This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 257: Self-decent or should I help you be decent?

  Chapter 257 Are you decent or should I help you?

   "Even if we meet each other by fate, why don't you introduce the cause of death and why you did this?" Chen Xiyi looked at the canna and began to talk.

   Then, a piercing voice came from behind Chen Xiyi, completely different from the charming voice before.

   "Mr. Chen is so refined?"

   "Well, yes, I'm still very curious about these things." Chen Xiyi turned around and said.

   At this time, the charmer has torn off her skin, and her whole body is rotten, especially on her head, where there is a huge hole missing.

   "Since Mr. Chen is interested, I will talk to Mr. Chen about it, so that Mr. Chen can die with peace of mind." Mei Guigui gave a giggle and began to tell.

  The story is very simple. It is nothing more than robbing the women of the people, killing them by mistake, and burying them under the banana. In the end, the resentment merged with the canna and became a charming ghost.

   "Master Chen, do you think everyone in the Zhen family deserves to die?" Mei Gui's tone was full of resentment.

   This enchanting ghost has plagued the Zhen family for two years, and now it has become a reality, probably at the fifth level of body training.

  However, the type of ghost is a succubus, so it is relatively simple to upgrade.

   Absorbing the essence of a man can increase his strength. Although the fifth level of body refining looks weak, he has already grasped the power of life and death for ordinary people, not to mention that this charming ghost knows how to flow slowly, so he has the strength he is now.

   "That is to say, your obsession is to kill the entire Zhen family?" Chen Xiyi asked.

"That's natural, but doesn't it make them too simple to die like this, I want to let them be squeezed out a little bit, and let them know what despair is." Meigui's tone was very cold: "But don't worry, Mr. Chen, you If you are not from the Zhen family, I will let you die without any pain."

   "Tsk, so you still seem to have clear grievances and grievances."

  Chen Xiyi took a look at the 20/1000 sequence promotion progress and turned the slight surge of spirituality into experience, and couldn't help but tease.

   "Let the entire Zhen Manor die in agony and despair. After this is done, can you dissipate by yourself?" Chen Xiyi asked.

  When Meigui heard Chen Xiyi's words, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

  Responding to this, Chen Xiyi couldn't help but slander: 'Why is this a trick that people and ghosts can do, but I can't? '

   "Mr. Chen really knows how to joke, you know"

"I'm not joking, and I don't want to know anything. Let's just leave it at that. I'll help you let the Zhen family die in pain and despair, and you will dissipate." Chen Xiyi's eyes could flash cold when he saw this charming ghost, but he didn't After the meeting, I was already very impatient with this charming ghost.

   It's definitely not jealousy of the other party's coldness, it's just that looking at the charming ghost is not pleasing to the eye.


Just as Mei Gui was about to refute, she saw Chen Xiyi's body surrounded by black mist, turning into a dead soul wearing a hideous armor and holding a sword shield staring at her, horrifying murderous intent and slightly evil thoughts emanated, making Mei Gui Ghosts seem to be in a devil's lair, and if they are not careful, they will be pulled into the body by the dead soul in front of them and suffer eternal torture.

  Chen Xiyi unhurriedly took out a pill, and gently scratched the skin.

  I saw the pill dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   This pill is not a real pill, but a Gu worm loaded with half-dragon genetic weapons, which Chen Xiyi calls a dragon seed Gu.

  In this single pill, there is an unknown number of densely packed, and these dragon seed Gu followed the target preset by Chen Xiyi, and flew towards everyone in the Zhen Mansion.

  Chen Xiyi is planning to buy and sell by force. As long as the regiment destroys the Zhen Mansion, the Meigui will dissipate at that time, whether she wants to or not, she will have to dissipate.

  Although the method may not be very kind, it is enough that the program meets the line of kindness.

   Anyway, the ceremony has been completed.

   Seeing this scene, Mei Gui couldn't help but hesitate, this time it seemed to be dissipated.


  Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

  'The two foundation-building periods are fighting, could it be that.' Meigui sensed these two auras, and couldn't help but move in his heart, thinking that he could escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

  Her obsession is indeed as Chen Xiyi said, but the problem is that for ghosts, the obsession is just like that after it is completed, and it will not dissipate.

  Dissipation, for ghosts, is no less than suicide.

  So how could the charming ghost be willing to dissipate, if it was an ordinary ghost, it would be fine, but she has already reached the fifth level of body refining, so it can be said that she is a cultivator.

   But before Meigui could react, one of the two foundation-building auras came to an abrupt end, and her action was broken before it even started.

   Then the other wave also dissipated.

  Chen Xiyi also received feedback, a large amount of spiritual surge, which is equivalent to increasing his experience by 1%.

   It doesn't take much to think about it, Hong Feng must have been killed by Yue Yinghan, the grieving ghost, and then Yue Yinghan fulfilled his promise and dissipated by himself.

Yue Yinghan, a grieving ghost, is different from Yu Wan, a charming ghost. After Yue Yinghan died, he was sunk in a well, and even his wits were wiped out. If it weren't for Chen Xiyi, he would have been controlled by Hong Feng in a few years. The Five Elements Ghost.

  So, after Yue Yinghan recovered, she still maintained the feeling of being hopeless and ashamed when she just died. It is normal for her to dissipate in the emptiness after her revenge.

  Meigui is not the case. She, who has harmed the Zhen family for many years, has no desire to die at all, but wants to become stronger.

  So Chen Xiyi could only passively send her away.

  In Zhen's mansion, the mournful wails continued one after another, as if they had suffered inhuman torture.

"Look, it's so miserable. It's painful enough. As for despair, it'll be there soon. Don't worry, I'm the most trustworthy person. If I say help you complete your obsession, you will help you complete your obsession. Breaking my promise."

  Regarding what Chen Xiyi said, Mei Gui is not good at all, she really wants to tell you not to keep your word and break your promise.

   After all, if this obsession is really fulfilled, then Chen Xiyi will definitely have to send her on the road. At this moment, she wants to cry but has no tears.

   As for resistance?

   Heh, I didn't see the dead soul staring at her, so I waited for her to resist and chopped her up.

   "Master Chen, please let me go, I am willing to do anything for you." Meigui begged bitterly.

  Chen Xiyi thought for a while: "That's really great, since you are willing to do everything for me, after I help you complete your obsession, you can dissipate by yourself."


  Mei Gui couldn't help but curse in her heart, if she couldn't beat Chen Xiyi, she would have crushed him to ashes, she was willing to do anything because she didn't want to dissipate herself, otherwise, what would she do with all this hard work.

   Gradually, the wailing gradually weakened, and a breath of despair wafted through the entire Zhen Mansion.

  Mei Gui knew that the matter had come to an end, and she could feel that the vitality of the entire Zhen Mansion was being lost.

Then, the sound of fluttering wings came from far to near, and only a thumb-sized bug with dragon scales and claws flew towards it, continuously fused into a blood ball, and landed in Chen Xiyi's hand superior.

  Chen Xiyi casually threw the blood ball into his mouth and chewed.

  At this time, Meigui finally realized something belatedly. The person in front of her didn't want to fulfill her obsession at all, she just thought it was fun, and she was an undisputed magic cultivator.

  She still thought about it a little bit before, but at this moment, it was like falling into an ice cellar.

   "The obsession is complete, now are you going to dissipate yourself or let me help you." Chen Xiyi's tone was tinged with indifference.

  If the other party wants to be decent, Chen Xiyi will let him be decent, but if he is not willing to be decent, then Chen Xiyi will help the other party to walk in a decent way. This is a must.

   "I, I..." Mei Gui felt the mana and aura escaping from the other party's body, the pure heavenly mana, and the terrifying magic thoughts constantly splashed out, making her body seem to be entangled with a trace of treachery.

  Chen Xiyi was quite helpless about this. Seeing the other party's situation, he could only let himself help her face.

   "Yin and Yang have different paths, life and death are different, and the obsession is over, and I still have to return to the cycle of heaven and earth."

  In an instant, Chen Xiyi's undead words erupted in Meigui's mind, and she had no time to react. She only felt a lot of brilliance blooming in her vision.

   Not only her vision, but also her rotting body began to crack.


   "I, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!!" Meigui's sharp voice began to emerge with a lot of resentment, intending to resist Chen Xiyi's words of the dead.

  Unfortunately, if this charming ghost is a ghost in the foundation building stage, then she still has the capital to fight against, but she is just a ghost in the body training stage, not even the Qi refining stage.

  The words of the dead enter the body, spiritual purification.

  In the end, only the vast expanse of white land remained.

  After Mei Gui died, the canna gradually withered.

  Although Meigui was born because of this canna, but at the same time, this canna also lives by the energy absorbed by Meigui.

  So even the charmer is dead, let alone the canna who relies on the charmer to live.

   "Hmm, the experience has increased by another 1%. Sure enough, the mission gives more experience." Regarding this, Chen Xiyi absorbed the large amount of spirituality that emerged again with some glee.

  Obviously, the ceremony was to acknowledge Chen Xiyi's behavior. After all, the obsession to send the spirit to dissipate was completed, so the process was correct.

   As for how to send it, that’s another matter. Otherwise, why would the word of the undead bring a special effect such as a small amount of damage?

   The obsession is gone, let's dissipate quickly.

   "It's only been a while, and I've cleared two professional tasks. I'm so happy."

   "But the ruler in this city is dead, so there should be nothing wrong with it."

  Chen Xiyi realized that he was careless. He shouldn't be the first to do such a professional task as the complaining ghost Yue Yinghan, but should be the Zhen family's charming ghost Yu Wan first.

  After all, if Hong Feng, an immortal cultivator and ruler in the foundation establishment period, died, he would definitely be in chaos.

   "If it really doesn't work, let's suppress all these troublemakers first, and wait until I finish all the professional tasks in this city before bleeding them one by one."

  Chen Xiyi sighed, what is this called? This is called a wrong step.

   Fortunately, it is not too late to make up for it.

  Follow the directions of the cultivators he found on the game map. He doesn't have to guarantee how long the city will be safe. He can complete all the professional tasks in a maximum of three days. By then, many things will be convenient for them.

  Whether the entire city is made into a collection or a collection, it will not affect this professional task.

   After clearing the professional tasks, he can run away. It is estimated that he can't stay around here. Then let Zhou Zheng choose a good place for him to continue to hang out.

   This wave of professional quests has been cleared. If his "Under Light Gathering Qi Jue" does not encounter bugs, he can also successfully become a cultivator in the foundation period.

  At that time, he can start formally cultivating such a supernatural power as XingXiu MoJie, which can be regarded as his first ability that is purely used to protect Dao.

  As for the promotion quests in the historical sequence, there is no rush, and it won’t be too late to do it when the time comes. Anyway, there are a lot of ghosts in this world of cultivating immortals, so there is no shortage of quest objectives.

  So it is natural to realize the potential into strength first, this is the key.

  (end of this chapter)

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