This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 224: Gravekeeper's Guardian of the Dead

  Chapter 224 The Gravekeeper's Soul Guardian

  【Your Promotion Sequence 2: Gravekeeper】

  【You have acquired the skill: Guardian of the Dead】

  【The sequence promotion conditions are as follows:】

  【Clean the cemetery every day, clear up weeds, plant flowers and trees; keep vigil at night to prevent tomb robbers and wild beasts from disturbing the ancestors (0%)】

   Chen Xiyi was relieved to see himself changing from a corpse collector in Sequence 1 to a grave keeper in Sequence 2, and finally upgraded.

  However, Chen Xiyi was a little bit dumbfounded about the skill Guardian of the Dead.

According to the feedback he got, he was promoted from Sequence 1: Corpse Collector to Sequence: 2 Gravekeeper. There are actually two skills. One is the guardian of the dead that he obtained. After releasing it, he can summon the dead to guard him. Damage, can also resist spells, pollution, and even recover itself to a certain extent, and even counterattack the enemy when the enemy is close.

   It can be regarded as an existence that can fight and carry.

   It’s just that the souls of the dead are unconscious existences, and it’s still quite embarrassing at the moment, but it’s okay, Chen Xiyi can just connect to the system when the time comes.

   This is considered a passive skill.

  Of course, dead souls also have life points. Currently, Chen Xiyi only has one dead soul guarding him. After upgrading, there should be more.

  In addition to the guardian of the dead, there is also a curse of the wraith.

  This will generate a wraith that is the same as a revenant, of course, with different functions, the main function is to give the enemy attacks, curses, nightmares, soul devourers, etc., it can be regarded as a wraith baby.

  The difference is that the undead cannot leave the gravekeeper, while the wraith can move freely without the gravekeeper.

   It seems that wraiths are much freer than dead souls, but this is not without cost, because wraiths are curses, and they want to attack the gravekeeper anytime and anywhere.

   This is related to the way of promotion.

   There are two ways to collect the corpses of people who died suddenly. One is more orthodox. When someone dies, they collect the corpses, which forms the Guardian of the Dead.

  And if you kill someone yourself, and then collect the corpse for the other person, then this kind of evil way will form this kind of powerful but sequelae curse of the wraith.

  You must know that both resentful spirits and undead souls can be upgraded, and this skill is the only extraordinary means for the gravekeeper.

  Think about it, once you use evil methods to quickly become a tomb keeper, in the process of promotion, the resentful spirit gradually becomes stronger until the tomb keeper can't suppress the vengeful spirit and dies from its backlash.

  Chen Xiyi is not afraid, but this is just the beginning. What if he continues to upgrade?

   Right now it's just a single vengeful spirit, maybe there will be another vengeful spirit in Sequence 3, and then there will be something to bear.

  On the contrary, the souls of the guardian of the dead focus on guarding. Although the restrictions are relatively large, they will not backfire. Whether it is the growth of quantity or strength, they will only focus on guarding.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi still has lingering fears. The Curse of Wraith is really easy to use, especially when paired with the death notification, it can be regarded as a supernormal performance, but the problem is that this thing has side effects.

  He would rather have such a guardian of the dead that has no side effects and can only be used as a panacea shield.

   "It's just that the promotion conditions for the tomb keeper are a bit difficult, and it's actually presented as a percentage progress bar, not a time or a number of days or some kind of mark."

   "Then, does this mean that the cemetery determines the progress?"

  Gravekeepers must guard the cemetery. You can’t say that you only guard one grave. This is probably possible, but the speed of the progress bar cannot be guaranteed.

   "And this is likely to involve the skills of Sequence 3."

   "So this matter can't be sloppy."

Chen Xiyi was thinking about this matter. If all the corpses collected by him were buried in a huge cemetery, and if these corpses were still dirty things, if they were promoted to Sequence 3, would they be as useless as Guardians of the Dead? Skills with side effects.

   "You can try it and make it as perfect as possible. It's just that the power of Yanzhou is not enough for me. I need to further expand my own power."

   If you want to collect such a garden of dirty things, you can't rely on Yanzhou alone.

   At least three or five states are needed.

"This death notification has also been upgraded, with a range of 100 meters. It's barely worth it. At least it can be used as a fortune teller to say that you have a **** disaster, and the initiative is stronger. Sequence 1 and ordinary people are sure to die, while Sequence 2 is not. It depends on the effect, and if it goes higher, it will be almost invalid.”

  Chen Xiyi doesn't know what Sequence 1's judgment is, but from his personal perception, Sequence 1 is the same as ordinary people in terms of physical fitness, but has a certain resistance to death, that is, it is not so easy to die.

   And in Sequence 2, the physical fitness has also become stronger. Although it has not reached the limit of human beings, the spirituality has become stronger, and the death resistance has further strengthened.

  Of course, this is relative to this historical sequence, and Chen Xiyi is not clear about other sequences.

  The historical sequence does not focus on the self, whether it is the soul, the body, or the spirituality, but tends to the external death, ghosts, etc.

   "Like a necromancer? But why did the necromancer become history in the end?"

   "In this case, shouldn't this sequence be called death? Why is it called history."

  From Sequence 1 and Sequence 2, combined with the corresponding poems, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a death sequence, not a historical sequence.

   Even skills are related to death.

  Listen, the death notice, the guardian of the dead, no matter how you look at it, it is not serious.

  If it is a historical sequence, it should be records, writing, etc., and even the sequence should be historians or archaeologists.

  Even grave robbers can barely get involved, but the corpse collector and grave guard have nothing to do with history at all.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi didn't get too entangled in these things, doubts are doubts, he can't say that he is really competing with this module.

  Then, Chen Xiyi briefly tested the ability of Guardian of the Dead, and the effect was not bad. Although it was not as good as his Yuanshen Martial Arts, it was only a level 1 skill, and it could be upgraded later.

   And he also tried the combination of death notification and guardian of the dead, which is not bad, it can be said to be a set of skills.

   When facing a person with a death notice wrapped around his body, the Guardian of the Dead will cause additional soul damage when counterattacking him, and the death notice will be superimposed.

   That is to say, give the opponent a layer of death notification first, and the more you hit the opponent, the more layers of death notification will be superimposed.

   At the end of the fight, the death notification that is only level 2 can be superimposed to level 3 or level 4, so as to make the opponent die suddenly.

   "The curse of the wraith plus the death notification is a long-range strike, while the guardian of the dead plus the death notification is a melee enhancement."

   "It's a pity that the guardian of the dead is mainly about protection."

  Guardian of the Revenant combined with the death notice is indeed inferior to the attack power of the Curse of the Wraith plus the death notice. After all, the souls of the Guardian of the Revenant cannot leave 1 meter away from Chen Xiyi.

   "However, this wraith curse plus death notice is an act of drinking poison to quench thirst."

If someone has a death notice on his body, if the gravekeeper releases the curse of the wraith, the wraith will kill the person with the death notice first, and then devour the other party's soul to make himself stronger. In the process of digesting the soul , it will not backfire on the gravekeeper.

   It's just that the wraith will become stronger later, and then will be more vicious, and the backlash will be even greater.

   In short, it is harming others and benefiting oneself. In addition to the strengthening of the resentful spirits, once they are liquidated, they will basically die without life.

  Because once the vengeful spirit thinks it is stronger than you and wants to devour the gravekeeper, the death notice will also be invalidated, and it will really be impossible to run away.

   "Although it's a bit tasteless, it's better than a rebel like Wraith." Chen Xiyi seldom fights in melee, so the combination of Guardian of the Dead and death notification is useless to him.

   It would be nice to have one more bodyguard, in case he needs it sometime.

   Besides, multiple skills are always good, not to mention passive.

   "Next, I'll be busy again." Chen Xiyi sighed.

  He always feels that he has obviously become stronger, but he is always out of control. It stands to reason that he should be romantic every day when he is stronger?

  Why are you with a group of clones every day now, either to study this or that.

   "Fortunately, my hair is a part of the player's body, otherwise, I would go bald sooner or later, and become a very smart fat nerd."

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi is very grateful that he is a player. If he is really bald, he will really have to wear a helmet every day.

  He doesn't care about his external image, but he doesn't want to be in the Mediterranean Sea either.

   After all, no matter how handsome he is, he can't control the Mediterranean hairstyle, let alone his average appearance.

   "Cooperation? What kind of cooperation method?" Ling Hu looked at the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes with great interest and said.

   This middle-aged man was sent by the Situ family of Bizhou hermit family to contact them. His name was Situ Ce.

   It seems to be a middle-level figure in the Situ family. In Ling Hu's view, he looks like a smiling tiger.

"You provide technology to our Situ family, and we help you achieve your goals. Of course, this cannot be done in a transparent way. If there is any accident, the Situ family will distance themselves from it. If it is too much, you can turn a blind eye. Let some of your high-level officials pass by with one eye." Situ Ce took a sip of his drink and said slowly.

  The meaning of this is obvious, that is, if you give us the technology, we will not trouble you, which is equivalent to collecting protection fees.

  Of course, this is when there is no major incident, and we will turn our faces and deny people when there is a major incident.

  Ling Hu smiled: "Why don't you change the cooperation method, and your Situ family will be my boss's dog. In this way, you can not only obtain technology, but also follow-up technology, so you don't have to worry too much at all."

  The conditions given by others are that they have rights but no obligations, and they only take benefits without doing things, and they will have to step on you when the time comes, how could Linghu speak so nicely.

  Hearing this, Situ Ce's eyes flashed a cold light: "The dragon crossing the river can't suppress the local snake, not to mention, you are just earthworms, and my Situ family is a dragon."

   "Today you cut off one of your own hands as an apology, we can continue to talk, otherwise, no one in your organization will be able to leave Bizhou alive."

   Hearing this, Ling Hu was about to say something, but suddenly stopped, as if he was listening to something.

   Then came over for a while and said: "Yes, boss, tomorrow, no, I will solve the problem of Bizhou for you today, yes, yes."

  Situ Ce was at a loss, how could he communicate without a Bluetooth headset on his ear.

  After a while, Ling Hu looked at Situ Ce with a smirk: "It's useless to give you a chance. You can enjoy some treatment by being a dog to our boss. It's too late now."

   As he spoke, Ling Hu stretched out his hand abruptly, and grabbed Situ Ce's neck.

"Send them on the road. Within today, let the Situ family either kneel or lie down. The boss has a new plan." Ling Hu crushed Situ Ce to death, and the members of the organization behind him also acted like ghosts. Get up and kill everyone present.


  For a large number of long-lived warriors, there is no need at all, and only violence can solve these things.

  (end of this chapter)

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