This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 188: Drain from the bottom

  Chapter 188 Drain from the bottom

   "The two foundations of a warrior are dantian and internal force. All future technologies, whether it is firearms or exoskeleton armor, rely on internal force as the core theory."

"But obviously, You Guang has restricted this kind of development, otherwise, I should not be facing such a group of people, but endless combat robots, intercontinental cruise missiles, aerospace aircraft carriers and other terrifying technological weapons .”

   "And what I have to do is to take the root out of the pot, invalidate the internal force they rely on most, and make the dantian a burden for them."

  "Without their foundation, they are just a group of cattle and sheep at the mercy of others."

  In Chen Xiyi's hand, a Gu worm that is too small to be seen by the naked eye is being created by him little by little.

He has seen what a person with a broken dantian looks like. Not only does his internal energy dissipate, but he is also weak and sick. Even an acquired martial artist without his dantian is just a sick child. Even if his physical fitness is still there, he seems to be weak Same.

  The reason is very simple, let alone a broken dantian, even a broken intestine is the same for normal people. Although the dantian is miraculous, it is only an organ and does not exist independently of the human body.

  Chen Xiyi made Gu warriors to take the human body as a whole instead of selecting organs individually.

   "After 30,000 years, the technology of treating dantian may become popular, but they must have time for treatment."

  Chen Xiyi put the Gu worm he had just made on his palm, and compiled it further.

   "Acquired, Xiantian, and Grandmaster, these three levels are the goals, body forging can be omitted, they can't cause too much trouble."

   "It's called Devouring Gu, it swallows people's strength."

   The beetle-like Gu insect, which was too small to be recognized by the naked eye, spread its wings and was released by Chen Xiyi outside the Sanctuary of the Five Immortals Cave.

   "Captain, the Miaojiang Five Immortals Cave cannot be opened. It seems that something is blocking it." A young man wearing exoskeleton armor showed a bit of aggrieved expression. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

  The middle-aged man called the captain also had a big head, and it was the first time he had encountered such a thing. The internal artillery had been bombing for nearly a day, but the opponent remained motionless.

   There are nearly a thousand people gathered here, and there is no fire day and night.

  Although I don't know why the superiors pay so much attention to such a place, but judging from such a solid defense, it is definitely not an easy place.

"Continue to bombard me. We can't stop if the superiors don't give way. Cough~" the middle-aged man said, coughing, as if he had choked on the dust raised by the artillery bombing in his throat. He didn't care, but It's just small things, not big things.

   "Yes, Captain." Although the young man looked aggrieved, he didn't say anything, just obey the order.

  Ten minutes later, the middle-aged captain's expression suddenly changed, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

   "Please take a look for me first. I'm going to the medical team. For some reason, I always feel that my body is a little weak." The middle-aged captain pulled the deputy captain beside him, with a hint of weakness in his tone.

   "Is it so imaginary? I didn't see you sneaking into the corner to do handicrafts last night. Go quickly." After the deputy captain teased, he also saw that something was wrong with the middle-aged man, and said immediately.

"Cough~ Maybe it's a cold syndrome. I'm getting older, so I can't compare to you young people." After the middle-aged man coughed, a large cloud of fine and invisible dust was spewed out from his mouth and nose, and then scattered. open.

  The vice-captain didn't pay attention to these, as he breathed, a lot of dust sank into his body.

  After the middle-aged man said this, he staggered away, coughing all the way, and felt that his body was getting heavier.

  When he came to the medical team, his face was already very pale.

  When the warriors of the medical team saw this situation, they hurriedly helped him to the hospital bed and checked him.

   It's just that no matter whether it's internal force detection or technological equipment testing, nothing strange is found, and it looks very healthy.

   "It is likely to be an allergic symptom. This is a physical factor, and the internal force cannot be adjusted. What did you eat?" As he said that, the medical warrior gave the middle-aged man an injection very skillfully.

  After this injection, the symptoms obviously recovered a lot.

"I didn't eat anything, I just ate in the cafeteria, and I used to eat these things without any problems, why did I suddenly become allergic?" Every time the middle-aged man took a breath, a large amount of invisible tiny dust floated out of his mouth and nose Spread out.

Hearing this, the medical warrior was also very strange: "Isn't it an allergy? It should be acclimatization, but your acclimatization is quite special. If you are weak, you will be weak, and your internal strength will still increase. When you recover, do a special one." Physical examination, maybe you have some special constitution, it is a blessing in disguise."

   "But don't worry, I've checked it. Apart from acclimatization, you are in good health. Just sleep and you'll be fine. It's not a big deal."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man also had a reassurance. Although this medical warrior was a little unreliable, he really felt comfortable after the injection. Although he was still weak, he felt a little ecstatic It feels like the whole body is soaked in warm water.

   Within a few minutes, he fell into a deep sleep.

  Looking at this scene, the medical warrior couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "This is really true. It seems that the tough battle last night was not easy."

  For this situation, he just attributed it to being too tired.

"I didn't expect the superiors to be able to use You Guang to obtain the passage of history, and it was just at the beginning of the age of mythology. It's a pity that if it had been earlier, it might have killed You Guang directly." .

  This world is so beautiful, compared with the original world, it is simply a paradise-like existence.

  Whether it is the environment or the food, he felt a sense of enjoyment that he had never had before. Even a bowl of ordinary corn tasted stronger than the black moss he ate before.

   There is no sunshine, no rain, many plants are extinct, and even the drinking water is filtered many times, which is a weird taste that is difficult to swallow.

  The plants became extinct, and the drinking water could not be drunk without filtering, which also led to the death and extinction of a large number of animals. The animals that survived were basically the existence of multiple screening and evolution.

  So they all call the world they are in the land of the fallen, and this is the new world here.

  Whether they are men, women, old or young, they all want to come to this new world. Even if it is said to be cannon fodder, it is better than rotting in the occupied land.

  The population here is smaller than them, and the strength is lower than them, so there is no way to stop their arrival.

  Even if this place was 30,000 years ago, their history has passed, but what does it have to do with them, I can't live anymore, so I don't care about my ancestors.

   What's more, who knows who the ancestor was 30,000 years ago.


   "It's strange, my throat is a little itchy, maybe this person also has cold syndrome and infected it to me, but I am a master warrior, how could I have cold syndrome."

   "It seems that I am also a little uncomfortable."

  After the medical warrior checked himself, he found that there was no problem, so he could only helplessly think that it was because he was not acclimatized.

   After all, it was 30,000 years ago, so it's normal that it doesn't apply. Fortunately, they are master warriors, otherwise, there would be a problem.

And according to their instructions, there will likely be a period of high incidence of epidemics in the future. After all, they come from the future and come in by themselves, not sent by You Guang. It was a catastrophe before.

The viruses and bacteria from 30,000 years ago are also effective for them, but because most of them are innate warriors and master warriors with strong internal forces, the threat to them is actually much smaller .

  However, it is not ruled out that the cause of infection may be caused by the acclimatization, just need to take a rest.

  That's why the medical warrior thinks that the captain is either allergic or acclimatized.

   And the situation that happened to him was naturally the same. He didn't take it to heart, but he didn't think too much after giving himself an injection.

  He felt that his condition was much lighter than that of the other party, at least he was not as weak as he looked, and he was not lethargic.

"The phagocytosis Gu is running correctly, and has begun to multiply and split, but some of them died because of inapplicability. Most of them have undergone an evolution on the first-generation petri dish, and the second evolution is now also on the second-generation petri dish. It's done, it will be finished in about two hours."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the large amount of data fed back from the system panel, and he monitored every Devouring Gu through the system.

   Devouring Gu itself is a Gu insect, but because Chen Xiyi added mana, it can receive real-time feedback and return data, and later it can be recycled into accumulation.

   Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste, which serves multiple purposes.

   Devouring Gu itself has extremely strong adaptability and evolution ability, and it can also carry out camouflage, detection, and extremely terrifying reproduction ability.

  Unless you are a Qi refiner, you will never be able to detect Power Devouring Gu, because Devouring Gu is not a simple Gu insect, but also a synthetic Gu made by Chen Xiyi.

  Like internal force Gu, it is a completely non-existing Gu.

   It can be regarded as a messy combination of creations.

   "At most three hours, all these people can be infected with Devouring Gu, and the third round of evolution will also start."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the data fed back by a large number of Devouring Gu, and Chen Xiyi continued to deduce the follow-up.

   "According to this speed of evolution and reproduction, as long as the fluidity is sufficient, all fighters above the forging body can be infected within ten days."

   "And the incubation period is about 15 days. It's no problem to let them lose half of them within a month."

  The first-generation Petri dishes showed coldness and weakness due to various reasons. After adaptation and evolution in the second generation, only some coughs remained, and there were no sequelae such as weakness at all.

As for the third generation, according to Chen Xiyi's speculation, it will not make it cough, and even like ordinary people, it will only secretly hide in the dantian, disguised as internal strength, so the previous medical warrior felt that the middle-aged The reason for the increase in the internal strength of the captain.

  In the third generation, Devouring Gu will not have any pathological features at all, but instead will appear to make the host feel that its strength has increased.

  Because a large number of Devouring Gu that reproduced are disguised as internal energy, this makes warriors feel that their internal energy has increased.

  Furthermore, as the internal force of the martial artist moves around during cultivation, it goes to every part of the body to reproduce and split, so that every time the martial artist exercises, the internal force of the martial artist does not increase, but the force-eating Gu increases instead.

"The Devouring Gu has to evolve at least three times before it can stop. The opponent is a warrior from 30,000 years later. The time gap is too big. It is still being adjusted 30,000 years ago. It is estimated that the Devouring Gu will have to be updated again. After three generations, a true fit can be achieved."

   "According to this update and reproduction speed, three rounds of updates should be completed tomorrow morning."

  (end of this chapter)

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