This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 175: Gu Pill - Ernandu Pill

  Chapter 175 Gu Pill - Ernandu Pill

  【You have a new email, which has been stored in your mailbox, please check it】

  【A letter from Lin Feng, a person in the Jianghu】

[Old Chen, I got you the martial arts of the Qinglong Gang, and I sent it to you. I will go to other sects after a while. By the way, I met Yan Guilai on the way, and she recognized me as you friend】

  【Accessory: Book × 12】

  After reading the letter, Chen Xiyi took out all twelve martial arts cheat books and briefly read them. It is barely considered a second-rate martial arts.

   This is already the thirteenth letter sent in the past six months.

  The name of the Qinglong Gang sounds bluffing, but if you really want to say it, there are eight if not ten in the Jianghu.

Generally speaking, the sects with Gang as the suffix are basically established by some local hooligans who can learn martial arts. It's just some street sneakers who have been beaten through the body.

  However, the Qinglong gang that Lin Feng destroyed seemed to be a little bit stronger, and they were able to cobble together twelve martial arts cheat books.

   "One book of internal strength, one book of light work, one book of physical skills, four books each of fist, foot and weaponry, and the remaining one book of horizontal training and three books of swordsmanship."

  Chen Xiyi looked through it and then threw it back into the inventory, which was useless.

   "Senior, the Gu Dan you want has matured." A young man walked over and said respectfully.

   This young man is called Feng Qing, the acting leader of the Five Immortals Sect, and the fiancé of this generation of saints.

  The Holy Maiden, the next generation leader of the Five Immortals Sect, Mei Yu's direct disciple.

   That is to say, Meiyu is actually Dalin Feng's generation, which made Chen Xiyi look weird when he learned about this situation.

   This guy is still very good, at least in terms of being a person, he still has everything in mind. Although he is a little cautious, he is very interested in Chen Xiyi's Gu Wu, so he left the position of acting leader to his fiancee, the contemporary saint, to manage.

  Although Chen Xiyi didn't know why Mei Yu would give the position of acting leader to Feng Qing instead of the contemporary saint, but there must be some reason for doing so, mainly because he didn't have the time to think about these things.

   "Mature so soon? Go and see." Chen Xiyi frowned. He didn't expect it to be so fast. According to his estimation, at least he would get tomorrow.

Gu Dan is the entry point for Gu warriors, a small one contains all the Gu insect eggs needed for the secret transmission of Gu martial arts, as long as they are transplanted into the body, they can develop into Gu insects by themselves, and then flow along the blood. Arrive at the organ where it is located for symbiosis.

  Chen Xiyi pays attention to efficiency, so it cannot be said that he needs to perform operations one by one if he wants to become a Gu warrior.

   Now it's just an Enandu body, so what will happen next?

  Of course it will be mass-produced.

  Chen Xiyi came to the cultivation, and looked at the crystal clear Gu Dan: "It's really mature, maybe I misjudged the role of internal force."

  Manufacturing Gu Dan naturally requires a petri dish, and this petri dish is still very powerful.

   "Senior, this Petri dish can only grow one Gu Pill, is there some?" Feng Qing looked at Qi Bin, who was no different from a mummy, and said worriedly.

"This Gu Pill has been warmed with internal energy, and its quality is first-class. You can use other pigs and sheep animals, and you can harvest multiple pieces at once, but the quality is not as good as this one." Chen Xiyi put the Gu Pill After taking it away, Qi Bin died immediately.

  Speaking of Qi Bin, Chen Xiyi was a little angry, he was really just a rotten person, no wonder his dantian was abolished.

At the beginning, he restrained himself a little, but later, as the number of Gu worms transplanted gradually increased, his strength gradually became stronger, and he used the banner of Chen Xiyi to commit crimes outside, and even in the later stage, only the untransplanted Gu worms remained. At that time, the strength had already reached the innate level, and he still wanted to occupy the Five Immortals Sect.

   This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that his mentality has swelled up, and he has an attitude towards Chen Xiyi who is old.

  Looking like a villain.

  Chen Xiyi is not disgusted with the success of the villain, what he is disgusted with is that you dare not take him seriously and feel that you are invincible.

   Really think that if you become an innate, your wings will be hard?

   Then, Chen Xiyi made this into a petri dish for Gu Dan.

  Feng Qing stared at the Gu Pill in Chen Xiyi's hand with flickering eyes, or it could be said to be a elixir with the full name of Enandu Pill.

   In his mind, he wondered whether he could reproduce it in an all-round way, so that he could obtain this Gu Wu secret: the Enan poisonous body.

   "What, want?" Chen Xiyi looked at Feng Qing with a hint of teasing in his tone.

  Feng Qing is also a body forging warrior, but now he is already at the eighth level of body forging. The acquired warriors work hard and may be able to break through in two or three years, but the innate warriors may not have much hope.

   And this Enandu Pill enters the body, and it only takes a few days to become a congenital warrior without any side effects. Who wouldn't want it.

   What's more, it was cultivated by Chen Xiyi himself. The quality is first-class. If it is really mass-produced, the quality will definitely not be so high.

   "Think." Feng Qing said decisively.

  He has been with Chen Xiyi for two months, and he is very clear about Chen Xiyi's temperament. It is best to say what you want, and don't beat around the bush.

   "It's okay to give it to you, but as the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing, so I will give it to you if you do me a favor." How could Chen Xiyi give it away for nothing.

   As for Feng Qing helping him?

  Don't make trouble, you are learning from him, and he will explain the principles to him during the experiment. No matter how you look at it, Feng Qing's gains far outweigh his efforts.

   "Senior, please give me instructions." Feng Qing is not a fool, and Chen Xiyi is willing to let him help and explain to him. This is already a great favor, and basically he is almost like a master.

   "There are ten sects in the world, Baiyang Sword Sect, Xueyu League, Tianxin Sect, Yixian Valley, Five Immortals Sect, Su Nu Sect, Jiuyuanmen, Snow Mountain Temple, Damolou, and Wanjianzhuang."

   "Among the ten sects, there are good and evil. Except for the two sects of Baiyang Jianzong and Xueyumeng, which have innate warriors on the surface, the strongest of the other eight sects are only acquired warriors."

   "So, I need you to help me get all the inheritance of Yixian Valley, including medical books, martial arts, miscellaneous studies, etc."

  Among these ten sects, Yixian Valley not only practices martial arts, but its main job is actually to cure diseases and save lives.

  So Chen Xiyi has taken a fancy to the inheritance of the Immortal Medicine Valley.

   "Senior, there is nothing I can do about it." Feng Qing said helplessly.

  Let him go to the Immortal Medicine Valley to **** the inheritance, not to mention how to bring it back after he snatched it, let's talk about how he snatched it.

Immortal Medicine Valley does not have congenital powerhouses on the surface, but secretly there are, just like his Five Immortals Sect. Although it is said that an acquired warrior like Mei Yu is the strongest of the Five Immortals Sect, in fact there are still The existence of an innate strong man.

   And even if you don't mention the innate strong, the acquired strong is enough for Feng Qing to drink a pot.

   Not everyone is Lin Feng, who can easily leapfrog and kill. Feng Qing has only one fate for the strong after tomorrow, and that is death.

  Feng Qing can become an eighth-level body forging warrior at this age, coupled with the already proficient swordsmanship, he is already considered a top group of geniuses among his peers in this era.

   Thirty thousand years later, it is true that he will be an innate martial artist casually, but not now, it is still just an ordinary martial arts world.

  Chen Xiyi threw the Ernandu Pill to Feng Qing, which may be very precious to Feng Qing, but to Chen Xiyi, what is really precious is this technology and data.

  With these things, Chen Xiyi can have as many of these pills as he wants.

   "Get it back in a month, is there any problem?" Chen Xiyi looked at Feng Qing who had caught the Ernandu Pill.

  Feng Qing looked at the Enandu Pill in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "No problem, senior."

   "That's good, you should know how to use it." Chen Xiyi saw that the other party agreed, then everything would be easy.

   "Understood, senior."

   As he said that, Feng Qing cut a big **** in his palm, and put the Ernandu Pill on the wound.

  I saw that the elixir quickly melted and penetrated into the wound after contacting the blood, and flowed to the whole body along the blood vessels.

  At this time, the Gu worms have already hatched in order.

   At most one day, it will be able to completely return to its original position, allowing it to build an Enandu body.

   "Go back and take a good rest. Within a month, you will become a master who is superior to the innate." Chen Xiyi said.

  Feng Qing's expression changed, Grandmaster warrior? Inborn?

  He never thought that there is still a way beyond the innate. You must know that the three innates on the surface have been stuck in this realm for an unknown number of years.

   And it was so easy for him, he could become a master martial artist within a month, which made him a little dazed.

  Being able to become a master martial artist so quickly is thanks to Zhan Xue. If it weren't for such a sample like him, Chen Xiyi would not be able to deduce the secret of Gu Wu: E Nan Poison Body to the master level without enough data.

   "Yes, senior, then I will take my leave first." After Feng Qing finished speaking, he turned and left.

  Chen Xiyi was busy with the matter at hand.

   "Why didn't You Guang respond? According to the normal situation, history has already gone wrong. Even because of me, whether Lin Feng can become an immortal is another possibility."

   "Is there a possibility that history has changed, Lin Feng did not become an immortal, so You Guang was not born, and there is no follow-up Twelve Time Series, so there is no movement from the other party."

   "That's not right. If there is no You Guang, these three outsiders will either not come, or they will have disappeared. This is a paradox."

   "Or, the future You Guang still exists, even the change of history has not corrected him, but because of the historical shift, he can't send the future again?"

   "Or the future has not changed because of my behavior at all, Lin Feng will still walk on his original path."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi had many guesses, but basically they were all guesses.

  Since these days, everything has been calm, without any changes.

   Originally, Chen Xiyi thought that You Guang would send his followers to revise history, but he didn't expect that there was no movement after so long.

  Of course, it is also possible that they have already come, but Chen Xiyi doesn't know about it.

  He doesn't have time to stare at the game map all day, and the game map is so big, even if he stares all day, he may not be able to find anything of value.

   “There are so many things involved that there is absolutely no way to make an accurate estimate.”

   Regarding You Guang and Lin Feng, the Twelve Seasons and the Immortals, Chen Xiyi has no clue at all. For him, this is now.

  For You Guang, Chen Xiyi is in the past and history.

  The distance between them is not space, but time.

  If you can find You Guang, Chen Xiyi can take 20,000 three-enchanted TNT and practice with the opponent to see who is stronger, but now you can't find You Guang, so you can only find your 4.5-star friend Lin Feng.

  (end of this chapter)

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