This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 205: Brother, don't be a son-in-law

  Chapter 205 Brother, don’t be a son-in-law

  Chen Xiyi looked at the new world, and he was refreshed to the wilderness again.

  The game map is normal, a blue dot, only a gold dot for him.

   It shows that there is only one item with historical background in this world, there is no module, and the golden point is himself.

   "There are no modules this time, so it should be a world without demons." Chen Xiyi felt a little resentful. This is lower than the previous martial arts world, which had a module at least.

  However, Chen Xiyi thinks that this reincarnation function is really unreliable, and Chen Xiyi thinks it is better to keep a low profile.

  Who knows if there will be any messy things. In the last world, he thought he was a low-level martial artist who could pass the level with one punch, but in the end?

  So, be careful in everything, now that he doesn't have such a golden thigh as Lin Feng, he has no other abilities except being able to resurrect.

  According to the surrounding Feng Shui situation, Chen Xiyi finally found a place.

"Asphalt roads, electric poles, street lamps, the modern world, I finally don't have to chat with those ancient and modern people anymore, I want to drink happy water in the fat house, I want to watch TV and play games." Chen Xiyi saw these facilities, his whole body There is a feeling of suffering.

  He lived through three worlds, and finally met a modern world.

   "Don't be a doomsday world, don't be a strangely resuscitated world, and don't want some global descending world, I just want an ordinary world without any extraordinary abilities."

   "Blessed by gods and Buddhas all over the sky, Amen!"

  He just wants to play a crushing game, and he doesn't want to play tricks with Qi Refiner and Matryoshka, if he can play it, he definitely doesn't mind, but the problem is that he can't.

Walking on the road, I saw another figure walking ahead from a distance. According to the analysis of Chen Xiyi's aesthetics, it was a bit old-fashioned, and he was wearing a snakeskin bag. Can see the word feed.

   "Brother in front, I have something to ask you." Chen Xiyi quickly chased after him, and after seeing the other party's name and ability, he had an ominous premonition.

  【Ye Fan, a genius doctor, HP: 100%, status: Depressed】

  【Ability 1: Lucky Love】

  【Ability 2: God-level medical skills】

  【Ability 3: Immortal Success】


  【April: Completed learning from nine masters, going down the mountain to find my fiancée】

  【April: Practice hard and study】


  He never expected that someone would have the ability of luck, and even Lin Feng was just planning on his own.

  This is medical skills, cultivating immortals, and nine masters plus a fiancee. Chen Xiyi's whole body is in a mess. Could it be that he met another person of the same type as Lin Feng?

   "What's the matter?" Ye Fan asked with some doubts. He was depressed and had to walk twenty miles.

"A little bit, brother, you're a wanderer too, let's go together, have you eaten? Gave it to Ye Fan.

   "Well, I'm not a vagabond, I'm just..." Ye Fan was isolated from the world on the mountain, just came down from the mountain, and he was still struggling with human relations and didn't have much experience.

"Brother, look at your outfit, if you say no, who will believe it, don't try to save face with me, eat it, see you are still young, in the future, if you have a big brother, I will eat it all, absolutely indispensable Yours." Chen Xiyi felt that this was a potential stock, so no matter what, he had to increase his favorability.

   As he spoke, he stuffed the pear into Ye Fan's arms.

  【You gave a pear to Ye Fan, the genius doctor, Ye Fan's favorability for you +1, current favorability: 0.5 stars】

  Ye Fan touched his nose with a wry smile: "Then thank you, brother."

   To be honest, Ye Fan was a little flattered to meet such a warm-hearted person on the road, and the people down the mountain are not as evil as the master said.

   As for the problem with this pear?

  Impossible, with his medical skills, he didn't see any problem at all.

   "You're welcome, I've walked so many ways, and I immediately felt that you hit it off. If we hadn't just met, I would have to rely on you." Chen Xiyi's natural and familiar appearance made Ye Fan feel a little uncomfortable.

  Ye Fan took a bite of the pear, only feeling a warm current emerge in his body, and he felt certain.

   "Brother, your pear is unusual." Ye Fan asked decisively.

   This pear turned into a pure life force after one bite, constantly repairing its own foundation, probably not some natural treasure.

   "It's okay. If you want, I have a few more. They are all for you. They are all grown on the same tree." After speaking, Chen Xiyi took out apples, persimmons, grapes and bananas.

  Ye Fan looked at what Chen Xiyi took out from his pocket, and he felt that Chen Xiyi was fooling him.

   Could this thing have grown from a tree? Varieties are different.

   But in fact, it really came from the same tree. It is normal for Chen Xiyi to randomly explode fruit when he picks up the tree.

  Ye Fan finished the pears in two or three bites, feeling the warm vitality in his body, and felt that this old man was an honest person.

   "I said brother, you think I'm a fool, you can call it a grafting technique to grow such pears and apples on a tree, but grapes are too much." Ye Fan couldn't help complaining.

   "Don't believe it, it's really grown on the same tree. If you don't believe me, try it, it tastes the same." Chen Xiyi said and stuffed a bunch of grapes over.

  Ye Fan didn't believe it either. He picked a grape and stuffed it into his mouth.

   Then, he began to doubt life.

  The taste is different, but the effect is exactly the same.

   "So brother, what kind of tree did you meet?"

  For a while, Ye Fan felt that this old man was too lucky.

   "If I knew what this thing was, would I still need to wander?" Chen Xiyi stuffed the remaining persimmons and bananas back into his pocket.

  Ye Fan was silent, and seemed right.

"Let's not talk about that, I'm going to join my fiancée. I heard from my master that she has opened a very big company. When the time comes, brother, you will be popular with me." Ye Fan then said proudly .

"Hiss~ Female CEO, brother, you are really amazing. You have been able to eat soft meals at a young age, unlike me, who is still single at a young age, and I don't even have anyone who looks right to me." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. Thumbs up, the urban genius doctor Xiashan's fiancee is the female president, and the new element has been achieved.

  He reckons that Ye Fan's life of pretending to face is about to begin.

   "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, how can my brother go all the way?" Ye Fan naturally heard the envy in Chen Xiyi's tone, after all, it's great to be able to hug his thigh.

"I can't compare to you, my brother. I travel all over the world, and I live by doing fortune-telling and collecting corpses. The previous one broke my fortune-telling banner that doesn't allow money. This completely wiped out my main income." Chen Xiyi opened his mouth and said.

The two chatted in such a familiar way, anyway, it was you who said something to me, Ye Fan still has a solid foundation in this aspect, otherwise he can have the ability to achieve a small amount of immortality, which shows that this person is also a cultivator of.

   Coupled with the god-level medical skills, the communication between the two is still very smooth, and there will be no situation where chickens talk to ducks.

   In other words, they are comrades who can help each other.

  Through chatting, Ye Fan also recognized Chen Xiyi's talent and learning. This old man who has traveled far and wide is a real material.

  【You chat with the genius doctor Ye Fan, the atmosphere is harmonious, the genius doctor Ye Fan has a good impression of you +1, the current favorability: 1.5 stars]

   The favorability has increased very smoothly. It can only be said that this is a naive young man who is just fledgling. Otherwise, anyone who has experienced it will not increase the favorability now.

The two were chatting like this, when suddenly a sports car sped past, Chen Xiyi didn't care about it, but Ye Fan glanced at it, as if it seemed familiar, but since it had passed, he didn't think about it anymore .

   Sure enough, within a minute, the sports car turned around and came back.

   "I said why does it look familiar, Ye Fan, why are you here, didn't you agree that I will pick you up?"

  The sports car flicked to a stop in front of the two of them. It was a woman. Chen Xiyi didn't care much about her appearance. Ever since he found out that the lordosis and back warping couldn't collect one more unit of material, he had no interest in it.

   "Your CEO's fiancée?" Chen Xiyi pouted Ye Fan and asked.

  Ye Fan said with a wry smile: "No, my future sister-in-law, my phone is out of battery, and I can't contact you. I have been waiting for a long time and you haven't arrived, so I can only walk for a while."

   The first part was explained to Chen Xiyi, and the second part was explained to the woman.

   "Let's go, let's get in the car. My sister has been waiting for you for a long time, and I don't know why she has lost her mind. She will fall in love with a country bumpkin like you." There was a trace of coquettishness in the woman's tone.

  Ye Fan didn't say anything, opened the door of the sports car, and sat in first: "Brother, let's go."

   After sitting down, he called Chen Xiyi over. Obviously, he was an honest person.

  Chen Xiyi wasn't pretentious, so he naturally followed in. Be thick-skinned, this Ye Fan is a potential stock, as long as he doesn't go astray, Chen Xiyi can be sure that he is definitely another Lin Feng.

  The woman driving ahead didn't say anything when she saw this.

  Ye Fan dressed like a bumpkin, while Chen Xiyi looked like a cosplay costume.

  Chen Xiyi is still wearing scholarly fashion now, he does not have modern fashion, and modern fashion is also some warlord and aristocratic fashion, so he can only settle for scholarly fashion first.

  The three of them chatted after another brief introduction.

  This woman is called Xia Yu, and her name is a bit of a joke, but her sister's name is even more dramatic, and her name is Xia Xue.

  If this was not a woman, Chen Xiyi would have asked her if she had a younger brother named Xia Binghai.

   "Brother, where are you going to get off?" Xia Yu asked after entering the urban area.

   Obviously, they planned to let Chen Xiyi leave.

   "Ah, here." Chen Xiyi glanced at Ye Fan, didn't he say that he would take him to eat and drink? Why did it get lost halfway?

   "Cough, bro, let's leave a contact number, and I'll treat you to dinner then." Ye Fan said with some embarrassment.

  Obviously, even he couldn't help it.

   "Brother, you are being manipulated by a woman, forget it, I understand that you have a bad stomach, funeral parlor or crematorium." Chen Xiyi said.

  Xia Yu was taken aback when she heard this, and then her face turned a little ugly. These two places are not auspicious places.

   "I don't know these two places, or you can ask yourself." After speaking, the sports car stopped on the side of the road, as if to say that you should get out of the car.

  Chen Xiyi didn't have any feelings about this either.

   "Brother, if you can't get along in the future, come to me. If this situation passes, you may become a son-in-law."

  Chen Xiyi was amazed, maybe it wasn't the genius doctor Long Aotian traveling the city, maybe it was the son-in-law of the genius doctor next door who invited the Dragon King out of the mountain.

   After finishing speaking, Chen Xiyi got out of the car without hesitation.

  He has a thick skin, but he also knows when to step back. Ye Fan has no right to speak at this time, and it doesn't make sense to stay any longer at this time.

   As he said that, after closing the car door casually, Ye Fan just wanted to say something when the sports car started with a roar and sped away from afar.

  (end of this chapter)

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