This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 176: The historical puppet of the Chronological Immortal

  Chapter 176 The Historical Puppet of Time-Series Immortals

  【It seems that someone in the north has excavated the ancient ruins, it seems to be your friend】


   This game log has no beginning and no end, which is derived from Zhangliu's ability to attract wind and ears.

   It should be saying that Lin Feng found the birthplace of the Ascension Ceremony.

  This ability is actually rather useless. The information obtained every time it is activated is trivial. It is too difficult to randomly obtain useful information, and it depends on luck.

  What Chen Xiyi gets the most is when parents are short-sighted, such as XX picked up a penny or XX got angry because the vegetable market was closed today, etc.

  Chen Xiyi's blood pressure is about to rise from the gossip, which is of no use to him at all. It can only be said to be a good news.

   "I don't know what Lin Feng can find, I hope it can be useful."

  Chen Xiyi didn't have much hope for this. Even the Ascension Ceremony itself was eroded by the concept of the sword. How could it be possible for the place of origin to be independent? Maybe there is not much original information left.

   "Senior, I have something to ask you." A voice came from outside the door.

   Chen Xiyi is familiar with this voice, it is the contemporary saint of Five Immortals, that is, Feng Qing's fiancée Nalan Yao.

  Feng Qing had already left Miaojiang three days ago and went to the Valley of Immortal Medicine. After all, he wanted to fulfill his promise to Chen Xiyi.

   As for running away after claiming the benefits of whoring for nothing?

Anyone with a normal mind would not think this way. If they really dare to do this, they might be chased and killed by a large number of Gu warriors with Evil poisonous bodies. Then make a hundred or so pieces.

   "What's the matter with you." Chen Xiyi looked back at Nalan Yao, and the moment he saw the other party's prefix, his tone couldn't help but pause.

  【Nalan Yao of the Immortal, HP: 100%, Status: History Puppet】

  【Ability 1: Ninth Timing】

  【Ability 2: Longevity Martial Artist】

  【Ability 3: Skill is close to Dao (sword)】

  【Ability 4: Root Immortality】


  【April: Through the connection to the origin of ascension, and the other ten time series came to the chaotic history to assist the first time series to become the immortal again】

  【April: Manage things of the Five Immortals】

  【April: Farewell to fiance Feng Qing】


  The Nalan Yao in front of me is not the Nalan Yao from yesterday, but the Ninth Sequence Eternal from the future.

'Hiss~ Thinking about it this way, it turns out that under normal circumstances, Nalan Yao is with Lin Feng, not with Feng Qing. Thinking about it carefully, Mei Yu has robbed her disciple's husband, leaving Feng Qing as the unlucky one. Oh, why is this so messy. '

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining, this is outrageous.

  More importantly, only eleven of the twelve time-series immortals came, and the rest were probably You Guang who didn't come.

   Obviously, due to historical changes, You Guang also encountered some troubles at the same time, otherwise, how could there be only eleven timings.

   But this surprised Chen Xiyi, because he thought it would be a believer in Youguang, but he didn't expect it to be a time series immortal.

  Before, Chen Xiyi thought that timing was just a title, but he didn't expect it to be an ability. Obviously, it should be the ability brought about by the ascension ceremony.

  The ability of a long-lived warrior is likely to be a certain realm of the warrior, and the swordsmanship that is close to the Tao seems to indicate that the concept of the sword has penetrated the remaining eleven time-series immortals.

   As for the ultimate source of immortality, this made Chen Xiyi more confused, but the ability can be seen from the word immortality, and it may be similar to the ability of the blood of the phoenix.

   "I just want to ask senior, who are you?" Nalan Yao raised his head, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi couldn't help but gasped: "Why did your eyes flash a little light just now, and how did you do it? It's so terrifying, so terrifying."

   "???" Nalan Yao couldn't help but froze, you must be out of your mind.

  It just recovered quickly: "Senior, there is no need to talk about him. I don't think senior should exist in this history."

   After finishing speaking, a sword light flashed.

  【Nalan Yao of the Longevity launched an attack on you, causing 0% damage to your health】

  【Enchantment: The thorns bounce back the attack of Nalan Yao of the Immortal, causing 100% damage to Nalan Yao of the Immortal】

  【You killed Nalan Yao of the Immortal】

  【Durability of alloy body armor decreased by 70 points】

  【Alloy helmet durability decreased by 70 points】

  In an instant, Nalan Yao exploded into a ball of flesh and blood before Chen Xiyi's eyes.

   He was stunned for a moment, this speed is indeed very fast, faster than the master martial artist, and in terms of physical fitness, he is many times stronger than Chen Xiyi.

Of course, it is not as good as the holy knight Chris Phoenix transformed by the alchemists. Judging from the durability of the equipment, it can be seen that this sword only lost 70 points of durability, and it is really human. It exploded.

  At the beginning, Chris’s health dropped to 100%, and there was no abnormality, and he was still able to attack crazily.

   However, although this Nalan Yao's physical fitness is not as good, it is even more amazing. After the burst flesh and blood dissipated like spots, a brand new Nalan Yao appeared.

  She died, but not quite dead, and came back to life.

Nalan Yao, who had just been resurrected, had a dignified look on her face. She didn't realize how she died at all. She only felt a terrifying force erupting in her body. Before she could react, her whole body was gone. It's time to wake up again.

   "An unknown immortal? No wonder you can sense something wrong in history, but today you can't keep you, look at the trick."

  The long sword in Nalan Yao's hand attacked Chen Xiyi again, but Chen Xiyi didn't care about it at all.

  Several figures emerged, and immediately wrestled with Nalan Yao.

   I have to say that Nalan Yao's strength is still very strong, at least none of these figures can withstand her sword.

   It's just that Chen Xiyi's figures are endless, he kills one and makes up ten more, directly relying on the number to hold Nalan Yao back.

   "Interesting situation, you occupy the current body of Nalan Yao, no, not occupying, but replacing, Nalan Yao at this time has disappeared, only you, the ninth time-sequence immortal in the future."

   "So You Guang dare not come to the history of this time, because once he comes, he will replace Lin Feng."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Nalan Yao, as if trying to find some clues from her body language, but the other party didn't respond at all.

   "Let me guess, the reason you won't die is because You Guang didn't die, so no matter what kind of injury or death you have suffered, you won't really die, because You Guang is the root of you."

   "Although you are immortals, you are only subordinates of You Guang. If something goes wrong with You Guang, you will not be able to escape."

  Chen Xiyi expressed his guess again. The opponent did not show any physical performance, but a flash of disdain and surprise flashed in the status bar.

  The two flashing states made Chen Xiyi understand that he might have guessed something right.

   But he doesn't know the specifics, and he has to arrest the other party first.

   "Very good strength, but unfortunately still a little short."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Nalan Yao, who had slashed all the way to Chen Xiyi with his exquisite swordsmanship and strong strength.

   "Die, immortal who has not entered the sequence."

   Nalan Yao stabbed out with the long sword, Chen Xiyi stretched out his hand, and caught the long sword easily.

In the battle with the shadow just now, a large amount of her battle data was supplemented into his battle model. With these battle data, even if Chen Xiyi couldn't react, the system could rely on mechanical judgment to make advance predictions. Judgment and counterattack.

  Chen Xiyi was wearing a glove, the goblin manxiang, the defense and strength of his hands exploded, he easily caught the long sword, and then punched Nalan Yao in the head.

  It's a pity that Nalan Yao's reaction is much faster than Chen Xiyi's. Even if the elephant has a thick and thin ability, it is not specialized in agility, but in strength, so this punch failed.

  But the berserk power plus the terrifying power erupted from the innate stellar energy still formed a powerful air wave.

  Chen Xiyi's strength was superimposed on the Manxiang's Manxiang's great strength, and a huge air wave spiral was formed in the entire Miaojiang Five Immortals Cave.

  His physical fitness may not be comparable to Nalan Yao, but if the strength of his hands is second, no one in this world would dare to be the first.

   Only limited to hands, other places will not work.

   Dao after sword qi burst open, split the spiral of air waves, and turned into a sword glow.

   "I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to display the strength of a long-lived warrior before you entered the sequence. It's just, and it's limited to this. It's just a mere historical remnant, and it's delusional. Let's solidify into history obediently."

  The sword glow wrapped in the sword intent, like a green poisonous snake opened its mouth and bit Chen Xiyi.

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sneered, thinking that he was easy to bully.

   You know, he has stayed in the Miaojiang Five Immortals Cave for more than a year, and he has changed the overall layout to form a formation.

   "Innate Gang Qi Town."


  The sword intent was instantly covered by a large number of hands, Nalan Yao's expression changed, and her warrior instinct told her that the overall surrounding environment had changed, and it had become a dead place.

   "I didn't expect you to build a time-series world here, but it's a pity that it hasn't been completed yet. The next time I see you, I will definitely let your blood splatter on the spot."

  Chen Xiyi said that this is what you want to come?

  The Xiantian Gang Qi turned into nine invisible dragons, which suppressed Nalan Yao in just a moment, dragged it up and turned it into nine chains to bind it firmly.

  Filled it into the eye of the formation as soon as he started, and attracted the power of the mountains and leylines of the entire mountain to form a cage.

   "You come as soon as you say, leave as soon as you say, and you want my life, heh, I really thought I could not be made of clay, this clay figurine is still angry." Chen Xiyi looked at Nalan Yao with a sneer.

  This is an excellent experiment.

   "How dare you treat me like this, let me go quickly, otherwise"

   "Otherwise what? Kill me? Oh, isn't that what your purpose was from the beginning?" Chen Xiyi casually gagged Nalan Yao's mouth, and then directly sealed it.

  To tell the truth, coming to the lair of a qi refiner to kill a qi refiner is the stupidest way of death Chen Xiyi has ever seen.

  He still only uses the congenital qi-suppressing tactic, and the same series also includes the dictating tactic and the sealing tactic, which are only used for control, and there are other tactic for killing, twisting, and magic.

  Before, in order to collect the opponent's battle data, he would let a wave go, otherwise Chen Xiyi would be able to capture the opponent alive in one face-to-face.

  His physical fitness is indeed not as good as Nalan Yao's, but Qi practitioners do not rely on their own physical fitness, but rely on their souls.

If Chen Xiyi really wants to fight against the opponent, then he is still a kind of Qi refiner. The reason why he wants to strengthen his physical fitness is to supplement his own shortcomings, but it does not mean that Chen Xiyi will use the shortcomings that have been completed to fight against others Head-to-head confrontation is what a fool can do. Of course, what he has to do is to use his strengths to the extreme to deal with the enemy.

  (end of this chapter)

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