This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 225: Harem ratio of one to fifteen

  Chapter 225 Harem ratio of one to fifteen

"Has it attracted the attention of other hermit families? Well, let's stop for a while. The hermit families in the five states are enough for now. It's just a matter of placing all the peach blossoms in these five states. Let's deal with it."

   "With the cooperation of the hermit family this time, the process will be smoother."

  Chen Xiyi fed back the intelligence through the big data collected by the system, which stopped the further expansion of the organization under him.

   Digest and digest first, otherwise it’s not good to fill your belly.

  The area of ​​five states is enough for him to toss at this stage. If the truth is revealed at that time, it will be the enemy of the whole world.

   Better be careful.

   "There are seventy-two state capitals in the Qian State, and seventy-two hermit families. It seems that not all descendants of the God of Cookery can become hermit families. Certain means are still needed."

   "However, it seems that a small number of them are not descendants of the God of Cookery, but a dynastic family that is mainly anti-customer."

Chen Xiyi looked up the news and seemed to find something interesting. These are not the hermit families who are the descendants of the God of Cookery. Most of them came to power after the extraordinary abilities of the chefs declined, and they belonged to the dynastic family, that is, the contemporary dynasty. The royal family is modeled after the hermit family.

   Of course, there are not many successful families, and only some powerful dynasties can succeed.

  A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year family.

  This sentence can be said to be vividly displayed here.

  "The family rule together seems to be a great unification, but in fact it is just a fig leaf."

  Chen Xiyi shook his head. Compared with his previous life, the situation in this Gan country is far worse.

   "It's more like the chaebol country of modern Goguryeo. Yes, it should be this kind of system. Here, it's even more bare-knuckle." Chen Xiyi seems to have found some common ground.

   A twisted corpse was stuffed into the incinerator and burned.

  He has already memorized the ritual of the corpse collector, and he can completely handle these without focusing on himself, and can complete it by relying on the control of the system's process modules.

   These dirty things are not easy to find. Chen Xiyi wants his own Sequence 2: Gravekeeper to develop as he envisioned, so he needs a lot of dirty things.

   These dirty things are not easy to find. Although the ability of ghost cover eyes is very simple, Gu warriors can easily catch it.

   But the problem is that this ghost cover eyes is too targeted, let alone ordinary people, Gu warriors at the longevity level may ignore these dirty things.

   What's more, these dirty things have various abilities.

   Moreover, what Chen Xiyi wanted was a specific type of dirty things, he didn't accept ghosts, he only wanted corpses.

   After all, what is buried in the cemetery are corpses, and the soul is not his business.

   Besides, corpses are actually imprisoned in a ghost, so corpses can have this special ability.

  Dirty things like ghosts do not have a body. It is very likely that they will be bound in one place and become ground-bound spirits, unable to move freely.

  He doesn't know what other worlds are like, but this world is like this.

   There are probably two unique types of earth-bound spirits and ghost corpses. Chen Xiyi has studied them, and there is no third one.

  The ghosts on the bus he caught before were regarded as ghost corpses. Because of the cause of death, their bodies had already been restrained and cremated, and now they were imprisoned in the original bus.

  The bus was buried by him in his private cemetery after it was almost studied by him not long ago, and it still occupies the C position.

  The tomb is convex and tall, and the construction is very gorgeous.

  After collecting the corpse, all the ghosts inside were saved by him.

   It wasn't a physical or magical supernatural power, but a ritual supernatural power. After Chen Xiyi collected their corpses, the tormented ghosts were liberated.

  According to Chen Xiyi's research, liberation is essentially euthanasia.

   Make it easier for them to die.

   As for being sent to reincarnation, this point needs to be discussed carefully. There is no such thing as reincarnation in this world, and death is death.

  The birth of the soul is essentially a unique spiritual body born from various factors such as the structure of the human brain and memory.

  The birth of dirty things is also derived from the mutation of this spiritual body and the influence of some external factors.

  Chen Xiyi can be sure of one thing, the mutation of the mental body is a secondary factor, and the real cause of dirty things is external influence.

  Chen Xiyi has also gone through some experiments on what kind of influence it is, that is, he is a person with a peach blossom blood.

  As long as there are peach blossoms in the area, the occurrence rate of dirty things is 100% higher than other areas.

  Because there are no areas where these peach blossom blood transporters are located, there is no dirty thing at all.

   That is to say, most of the urban areas are dangerous areas with a high incidence of dirty things.

   And the impoverished towns or remote mountainous areas that the Peach Blossom Bloodlines disdain to go to have basically never been seen.

  Especially in areas where there are more peach blossom blood vessels, this situation is more frequent.

   These are the evidences obtained by Chen Xiyi through a large amount of data and investigations, and they are not just nonsense.

   Therefore, it can be regarded as a proof of the connection between Dirty Things and the peach blossoms, and it also proves that this group of cultivators and martial arts practitioners are nouveau riche.

  Chefs and supernatural beings are the original system.

   "With the influence of five states, there are now fifty-seven households in the cemetery, and the efficiency is a bit slow. According to my thinking, there must be at least a thousand households."

  After burying the twisted corpse, Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw the uneven and very empty cemetery.

  The main reason is that there are not so many dirty things. It is not bad to be able to gather fifty-seven households these days. Of course, they are still being delivered in a steady stream. Generally speaking, they are on the way.

  Of course, these fifty-seven households do not mean that there are only fifty-seven dead people. In addition to the C-dominated bus, there are also some similar corpses.

  Unfortunately, this type can only be counted as one household and cannot be dismantled.

   It can barely be regarded as a dormitory, but Chen Xiyi is not a stingy person. Naturally, a dormitory like this should be built a little bigger. If the cemetery is not enough, it will be enough to expand it.

  This cemetery is a piece of land in the suburbs designated by Dongfang's family. It only took three days from completion to putting into use. Both the design and quality are first-class.

   How about saying that power is good, in a word, can you mobilize various resources quickly?

  Chen Xiyi walked around the cemetery as usual, and swept up some withered grass brought by the wind. He took care of the entire cemetery here alone, and he had to keep vigil at night.

   After all, the cemetery has been established, and the promotion ceremony will naturally begin.

   But until now, his percentage progress bar has not moved at all.

   But Chen Xiyi knew that the ritual had already begun. When he was cleaning during the day, he could clearly and intuitively feel that his physical fitness had improved a little bit, although not much, but there was still some.

   This is what he traced the source and analyzed.

   And if it is said that his physical fitness is enhanced in the morning, then the ability to enhance his soul guard in the evening is enhanced.

  Guardian of the Dead is a dark-looking ghost. He can't see his face clearly, and he can't distinguish between men and women. He usually wraps around Chen Xiyi in the form of a black mist. If someone attacks him closely, he will turn into a dark ghost and come out to protect Chen Xiyi.

  During the daytime, neither dead souls nor black mist can be seen, unless they have visual abilities such as yin and yang eyes or astral vision, or people with relatively keen perception, otherwise they cannot be noticed.

  At night, he will show up and accompany Chen Xiyi to watch the night in the cemetery, and will become stronger from time to time because of the tomb-watching ceremony.

  Probably the same reason that Chen Xiyi's physical fitness improved when he cleaned the cemetery during the day.

  According to his observation, it seems that the guardian of the dead is getting stronger, but what is actually getting stronger is actually his spirituality.

  The soul that guards him is a derivative of spirituality.

   Therefore, he conducted further research, and he knew that the upgrade principle of the death notification was also related to spirituality, not the upgrade of the home game.

  Every time he performs a corpse collection ceremony or a tomb guarding ceremony, his spirituality will grow during the ceremony, and this growth will lead to the strengthening of the death notice and the guardian of the dead.

  Especially in the previous corpse collection ceremony, because of the number of times, the enhancement was obvious, which gave Chen Xiyi the illusion of upgrading.

  The tomb guarding ceremony this time is different, because it is a percentage progress bar, so it is cashed out according to certain factors, so Chen Xiyi did not feel the previous upgrade mode.

  So, the core is spirituality, not skills.

  Spirituality is expressed in the Homeworld game as a sequence, but Chen Xiyi always thought it was a function.

   But in fact it is not. This sequence is the same type of existence as the Qi Refiner's Yuqi Youshen, but the way of expression is different.

   "Sigh, it's really tiring to play a game without instructions."

  Chen Xiyi sighed. If this kind of game is really developed, if Chen Xiyi meets him in his previous life, he will definitely have to turn into a keyboard warrior and have a good talk with him.

  There is no tutorial for beginners, and the attributes are also a mess. More importantly, there are no explanations for props and skills.

  After a round of inspections, Chen Xiyi returned to the underground shelter below the cemetery to continue his research.

   That's right, he moved all the underground shelters here, and he found that as long as he is still within the scope of the cemetery, it is considered as a ceremony, even if it is under the cemetery.

   Probably a BUG that got stuck in the terrain.

  Of course, it may also be because the game is not compatible, because this sequence: the history module is obviously unlikely to appear in a sandbox type game, after all, I have never heard of gravekeepers living under the cemetery.

   "Five states, seven hundred and three peach blossoms, it is outrageous to the extreme. Yes, the five states are really big, but they can't stand such a disaster."

   "On average, every person who has a romantic relationship has fifteen harems. In five states, these 703 people are divided into 1545 high-value, high-wealth women."

"From this, it can be inferred that there are at least 10,000 people in the seventy-two prefectures of Qianguo, who have invaded 150,000 high-quality women. Just get up."

   "But this is too insane."

  You must know that the peach blossoms are not looking at ordinary women, but women with good looks or a certain social status, not those who are mediocre and of ordinary background.

   However, the background can be mediocre, but if the appearance and figure reach a certain threshold, it is also acceptable.

   "Moreover, the average number is still 15 per person, but it is showing an upward trend. It is estimated that there will be an average of 16 per person in the near future."

   "A month to three months at most, and it will take a month to change one of these two days."

   "If it weren't for the inheritance of peach blossoms, it is estimated that it is not a matter of grinding an iron pestle into a needle, but sending it to the crematorium."

  (end of this chapter)

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