This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 256: Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf were filmed on your head, right?

  Chapter 256 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf are filmed on your head, right?

  Chen Xiyi looked at Yue Yinghan who was going away, not worried at all that she would break the appointment after taking revenge, and drank all the food, and then she would be out of control.

   "It shouldn't be a big problem." Chen Xiyi thought, after all, with so many BUFFs added to the body, and half-dragon genetic weapons, as long as the opponent breaks the skin, the half-dragon gene on the surface of the skin can invade the opponent's body.

  For Chen Xiyi, this foundation building period was nothing more than miscellaneous soldiers.

  You have to weigh it in the golden elixir stage, but you really don't need to weigh it in the foundation stage.

   "The next one, the next one, the progress is already 1.9%." Chen Xiyi turned his head and walked towards another marked location on the map.

  Chen Xiyi on Yue Yinghan's side wasn't worried. Before he arrived, he asked Zhou Zheng to help take care of him.

  Following the guidance of the map, Chen Xiyi soon arrived at a wealthy family.

  The wealthy family refers to the rich, not clubs. Clubs in this era are generally called brothels.

   "Thinking about it this way, heaven and earth are not clubs anymore?"

  Generally speaking, rich and noble family and heaven and earth are synonyms. Now that rich and noble family is not a club, it should not be the same as heaven and earth.

   "This young master looks strange, can you come to my Zhen's mansion for something?" Chen Xiyi stood at the door of this wealthy family's Zhen's mansion, and the old man at the door hurried over to say hello.

   Seeing people come and go every day, his eyesight is naturally not bad.

  Chen Xiyi's clothes are not made of ordinary materials, and his hands have no calluses, and his skin is fairer than these people who do rough work. You don't need to think about it, it must be rich and powerful, and you can't neglect this kind of person.

   "There is something wrong, is your master at the house?" Chen Xiyi asked.

"Yes, yes, sir, please sit inside, and I will send someone to report immediately." The gatekeeper immediately went to the mansion to tell the master to the young guard next to him, and he Then he invited Chen Xiyi to go to the mansion.

   It can’t be said that people are waiting outside the door. If there are mud legs, of course they can’t be let in, but this one looks different.

On the way, the old man at the door was not a good person, he asked about Chen Xiyi's situation and the purpose of coming here very tactfully, but Chen Xiyi was not a good person, so naturally he saw his tricks, and as a result, the old man knew Chen Xiyi's name and Perfunctory history.

   Entering the lobby, a middle-aged man with a rich appearance was already waiting, and it was obviously the young and strong janitor who called for it.

   "Master, this is Mr. Chen, from" the old gatekeeper gave a brief introduction.

  The master of the Zhen family warmly exchanged greetings with Chen Xiyi: "I have admired Mr. Chen's name for a long time, and seeing him today, he is indeed a good-looking talent."

   "Where is it, it can't compare to Master Zhen"

  Anyway, everyone was carrying bridal sedan chairs, and when the other party came up, he unconscionably said that he was good-looking. Chen Xiyi couldn't just say that you are a greasy middle-aged man, so naturally he had to praise the other party.

  After bragging about you coming and going for a while, it was time to get to the point: "Young Master Chen is here today, what can you do?"

   As the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, go to the Three Treasures Hall. Zhen Qian doesn't think that Chen Xiyi will come to visit him if he has nothing to do. They just met today. One is not a relative or friend, and the other is not a business partner.

  Chen Xiyi's face was serious, and he said: "Of course I came to discuss business with Master Zhen, and I can't come to drink tea with Master Zhen."

  Hearing this, Zhen Qian felt certain, but his vigilance also increased.

   To do business, you must have enough vigilance, otherwise you will be tricked sooner or later.

Although he and Chen Xiyi chatted in full swing, but in fact it was just superficial politeness. When it comes to actual benefits, one must be cautious. After all, what cost does boasting have, why should you be stingy about something that has no cost but benefits ?

"Mr. Chen is young and promising. I don't know what kind of business it is. I hope Mr. Chen will bring someone Zhen to make a fortune." Zhen Qian said slowly, it seems that this matter is settled, but in fact the meaning is very obvious, that is You first say what kind of business it is, and everything else is just perfunctory.

   "It's a big deal, but I don't know if Master Zhen can take it up." Chen Xiyi said pretending to be mysterious.

  This Zhen Qian looks full of energy, but in fact he has been emptied of energy and energy, leaving only a rich skin.

  If Chen Xiyi doesn't come again, he will die violently for at most ten days and a half months.

  Of course, Chen Xiyi didn't think about saving the other party, and he didn't know Zhen Qian well, so why should he save the other party.

   What he valued was the ghost that hollowed out Zhen Qian.

   "No matter how big the business is, as long as it's not related to immortal cultivators, someone Zhen can still afford it." Zhen Qian said richly.

"That canna plant in your mansion is graceful and beautiful. There is a cultivator who loves this way. If Master Zhen does not give up, I can buy this canna for a low-grade spirit stone." Chen Xiyi took a sip of tea, taking it easy Said.

  Hearing this, Zhen Qian's heart skipped a beat. It wasn't that he didn't sell it, it was mainly because the canna buried someone under it.

  Of course, this is not the point. The point is that since the other party is willing to spend a low-grade spirit stone to buy it, it means that the value of this canna is even greater.

  'Could it be because of the fate of immortality? '

   You know, this is a low-grade spirit stone. His Zhen family is rich and powerful, but it is extremely poor, and there are only three low-grade spirit stones. They are still the kind that cannot be seen. If outsiders find out, they may be destroyed.

   Lingshi, the currency that can be used for cultivation, is mostly circulated among the group of immortal cultivators, and only occasionally falls into the hands of mortals.

  Being willing to take the pinnacle stone and exchange it for a canna plant shows that there is definitely a greater benefit.

"I don't know which cultivator needs this canna. If Mr. Chen is willing to recommend it, I would like to send this thing over to show my sincerity." Zhen Qian's meaning is obvious, it is impossible to sell you, Either you have to take me with you, or it's a shot and two.

Such a low-grade spirit stone obtained in such an upright manner will definitely not fall into his hands. Once the news spreads, it can only be handed over to Hong Feng, the immortal cultivator and city lord of the foundation establishment stage, otherwise, even if the door is not destroyed, it will hurt bone.

  So, if you want a low-grade spirit stone that will lead to disaster, it is better to gamble, in case the immortal cultivator who likes cannas is in a good mood and gives the magic formula.

  Chen Xiyi sneered, "Master Zhen is very calculating. If it's really a toast, you won't be fined. It seems that this business will not work out, so don't let it go."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Xiyi stood up and stood up, ready to leave.

  But Zhen Qian's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately waved, and several strong men outside the door surrounded him.

   "Mr. Chen, don't leave in a hurry, everyone is here, why don't you stay at the house for a few days, and talk to me about that immortal cultivator who likes cannas." Zhen Qian said coldly.

  This great opportunity makes everyone jealous.


   Well, Chen Xiyi underestimated Zhen Qian's thoughts.

   This group of people was about to make a move, but Chen Xiyi was not busy at all, but looked at the group of strong men with interest.

  These strong men and servants also look like strong outsiders, and they are obviously drained of energy.

  Chen Xiyi even suspected that this was the case for all men in the Zhen family.

   Probably was drained dry by some female ghost, I don't know who it is, but we will see the result soon.

   "Master, why are you so noisy." A charming voice came over, and all the people present were numb when they heard it.

  Chen Xiyi remained expressionless, exempting from the charm negative state brought by the voice.

  I saw a woman walking in with her hips twisted outside the door. With Chen Xiyi's poor description words, it might be protruding and bulging, but with that expression and temperament, it can probably be described by roast chicken.

  【Yu Wan of Charming Ghost, HP: 100%, Status: Hunger】

  【Ability 1: Charming Temperament】

  【Ability 2: Obscenity】

  【Ability 3: Essence absorption】


  【June: Huan with Ji Bo, the housekeeper, and absorb his energy, and then hear that there is a newcomer, so he hurried over】

  【June: Make friends with Wang San, the guard, Li Si, the gardener, and Chen Wuhuan, the gatekeeper, and absorb their energy for cultivation】

  【June: and.】

  Good guy, this is a heavyweight, he doesn't take a break every day, and all the men in Zhen's mansion have not missed a single one in a month.

   This is no longer as simple as raising fish. What you get from raising fish is just fish food. This one is directly sacrificing his life.

  However, even with a one-month buffer time, it would not be able to withstand such a disaster.

   "Ma'am, why are you here? Didn't you be told to rest in the backyard?" Seeing this, Zhen Qian hurried over to greet her.

  Chen Xiyi is a bit of a **** at this time, good guy, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf are filming on your head, right?

   "My lord~ I'm always resting like this, I want to come out to get some air~." The coquettishness of these words made everyone who had an affair with this charming ghost tremble in their hearts.

  Especially those peach blossom eyes glanced at those guards like silk, which made them a little excited.

  Chen Xiyi felt a chill, and it seemed that this matter was not easy to handle.

   After all, people have food and drink now, so it is definitely not good for him to rush over to send them to death.

   More importantly, judging from the opponent's ability, this obsession is probably not very serious.

   "Cough, ma'am, master, I have something to do, so you go down first." Zhen Qian could not help feeling a little distracted as he felt the charmer rubbing against his body, and finally said with restraint.

   "No sir, I think."

  Listening to Meigui's acting like a baby, Chen Xiyi didn't have the corresponding bodily functions, otherwise, he would get goose bumps.

   It's not that Chen Xiyi doesn't understand the style, it's mainly because the opponent's skin has been rubbed off.

The Meigui was covered with a layer of skin. He might have used too much force just now, so he just rubbed off a small piece of it. The others were all attracted by the coquettish Meigui, but Chen Xiyi was not the case. He saw the other person's skin at a glance. The rotting flesh and blood underneath, and white maggots wriggling inside.

  But the small piece of skin that was rubbed off soon recovered.

  Chen Xiyi guessed that the appearance of this charming ghost was probably not her own.

  The eyes of the group of people were all attracted by the charmer, and there seemed to be some obscene fragrance in the air.

   When Zhen Qian, who was closest to him, smelled the smell, he couldn't help but breathe harder, and then it diffused, as did those guards.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Xiyi naturally quietly left the hall.

   It’s okay for this group of people to breathe harder, their eyes are red, and places that shouldn’t be hard are also hard.

   After a few more minutes, wouldn't he lose his mind?

  Chen Xiyi also smelled it, but for him, he ignored this thing without immunity.

   This little thing can't get close to him at all.

  He did not leave Zhen's mansion, but came to the place where the canna plant was.

  Meigui is a ghost born from the female corpse buried under this canna plant.

   "Heaven's evil is still alive, but self-inflicted evil is not." Chen Xiyi glanced at the canna, then turned to see the increasingly obscene lobby, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  The cause of the incident is nothing more than the revenge of the poor.

  (end of this chapter)

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