This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 241: Projection·Shushan Sword World

  Chapter 241 Projection·Shushan Sword World

  The dark dragon shadow covered the sky and the earth, and a large number of blood-colored clouds began to gather.

   "Liu Ping, how did you come up with the name of this dish?" Chen Xiyi asked looking at the layers of entangled flesh and blood in the sky.

   Liu Ping was taken aback: "I dreamed about it in my dream last night."

   "Where's the dragon ball? That dragon ball is also a dream, right?" Chen Xiyi didn't worry too much about why he dreamed about these things, it was nothing more than a dragon soul falling into a dream.

   "Yes, it was all a dream." Liu Ping watched the flesh and blood on the sky gradually change into long strips, and the terrifying coercion was gradually spreading, which made his scalp tingle.

  He is not a fool. Chen Xiyi's question must have something to do with his Liyuelongmen Soup.

   "Let's run quickly, this" Liu Ping said bravely. When all dragons arrived, the audience and staff in the God of Cookery venue had already run away. This is not like a scene that can be formed by delicious food.

"You guys go first, I'll take care of it. A mere dragon who wants to become a fairy, I really thought he could turn the sky around. Back then, the number one God of Cookery was able to cut him alive. He still can't live today." Chen Xiyi was full of confidence. Said.

  This faint pretense, Chen Xiyi thinks it's the best he's ever put on.

  Thinking of this, I feel a little melancholy, and I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to pretend to be this stylish again in the future.

And Liu Ping on the side was stunned: "Uncle, let's stop pretending at this time, run quickly, if a tentacle really grows to sweep us away later, we will have to stop eating. "

   "." For a while, Chen Xiyi felt that Liu Ping didn't know how to cooperate at all.

  His entire face was pulled down: "Liu Ping, let me tell you, at a time like this, you only need to cooperate with the shock and flatter me before you can run away, instead of persuading me not to pretend."

   "Okay, okay, uncle, let's find a safe place, you can pretend again later, and I will definitely cooperate with you." Liu Ping is also helpless, what time is this, and you are still playing petty temper.

   "At that time, there would be no artistic conception." Chen Xiyi looked melancholy at the flesh and blood dragon above the sky.

  The terrifying coercion has begun to stir the situation. He can feel that his subsystem has lost contact, and it is obviously crushed by the assembled Aolu Yuanshen.

  As for the frontal lobe of the brain, the opponent of this thing has already regenerated.


The flesh-and-blood dragon let out a roar, opened its pair of blood-red dragon pupils, and a blood-sucking light burst out, and all the people he watched were shrouded in blood, and turned into puddles of blood in just an instant. bloody.

  The **** light covered Chen Xiyi, he casually pulled Liu Ping behind him, and stretched out his hand to lightly block it.


  The mana condensed and turned into a breeze, and the blood light was frozen by the invisible existence.

   The skin on the Flesh Dragon's body is scabbing, and scales visible to the naked eye are beginning to grow, and the opponent seems to be drawing to a close.

   Liu Ping looked at this scene in shock. He didn't understand what was going on, but he saw Chen Xiyi stretch out his hand and shouted, and the blood froze. What he was thinking now was, can he do it?

   "Immortal cultivator?" Yuanshen shook the air, and Ao Lv asked in doubt.

  Chen Xiyi smiled: "Wrong, it's a Qi refiner."

  "A Qi refiner? Where did you come from?" Ao Lu heard that he was not a cultivator, so he naturally dismissed it.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi said that he dared to say this in front of such a weakling like him, and asked him to go to the world of qi refiners next door to talk about it, and he might be skinned and cramped on the spot.

   “Try the fruits of my years today.”

Chen Xiyi is also aggrieved, the enemies he encountered, which one is not powerful, such as Qi refiners, holy knights, You Guang and the first immortal, among these, they either cannot be defeated, or they all die together, or they can only rely on temporary opening Hang it once, otherwise you can only be beaten to death by them.

   It is rare to meet an opponent who he thinks is similar today, so he has to perform well.

  Ao Lu in the sky has already left the appearance of a flesh and blood dragon at this time, and turned into a real dragon with a slender body floating in the air, shrinking a little bit.

   "Hahaha, how dare a mere ant look up at the sky?" The disdain on the expression of Longjun Aolu, who had turned into a human form, became more and more intense.

  【Long Jun’s Ao Lv, HP: 70%, status: recovering】

  【Ability 1: True Dragon Royal Family】

  【Ability 2: Immortal Martial Arts】

  【Ability 3: Peach Blossom Karma】

  【Ability 4: Taiyi True Water】

  【Ability 5: Faerie Body】



  Chen Xiyi looked at the opponent's ability 3 and 4. Obviously, the opponent has two supernatural powers, one is peach blossom luck, the second is Taiyi true water, and the last ability of the fairy body is 5. It means that the other party has become a fairy.

   I have to say that Ao Lu looks very arrogant on the surface, but in essence he is also extremely insidious. If he is really arrogant, he will never hide the process and result of becoming a fairy.

   "Why can't an ant look up at the sky? Is it because he is weak?" Chen Xiyi's hands froze, and under his control, the whole sky changed.

   "Long Jun became an immortal, you haven't passed the thunder disaster yet, I will make it up for you today, Lei Lai."

  Among the dark clouds, thunder broke out.

It's just that Ao Lu looked at Leiyun disdainfully, and Ao Lu, who had turned into a human form, flicked his long sleeves, and a stream of mysterious water fell directly on top of Leiyun, blasting a big hole in it, and the sunlight shone down, making Chen Xiyi feel very embarrassed .

   "That's all it takes? Then let's send you on your way."

  Ao Lu stretched out his dragon claws, and the terrifying coercion descended instantly.

  In just a moment, everyone in the entire Yanzhou was crushed into flesh by this coercion.

  Fortunately, Chen Xiyi quickly protected Liu Ping, and a figure emerged, which prevented Liu Ping from being turned into meat.

  【You have suffered the coercion of the Dragon Lord, after physical resistance and energy resistance. You are exempt from the attack】


   Well, after his resistance, reduction, and shield, he didn't even need the HP damage converted from the unnecessary state to be exempted.

   "Did you **** not eat?"

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sneered.

  Ao Lu also froze, he never expected that Chen Xiyi would be fine.

  I couldn't stop muttering about this kid's evil way.

   On Chen Xiyi's side, he also discovered something. The other party seemed to have not fully recovered, so he seemed a little powerless.

  For example, coercion can turn the entire Yanzhou into mud, but Chen Xiyi always feels that there is no magic.

   Just before, he used a stream of mysterious water to blow away his dark clouds.

   What's more, Chen Xiyi found that besides Yuanshen Martial Arts, he could only use alloy muskets.

  Spell? It is of no use to Ao Lu who has become a fairy.

  He tried it before, and the thunder was broken by the opponent before it even landed.

   "Well, do you have any other spells, let me keep my eyes open, if they are gone, I am ready to do it." He found that he was lonely after trying.

  Even the half-dragon genetic weapon failed, the reason seems to be that the opponent's fairy body washed away after becoming a fairy.

   Ao Lu couldn't grasp Chen Xiyi's weirdness for a while, but he also knew that since he was weird, he would kill him.

   "Tianhe Law, Taiyi True Water."

  The horoscope is like the sound of majesty from the wild and ancient times. In the sky, an endless Milky Way rushes in, making Chen Xiyi feel like lying.

   This product actually came for real.

  The Tianhe River rushes with the Taiyi True Water, and everything it passes through is turned into nothingness.

   This is simply an inland tsunami, and Chen Xiyi can feel that the entire continental plate is moving.

   It wasn't just Chen Xiyi, even Ao Lu himself was caught off guard.

   Then Ao Lu laughed wildly: "This is the supernatural power."

  Thinking back then, the Taiyi True Water in his Mahayana period was just a river, but now, once he becomes an immortal, it will be a terrifying qualitative change like heaven and earth, not the sea, but the sea of ​​stars.

  The entire Qian country and even a large number of surrounding countries are being covered by his one true water.

  At this time, he is like a dragon king who destroys the world.

  Chen Xiyi took a deep breath, and looked at the surging Taiyi True Water, which washed away all things. This supernatural power, which can destroy cities and villages with just one drop, is now a vast ocean, which shows the horror.

   "Uncle, what should I do!!"

   Liu Ping looked desperate, the gap was too big, Chen Xiyi could play a thunderbolt, but the result was broken by the opponent before he released the achievement.

   Now seeing the terror of a tsunami again, can you not despair?

   Said Potian is only a minor.

   "What to do, I can't beat it, so I can only flip the table."

  Then decisively took out the sword world projection, locked Ao Lu and threw it out, and ran away with Liu Ping.

  The light sword emerged, and the terrifying sword intent locked Ao Lu, which made the arrogant Ao Lu stand up, as if he had returned to the time when he was cut alive by the first God of Cookery.

   Taking a closer look, Chen Xiyi dragged Liu Ping and ran all the way.

   And not far from them, an illusory long sword floated in the air, the point of the sword facing his eyebrows.


  The next moment, the illusory light sword shattered, and in the sky, a huge sword mountain surrounded by a large number of sword peaks emerged.

  The main body of Jianshan is engraved with four words of Shushan Sword School, each word contains the ultimate sword intent,

  Lin Feng's phantom opened his eyes, and the majestic sword energy tore through the sky, even the Taiyi True Sea was annihilated under this sword energy.

  The emotion called fear in Ao Lu's heart was amplifying.

   "Wait, it's just a misunderstanding, I..." Before Ao Lu finished explaining, he felt stars shining in the sky.

   No, that's not starlight, it's a sword, a sword with an extremely terrifying aura, even if he is an immortal, he will die if he touches it.

   Not only the starlight, but also everything in the world around him is moving, like swords exuding a terrifying aura.

Ao Lu wanted to cry, but you have such a strong background, just say it, this is just a projection, he can't bear the aura radiated, if he killed the other party just now, would he be killed? The kind that can't die.

  Countless swords fell, and at that moment, the world was pierced, and the whole world turned into a sea of ​​swords.

  Chen Xiyi hid in the underground shelter and watched the situation for a while.

   "You **** call this 10,000 strength, and there is still this range. There is a problem. We agreed to 1,000, which covers most of the world. If I didn't run fast, Liu Ping's life would be gone."

   "This 10,000-strength is so exaggerated, how can the 100,000-strength be adjusted, will it destroy the world?"

  Chen Xiyi seriously doubts that Homeland Game's digitization of Sword World's projection is not complete.

   After ten minutes of indiscriminate bombing, a devastated world was left behind.

  As for Ao Lv, after saying that it was a misunderstanding, he became cold.

  Hints given by the home game.

  【You used the projection of the sword world to cause 100% damage to Long Jun's Ao Lv】

  【You killed Ao Lv of Dragon Lord】

   "This is how strong Lin Feng is after I left. The 10,000-intensity sword world projection is so exaggerated. The 100,000-intensity sword world projection can't help but destroy the entire world."

   You know, this is just a projection of Mount Shu, and the real sword world has not come out. It is estimated that one hundred thousand strength can project Lin Feng's sword world with scales and claws.

   "This is a little bit different from the second boss I imagined." Chen Xiyi looked at the silent land, feeling a little helpless.

  (end of this chapter)

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