This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 166: Passive Hero Saves the Beauty

  Chapter 166 Passive hero saves the beauty

   "You Guangjian really lives up to its reputation."

  Tang Jian, the elder brother of the Taiyue Sword Sect, cupped his hands and said with a strange air.

   "You're welcome, Brother Tang, your sword moves are also extremely exquisite." Lin Feng said with a smile, as if he didn't hear the other party's yin and yang.

   This made Tang Jian look a little unhappy, he felt that Lin Feng was also trying to blame him.

   "Relying on the strength of the magic weapon, what kind of hero is he who wins." A disciple of the Taiyue Sword Sect couldn't help mocking loudly.

  The competition between Lin Feng and Tang Jian can be regarded as quite satisfactory. Lin Feng still played such a steady behavior. In the eyes of outsiders, the two were just equal, and finally won a little bit.

   But in fact, it was Lin Feng who was following Tang Jian's rhythm, rounding out his swordsmanship little by little.

  Chen Xiyi on the side also seemed to have discovered the extraordinary aspect of Lin Feng's swordsmanship.

  That's why I took it very seriously when I was fighting swords.

  'He is no longer limited to moves, is there a move to win without a move? '

  Chen Xiyi had a weird idea that Lin Feng seemed to be gathering the strengths of a hundred schools of thought to create a sword technique.

   "I'm ashamed, it's really relying on the advantage of the magic weapon, I think, it's a tie, how about it?" Lin Feng gave a step down, and didn't think about explaining or anything like that.

  Hearing this, the expressions of the people from Taiyue Sword Sect eased down.

"Brother Lin, don't listen to what my junior brother said. You got this light sword at the sword-sharing meeting, brother Lin. Naturally, you have to use it." It's ironic, so immediately raise Lin Feng's status.

Think about it, Lin Feng is the first place in the sword division meeting, and he is tied with Lin Feng. Doesn't it mean that his strength has reached the level of the first place in the sword division meeting, as long as it spreads a little, This reputation did not come soon.

  Unfortunately, what Tang Jian didn't know was that Lin Feng looked like he was winning 50-50 against anyone else.

   Everyone was carrying this fancy sedan chair, so Lin Feng naturally followed along to chat indifferently.

   Tang Jian's praise is a bit lost.

   When he came back to his senses, Tang Jian realized that he had become the number one person of his generation. In the end, he couldn't listen anymore, so he tactfully drove him away.

   Don't drive people away and stay here for dinner?

  He came to kick the game, and he lost. If it weren't for Lin Feng's eloquence and understanding of human relations, there might be another conflict in the future.

  In the process of going down the mountain, Chen Xiyi sighed: "It's a big loss, I sold Taiyue Mountain's swordsmanship with a few compliments, I didn't expect you to have such a skill."

  In the previous competition, Lin Feng forced Tang Jian to use all the sword techniques of the Taiyue Sword School with half the speed of the sword competition, and directly took them all away.

  Let alone Lin Feng, Chen Xiyi remembered it all.

  Especially when he complimented him and then indirectly discussed swordsmanship, he quietly fumbled away all the key points of some swordsmanship.

  Normal protagonists are not allowed to pretend to be slapped in the face after being questioned, but Lin Feng turned out to be more insidious.

   "It's all about what you need. He wants face, and I want lining. How much have you learned." Lin Feng asked.

"There are not many problems in playing cats and tigers, but it is limited to these. Their fixed moves are not bad for physical exercise, but according to my guess, they lack a lot of nourishing medicine to assist them, otherwise they will lose weight if they practice like this. Hurt the body."

  Chen Xiyi, as a weak chicken-level qi refiner, a bully-level doctor, and after letting the system simulate a human body a hundred times the deduction, came to the result.

   works, but something is missing.

   "The basic sword moves of the Taiyue Three Swords set are not bad. You can practice them. I will be able to prepare the big medicine in two days." Lin Feng continued, the meaning is also obvious, you can practice as you like, and I will help you.

   "The Three Swords of Taiyue is a good introduction to swordsmanship. Most of the muscles and bones in the whole body can be effectively increased, but it is useless to me." Chen Xiyi said after comparing the Three Swords of Taiyue.

His physical fitness is under the innate qi, and he has long been detached from inhumans. Although he can still clear his blood bar with a punch, it doesn't mean that he is really weak. The bar is cleared because he has a elephant in his hand.

   "Well, I see, so you are going to practice moves now?" Lin Feng didn't ask why.

   "No, I'm going to make a battle model to form the effect of Dugu Nine Swords and Shiyi Swordsmanship, breaking everything and predicting the enemy's prophet."

   "Can you tell me about these two sword arts?" Lin Feng asked with some hesitation.

  Chen Xiyi didn't have any ideas, so he just gave him a brief summary, and by the way, he also recited a wave of Guimei and Wuwang, and Wuwang's like-minded people.

  The more I read it, the more weird I feel. Are you sure this thing is not the operation mode of a personal brain computer?

   "I don't understand, it's so complicated." After hearing this, Lin Feng shook his head and said.

"Actually, I don't understand either, but don't delay me making the battle model." Chen Xiyi collected various battle data to form the model. He doesn't really want to practice the Dugu Nine Swords by himself. There may be such a thing, but there must be a lot of it. Theory and practice plus long-term repeated practice can form an instinctive reaction.

  Lin Feng couldn't understand Dugu Nine Swords, nor what a battle model was, but he vaguely understood what Chen Xiyi was going to do.

  The two were walking on the road when they suddenly heard a shout,


  The two of them didn't stop, as if they didn't hear it.

   "Aren't you going to save someone?" Chen Xiyi asked curiously.

   "Are you ready?" Lin Feng asked back.

   "Gan, why don't you play the cards according to the routine, the voice is a woman, the hero saves the beauty and the body promises, you are not tempted at all?"

   "Don't be tempted, a woman influences me to draw my sword, why don't you go, a hero saves the beauty and a promise with your body."

   "Don't go, good-looking people will trigger the line of making love with your body, and mediocre people like me will only trigger the line of being a cow and a horse in the next life, so I don't want to waste time doing this plot."

  The two walked faster and faster, completely ignoring the shouts behind them.

   "This is entangled with us, you go back and give her a sword." Chen Xiyi found that the yelling was getting closer and closer, which was a bit too much.

   "There are a lot of people, run quickly." Lin Feng originally wanted to say yes, but when he turned his head and saw that there were too many people, he changed his mouth to run quickly.

   "Aren't you the first place in the sword division competition? Go back and kill him and turn his back on his back. What are you running for?"

  Chen Xiyi said so, but his feet are not slow, and he can completely keep up with Lin Feng who is practicing lightness kung fu and agility.

  Lin Feng rolled his eyes: "There are about twenty people, and there are two Houtian warriors, they can't beat them."

  It’s true that he is a genius, but it doesn’t mean that he can really compete with two Houtian warriors and a dozen forged warriors.

   This is still possible if you change to a practicing genius, but the practicing genius is still practicing at home at this time, and it is not time to go out at all.

   "How about, let's stand by the side of the road, anyway, we are not the ones chasing and killing." Chen Xiyi asked a very suggestive question.

  Lin Feng was silent for a while, and felt that what Chen Xiyi said seemed to make sense: "Success."

  After the two reached a consensus, they stood on the side of the road. Then, under their eyes, the woman who was being chased got off her horse and hid behind Lin Feng.

   "???" × 2

  Chen Xiyi never expected that this guy would not escape.

   "Hand over the person behind you, and the matter will be exposed." The leader of the hunter said coldly.

  Chen Xiyi and Lin Feng looked at each other and reached a consensus again.

  Chen Xiyi turned his head and ran away, while Lin Feng rushed out.

   After he squatted into the grass, he realized that the consensus between the two of them seemed to be a bit different.

   "Huh~, why don't you help." Beside him, the woman squatted beside Chen Xiyi and said.

   "You see, I have no strength to restrain a chicken, and my combat power is about 0.5 goose. If I go up, I will die. Why don't you help." Chen Xiyi looked at the situation, and just now, Lin Feng killed two Houtian warriors instantly with a sword.

  The first dozen or so people are as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

   "I'm just a weak woman, I'm going to die if I go up." The woman said delicately.

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining in his heart: 'You, an innate warrior, told me that you are a weak woman, and why Emperor Huwei is a woman and still appears here, you are simply here to squat on Lin Feng. '

  【Tang Jing of Emperor Huwei】

  【Ability 1: Innate Warrior】

  【Ability 2: Extraordinary Boxing】

  【Ability 3: Internal Power Week】


  【August: I met Lin Feng in a private interview on Weibo, and I felt very curious】


   "Oh, let's just sit here and squat, I think Lin Feng is going to win." Chen Xiyi quietly moved several steps away from Tang Jing.

  Before, he only teased Lin Feng to make trouble when he saw the name on the game map, but Lin Feng seemed to have sensed something, and he didn't fall for it at all, so he ran away with Chen Xiyi.

  Tang Jing looked at Chen Xiyi's actions, a little weird, she didn't think she would be exposed, but she was a natural martial artist.

   "Old Chen, let's go."

   After a while, all the unlucky chasers that this Emperor Huwei came from who didn't know where he came from were all gone.

   "Okay, are you hungry? Let's find something to eat." Chen Xiyi got up and ran away resolutely.

   Only Tang Jing was left in a mess in the grass. Is there something wrong with this process? Shouldn't I come over and ask her well?

   Why did they suddenly start discussing what to eat for lunch.

   "Engong, Engong, wait for me" Tang Jing gritted her teeth and chased after him. This Lin Feng seemed to be hiding a lot of secrets.

  Chen Xiyi looked at Lin Feng with pity on his face: "You are finished, you have been entangled, and you were told to run away with me. If you don't run away, now the hero saves the beauty and triggers a branch line. Let's see how you go through the next plot."

   "Just live like this, how else can you live." Lin Feng didn't know what Chen Xiyi's branch line was, but he understood what Chen Xiyi meant.

   "How about it, did you find out which direction You Guang went?" Zhan Xue looked at the two people who had gathered.

   "No, he's only one person, as long as he leaves the city, he doesn't know where he's going." Guo Chen's tone was dignified.

"I have some news. I sneaked into Wanjianzhuang to find out the origin of the lightsaber in the sword division meeting." Nie Meng told all the fate of the creator and user of the lightsaber and continued to analyze: "I suspect that we are not the first to come here." In this period of history, the builder is likely to be a futureer like us, and he may also be a believer in wandering light, and it was his enthusiasm for wandering light that prompted him to create the wandering light sword."

"It seems that this lightsaber should be an important part of his ascension ceremony. Since we can't find him, let's just go and wait for him at the place of the ascension ceremony." Zhan Xue looked coldly: "I think Let us be a whetstone to sharpen him who has not yet become a wandering light, hmph, cut him off directly at the root."

  The place where the ascension ceremony of the twelve immortals was held, of course they knew, it was a secret, but it wasn't.

  Ordinary people don't know, but they, the people who deal with the bureau, naturally found the ascension relic in the future through hard work and adding documents. Without the ascension ceremony, it is just a ruin.

  (end of this chapter)

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