This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 190: Huskies mixed with wolves

  Chapter 190 The huskies who got in with the wolves

   "Elder Chen, here are the materials you asked for, and they have all been retrieved for you." A muscular middle-aged man put a box of paper materials beside Chen Xiyi's office, and then said.

   "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Chen Xiyi smiled kindly.

   This is the head office of the Timing Response Bureau. Chen Xiyi just became an elder this morning with some insignificant tricks.

  The Timing Response Bureau is an elder system. There are countless elders, large and small, at least nearly a thousand.

  It’s just that these elders are different because of the division of labor, positions, rights, etc.

  For example, an elder like Chen Xiyi can only be regarded as the bottom of the elders among the elders, but it is also the top of the food chain for the entire timing response situation.

   After the others left, Chen Xiyi opened the box and took out the materials.

   "Computers and computers didn't appear. Even after such a long time, paper records are still used. This level of technology is really impressive. It's all about war."

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that this technology tree is crooked and cannot develop without You Guang's blame, he would not believe it.

  This mix-and-match style, in addition to the weird internal force weapons in warfare, the overall technology may be around the millennium of the previous life, and sometimes it is even worse.

  Take communication as an example. At present, it is similar to the fusion of a telegraph and a telephone. Chen Xiyi has seen it before, and more importantly, it needs internal energy to charge instead of using electricity.

  Because of the existence of internal force, electricity did not germinate because of this, on the contrary, steam flourished upwards.

   "The growth of warrior strength is a gift from the age of mythology."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the information in his hand, he was looking for the reason why this world is full of innate masters and warriors.

   Judging from the research on timing response, some people have also explored this matter, but they didn't gain much.

  Especially for a long time, even from the records of the previous dynasties and previous dynasties, it can only be inferred that this trend had already appeared 20,000 years ago.

   It was not until the birth of the timing response game that this process stabilized.

   "It's equivalent to the timing response to stabilize the state of the warriors, but in contrast, the master warrior has become the upper limit of everyone."

  There is also a long-lived warrior on top of the grandmaster warrior, which Chen Xiyi can be sure of. Although this long-lived warrior is named for longevity, it does not necessarily require a long-lived warrior to break through.

  But now, this realm has been directly locked, and everyone's level has been forced to be the master.

   "Equal Potential or Biotech?"

  Everyone's potential is different. It is impossible to say that everyone can break through to a master. What's more, there are not only potential problems, but also resources, hard work and other acquired factors.

  Chen Xiyi finished looking through the box of materials in his hand, and there was not much information available at all.

  It roughly means that it is the same as the forest ancient ape evolved into human beings. Everyone knows that it is because of the advent of the age of myth that they can casually have the strength of a master warrior, but no one knows what it is, only one line of text is recorded.

  The process of Chen Xiyi's search is the secret in this line of text.

   "There must be more detailed information in the Timing Response Bureau, is it in the reference room?"

  The box of information in his hand is the simple information stored in the time series response bureau, which is equivalent to the kind that everyone can browse, and it is considered common sense.

  But more confidential things can’t be found here, you need to go to the reference room.

  After putting these materials away and ordering them to be sent back, Chen Xiyi followed the direction and prepared to go to the reference room.

  Although the suffix of the timing response bureau is a bureau, as the highest agency, it occupies a large area, especially the general bureau, which is as big as a city.

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to control various matters in the entire world in an orderly manner.

The internal population is at least 300,000 people, and these 300,000 people are all managers of the Timing Response Bureau, not counting the large number of armed personnel stationed outside the city. Millions or so.

  The number can be described as outrageous.

  The reference room is not close to Chen Xiyi's office. It is said to be an office, but it is actually a building. As an elder, even if he is on the ground floor, he still has the right to do so.

   "Stop, please show relevant approval documents and identification."

  At the door of the reference room, a security guard stopped Chen Xiyi.

   "You don't know me?" Chen Xiyi's tone was slightly weird.

  How could this security guard know Chen Xiyi? He instinctively wanted to refute and use strong tactics, but another team leader on duty hurried over.

   "It turned out to be Elder Chen, you only took office today, why come to our reference room when you have time." The team leader hurried over to make a rescue.

  He actually didn't know Chen Xiyi, but just now, a connection with Chen Xiyi suddenly appeared in his mind, so he was surprised.

   "With Elder Li in charge of the overall situation, I will naturally be free. I won't come to the reference room to read books to pass the time." Chen Xiyi explained.

   "So that's the case, please come inside, please come inside." The team leader understood what Chen Xiyi said, and let Chen Xiyi in after he opened the door.

   "Well, you guys are busy." After Chen Xiyi finished speaking, he swaggered into the reference room.

And the team leader just now also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the security personnel who stopped Chen Xiyi just now, he said with a bit of hatred: "Aren't you usually very clever? How dare you stop an elder today? It's dangerous." I was dragged into the water."

  Then the security personnel were a little overwhelmed: "But I don't remember such a young elder. If any of those elders is brought here, there will be more than 50."

   "You're new, don't you know? Didn't you read the news?" The duty captain's expression sank, and he couldn't remember when such an elder was added, but everyone was put in, and his identity must be confirmed.

"I have the impression that I just took office this morning. It seems to be from the Calendar Department. It is really quiet there, and Elder Li Zhili has all the power. This person probably has no real power after becoming an elder. He needs to get more seniority." Another security guard also came over to persuade him. He seemed to have a little memory, but he forgot where he saw the information.

  Hearing this, the security guard who blocked people also had lingering fears: "Fortunately, this Elder Chen has no airs, otherwise a hang-up will be inevitable."

  Not to mention the few security personnel chatting outside, Chen Xiyi walked into the reference room slowly, and there were also many management personnel inside.

Although the reference room looks like a small room, it is a high-rise building, and the actual floor area is not small. It can catch up with Chen Xiyi's previous ten offices, maybe even twenty. He didn't estimate how big it is. But it's big anyway.

   "Sir, please show the approval document." A staff member saw Chen Xiyi approaching and rushed to greet him.

   There are not many managers in the data room, there are always nearly a hundred people, but there are not many people who check it, because not everyone is qualified to come here to check it, and not all jobs need to check the data.

   After all, it is just management, not research.

   But this does not mean that the management in this area is lax, but extremely strict.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't have any approval documents, so he can only use some small tricks.

  Elders also have authority in this area, but the problem is that Chen Xiyi, an elder, is not well-known and has not been included in the file. If the other party really goes to investigate, they must find out a black household.

  As the previous security personnel said, how can there be such a young elder as him.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll make a record for you here." The staff member started to operate with an air in his hand, and the other staff members turned a blind eye to this scene, as if the other party's hand was really There is an approval letter.

   More importantly, the other party said they were recording, but in fact they were operating against the air without actually recording.

  Chen Xiyi glanced around, quietly waiting for the other party's procedures to be completed.

  'There is no monitoring equipment, this technology is really outrageous. '

  ‘But think about it, electricity is not popular much, let alone monitoring. '

  In the reference room, candles are still used, but this candle seems to be made with a special process. The brightness, time, etc. are stronger than ordinary candles, especially the brightness, which is almost as good as electric lights.

   "The formalities have been completed for you. Elder Chen, please, where do you want to start checking?" The staff member stretched out his hand and handed out a cloud of air, obviously it should be some kind of certificate.

  Chen Xiyi followed the trend and took the air and said, "Please introduce me, I'm new here, I've never been here before."

   "Okay, Elder Chen, let me give you a brief introduction to the situation of the reference room. This floor stores"

   This staff member seems to have been working here for a long time, and he introduced Chen Xiyi's general situation of the entire reference room in a catchy manner.

  No matter what materials are stored on each floor or there are any unique unique copies, they all explained to Chen Xiyi one by one.

   He even strongly recommended Chen Xiyi to read certain books.

   Chen Xiyi wasn't impatient with this, but instead quietly listened to the other party's introduction.

  Wait for the other party to talk non-stop for about five minutes before realizing it, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Forgive me, Elder Chen, I just like to talk to people about these materials."

   "It's okay. This shows that your work must be in place, and you have a very detailed understanding of the entire data room. You are needed to deal with the situation." Chen Xiyi praised when he came up.

   "Elder Chen is overrated. I just did some insignificant work, and it's all the result of the joint efforts of my colleagues."

   "Hehe, not bad, then you go ahead, I'll take a look by myself first." Chen Xiyi said with a smile, and ran away in a hurry regardless of the follow-up of the staff member.

  As Chen Xiyi moved step by step, figures invisible to everyone emerged from his shadow, heading towards the room where a large number of files were stored.

  Such a huge reference room, if he really depends on him to read each book, when will he be able to read it?

  So Chen Xiyi can only record it first, and read it slowly after returning home.

  He only has one month now, how can he have so much free time.

  Whether it is the Occupied Land or the New World, the Devouring Gu has already infected most of the warriors, as soon as the incubation period passes, Chen Xiyi can start harvesting.

Time waits for no one. For Chen Xiyi, it is natural to fish as soon as he can. Who knows if You Guang will do anything after this move? Maybe it doesn't exist anymore.

  That's why Chen Xiyi will make a record and backup in advance, so that even if he returns to the new world, he can continue to study.

  (end of this chapter)

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