This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 208: spirituality that attracts dirt

  Chapter 208 Spirituality that is easy to attract dirty things

  Chen Xiyi was sitting in front of the computer in the study of Ximen Yue’s house, browsing the information he needed through the Internet.

  For example, the 182nd God of Cookery Competition will be held three days later, the kind that happens once every ten years.

   If there is no adulteration, it has probably lasted for 1,820 years.

   After briefly watching the past videos, Chen Xiyi was astonished at the time. He thought it was just a simple chef competition, but he didn't expect that his vision was too narrow.

   Opening the cover to emit golden light and dish light are considered basic, and without any special effects, you will not be able to enter the audition.

  After eating, the ones who exploded and had visions were different. At that time, Chen Xiyi was stunned.

   It is estimated that it took 1800 years to get used to it. No one thinks there is anything wrong with the effect of food.

  No problem except that Chen Xiyi thinks the grass is relatively rough.

   "The aristocratic family is not dead yet!" When Chen Xiyi browsed down, he found out what the young and the young of a certain family had done, and then extended to the aristocratic family.

  Modern is modern, but certainly not past life.

   After all, this world is called Qianguo. It sounds old-fashioned, but it is not the same world at all. At most, there are similarities in technology, and there are basically not many similarities in other places.

  Chen Xiyi did a simple search and found that there are quite a few families in this family, and they can be found in every place.

  Basically, what they do is monopoly or high-level affairs. People at the bottom seem to have a channel to rise, but in fact they have solidified their class.

   "A large feudal dynasty just put on a humanistic skin and stepped onto the modern stage in another way, and because it lost the emperor's centralized power, it became even more unscrupulous."

  Chen Xiyi judged it very easily through various news circulating on the Internet.

  Don’t forget, he has You Guang’s 30,000-year memory, even if he is a cat and a tiger, he can see some clues. If You Guang has no skills, how can he establish a time series response that covers a world.

  Thirty thousand years is enough for one person to transform.

   "In addition to the unscientific food, there is also a martial arts gym. Are these martial arts practitioners so exaggerated?"

  Chen Xiyi watched as a young man suddenly turned into a muscular man, and with one punch, the dummy was smashed to pieces.

  The dummy is solid. Although I don't know what material it is made of, normal people don't have that strength.

   "Besides, there seem to be people with supernatural powers vaguely, plus Ye Fan, a cultivator of immortality, what the **** is this world? It seems to be of a very low level."

  In this world, there is not even a module, and there is only one item with historical background. How come there are so many messy things.

   "Gah, those powerful hermit families, those cultivators hiding in deep mountains and old forests, such messy warriors, I wouldn't have met those **** cities."

  Probably, in the early stage, playboys pretend to be slapped in the face and accept beautiful women by the way;

   Judging from the current situation, if Ye Fan was not assigned to be a security guard, but was dragged to be a son-in-law instead, he might have to wait until the day when his mother-in-law's birthday party comes to celebrate, maybe he will have to get a divorce, and then his luck will explode completely.

   But it’s right to think about it. In this case, only a large feudal dynasty can have so many absurd things.

   Otherwise, you, a dude, casually mobilize local official forces to deal with someone else, be crazy.


  Suddenly, Chen Xiyi heard a harsh sharp object rubbing against the glass body.

   Turning his head to look, he saw a pale human face lying on the window, just stuck to the glass, deformed due to extrusion.

   "Oh, my Pangu, look, this is the third floor, you are not afraid that I will push you down when I open the window." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but complain.

  Chen Xiyi walked over and just stared at this man, rolling his eyes, his face seemed to be a little swollen.

   "You must have a slim face when you take pictures, otherwise your big face plate will be the same as that biscuit. Not only is it big, but it may also have sesame seeds."

  Looking at this dirty thing that was so swollen that no male or female could be seen from its physical characteristics, Chen Xiyi speculated that it might have drowned, but he didn't know exactly where it died and why he came to him.

  【Drowned ghost, HP: 100%, Status: Hunger】

  【Ability 1: Wandering Soul】

  【Ability 2: Water Control】


  【April: I smelled the spirituality I longed for, and I came to look for it on a rainy night】

  【April: soaking in the lake】

  【April: soaking in the lake】


  Chen Xiyi has black lines all over his head, boy, are you here to find him?

  He knows about spirituality. There are a lot of related things in the negative state of the first immortal before, which proves that spirituality, like Yuanshen, belongs to the core of the module.

   But the problem is that Chen Xiyi doesn’t feel

Well, he felt it, it was in Yuanshen, a little spiritual light, he got it when he collected the charred corpse today, and now it is floating in Yuanshen, this spirituality can be regarded as a multiplier of on-hook experience, making normal The experience gained from hanging up has been doubled from 1 point to 2 points.

  Of course, this has nothing to do with the lack of on-hook experience. If there is no accumulation to act as a multiplier for on-hook experience, it can increase about 1% of Yuanshen experience in a month.

   That is to say, Chen Xiyi collected a corpse once, and it was worth his one-month hang-up experience.

  Since spirituality is a natural multiplier of on-hook experience, Chen Xiyi didn't pay much attention to it, and waited for him to find time to study it slowly.

   But he never expected that this thing would attract dirty things to him.

   "Let me just say, there is no unparalleled road, and I really rely on myself to slowly find those dead bodies. When I find out, after opening, there will be dead bodies delivered to my door."

  Chen Xiyi stroked his chin, looking at the drowned dirty thing, he couldn't help feeling a little happy.

  The prefixes are all drowned. This is not a violent death, but how can you die? It can’t be the end of life.

   "However, it seems that few people can live to death."

  Thinking about it this way, it seems that there are abnormal deaths everywhere, right?

  This judgment is a bit vague.

   Just as he was thinking about this, the dirty thing in front of him suddenly opened his mouth.

   Well, I can’t say that I opened my mouth, it should be said that I grinned, the kind that reaches to the ear, a large amount of water plants and mud gushed out of the mouth with a stench, and the glass was directly crushed.

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel a little shit, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to force his mouth back together, and then saw the dirty thing's head swell.

   Obviously there is no place to vent.

   "Swallow it, hurry up, don't waste it." Chen Xiyi hurriedly reminded.

The dirty thing kept struggling, trying to get rid of the restraint of Chen Xiyi's hands, and even wanted to scratch him with his hands. How could Chen Xiyi bear it, and decisively separated ten hands to hold down the dirty thing's limbs and various parts of his body. parts.

  Finally, the dirty thing stopped moving, and I don't know whether it was held down by Chen Xiyi and unable to move, or he had resigned himself to his fate.

  In short, things are resolved perfectly.

I dragged it in casually and closed the window, but it was a bit embarrassing to see that there was no glass, and the wind and rain blew in and wet the ground. He came in with his front foot, and the back foot destroyed the glass. .

   "Master, this is you." Ximen Yue rushed over in his pajamas, and saw the window without glass at a glance, and he was stepping on the table and holding a black tape to seal something on the ceiling.

   A human figure can be vaguely seen, and water is constantly seeping out from the mouth of the tape, dripping on the ground.

"Oh, something crawled out of the lake. It's a guy who likes to peep by the window in the middle of the night. It's just a little swollen and I can't tell the difference between male and female. I can only make it up." Chen Xiyi dipped it in his hands. It was also coated with paste.

  Hearing this, Ximen Yue's hairs stood on end. There must be something wrong with this neighborhood. There are burnt corpses in front and people lying on the windows behind.

   You know, this is the third floor, can normal people lie on the windows here?

  As for the lake, of course there is a lake in his community. There is a scenic lake right in front of his building. At the beginning, this was a selling point, but unexpectedly it became a hotbed of dirty things.

   "It's okay, you go to sleep, I guess there is only one like this, if there are any more, I will paste the wall first, and we will deal with them together tomorrow." Chen Xiyi comforted.

  The more Simon listened, the more horrified he became. What does it mean to paste the wall first? In this case, it takes a lot of heart to fall asleep.

   "Well, I'm not very sleepy, I'd better find something to block the window." Ximen Yue couldn't sleep.

  Chen Xiyi didn't say anything, but after finishing, he continued to browse the Internet, hoping to find some news from it.

  After Ximen Yue blocked the window, he sat next to Chen Xiyi and chatted without saying a word, as if he felt that Chen Xiyi felt more secure around him.

  Chen Xiyi is also three-purpose, not only browsing the Internet, but also trying to use Yuanshen to cover up his own spirituality while chatting with Ximen Yue.

   In order to avoid any messy and dirty things coming to spy on him next.

   "Master, I'm going to change houses tomorrow, what do you think?" Ximen Yue asked in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"I sat and watched. Isn't this place pretty good? The downtown area has a good location. Your place is not small, it's 500 square meters, tsk, rich people." Chen Xiyi only remembered at this time, don't look at this Ximenyue looks very vicissitudes, but not everyone can afford a house of 500 square meters in the city center.

"I still have an independent villa in the villa area in the south. My parents and parents-in-law usually live there, but it is far away from the company, so I bought a one-story villa here. There are two dirty things in this place. Some It's unlucky, I'm going to invite Master to live in the villa area with you." Ximen Yue expressed his thoughts.

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi finally understood how rich this Ximen Yue was. In order to commute to work, he ended up buying a house near the company?

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that he is definitely not just a villa in the villa area.

   "Are you so rich? If you are so rich, buy me an excavator and a tractor." Chen Xiyi immediately thought of these things.

With an excavator, he will have the blacksmith to strengthen and enchant it after he has made his home at that time. If he goes to the fantasy or fairy world in the future, he will drive the excavator to directly dig through the opponent's mountain gate formation and suppress it on the spot. Those old ancestors, great powers and so on.

   "Master, what do you want these things for? Tomorrow I will ask my dad to take you to choose." Ximen Yue was a little puzzled, but if someone wants it, then buy it for him. Anyway, for their Ximen Group, it is just a drop in the bucket.

   "Of course it is used for physical supersession. When the time comes, I will put some talismans on the excavator, and drive the excavator directly to run over it. No matter what ghosts and snakes he is, he will be turned into meat sauce." Chen Xiyi said seriously.

  Hearing this, Ximen seemed to have opened up a new world.

   "Master, do you think that if I draw some talismans on the knife, will I have the ability to deal with those dirty things?"

"No, you can take a piece of talisman wrapped in a stone and throw it at it. Not only will there be magic damage, but also physical damage. If you can even get guns and explosives, if you bless it, you will be modernized to eliminate demons." Chen Xiyi couldn't help it. Tucao a bit.

  (end of this chapter)

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