This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 187: If the main base is blown up, you will have to fight with You Guang

  Chapter 187 If the main base blows up, you will have to fight with You Guang

  【You used the skill attunement psychic on the lightsaber】

  【You Guangjian is 1% in spiritual awakening】

  【You get Timing Fairy: Knight】

  【Timing Fairy: Knight】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Historical Travel】

  【Ability 2: Swordsmanship Warrior】

  【Ability 3: High-ranking bankers】

  【You received an ear report Timing Fairy: Knight, acquired status: murderous aura】

  【The bond list of all things has been updated】

  【Eighteen Martial Arts: Knife (vacant), Spear (vacant), Sword (chronological fairy: knight).】

  【Fresh Clothes and Angry Horse: Jianghu People (Sequential Fairy: Knight), Steed Horse (Vacant)】

  Chen Xiyi looked at the chivalrous man who was only the size of a palm, carrying a bag and a bamboo hat and a face scarf, with a wine gourd and a miniature long sword pinned to his waist, which could be vaguely seen to be the Guangjian.

  ‘Isn’t this the son of the frog next door? Can this be plagiarized? "

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but complain.

The main core ability is historical travel. A knight can travel to various historical times and bring back something to Chen Xiyi. As for what it is, Chen Xiyi doesn't know, but the foundation is spiritual or has historical background items.

   You must know that items with historical background are not necessarily some powerful items, which will be damaged and perish due to various reasons, while the knight can help him bring it back from history before it disappears.

  Not to mention the unparalleled swordsmanship, the knight has extremely superb swordsmanship, which represents his combat effectiveness, allowing him to have enough strength to do what he wants to do during the historical journey.

  The last gangster is different, it is a kind of charm, so that the knight can make friends better and become a heroic gangster.

   "Knight, don't go on a historical trip. Blacksmith, put down your work of forging equipment for me, and make a set of exclusive equipment for the knight to ensure his safety." Chen Xiyi said hello to the blacksmith who was on the side.

  【Xia Ke agrees with you very much, and said that he will first practice martial arts in his homeland】

  【The blacksmith nodded hesitantly, indicating that there is no problem, but it will take a while】

   "Time is not a problem. After the construction is finished, let him see how to strengthen the enchantment and so on. Knight, this food is for you."

  After Chen Xiyi finished making the knight's Hakoniwa, he made some food for him.

  【Jianghu Package (Fairy Food)×100】

  【Saturation +100】

  【Fairy growth +1】

  【Fairy Heart +1】

   To be honest, he was a little confused when he saw this Jianghu set meal. It is both wine and meat, and it really fits the name of a knight.

  After finishing all this, Chen Xiyi left his homeland. He still had a lot of things to deal with.

  For example, the matter of the Five Immortals Sect, he got a little dizzy when he thought about it.

   "How can I win? I'm afraid I can't do it if I eat up the opposite side, but the day lily will be cold after ten or eight years."

  Chen Xiyi really didn't have much confidence. He wanted to help Lin Feng in his heart, but in fact, when he came back to his senses and analyzed again, he really didn't have much chance of winning.

  The flying dragon is on the face, how can the opponent lose?

  【You have a new email, which has been stored in your mailbox, please check it】

  【A letter from Lin Feng of the Immortal】

  【Old Chen, look, I found something good. I think you liked it before, so I sent it to you specially, and there is something else】

  【Attachment: Spirituality of History × 3】

"What is this thing? The spirituality of the historical background, why are you sending me this thing, good brother, don't worry, Lao Lin, let alone the flying dragon riding on the face, even if the main base blows up, I have to turn the tables on you. It won't work for anyone."

  【Spirituality of historical background ×3】

  【Use of items with incomplete historical background and spirituality: spirituality +1】

  A top-level goblin, in addition to having sufficient historical background, also needs complete spirituality.

  Normally speaking, the historical background is relatively easy to gather, and a longer period of time is basically no problem, but it is more difficult to complete spirituality, which requires experience, and it is difficult to complete this period.

  Now with the spirituality of this historical background, Chen Xiyi can make up for the incomplete spirituality.

   Another meaning is that as long as he has enough spirituality from the historical background, he can choose what kind of goblins to enchant, which makes him a great help in getting the goblin fetters, instead of relying on randomness every time.

  For example, the golden book and the jade book, he has the jade book, he can find a golden book with historical details but incomplete spirituality for spiritual completion, directly make it have complete spirituality, and then complete such a fetter after enlightenment.

  【Old Lin, I like this thing very much. Find more for me. Don’t worry, within a month, within a month, I will reduce the number of people on the other side by half】

  Chen Xiyi immediately replied a letter to Lin Feng.

   This person was forced out. If Chen Xiyi was asked to pull a hundred catties of dirt, no matter how strong he was, his back would ache.

  But if it is this hundred catties of gold, he can not only lift it up, but also run wildly all the way, so fast that he can't even see the shadow.

   What's more, this is something he needs urgently, so he can't fight his life.

  【Okay, no problem, there are a lot of these things, but with You Guang around, it’s hard for me to pick them up.】

  【Appendix: Spirituality of historical background × 7】

   "Hiss~ You Guang is not dead, I can't sleep or eat." After taking a breath, Chen Xiyi couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

  This kind of existence that harms the country and the people, Chen Xiyi, as a scholar, must eradicate it, otherwise, how can he be worthy of all living beings in the world.

  At this time, Chen Xiyi could say that he wished to eat Youguang's flesh and blood, and drink with his head.

   "Don't say it's been ten years, even if it's a hundred thousand years, I have to fight this You Guang to the end, let him know what is called the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life."

  Chen Xiyi has decided that this time, even if he puts all the wealth saved by the Dali Kingdom into it, he will win.

Relying directly on the guardian of the homeland, he teleported back to the Five Immortals Cave, which had already been transformed into a sanctuary by him, with the existence of an air wall, and even the strongest blow of the longevity warrior could not reduce the durability of the air wall, probably Damage intensity less than 1000 is directly immune.

  Even long-lived warriors are not good, let alone grandmaster warriors. It is estimated that only You Guang can make the air wall released by the home protector lose its durability.

   It's just that You Guang has been entangled by Lin Feng at this time, and he has no time to make a move.

"You're back. The Five Immortals Sect has already been taken over by those unknown warriors. If it wasn't for your Qimen Dunjia in the Five Immortals Cave, they would have already entered by now." Mei Yu's tone was anxious when she saw Chen Xiyi's return. .

   "Don't worry, the red-named NPC can't come in without my permission."

  Homeland protectors have the ability to identify. Green names can open permanent access permissions, white names can obtain temporary permissions, and red names can't get in without Chen Xiyi's permission.

  For example, Feng Qing before, he was famous, and he could only enter the Five Immortals Cave after Chen Xiyi allowed it, and this was only a license.

   "You guys should rest first, anyway, you can't help much."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the number of people, there were about twenty people, old and young, male and female, they should be the core members of the Five Immortals Sect.

   But the strength is really unbearable to look directly at. The young ones are probably forged warriors, and the old ones are also acquired warriors. The innate warriors are just one person.

  Compared with the overwhelming number of innate warriors and master warriors outside, it is a world of difference.

   What's more, those warriors have all kinds of weapons, such as firearms similar to thermal weapons, but the power is no longer gunpowder but internal force.

  As long as there is enough internal force, the firearm can burst out with terrifying power, which is stronger than the full blow of a master warrior.

   There are also airships, chariots, exoskeleton armor, etc. Even if the comer is not an innate or master warrior, relying on these equipment can sweep the entire world.

   "What about the food and water? We didn't have time to move them before, and even if we had them, they wouldn't last long." Mei Yu looked helpless. There were not many people, but they must be consumed.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." After Chen Xiyi sighed, he developed part of the Five Immortals Cave into farms and pastures, planted trees and a little wheat at random, and after putting some chickens and ducks in the pasture, he dug again. A small pool.

  After thinking about it, three more toilets were built.

  Finally, a bonfire was placed for making food.

  After briefly explaining to Mei Yu, he opened some of her daily authority and let her handle these things by herself, he didn't have time to talk about these things with these people.

  If it weren't for the fact that Mei Yu and Lin Feng were husband and wife, and Mei Yu was his 3-star friend, Chen Xiyi wouldn't bother with these people.

  Mei Yu's friend level also came from talking with Lin Feng, not by himself.

  But this Mei Yu did not become a 4-star friend like Mi Hong, and I don’t know whether it is Mei Yu’s character or Lin Feng is not as attractive as Li Zhao.

  Lin Feng didn't have many friends for Chen Xiyi, not like Li Zhao, who had tens or hundreds of friends, and basically they could help him get 3-star friends.

  However, Lin Feng couldn’t be said to be inferior to Li Zhao, the things he gave were much better than Li Zhao’s.

   "I see, when will Brother Feng come back?"

  Mei Yu still couldn't help asking, after all, Lin Feng just disappeared, Chen Xiyi is probably the only one who knows what's going on now.

   "In a few days, I will come back when I win You Guang, and I will help him."

  Chen Xiyi listened to the chaotic sounds outside. It was someone attacking his Sanctuary of the Five Immortals Cave, but it didn’t have any effect. He turned on the sound insulation effect directly, and it became quiet all of a sudden.

  You Guang placed the border of the two time points in Miaojiang, and the Five Immortals Church naturally bore the brunt.

  Ordinary Jianghu people don't have much to do, at most they surrender, but Chen Xiyi and the others can't do it. They are rebels, so they must not be killed.

  Mei Yu opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words she wanted to ask.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game map, and he found that the game map was really honest, and the opposite world was also recorded, which was equivalent to doubling the map.

  After simply looking at it twice, Chen Xiyi ignored it, and instead returned to his own experimental area to conduct his own experiments.

   "There are too many people on the other side. If I want to eat them, unless I have the strength of Ji Shan, otherwise the individual power will not be able to shake the other party at all. Therefore, I have to have more people than them."

  For Chen Xiyi, it is not very possible for ants to kill elephants, but for these innate warriors and master warriors, it is still possible.

   "The population is insufficient, so I'll replace it with bugs."

  Chen Xiyi knows his own strengths and weaknesses, so he won't foolishly say to train those twenty or so people. What's the use of twenty or so people?

  So, he can only rely on his own sword to take the lead.

   "Hey, I'm obviously a decent person, but I've been taking the wrong edge. Why is it so difficult to be an upright person?"

  Chen Xiyi felt a little helpless about his behavior. It was normal at the beginning, so why is it getting weirder and weirder.

  (end of this chapter)

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