This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 217: Behind the scene of unknown origin

  Chapter 217 The behind-the-scenes of unknown origin

   "Okay, the work of all units is over, and there are three days left to move freely." Chen Xiyi saw Chu Ge comforting Beauty No. 2 from the satellite, and notified Linghu's family.

  After a rehearsal, the acting skills are naturally much better, at least not as timid as before.

Of course, it is also possible that Linghu is worried that he will become the No. 3 beauty, so he is so desperate. This is not a joke from Chen Xiyi. The tool man has not shown value, so Chen Xiyi can only make the best use of it. .

   "Yes, boss." Ling Hu said.

   This time the operation was still very successful, at least not needing No. 1 rescue as before.

  Chen Xiyi then began to sort out the data that No. 1 gave back to him. In the past few days, No. 1 and Qin Tian can be said to be inseparable, like a conjoined twin.

  Of course, this is due to the ability of No. 1.

   "Qin Tian's body is the same as the hero in the drama next door that he can only watch at home. His kidneys are good."

   "It's been three days, and there is no trend at all?"

  Chen Xiyi was at a loss, this is not scientific at all, with the method of No. 1, the longevity warrior would have to be squeezed out within three days if he met him, but in the end, this guy was still alive and well.

   According to the feedback from the data, this Qin Tian's physical fitness is not comparable to that of a long-lived warrior, at most it is about the physical fitness of a master warrior, and he will definitely not be able to win the No. 1.

  But now the two of them are fighting each other, which is simply unbelievable.

   This isn’t kidney health, what is it?

   "Let's see if other people are in the same situation. If they are all the same, it must be luck."

  Chen Xiyi didn't immediately classify it as the ability of luck. After all, Qin Tian is the only factor at present. After Chu Ge gets started again, he can look at the data fed back by the other party to be sure.

   "We need to expand the base number of embryos, otherwise, if there is one embryo every three days, when will the four-digit soldier king genius doctor have to be saved?"

  In the early stage, experiments were required, so small-scale production was required. Now that the technology has matured and stabilized, it is natural to increase production.

   Otherwise, it would be mass-produced from the very beginning. Once there are some technical problems, the loss will not be one or two, but the entire army will be wiped out.

   "The system uses big data to search for the person who corresponds to the person, and conducts real-time tracking and collection of behavioral trajectories."

  Chen Xiyi issued an order for the whole people. Now that the production has been increased in an all-round way, the actions of all experimental subjects must keep up. Otherwise, if a beautiful model with the same personality and identity is produced, wouldn't it be necessary to go back to the furnace.

Chen Xiyi handed over such tedious and repetitive calculations to the system. With the support of a lot of big data, the system can still do this kind of thing. No, what use is Chen Xiyi for this system? Is it really just following the trend to install a system for himself?

  It might as well uninstall it and replace it with another one.

   "First arrange for him all the lucky people in Yanzhou. As for the people in other states, I'm currently powerless."

  Chen Xiyi's base is in Yanzhou, and he cannot expand outward due to his own manpower. The world is so big that Chen Xiyi cannot handle it alone.

   Otherwise, how could he have recruited Linghu's family as tool workers, and he would definitely continue to recruit some people to serve as nodes, tool workers, and the like.

   But he will let Linghu's family do this. No matter what they say, they are sitting in a position of high authority. Although they are hit by dimensionality reduction, their ability is still there, and there is no problem with the manager.

   Specifically how to implement it, Chen Xiyi is still creating a new folder for this matter, and we will talk about when the folder is created.

   Now he is going to go to Huangqi Mountain. This is the information he learned from Ye Fan with a little trick before, and it is the place where his nine masters are located.

  Huangqi Mountain is located in a remote place. Although it is not in the mountains, it is also a place that is inaccessible.

  The only strange thing is that Chen Xiyi didn't find any white dots when he compared Huangqi Mountain on the game map, which meant that there were no NPCs there, which made him very strange.

  If there is no NPC, then who is the person who taught Ye Fan medical skills and immortal cultivation?

  Although he said so, Chen Xiyi was going to take a look, maybe he left?

  If you really want to live there for more than ten years, you must have strong traces of life.

  Chen Xiyi took a taxi nearby and asked the other party to drive him there.

   On the way, I also asked the driver a few words about Huangqi Mountain, and the reason was naturally to climb the mountain.

   It just seemed that the driver was not familiar with Huang Qishan, so he just replied a few words, saying that it was a little-known hill, and few people went there on weekdays.

   While talking, he also recommended other mountains to Chen Xiyi, the ones that are so lively and beautiful.

  Chen Xiyi politely refused.

   It took nearly an hour for the taxi to arrive at Mount Huangqi. Part of the reason was that when Chen Xiyi was running, he ran in the opposite direction to Mount Huangqi, so it took so long.

  Standing at the foot of Huangqi Mountain, Yuanshen perceives the flowing wind and the trees, earth and rocks on the mountain.

  Although there is no qi mechanism in this world, it does not prevent him from perceiving Fengshui and so on through Yuanshen.

   "No one? Really no one."

  Chen Xiyi's face was solemn, and he could clearly feel that this place was normal, without any artificial factors.

  However, he didn't give up just yet, and immediately walked towards the mountain. Following the road in Ye Fan's memory, Chen Xiyi easily found the place where he had lived for more than ten years.

  In Ye Fan's memory, there is a big wooden house here, where his nine masters lived.

   But now, where there is any wooden house, it is simply a dense forest.

   "Was I going the wrong way?"

  The route and scenery ahead are the same as Ye Fan's memory, but they are completely different at the end.

   "Qian Mian, go up and take a look." Chen Xiyi asked Qian Mian to fly to the sky to investigate, while he controlled the satellite to observe Huang Qishan first.

   Judging from the satellite, this place is basically a barren mountain, with no trace of anyone living.

   Soon, Thousand Faces also rose to a certain level, and the field of view fed back was clearer than that of the satellite, and there was no difference.

   "That is to say, Ye Fan's nine masters didn't exist at all, so how did he live to such an age?"

  In Ye Fan's memory, he has lived on this mountain for more than ten years.

   But the fact is that there are no traces here at all.

   "That's interesting." Chen Xiyi searched repeatedly for a long time, but still found nothing. He even walked around Huangqi Mountain, and concluded that it was just a mountain without any human habitation.

   "Could it be that there is another space here, such as a secret realm? It's just that I can't detect it."

  Chen Xiyi changed his mind again, unless Ye Fan's memory is fake, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for it not to exist.

  Combined with Ye Fan's immortal ability, it is obvious that this is a group of people cultivating immortals. In this way, it can be explained.

   "There is a secret realm similar to Dongtian Paradise on Huangqi Mountain. This should be regarded as another map, so my game map can't detect it."

  The game map is also limited. Unless the two worlds border each other, if they are closed, they will definitely not be able to find each other.

  Chen Xiyi has not yet been involved in space technology, so he was a little helpless for a while.

  But there is another possibility, that is, Ye Fan's memory is fake.

   It's just that the possibility is too small.

   "Go back?" Chen Xiyi thought about it.

  He was a little reconciled, he had already come, if he just went back like this, wouldn't it be a waste of half a day.

   This is all a waste. If you don’t get some substantial results back, you might as well stay a little longer and see if you can find what you want.

  Back to the location of the wooden house in Ye Fan's memory, Chen Xiyi felt that this location might be the key.

  Just after shopping around, I feel a little helpless. I don’t have the corresponding technology, and I can’t see anything special at all.

  This feeling is like a primitive person seeing a computer, completely incomprehensible.

  He took out the alloy pickaxe and waved it in front of him, trying to see if he could dismantle some invisible portal, but unfortunately he found nothing.

  After walking around for a long time, Chen Xiyi also had a headache.

  To be honest, he now has some doubts that Ye Fan's memory is fake, otherwise, how could a person with this kind of technology stay in the deep mountains and old forests just to teach a son-in-law how to do it.

   It's just that since the memory is false, it means that someone artificially made it, otherwise it would be impossible to be born out of thin air.

  'The matter of peach blossom luck seems to involve a lot. '

  Chen Xiyi came to a conclusion silently in his heart, because no matter what the reason was, it meant that someone was hiding behind the scenes.

  The main reason is that no one can be found, otherwise Chen Xiyi would dare to go up.

  ‘But it’s okay, you can hide now, but it is not a very simple matter to force you out. '

  He can't find the people behind the scenes, but it doesn't mean he can't target them. They can hide, but these lucky owners can't hide.

   When he has all these lucky owners in his hands, he won't believe that they won't come out.

  These behind-the-scenes people have produced so many good luck owners, among which it is definitely profitable, otherwise why do they have nothing to do?

  Although he has not found the interests in it yet.

  But it is certain that it is definitely among the three abilities of peach blossom luck, god-level ability, and immortal martial arts.

  The focus should be luck.

   After Chen Xiyi arranged a formation here and stored a Gu worm for monitoring, he had no choice but to leave.

  He is not reconciled, but it is useless to be reconciled. If he can't find it, he can't find it. It is impossible to say that because he continues to persevere, he will gain something.

   When to persevere and when to give up, there must be a certain number, which is called advancing and retreating in an orderly manner.

   After making a decision, leave decisively. Anyway, there is a Gu worm here, and there will be satellites here to observe. Although it cannot be said to be foolproof, at least some means have been left.

   Otherwise, it’s a waste of time just to make a guess.

  In addition to the experimental project of peach blossom luck, he also has two experimental projects of super chef and ghost.

   It is impossible to say that you are dead, and the love is in the preparation and investigation period, so change to another project for experimentation.

  After getting off Huangqi Mountain, I saw a dilapidated bus stop

   At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, Chen Xiyi looked at the bus stop sign, and there was the last bus, wondering if he should catch some dirty things?

   Anyway, idle is idle.

   Just as he was thinking about it, the lights in the distance shone, and a very old-looking bus drove over and stopped in front of the bus stop.

   There are men, women and children sitting inside, and it seems to be very lively.

   It looks normal, but the problem is that this place is deep in the mountains and old forests. How could there be so many people at this point.

   More importantly, Chen Xiyi also smelled a rancid smell.

   Yes, I didn’t meet them on the mountain, but I met them on the way back this time, and it was still a car. He thought he would be lucky if he could catch one or two.

  (end of this chapter)

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