This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 209: The King of Physicians and Soldiers Existing Everywhere

  Chapter 209 The Divine Physician King Existing Everywhere

  The next day, Chen Xiyi disposed of the dirty things, and a new grave was added next to the grave of the charred corpse.

  These two are one water and one fire, and it is fate that they can be buried in the same place.

  When he went back, he didn't go to the neighborhood in the city center, Ximen Yue took Chen Xiyi directly to the villa area.

   It was said that they had moved, but Chen Xiyi guessed that it was probably because of lingering fears, and they didn't want anything inside.

   How else could it be so fast?

  The promotion conditions for Sequence 1 have reached 2%, and even the death notice has been upgraded again.

  Passive changed from 11 meters to 12 meters, and the initiative was strengthened again.

  But as soon as they returned to the villa, someone was already waiting for them.

  A female police officer, and a young man in casual clothes who looked like he was not serious at all.

  As soon as she entered the door, the female policeman showed her ID, and then asked directly: "Mr. Ximen, there are some things I want to consult with you. The hospital and the funeral home reported yesterday, you first"

   "This matter, me..." Ximen Yue gave his father a wink, asked him to greet Chen Xiyi, and then cooperated with the policewoman's questioning.

Chen Xiyi watched this scene with great interest. He was not interested in the policewoman, but in that young man. This young man was about the same age as Ye Fan, but whether it was the prefix or the ability, Chen Xiyi felt that this Bit unusual.

  【Qin Tian of the King of Soldiers, HP: 100%, Status: Interesting】

  【Ability 1: Lucky Love】

  【Ability 2: God-level Fighting】

  【Ability 3: Martial arts small success】


  【April: Liu Yue, who happened to meet the police on the road, thought of playing around and accompanied her to investigate】

  【April: Help the landlady deal with the hooligans】

  【April: Being used as a shield by a female white-collar worker】


  Looking at the experience of the other party, Chen Xiyi didn't know what to say for a while. Every day was a fulfilling life, and I could meet all kinds of beauties every day.

   More importantly, Chen Xiyi had a feeling of déjà vu.

  This Qin Tian and Ye Fan look like replicas, one is a soldier king and the other is a genius doctor.

  All have a common symbol, that is, good luck plus god-level ability plus certain small achievements.

  The only difference is experience, one is a fledgling, and the other has already experienced big winds and waves.

Chen Xiyi guessed that this Qin Tian must be one of those hidden top-level ace special forces, with an SSS level of secrecy. Only a few people at the top of the authority can find out his information, and he has also gone through various difficult tasks. Retired for beating the chief, these things are generally just actions, either because of the little loli in the mission, who may be fostered in his home now, or because of a beautiful royal sister, who may be in love and kill each other.

  As for other possibilities, there are also, but the probability is relatively small.

   However, although this soldier king has retired, his previous contacts must still be there. Maybe a phone call can bring over the top ace team that cannot be easily used.

  To tell the truth, if he hadn’t retired, Qin Tian might really have become a soldier king with a long history. Now that he’s retired, he probably spends every day in Ruanrouxiang.

   After all, according to this routine, this is the plot.

  Ye Fan's love luck may have just begun, but Qin Tian's love luck is already in full swing, otherwise he would meet women every day.

  Chen Xiyi felt that this person might not be saved, he could only be a stallion.

  As for Qin Tian, ​​who was standing aside, he felt a little terrified when Chen Xiyi looked at him like this.

   That is, he needs to maintain his demeanor in front of the police flower, otherwise Qin Tian would have to get angry with Chen Xiyi on the spot.

   "Well, I see. Thank you Mr. Ximen for your cooperation. We will investigate." The female policeman put away the records and was about to leave.

   Then he turned around and left, Qin Tian followed suit and left, flirting with the other party with his mouth full of flirting when he left, as if he didn't pay attention to everyone present at all.

   "Master, what's wrong with that man? You just kept staring at him?" Ximen Yue asked curiously after sending him away.

"Well, it's very big. Judging from his appearance, he is a soldier king with a big backstage. Don't mess with him if you have nothing to do. If you really want to mess with him, you can apologize with an apology. A little blood is fine. Otherwise, it would be a normal operation for the whole family to die." Chen Xiyi said earnestly.

  Ximen Yue and his father looked at each other, it's not that exaggerated.

   "I know the master, and I will avoid him." After hearing this, Ximen Yue didn't think about hugging the other party's thigh.

  The other party's attitude from the very beginning was to be foolish, and they didn't take them seriously at all.

At first I thought it was uneducated, but I didn't expect that people looked down on me at all. This kind of person should stay away, especially when Chen Xiyi said that he offended the other party's family and died. He was so moody. Will be dealt with by the other party because of some trivial matters.

  Hugging this unknown soldier king is better than hugging Chen Xiyi's thigh. This is true talent and good temper.

   "It's okay, don't call me master, now we are talking about science, you can't just stop talking about science just because something is unscientific." Chen Xiyi corrected earnestly, as long as everyone talks about science, he, an unscientific player, can fish in troubled waters.

   "Indeed, it's okay to yell at home, but if you go out, it will have a bad influence on the master. Why don't you call Mr. Chen, and follow the trend of the times." Ximen Yue's father softened his mouth.

   "That's good." As long as it's not called Master, Chen Xiyi can accept it.

   Then he paused again: "Mr. Chen, please come to my elder brother's birthday party tomorrow night."

   "Your elder brother? You are not young." Chen Xiyi asked.

"Seventy years old, he is the head of my Ximen family and the helm of the Ximen Group. My Ximen family is the head of the four major families in Yanzhou. My elder brother admires you very much. If you are willing to go, it must be my Ximen family. Honorable guest."

   Ximen Yue’s father, Ximen Zhang, said.

  But Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel a little bit crazy, if the birthday banquet and these soldiers kings and genius doctors are all right, who would believe it.

   "May I ask, did anything happen to your elder brother's 60th birthday banquet?" Chen Xiyi asked.

Ximenzhang couldn't help being stunned, and also smiled wryly: "Sir, did you figure out something? Ten years ago, my eldest brother's birthday banquet was originally an engagement banquet for my grandniece and married with the Liu family, but he suddenly broke out of trouble." Boy, you eloped with my niece and granddaughter, which once made my Ximen family feel bad."

   "The Liu family? The policewoman who came today belongs to the Liu family, right?" Chen Xiyi asked curiously.

   "Yes, the eldest daughter of the head of the Liu family, I didn't expect you to be able to see it, sir." Ximen Yue replied.

  Nonsense, normal people can't tell, the soldiers are all around, this female policeman must have some status, if it is not a daughter of a family, what will happen in the next blind date, marriage and other face-slapping plots.

  Chen Xiyi thinks it has that smell.

   "Let me give you a suggestion, that is, your eldest brother's 70th birthday party should not be held, otherwise, maybe the birthday party will turn into nothing." Chen Xiyi sincerely advised.

  The faces of all the people present could not help but change. They felt that Chen Xiyi would not shoot the target for no reason.

   "But the invitation has already been sent out, I'm afraid the order will change every day." Ximen Yue said worriedly.

  But before he finished speaking, Ximenzhang interrupted him: "Let me communicate with my elder brother and see what he said."

  The members of Ximen's family all knew that this birthday banquet was a big event, and they must not be delayed, otherwise they would not dare to speak loudly about the death of their grandson and son, so they could only leave it at home first.

   It's not because I'm afraid that this matter will delay the birthday party.

  They enjoy the rights brought by the Ximen family, so naturally they have to shoulder the corresponding responsibilities.

   Otherwise, why would you be so sad when you first saw her? It wasn’t because your family members couldn’t be buried, and they couldn’t even go to the birthday banquet.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi saved her life.

   This naturally means that everything is fine, and I can go to the birthday banquet again tomorrow.

  This is not just a birthday banquet, but also a business meeting, a benefit exchange office, and most importantly, a high-level replacement of the Ximen family.

  The 70-year-old main resigned from his hometown, and the handover ceremony of the newcomers will be at this birthday banquet.

  Otherwise, how could it be so serious? If it was just a simple birthday banquet, if it was cancelled, it would indeed be cancelled, no big deal.

   "Sir, what is the specific situation that is so serious that it makes the birthday banquet useless." Ximen Yue still couldn't help asking.

  Chen Xiyi thought for a while: "Many, let's put it this way, the world is wrong, not you."

  Hearing this, the pupils of Ximen Yue's eyes shrank. He didn't expect such a sentence.

   "Is there a way to crack it?" Ximen Yue asked respectfully. Seeing the conversation between his father and his uncle, it might not be possible to cancel it, so he could only ask.

  Chen Xiyi thought for a while: "There is no solution, but there are ways to avoid it. Whether it can be achieved depends on your training."

   "Paper and pen for me."

   After finishing speaking, he began to write something.

  For example, the attitude of security guards and waiters is better, especially when facing some young or middle-aged people who are wearing casual clothes or acting carelessly.

  Besides, you have to pay attention to those young people who look ordinary but have very deep eyes. When others look at beautiful women, they are lewd and he admires them.

   Or some son-in-law, the fiance of the president, or a poor college student who doesn't know where to get the invitation, etc., don't discriminate or provoke.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is to control those domineering or playboys in your own family, and don't let these people be casually eccentric. up.

  The most important thing is that this category of people has not been offended recently.

   A sheet of paper was filled to the brim, and Ximen Yue and Ximen Zhang looked weirder and weirder.

  Always feel like this is overkill.

"Don't you believe it, if I didn't remind the soldier king, who would know? If he really offends, either I will kill them, or he will uproot your entire Ximen family. That's right, it's your entire family. , not your family."

   This group of people who look like Long Aotian plus a harem stallion protagonist template is definitely not that simple.

  If there were no previous incidents, Ximen Yue and Ximen Zhang would never have believed Chen Xiyi's alarmist talk, but after seeing Chen Xiyi's ability, they would naturally believe it, and the other party didn't need to lie to themselves.

   "I see, I will tell my elder brother to be careful." Ximenzhang took the paper, feeling a little helpless. There are so many taboos in it, and there are many difficulties in implementing it.

  Ximenzhang can believe it, but his elder brother may not be able to believe it. After all, the evasion and taboo here are really weird.

  ‘However, it seems that it is not impossible to deal with the opponent. Apart from my violent crushing, I can also kill people with a knife. '

  Chen Xiyi was thinking about this matter. He didn't know if any of these individuals were as unbeatable as the protagonist Xiaoqiang, but if everyone had such a good luck, as long as they had big data, they might be able to lure these people to kill each other.

   For example, create an interaction point for love luck, all the love luck ability owners are attracted to the same beauty.

  (end of this chapter)

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