This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 216: What's in the secret vault of the hidden world

  Chapter 216 What's in the secret treasury of the hidden family

   "I think that luxury goods are definitely an extremely useful tool for making money, whether it's cars, watches, bags or wine."

  Chen Xiyi walked in the manor of a hermit family, which seemed to be the place where the direct descendants lived. The interior was so extravagant that, to be honest, he wanted to use a pickaxe to knock all of them back.

  Even the mountain was hollowed out and became an underground secret base.

   Walked into the secret library of the manor, which not only stored materials, but also stored various antique calligraphy and paintings, gold and some precious medicinal materials.

   "The medicinal materials seem to be of no use to me. They should be classified as materials or ingredients."

   There is no category of medicinal materials in the Homeland game, and there are no recovery supplies. Food is essentially used to increase satiety, and the rest of the status is actually an add-on.

   "Take them all away, and then I can ask Hell's magic chef to give me some medicinal food."

  As the saying goes, thieves don't go empty-handed, and here they are all here. Let's lower the moral bottom line by a few million points first, and take all these things away.

  Antique calligraphy and paintings can be used as decorations, gold as materials, and medicinal materials as ingredients.

   There are also a variety of other things that Chen Xiyi doesn't know, and they are all in the pocket.

   When he finished collecting, it had been more than half an hour. Don't underestimate the treasures of a hidden family. These still have time value. The real wealth of the hidden family is rights and fixed assets.

  To be honest, even the Ximen family is not capable of building such a secret storehouse, yet this hermit family can.

   "Dongfang Clan, this is interesting." Chen Xiyi opened the genealogy in the secret library. This hermit family's surname is Dongfang, and the first name is Dongfang Bai.

   "This name looks familiar."

  Chen Xiyi retrieved the name in his memory. Since he felt familiar, he must have seen or heard it. It is absolutely impossible for his soul to have an illusion, but because he has too many memories, he needs to retrieve it.

"I found it. The winner of the 12th God of Cookery Contest. He is a master of the Nine Suns School and majored in knife skills. It is said that the Nine Suns rise up with one knife. Those who look directly at it are like seeing a big sun in their eyes. If it is light, it will dazzle the eyes, and if it is severe, it will ruin the eyes. "

   "Then he became the head chef of the Nine-day School, served as the Imperial Secretary of the palace, and was in charge of the chef of the world."

   "Probably the chef version of the martial arts leader."

   Then looking down, he also had an impression of the latter, who basically served as officials of various dynasties, but there was no decent chef again, and the so-called nine-day school gradually died out.

   Up to now, I can’t find a recipe, and even the three-legged black sword of the year has been lost.

   "Interesting, it was drafted by one generation and passed down from generation to generation. The hidden family is indeed the descendant of those chefs back then."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the biographies in the secret library. These biographies had already fallen into ashes. It was obvious that these unfilial descendants had never taken care of them.

  The genealogy is better preserved, after all, the newborns of the direct line must be registered in the genealogy.

   Naturally, only the direct line is recorded here, and the side branches will be removed later and entered into the genealogy separately. Only if you have made great contributions to the family can you be included in the genealogy of the direct line.

  It may have been very important before, but now it is less important, whether you like to record or not.

  The branch genealogy is not here, but in the village temples in the villages and towns. In recent years, it has not been distributed at all, but has been reformed in the form of a family group.

  Chen Xiyi speculates that the four major families in Yanzhou are likely to be branches of this Eastern family.

   It is equivalent to a signboard placed at the front of the Oriental Family.

   "The secret library is outdated, it's just a simple warehouse. With the changes of the times, this has been eliminated."

  Chen Xiyi sighed, and then put all the genealogy and these books back.

   It's time to remember that he has memorized it all, and it's useless to take the book back, so it's better to keep it for the other party to think about.

   "However, the supernatural beings were not created by the other party, but recruited, but all of them were dispatched to other places to guard. This place is probably equivalent to the ancestral home."

  Chen Xiyi walked a lot around this Eastern family, except for those harvested in the secret vault, in fact, he didn't gain much.

   It seems that there are many bodyguards, and there are even many children of the Eastern family living here, but in fact the real core backbones are located in various places in Yanzhou.

   Only in this way can we have a better grasp of the situation in the entire region. Otherwise, if you really think that the whole clan will let the money go, others will be willing to listen to you honestly.

  If you want to suppress such various forces, you must have the ability and capital, otherwise you will end up being divided and eaten by the various forces, how can you still live so chicly.

  The phrase “moral incompatibility” is common. Without sufficient ability, it is impossible to fulfill the corresponding obligations and obtain sufficient rights.

  If this Eastern family is really all dudes who know nothing but eating, drinking and having fun, they will definitely end up the same as the Ximen family.

  The Dongfang family was able to easily get rid of the Ximen family and incidentally forced the Black Hawk security to replace the general manager of Yanzhou.

   "The Ximen family is gone, so the subsequent signature family is likely to be selected from the remaining three families."

Chen Xiyi left the secret vault of the Eastern family slowly, knocked out a few luxury cars that looked good and put them in the inventory, and picked and picked a lot of things before returning to the underground shelter go inside.

   "The other hermit families outside of Yanzhou are a bit far away, otherwise, they might be able to find something else.

  Chen Xiyi went around for a long time, but did not find the corresponding production technology. Instead, he found the awakening information from the relevant data he obtained, which made Chen Xiyi more certain that supernatural beings cannot be artificially manufactured.

  This awakening is not something that can be inherited, but is random. No one knows who will awaken when.

  So relatively speaking, it depends on luck, but most of the supernatural beings will be recruited by the official, and then further distributed.

   It is considered a relatively unlucky type of people.

But fortunately, the number is relatively rare. According to the network data of Chen Xiyi's invasion of various forces, there are only more than a hundred of these supernatural beings who have broken the sky. In an institution called the Ability Department.

   Usually sent out as a tool man to do tasks, probably an alternative version of the Tiger Squad.

He also found a lot of experimental data, intending to reproduce supernatural beings, but without any results. Now there are still a lot of people who are still working hard, but because of the lack of progress and lack of funds, almost It's close to closing.

  Chen Xiyi also learned from the data that in recent years, there have been very few supernatural beings born, unlike the past when there were one or two.

   "The emergence of supernatural beings can be traced back to the chefs' followers. With the decline of the extraordinary abilities of chefs in this world, supernatural beings will also decline along with it."

   "In this way, the effects of those miraculous foods are also genetic?"

   "It's just that it tends to be unstable or lacks some stable genetic factors?"

   "And this factor is likely to be related to the decline of chefs."

  This world is really too chaotic, there are chefs and luck owners, as well as a hodgepodge of immortals, martial arts, ghosts, supernatural beings and so on.

  Chen Xiyi couldn't get away from research for a while.

   "Let's put the other things on hold first, and solve the matter of luck first." Chen Xiyi still planned to follow his own ideas.

The chef is cold. It seems that because of the disappearance of the Moyu pot, the God of Cookery competition has been postponed indefinitely. Unless the Moyu pot is found, it may be postponed forever. Even if other chefs want to restart, they will probably be suppressed by the families who have made trouble die.

   And supernatural beings, in Chen Xiyi's eyes, were derivatives of chefs, so they were naturally put on hold.

  Cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts is closely related to peach blossom luck. He found that in order to have the two abilities of cultivating immortals and martial arts, there must be two prerequisites, that is, peach blossom luck and god-level ability.

  That is to say, only the protagonist who has a stallion similar to the harem type is eligible, and the others are completely ineligible.

  He has confirmed this point. In Yanzhou, unless the prefix is ​​the kind of tall soldier king or genius doctor, there is no such thing at all.

   "You can go to Ye Fan's nine masters. His medical skills and ability to cultivate immortals were taught by them. Maybe you can find some clues."

  Chen Xiyi thought of Ye Fan at this time. These days, Ye Fan and his favorability have dropped to 0.5 stars, and it will really fall to the bottom soon.

  His prefix has not changed, and he also discovered Ye Fan's treatment at this time through the network equipment.

Sure enough, he has become a son-in-law, but he is still the type of Long Aotian pretending to slap his face. In just a few days, he got his hands on his sister-in-law, and then saved an old man who had a heart attack during morning exercises. This old man's identity is naturally unusual, he was once the leader of Yanzhou, of course, what's more coincidental is that this old man also has a young and beautiful granddaughter who is as beautiful as a flower.

   Later, relying on the resources of his fiancée, he helped a certain female college student solve some trivial matters.

  Anyway, there are more and more beauties around me, and I enjoy it every day.

  To be honest, Chen Xiyi was wondering why these people hadn't receded because of the fact that these people were rolling around with women every day.

  Chen Xiyi is studying every day to ensure that he can realize his potential into strength. If he is decadent for ten days and a half months, his mentality will definitely change.

   "After the beauty No. 2 is sent to Chu Ge, find a way to find the location of Ye Fan's nine masters, and then give him the beauty No. 3."

   For a friend who can lose favorability, Chen Xiyi will basically not regard him as a friend.

  You can lose your favorability, doesn't it mean that you can cheat yourself in the future?

   What he wants is a friend whose favorability is stable and won't drop. Even if it's a little less capable, Chen Xiyi doesn't mind.

  Friends, let’s try to have a deep relationship. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. As long as they are 4-star or 5-star friends, Chen Xiyi will accept whatever they give.

   "I exchanged beautiful women for master, no matter how I think Ye Fan has made money, beautiful women are cool, master"

   "If his nine masters are also beauties, it seems to be fun."

  Chen Xiyi suddenly discovered such a blind spot.

   "But it's okay. I don't want your master. I just want memory. I trade my memory for beauties. Even if Ye Fan's nine masters are all beauties, I won't use them. It's him who is cool."

  Chen Xiyi thought about it for a while, he felt that he was not greedy for other people's bodies, so thinking about it, Ye Fan still made money.

   This is picking up a beautiful woman for nothing. Although the number is No. 3, not No. 1, but with Chen Xiyi and his 0.5-star to precarious friendship, I guarantee to pinch him a good-looking one, the one that perfectly matches his XP.

"In short, Ye Fan has made a profit, and I have lost so much that I can only take the bus." Chen Xiyi weighed the value back and forth, and felt that he had lost, but as a friend, he lost as long as he lost. He is open-minded. .

  (end of this chapter)

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