This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 206: How dare you stare at me, you brat

  Chapter 206 How dare you stare at me, you brat

  Chen Xiyi felt that he had misestimated the situation, and that was the kind of protagonist who valued women more than anything else.

  Lin Feng is acquired, so he can save a wave, but this Ye Fan is congenital, and it is estimated that his nature is hard to change.

  He even suspected that Ye Fan's nine masters might all be beauties, which is not impossible.

   "Oh, a pear and a grape were wasted." Chen Xiyi sighed, this wave was considered a big loss.

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that if he misses this time, Ye Fan will probably have to go to Ruanxiang afterward.

   After thinking about it for a while, there is a very serious problem, that is, he does not have an ID card and cannot do many things.

  This world is a modern world, similar to his previous life, but it should be in the early 2000s. Smartphones have not yet appeared, and all of them are button-type mobile phones, and there are many public phone booths.

  In this situation, it is estimated that even online shopping has not yet developed, and most of them are still physical industries, so many things are inconvenient.

  But Chen Xiyi doesn't mind, it's better than the living conditions in ancient times.

   "So, we have to solve the promotion problem of the body collector first. How to find a hundred corpses that died abnormally?"

  He has no identity, and those who work in funeral homes and crematoria must be people who cannot get in. Don't think this job is unlucky, and not everyone wants it.

  In fact, these two kinds of jobs are already half of the iron rice bowl, and the threshold is not low, not everyone can get in.

   Not only professional knowledge, but also sufficient academic qualifications are required.

  Those jokes about one thousand a day on the Internet are just jokes, they can’t be true.

   It is possible to mix in, but the problem is that as a modern civilized society, coupled with the rigor of the corpse collection process, it is inconvenient to mix in many things.

   Sitting on a roadside chair and thinking about what to do next, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes sat next to him, looking a little haggard, as if he had experienced something.

   "There should be no one here."

  The other party asked.

   "No one, just sit wherever you want, in a public place." Chen Xiyi thinks, you have already sat down, and asked if there is anyone, do you have to sell insurance next?

   After all, with this outfit, he looks like an insurance salesman.

I looked at the other party carefully, and I couldn't help being a little surprised: "Fuck, your son is a bit powerful. It's only been three months since he's been playing hard, so he can stand on your shoulders. As a father, you are not afraid that your son will fall. ?”

  As soon as the words came out, the other party's face froze: "What did you say?"

   "Your son, his skin is very fair, but he has a bad temper, and he is still staring at me." Chen Xiyi looked at the baby standing on the middle-aged man's shoulders indifferently.

   "You said, you saw my son standing on my shoulders, that's impossible, that's impossible." The middle-aged man's tone was both surprise and fear, very complicated.

   "Ah, this...can't be a ghost." Chen Xiyi finally came to his senses, feeling a little crazy, why is there such a thing in this world! !

  Oh, there is a immortal cultivator who just left in front, it seems normal to have this thing.

   "Gudong~" The middle-aged man swallowed, feeling that his shoulders seemed to be getting heavier.

   "Don't be afraid, it's definitely not, we want to talk about science, you understand." Chen Xiyi quickly denied it.

  【Unnamed soul, HP: 100%, status: Reluctant】

  【Ability 1: Wandering Soul】


  【April: Follow Father】

  【April: Birth】

   "The one that just disappeared yesterday or the first seven?" Chen Xiyi subconsciously asked curiously.

   The middle-aged man has a face full of shit, you told me about science last time, and now you guessed it right?

   "I didn't have anything yesterday, I didn't recover from a sudden illness." The middle-aged man said in a low tone.

   "Oh, no wonder I followed you. It seems that he thinks you are better than his mother. Why does this sound like a curse." After Chen Xiyi finished speaking, he felt that his words were a bit strange.

   "Master, can I meet you once? Just one time, how much can you set a price." The middle-aged man couldn't care less about anything else, and said with red eyes.

However, Chen Xiyi stopped the middle-aged man who rushed forward: "Don't call me a master, we have to talk about science, I'm not a master, the main thing is, I don't know how to show you this stuff, I have to study it Why can I see this stuff."

  He is also a little confused now, and he can't find any reason for the hell.

   Certainly not the Qi Refining System. The ghosts in the Qi Refining System are not ghosts in essence, but a special form of Qi formed by combining Yin Qi and dead people, that is, ghost Qi.

Theoretically speaking, the demons and ghosts in the world of qi refiners are actually a group of synthesis products of qi mechanisms. Otherwise, the names identified by the home game would be refined foxes and refined tigers. In essence, they are still animals, just because of qi mechanisms Causes itself to evolve, not a monster.

  But the soul in front of me, who has no name yet, is a real ghost.

   Even if it is said that he devoured the soul before, what he ate was not the soul, but a substance similar to the spirit.

   "???" The middle-aged man is also confused, do you still need to study this thing?

   "Yes, it needs to be studied at present. I don't know why I see ghosts. Wait, I seem to understand something." Chen Xiyi checked it out, and it seems that there is only one possibility in himself.

  Corpse Collector, Sequence 1 of history.

  The follow-up tomb guards, psychics, pastoring, etc., are related to ghosts at first glance, so apart from the newly obtained module of this sequence and history, he doesn’t think there is anything else that will allow him to see this thing.

"I can't see you anymore. I don't have the ability. If you want to save the body, if you think the physical speed is acceptable, I can help. Of course, if your body has not been buried, I can also help collect the body. I am a professional in this regard. "

  Chen Xiyi said earnestly, in this situation, the death was definitely not normal, and he happened to be passing by to help.

  Seeing the hesitation of the middle-aged man, Chen Xiyi said again: "Don't worry, I won't charge money."

   "Master, I just want to ask, what is the method of physical extension?" The middle-aged man finally asked.

   "Oh, easy, I'll just blow your son to pieces with one punch." Chen Xiyi said concisely.

   "." For a while, the middle-aged man was a little speechless, which is indeed enough physics.

   "Then is there any other way of salvation, such as chanting scriptures to send my son to a good family?" The middle-aged man said hopefully.

"You want to supersede spells. I have the Demon Suppressing Pure Yang Talisman here. I will draw one and paste it on the spot. I promise not to leave any scum to you. Even if you want to do it yourself, I have the Pure Yang Talisman here. If you put a golden talisman on your body, you can tear your son apart, but if you want to enjoy this kind of treatment, I have to do the process of collecting your son's body and putting on make-up."

  Chen Xiyi said, and took out a brush, cinnabar, and yellow paper from Pixiu's purse. As long as the middle-aged man agreed to let him collect the body, the treatment would definitely be fine.

"Hey, Master, is there anyone who is sent to reincarnation, not in the way of being lost." The middle-aged people think that this master may not be very smart, or he may not be able to understand human words, but he definitely has the truth. real material.

  For example, what he took out was just a small purse. It is understandable to take out cinnabar and yellow paper, but the brush is bigger than the purse no matter how you look at it. It is definitely not a normal person to just take it out straight.

   "Ah, I don't know how to do it. I don't know my major. Let me go." After stuffing the things back into his Pixiu purse, Chen Xiyi cupped his hands and was about to run away.

   He has no problem with spell supersession and physical supersession, and basically has no problem whether he wants to be scattered or divided into several pieces.

   But sending people to reincarnation is completely beyond his ability, unless he obtains a corresponding module sometime later, otherwise he will use these two transcendence methods.

  Since he couldn't collect the corpse, he naturally didn't have anyone to talk to, so he could only leave to find other ways out.

  In fact, he was thinking, otherwise he would go to cooperate with the authorities, and with his own ability, he would definitely be able to kick the national treasure away and make it himself.

   "Master, wait a minute. I will trouble you about collecting my son's body. I believe you are a professional." The middle-aged man grabbed Chen Xiyi and said.

  Hearing this, Chen Xiyi naturally smiled.

   "Let's go, I'll leave this matter to me." When he came up, he hooked his shoulders and put his back on his back, squeezing his son to the side.

   As they spoke, the two walked towards the neighborhood not far away.

  After entering the community, I went all the way up to the third floor. After entering the house, it was completely white. Four old people were wiping tears aside, while a woman was working in a daze.

  On the way, after the two introduced each other, they learned that this middle-aged man was called Ximen Yue, and it was not clear what he did specifically. Anyway, his abilities included business proficiency and slick skills.

  As soon as he entered the door, among other things, he saw six names and blood bars at a glance, and his face was full of shit.

  Chen Xiyi carefully looked at the baby standing on Ximen Yue's shoulder, and then at the baby who hadn't sealed the coffin yet.

  【Baby's unnamed, health value: 100%, state: departed soul, suspended animation】

  Seeing this, he withdrew his hands from the shoulder-hooking state, and his face drooped.

   "I just said what's wrong with your situation. The co-author is to co-operate with your son to deceive me. No one died and asked me to come over to collect the body. Do you really think that I have nothing to do?"

   Chen Xiyi's words stunned everyone present.

   "I, my son is not dead, but the death notice has already been issued." The more Ximen heard this, his entire speech became unsteady.

   "You brat is still staring at me, you just wait for me, if you don't beat your **** today, I will give you the title of Qingxu Daoist."

  Chen Xiyi was so angry, he didn't expect his old cat to burn his beard and capsize the gutter.

  I always thought it was a random death, but unexpectedly it was a fake death.

   With one hand, he grabbed the thigh of the brat who was staring at him, and with a throw over his shoulder, he was thrown into the body of the baby who left his soul and feigned death.

   Everyone was taken aback by this action, and then a baby's cry came from the small coffin.

   All of a sudden, everyone was shocked.

  They saw Chen Xiyi grabbed something from Ximen Yue's shoulder and threw it towards the coffin, and then his son (grandson, grandson) who had been dead for a day was brought back to life.

  Several people hurriedly gathered around, and when they saw the crying son alive and kicking, they felt joy in their hearts.

Seeing this, Ximen on the side wiped away the original haze with a smile on his face, and then invited Chen Xiyi, who was very depressed, to sit down and greeted him quickly: "Daughter-in-law, hurry up and serve tea, let our father treasure it." Take out the spring after the rain."

   "Master, sit down, sit on your side."

   "Yes, master, sit down."

   A group of people are in a hurry, you talk to me.

   Regarding Chen Xiyi's behavior, it can be said that he was shocked by heaven and man. He is definitely not a magic stick, but a master with real skills.

  Chen Xiyi sighed, and didn't know whether this wave was considered a profit or a loss.

   There is an entry point to this world, but the problem is that my first corpse collection operation failed.

  (end of this chapter)

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