This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 240: Carp Leaping over Dragon Gate Nine Returns to One

  Chapter 240 Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate Nine Returns to One

   "They are not fuel-efficient lamps."

   Watching the three chefs each hold a big carp and start processing.

  Except for Liu Ping, the remaining two didn't really rely on their relationship to squeeze them together. They also have real skills, and they all have the ability to be proficient in cooking.

   Only compared with Liu Ping, it is still far behind.

The other party's culinary skills have changed from extraordinary to supernatural, which is equivalent to two levels higher than these two, not to mention that there is also an extraordinary level of knife skills, and the auxiliary abilities of the other two are just beginners, which is obviously a lot of energy. It's all about improving your cooking skills.

  Here the difference in talent is reflected. Liu Ping is a genius-level figure, so it is naturally different.

   Coupled with the fact that it resembles the first God of Cookery, it is naturally extraordinary.

  His knives are smooth and flowing, completely as smooth as a picture scroll, and the carp is finished with just three or two strokes.

   He even used a unique method to remove all the bones from the fish. It is well known that carp have many small spines, but Liu Ping's knife skills are extraordinary, in other words, skills beyond the limits of ordinary people.

   This knife technique attracted a lot of attention.

  Picking small thorns is normal, but his method of picking thorns is beyond everyone's senses.

  Then Chen Xiyi recalled the scene when the first God of Cookery chopped Ao Lv into pieces with a kitchen knife: 'This number one God of Cookery's knife skills are at least as good as the Tao. '

   "This Liu Ping's single-handed sword technique, I am afraid that even the former God of Cookery can't reach this level, it is extraordinary and refined, it is truly extraordinary." A judge sitting next to Chen Xiyi couldn't help but admire.

  This matter is a fact.

   Liu Ping's move also put a lot of pressure on the remaining two. With this move alone, they lost in terms of knife skills.

Fortunately, I only lost the knife skills at the moment. Although this is part of the cooking skills, the whole thing still depends on the color and aroma. If you eat it, it is considered the winner. The contest is over.

  Of course, this is not to say that there is no influence. In the innate impression points, the other party can be higher than the two of us, which is a bonus item for knife skills.

  The God of Cookery competition does not rely on knife skills to win, but knife skills are also a must for chefs. If someone has this ability, it is naturally an advantage.

  The two of them didn't talk about sarcasm or cynicism, and Liu Ping didn't have a mocking face.

Besides, the two of them are not street gangsters. It is rare in the whole country to be able to achieve such a level of cooking skills. Proficiency seems weak, but Chaofan is no longer an ordinary chef, but an extraordinary chef. up.

   What's more, one is a disciple of the God of Cookery and the other is a son of an aristocratic family. Naturally, they have demeanor. As long as they don't encounter causal supernatural powers like peach blossom luck, they will generally not lose their minds and do some unreasonable things.

Even if they lost, they wouldn't say that they had murderous intentions in their hearts. The current God of Cookery name is no longer the name of the God of Cookery back then. Basically, there is only one name left. At most, it only adds a little exposure, and there is not much substance. that power.

  In ancient times, it would have been equivalent to the leader of the martial arts alliance. Unfortunately, in modern times, if it weren't for Chen Xiyi's vigorous promotion, no one would recognize these so-called God of Cookery walking on the street.

   In terms of benefits, it is only valid in the God of Cookery Association, who will recognize you when you go out.

   If it is not operated properly, it may not be as influential as an Internet celebrity, so just kill people for such a thing?

   Zhuang Gao and Sun Fan are not fools, they will praise Liu Ping even if they lose. They are indeed the youngest super chefs in history, and they even have to boast about it.

   "Liu Ping, the youngest super chef in our history, took the lead in finishing the treatment of carp, and then he actually went to fetch clear spring water. Could it be to make soup?"

"Following him was Sun Fan, the only disciple of the previous God of Cookery. He chose noodles, no, it was flour, and he wanted to make it himself. Could it be carp baked noodles? The noodles needed for carp baked noodles are beard noodles. It's not easy to do, it seems that he is eyeing the position of the God of Cookery, and he doesn't know if he can reproduce the glory of a double God of Cookery."

   "Okay, Zhuang Gao, the master chef of Wancai Restaurant, has also handled the carp. Although it is a bit slow, the slow work produces meticulous work."

  The host continued to explain the situation of the three of them.

  A group of judges, audience, etc. were also whispering, as if guessing something.

   Instead, it was Chen Xiyi, who felt a little bad.

  His intuition did not come from himself, he guessed it was brought by the good and bad forecast from Zhangliu.

   Then he looked at Liu Ping, he was indeed preparing to make soup.

  Carp soup.

   Time passed by every minute and every second.

  One makes carp soup, one makes carp baked noodles, and the other makes sweet and sour carp.

   As for the difficulty, Sun Fan’s carp baked noodles must be the biggest. This may be because the opponent wants to get extra points from it to catch up with Liu Ping’s knife skills.

  Where Zhuang Gao focuses on stability, Liu Ping's soup has a special flavor.

   It's just that the pupils of Chen Xiyi's eyes shrank abruptly, and he found one thing, that is, through the field of vision provided by Qianmian, he found that the speed of dragon transformation has accelerated, as if he had taken hormones.

  ‘Oh my god, if this had nothing to do with Liu Ping’s soup, I’d dare to eat this table alive. '

  Chen Xiyi didn't know what was going on here, but he was certain that there was definitely a problem, and then hurriedly pulled the satellite's field of vision to the position of the group of blood-pulsating plants he threw earlier.

  The blood has stained the yellow sand red, and corpses are lying all over the place, and now there are only about a hundred dragon pulse plants and animals left.

  Every dragon pulse, plant, and plant now has a dragon shape, and even mastered a large number of natural dragon spells, such as wind, thunder, lightning, water and fire, etc., which are inseparable.

  ‘Things are getting worse. '

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that this is definitely the effect caused by the causal peach blossom magic power. Ao Lu, a dead dragon, even if a dragon ball and a wisp of remnant soul can cause trouble, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xiyi to expect it.

  Even You Guang and the Qi Refiner couldn't predict Chen Xiyi's behavior. No matter how strong Ao Lv was, he couldn't break through the homeland game.

   In this way, Chen Xiyi will only be used by the other party after being indirectly affected by various factors like cause and effect, so that Chen Xiyi will be indirectly affected invisibly.

   This is not a panacea. Ao Lu may achieve the goal he wants, but how to achieve it and whether there will be any problems after the goal is not something the other party can grasp.

  ‘However, I don’t seem to need to worry. ’ Chen Xiyi looked at the two sword world projections in his inventory, and suddenly calmed down.

   Isn't it just to fight the BOSS? What is he worried about?

  What's so bad, let him be a monster, let's wait for ten minutes of the sword projection first.

  'Hey, the mentality is not good, you need to practice more, and when Mount Tai collapses in front of you and your face does not change, then you will be considered a teacher. '

  Chen Xiyi's strength has risen rapidly, but his mentality has not kept up.

  'Just thinking about it carefully, the mentality seems to be useless. What kind of mentality do I need as a player? '

   Then Chen Xiyi put this matter behind him.

  If someone really makes him angry, then he will kill him.

  For the player, he is the overall situation if the overall situation is not the overall situation.

  ‘It is good to follow the evil line. '

   "The chef of Wancai Restaurant, Master Zhuang, was the first to complete. This time, he made a home-cooked dish, sweet and sour carp."

  The host's voice brought Chen Xiyi back to his senses, and then Zhuang Gao came with the food box and placed it in front of Chen Xiyi and the others.

  Then opened the food box, only to see golden light erupting, and indistinctly, one by one red elves appeared, leaping over the entire venue, and the sound of water flow seemed to come from my ears.

  After the golden light dissipated, Zhuang Gao said slowly: "Homemade stir-fry, sweet and sour carp."

  The special effects are very powerful, at least in terms of cooking skills, they are much, much higher than the previous Fan Mu.

  The judges rinsed their mouths and immediately picked up a piece of fish and put it in their mouths.

  How should I put it, after the entrance, because Chen Xiyi didn't have the corresponding hallucinations and clothing explosion effects, it turned into recovery of health.

   "Not bad, above average." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

   Zhuang Gao looked at Chen Xiyi seriously, and he didn't think Chen Xiyi was lying, because the food vision cannot be hidden.

  The other party did not show any performance, which shows that my dish is really just above average in the eyes of the other party.

  But the remaining four judges were not. The expression of intoxication and enjoyment coupled with the phantom that burst out like a river of syrup because of eating, meant that the evaluation was extremely high.

  When Sun Fan and Liu Ping saw Chen Xiyi's situation, their hearts were also tense. After all, the other party's indifference is extremely picky. Of course, if they get the other party's approval, this can also prove their cooking skills directly.

   After recovering, the four judges began to comment, while Zhuang Gao showed a somewhat absent-minded expression. He knew that his cooking skills were not enough, and no matter how good the other party's comments were, they were not as direct as Chen Xiyi's above-average one.

   Then, Sun Fan’s carp baked noodles also arrived ten minutes later.

  But after opening the lunch box, a large number of clouds flowed out, forming a cloud river. Carps jumped and swam wantonly in this canal, and a refreshing fragrance emerged.

   After the vision dissipated, Sun Fan said: "Sweet and sour soft fish baked noodles, please taste."

   This is an upgraded version of sweet and sour carp, with an extra baked noodle.

   "Above average." Chen Xiyi said after taking another sip.

  Sun Fan nodded, without saying anything, he stepped aside and waited for Liu Ping's carp soup.

   This process took a long time, until it was pinched, Liu Ping came with a crock pot in thick heat-insulated cotton gloves and placed it in front of them.

   "Innovative dishes, Liyue Longmen Soup."

When Chen Xiyi heard this, his pupils shrank. In this world, there are no myths and legends about carp leaping over the dragon's gate. After all, even mythical creatures like dragons are recorded in remote ancient books, and even the dragon beard noodles used for baking carp noodles are called Mustache.

  Liu Ping opened the lid of the earthen jar, a carp jumped out with a bead in its mouth, and then a gate of heaven appeared in the sky, and dark clouds gathered all over the sky, causing thunder to billow.

  The carp crossed the gate of heaven, and the thunder struck the tail of the carp, causing a big fire.

  As the tail of the fish was burned, the body of the fish gradually grew slender and turned into a real dragon. When the real dragon spit out a dragon ball, it radiated brilliance, dispelling the dark clouds and thunder.

   "I didn't expect to hide here. It really is a good plan." Chen Xiyi's tone was gloomy.

   "What?!" Hearing this, the crowd felt a little puzzled.

   At the same time, in the desert, the last dragon soared up, carrying wind and thunder towards the venue of the God of Cookery Competition.

The clones of the Peach Blossom Bloodlines also completed the dragon transformation at the same time. Ao Lu's primordial spirits opened their eyes one by one, burst into light, and their eyes all converged in the same direction, and then broke through the shackles. , With the magic of blood rebirth, he went one step further to become a fairy.

   "Evacuate the people, things will get serious, and no one will be able to escape if it is too late."

  Chen Xiyi said something that no one understood.

  (end of this chapter)

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