This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 189: The traveling knight and him

  Chapter 189 The Traveling Knight and Him

  A squad leader’s cold syndrome caused by acclimatization did not attract much attention, and the other people who came out of the occupied land had more or less one or two acclimatization.

   These are not big things, after all, every warrior who comes to the new world from the fallen land is a mobile virus natural disaster.

  The places they passed, even if they didn’t need to be killed, the viruses and bacteria they carried were enough to make the whole city dead silent.

   The warriors in the occupied land didn't care about it at all. It would be better to die, and they would save a lot of resources.

   Since Lin Feng and You Guang divided it into two, the two times have completely become two opposing time points, even if they are one.

   It is also this kind of weird situation that makes the original butterfly effect, grandmother paradox, etc. unable to take effect. Otherwise, with such a huge killing alone, you will have to kill 1,000 enemies and lose 10,000 yourself.

  Chen Xiyi has never studied it, so he has no idea about the future results of the intersection of the two time points.

  Of course, he didn't want to study these things in the past, this is not something he can study, what he has to do now is to let these people all die suddenly because of the force-phagating Gu, and become the resources he needs.

"There are at least 8 million troops. I didn't expect that 8 million troops were stationed in just three days, and they are still entering one after another. Whether it is the imperial court or the major sects, they are basically dying now. Except for some high-level Apart from escaping, ordinary people and warriors at the bottom probably have no way out."

  In the future world, there are chariots and airships. Whether it is communication or transportation, the speed is unbelievable. People directly drive fighter jets over there, and the speed is ridiculously fast.

   And all of them are masters and geniuses, who can bear it.

   "But they actually called themselves the land of the fallen. It seems that they still didn't realize that this action was done by You Guang, not by them using You Guang."

   "You Guang's control over the occupied land is really strict and obscure."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help sighing, thirty thousand years, even a little infiltration, is enough for You Guang to become the most powerful person.

"There are still 12 days, the first batch will explode, and now 8 million people have already infected 5 million people with the force-phagating Gu, and the number is still increasing, and some of the force-phagating Gu have already entered It's fallen."

   "I was conservative when I said that half of the warriors would be cleaned up in a month. According to this expansion rate, there is no problem at all in making warriors with more than tempered body a more precious species than giant pandas within a month."

   "You don't have to worry about it here, you have to go to the fallen place."

For Chen Xiyi, since he is going to fight You Guang to the death, he will naturally know himself and the enemy. What's more, he is also very greedy for the internal force technology in the occupied land. The interference of light causes problems, but no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

  As for this, to be honest, there is no need to worry at all. With the Sanctuary of the Five Immortals Cave, as long as there are 20 or so people not in civil strife, basically there is no problem. The kind that can live forever.

  【The chivalrous man has already obtained the black iron scabbard made by the blacksmith, and has brought enough food to travel in history. Return time: 10 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes】

  The sudden game log made Chen Xiyi a little bit crazy, before he left, the knight left first.

   "The black iron scabbard, is it because the knight's own sword is better than the goblin's equipment?"

  What Chen Xiyi didn't expect was that the blacksmith would make a scabbard for the knight. He thought it would be a sword or something.

"However, it will take eleven days, and I don't know what souvenirs I will bring back. I remember that at least they are spiritual things. I don't need spiritual things. Bring me some historical and complete spiritual things. Just get the item back."

   It's useless for Chen Xiyi to ask for spirit objects, it's better to have more goblins.

   "However, based on the situation in this world, I guess there aren't many good things. It would be good to get some spiritual things back."

  In this world, even the internal force system is not recognized by Homeland Games. If there is not such a super-standard existence as the Ascension Ceremony, it is estimated that there will be nothing left.

  After dealing with the matter at hand, Chen Xiyi and Mei Yu communicated about their going out, and then went to the place closest to the intersection of the two time points through the teleportation of the home protector.

  After he came out of Wanjianzhuang, when he walked to Miaojiang, he dug an underground shelter from time to time.

   This is not used.

   Coming out of the underground shelter, this generation belongs to the wilderness, and there are not many people. It is at least a hundred miles away to go to the intersection of the two time points. He has to go there by himself.

  Now his speed is much faster than his alloy carriage.

   After all, he is at the level of a long-lived warrior. His control over himself is much higher than that of the eleven Tiantian Gongdou timing immortals.

  Especially with the assistance of Yuanshen Martial Arts and System, he turned into a figure and headed towards the fallen land in an instant.

  In the dark and fallen land, after Chen Xiyi quietly killed a warrior, he changed into the opponent's fashion, and just got mixed up in it.

  The Occupied Land is actually very large, and it is completely reproduced one-to-one. After all, it is just two different times, but they are the same world.

   "The Timing Response Bureau is the highest authority and violent institution in the occupied land. All warriors are under its jurisdiction, whether it is the army or public security patrols, it is managed by it."

"The last dynasty was overthrown by a man named Lin You 20,000 years ago, and a Time Series Countermeasure Bureau was established to liberate everyone who was violently ruled by You Guang. After that, the Time Series Countermeasure Bureau existed for 20,000 years. now."

   "Don't think I don't know, this Lin You is You Guang's vest, ten thousand years have passed, who knows that You Guang's real name is Lin Feng."

   "Under the ravages of time and years and You Guang's deliberate guidance, I am afraid that many things in those years have been tampered with by You Guang. Now even traitors like You Guang believers can exist. What is impossible?"

  Chen Xiyi walked in the darkness, and couldn't help making complaints.

  The fallen land has already developed various technologies in the darkness of 30,000 years.

   Such as dark vision goggles, dark vision glasses and so on.

   "But to be honest, the visual system of these people has not degenerated after 30,000 years. I wouldn't believe it if there was no intervention from You Guang."

  He noticed before that those warriors didn't have any discomfort with the light at all, as if they didn't live in the dark at all.

  After wearing these dark vision equipment, it is impossible to say that they can be seen in the dark like daytime, but they can barely see clearly.

Of course, these dark vision equipment are not the main means of vision, because in the highly developed society of warriors, 99% are innate and masters, not to mention growing up in the dark since childhood, and adapting to the dark far better than Chen Xiyi .

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi is more honest, and he has more vision.

The vision of the primordial spirit evolved from the sense of qi, the vision of the spiritual eye, the vision of the qi eye of the non-phase fairy that accommodates the pupils of the qi fairy, plus his own game vision, and even the back of his head There is also a vision of another face on a faceless goblin with a thousand faces of good and evil.

  Alone, he has five visions, and he is not worried about not being seen at all.

  If he hadn't had a system to help divide his vision for consciousness connection, he might not have been able to use his five minds to control these five visions.

  In the occupied land, pedestrians on the road come and go in a hurry, as if the whole society is a fast-paced society.

   "Does timing deal with the game?"

  Chen Xiyi seemed to be a transparent person, walking on this street, looking at a building not far away.

  From the memories in the mind of the unlucky guy who was caught by Chen Xiyi and dressed up, we can know that the timing response is the sky of the fallen land, so what he needs must be grasped by the timing response.

   At this time, the timing response situation can be said to be leaderless. After all, You Guang is entangled by Lin Feng at this time, and there is no time to escape.

  Lin Feng can't be distracted, he will be taken advantage of by You Guang, and You Guang is naturally the same, he is also fighting with Lin Feng with all his heart at this time, both of them want to devour each other.

  You Guang devoured Lin Feng, he will make up for the missing foundation and look forward to the future.

  And Lin Feng swallowed You Guang, then Lin Feng will cover You Guang, and everything about You Guang will be his.

  The struggle between the past and the future is a struggle for enlightenment, the winner takes all, and the loser perishes.

   "First of all, we need to find out where the research institute is and where the core capital of the fallen land is."

  Chen Xiyi discovered one thing, for the circulation of information, the military use is extremely clever, but the civilian use is still at the level of a postman delivering letters.

   "The control of public opinion is completely in the hands of the timing response, so as to motivate the bottom people?"

  Chen Xiyi glanced at a large newspaper at the gate of the Time Sequence Response Bureau. It was just printed today. The headline was the victory of the 8 million expeditionary force, and it also came with various color prints of the New World.

  Newspapers can only be printed if the time series is dealt with, that is, they monopolize the business.

But fortunately, there is no need to spend money to buy it. Passers-by can pick up a copy if they are interested. When Chen Xiyi was standing at the gate of the Timing Response Bureau and reading the newspaper, he saw many passers-by picking up a newspaper. After tucking it under the armpit, he left in a hurry.

   After Chen Xiyi put the newspaper back, he wandered into the timing response situation.

  Facing various fast-paced tasks within the bureau, Chen Xiyi casually grabbed someone and asked, "Where is the chief's office?"

  The man was stunned for a moment, and pointed to the back: "Go straight to the end, and then turn left."

   "Thank you." Chen Xiyi replied very politely, and then walked in the direction pointed by the other party.

  The man who came back to his senses in an instant was a little weird: "Did someone ask me for directions just now?"

   "No, where was someone just now, why didn't I see it?" The man next to him was also a little puzzled: "You can't be too busy and have hallucinations."

"It's possible, forget it, we have to deal with this matter as soon as possible, our immigration expedition order will come down tomorrow, and then we can go to the New World to enjoy the blessings." The man quickly put this matter behind him, and instead It is looking forward to the future.

   "Yeah, it's our turn."

  After the two expressed their feelings, they used the strength of a master warrior to run their agility and left the timing response situation to complete their work.

  At this time, Chen Xiyi had already entered the office of the director of the Timing Response Bureau, asking little by little about various situations in the world, and making some necessary plans for the next action.

"It's a bit far from what I expected, but it doesn't matter. I know about it, but the distance is a bit far away." After Chen Xiyi pried out what he wanted from the other party, he was thinking about how to get on it and go to the time sequence to deal with it. Aircraft of the General Administration.

  (end of this chapter)

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