the Age of Mythology and end the reign of terror of the Twelve Time Series of the Immortals.

  The Twelve Time Sequences represent the time cycle world in which the twelve immortals in the sky achieved the highest performance and powerful power through the ascension ceremony.

   Every 120 years, great terrors would appear randomly. After more than 30,000 years, no one could break free from the rule of the twelve time-series immortals.

   "That's right, we know a lot of secrets in this era, and even know the process of You Guang's ascension to immortality, and even the beginning of the age of mythology, we are fully capable of stopping it."

"In this era, the strongest ones are nothing but innate warriors. Nie Meng and I are both innate warriors. Boss, you are a master warrior above innate. Even the three strongest people in this era are no match for you, boss. One palm, not to mention You Guang who hasn't grown up yet."

   "As long as he has not become the wandering light and destroys the ritual of the immortal, then the age of mythology will cease to exist."

   Guo Chen said impassionedly, the more he talked, the more he felt that he had an advantage.

These three people came from 30,000 years later. The middle-aged man who led the team was named Zhan Xue. He was a person who dealt with the time series. The three of them took the initiative to enter the great terror formed by the twelve time series rotations and were sent into history by the immortals. .

  These histories are all in the past. If they can change history, then it is possible to end all kinds of disasters.

  Zhan Xue was moved by the words of the two of them. Before the age of mythology, the strongest were innate warriors, but after 30,000 years, basically adults have this kind of strength.

  As long as you work hard, you can become a master above the innate. This is a gift from the times, and it is also the blessings given to them by the time-series immortals.

   "No, have you ever thought that we are a part of history, and what we do is likely to promote You Guang to become an immortal?"

  Be tempted to be tempted, but Zhan Xue refused very rationally.

  It was the immortals who sent them into this history, which shows that no matter how hard they try, it will be in vain, and they may even be a part of it.

"The long-lived ones fixed the past as history, and sent the future into the past with disasters, so that they continued to **** their strength and become stronger in time. We can't change history at all. Every time we try to change history, we let The power of the immortals has gone one step further."

   "However, there is only one history. Why not take a gamble. If you win, all disasters will be ended, and if you lose, you will die." Guo Cheng objected.

   As a result, the original three-person team split into two different opinions.

   Two team members decide to change history, while the captain is against it.

  Zhan Xue opened his mouth to refute, but he found himself unable to speak.

   "You Guang sent us here, this is his conspiracy." In the end, Zhan Xue said helplessly.

"The time sequence response game was formed by You Guang after entering the container from the time sequence. Even if it is a conspiracy, it is our opportunity. If we don't grasp it, then what's the point of everything, as a tool and food for the time sequence immortals to become stronger? ?” Nie Meng retorted.

   This made Zhan Xue speechless. Indeed, from the very beginning, he was shrouded in the schemes of the immortals.

There was a long silence, and finally I felt ruthless: "The futures sent by the disaster of the last time sequence rotation have solidified into history and become the power of the immortals, and this time there are only three of us who want to prevent You Guang from being born. , it is likely to take your life.”

   "And if we don't go, find a place to hide, then we can live like emperors until we die."

   "Now start voting, the former or the latter, the minority obeys the majority."

  (end of this chapter)

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