This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 263: Attunement to the benefits of the four goblins

  Chapter 263 Attunement to the gains brought by the four goblins

  【Medical Fairy: Danhua】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Medical Expertise】

  【Ability 2: Pharmacological Herbs】

  【Ability 3: Panacea】

  Danhua is a top-level goblin enlightened by the item with historical background called expired elixir. It is likely to be some kind of healing elixir, so it is a medical goblin.

  Medical specialization is the source of Danhua's medical skills, and pharmacological medicinal materials enable him to identify the nature of medicines, and formulate various medicines to suit the symptoms and strengthen the body, etc.

  As for the panacea, it is more powerful. You can use pharmacological medicinal materials and medical specialization to make a panacea, whether it is a headache, cold or intractable diseases, it can be eliminated with one.

  However, as Danhua said, the current medicine has limited efficacy and can only be used for some common diseases. To achieve the level of true omnipotence, he has to grow up.

Moreover, this panacea is not easy to make. The effect not only depends on Danhua's growth and the two abilities of medical specialization and pharmacological medicinal materials, but also depends on the medicinal materials of the panacea. The effect of ordinary materials breaking the sky can also cure ordinary people. To treat amnesia like Zhou Zheng's, at least spiritual medicine must be used, otherwise, the effect would not be as good as the food Chen Xiyi gave Zhou Zheng.

  Danhua gave Chen Xiyi Gengu +1 and Pill Qi. Gengu is considered normal, but Pill Qi should be a unique type of Qi like the aura provided by Tongmu.

  Of course, Danhua can also prepare some useful medicines for the goblins. For example, if an adventurer goes out on an adventure, if he takes the detoxification pills and healing medicines Danhua gave him, his safety will be greatly improved.

   She is considered a medical logistics fairy. Although it is useless to Chen Xiyi, she is still a top fairy.

  【Planning Fairy: City Array】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: City Array Planning】

  【Ability 2: Formation Specialization】

  【Ability 3: Formation Strengthening】

  The city formation was inspired by the dilapidated formation flag. From the current point of view, it should be a formation flag of a large formation protecting the city. It was probably one of the large formations on the Megatron side back then.

   I don’t know where the adventurer was found.

  This city array is as good at planning as his goblin breed.

  Ability 1 city formation planning is probably a variant version of municipal planning. It can not only help Chen Xiyi plan his home more effectively, but also integrate formations to increase various outputs and growth of his home.

   And formation specialization is also simple and easy to understand, just like medical specialization, cooking specialization, and earth vein specialization, it represents the formation together.

  The formation enhancement of ability 3 is more interesting. It can be strengthened on the basis of the original formation, including enchanting, improvement, and even replacement of materials.

  These three abilities are complementary to each other to play the greatest role. As long as the city array can help them re-plan their homes and add the formation boost, the production of each goblin is estimated to be able to reach a higher level.

  The only drawback is that the formation requires spiritual objects. Different formations require a large number of spiritual objects to support them. If there are not enough spiritual objects, the effect of the better ones will be greatly reduced, and the stronger ones will be unusable.

   But it’s okay, Chen Xiyi also has a new idea, that is to let the city formation help Chen Xiyi deduce his passive halo. After all, this is essentially a derivative of the formation, which makes the city formation like a fish in water.

  The city array naturally brought Chen Xiyi root bone +1 and an aura called city qi, which is also a unique aura, probably a combination of the city and people.

  【Planting Fairy: Farming】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Planting Expertise】

  【Ability 2: Fertilizer Production】

  【Ability 3: Agricultural skill】

  Cultivation, the planting goblin that Chen Xiyi has been obsessed with, came out of psychic enlightenment from wooden Leisi.

   It goes without saying that planting specialization is the ability of farming, and fertilizer manufacturing is more powerful. It can produce corresponding fertilizers to increase crop production. Chen Xiyi's Jinkela can only be regarded as the bottom of this.

   And the agricultural skills are even more extraordinary, they can hybridize crops, improve their quality, and even become spiritual things.

  In this way, the combination of farming and heavenly food spirits can grow spiritual ingredients faster and better, and if farming cooperates with Danhua, it can grow spiritual medicinal materials.

  Cultivation also brought Chen Xiyi the qi machine of root bone +1 and plant qi as usual.

  Currently, farming has already begun to open up farms, forest farms, pastures and other places related to planting. Chen Xiyi probably won't even have to do it on a daily basis in the future.

   There are heaven food spirits who work part-time on pastures and fisheries. After finding a breeding professional goblin, he can step down and become the second in command. Now that he has farming, he can let go of the daily cutting of trees, harvesting grass, and even the farm.

  After the addition of farming, the circulation in the homeland has begun to show a flourishing appearance.

   And activated the fetters of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and obtained the effect of people. The effect is very common to enhance the power of goblins, but the bonus is extremely high.

   Finally, the hunting goblin Orion inspired by the skinning knife is also unusual.

  【Fairy Hunting: Orion】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Hunting skills】

  【Ability 2: Slaughter and Split】

  【Ability 3: Materials Collection】

  The Orion made Chen Xiyi a little bit unexpected. He originally thought that the skinning knife would be some kind of killing goblin, but it turned out that he was thinking too much.

  Orion, like adventurers, knights, and traveling merchants, is a goblin who goes out to work. The difference is that Orion only brings back spiritual things.

Hunting skills needless to say, nature is the root of hunting, butchering and splitting means that killing prey will only kill the prey on the spot, and then get extra spirits. This ability seems to have some bugs. As long as it is a dead prey, he can split it. No matter how powerful it is.

  After all, the prey does not have to hunt by itself.

As for the collection of materials, this is more extensive, such as valuable spiritual objects such as medicinal materials and wild vegetables on the roadside, these things will also be collected by Orion, and they may even pick up items with historical background. But Orion will not pick up messy things, such as the inheritance of certain famous schools.

  In addition to giving +1 to Chen Xiyi's bones, Orion naturally added a murderous aura.

  The four goblins are all top-level goblins, but unfortunately they were too scattered, so they gathered together a fetter, but Chen Xiyi was not too greedy, and this wave directly increased the strength of his homeland.

   Not only the goblin, but even he has grown. After all, the goblin module can also interact with other modules.

  For example, his on-hook efficiency.

  ‘Except for the world of alchemists, most of the goblins are more inclined towards sandbox farming than killing, even if they have the blessing of the local world. '

  The world of qi refiners is like this because of the special magic weapon, but this world of cultivating immortals is different. The fairies obtained are all independent, and they cannot be effective only if they are possessed.

  ‘The goblins are still not enough, there are too many lacks, except for the urgently needed farming types, such as refining tools, alchemy, ores, tailors, masons, etc. '

   A single goblin is strong, but with a large number of goblins that complement each other, it is definitely stronger.

  For example, for the refining type, the array layout of the city formation fairy naturally requires a refining fairy to refine spiritual objects into formation weapons. Although a blacksmith can also replace it, it is still a lot worse.

   There is also a tailor. The weapons forged by blacksmiths are only made of iron, which cannot be forged across categories. With a tailor, Chen Xiyi can at least produce a lot more equipment.

   As for the ore type, it is naturally to increase production.

  The Mason Fairy can better optimize the Fairy Garden and coordinate with the city fairies in planning, etc. The buildings built by the fairies must have additional additional attributes.

   The judgment of goblins is not based on combat effectiveness, but on ability.

  From the very beginning, goblins were not born for fighting, but for farming. After all, this is a sandbox farming game.

  ‘At this time, there are still eight items with historical heritage left in the world of cultivating immortals, which can make eight top-level goblins. I hope I can get together a few fetters. '

  Chen Xiyi sighed. There are too many fetters, and the goblins are not sure. That's why he urgently needs a goblin who specializes in farming to help him breed mist.

  As long as the mist can expand the scale and increase the spiritual output of the historical background, then he can complete the fetters by himself corresponding to the required fetters, instead of just being random.

  The **** system is also an essential part for Chen Xiyi.

  ‘It’s just that the adventurers are back, why haven’t the knights come back? Could it be that they participated in some century wars? ’ It’s not impossible, the knight helped the first God of Cookery fight Ao Lv before, although it’s unscientific.

  But it is normal for knights to enter history, no matter how unscientific.

   After dealing with the goblin's affairs, Chen Xiyi left his home and returned to the inn.

   Regarding Chen Xiyi's departure, Zhou Zheng didn't ask what to do. As a 5-star friend, Zhou Zheng naturally trusted Chen Xiyi a lot.

  During this period of time, Chen Xiyi finally raised Zhou Zheng's favorability to a full 5-star level, which is considered a consummation of merit.

   "Is the matter over?" Zhou Zheng asked casually while playing the game.

  Chen Xiyi nodded: "It's over, let's prepare to run away. This is the site of Qingming Palace, not a place to stay for a long time."

   "On the way, I will get rid of the last few ghosts I missed. Let's see how to do it then."

  In fact, he already had a plan in mind. After he was promoted to Sequence 4, he would find a stable place to shape his soul, and then integrate the exercises to find his own way.

   Originally, he should have gone to various sects to cheat and abduct him. Unexpectedly, the adventurer is so handsome. He is worthy of the word "adventure".

  So the adventurer saved Chen Xiyi at least a year or two.

   It was a blessing from heaven.

  Chen Xiyi guessed that the knight would definitely bring him a surprise. After all, the adventurer brought so much when he came back so late, and the knight came back later, wouldn't he bring more?

   "Okay, you make up your mind, by the way, what's for lunch?" Zhou Zheng thinks, the sky is big, and eating is the biggest.

  Chen Xiyi was silent for a while: "What do you want to eat?"

   "Man and Han."

"There aren't that many ingredients, so use another one." Chen Xiyi directly interrupted Zhou Zheng's words. The last time I ate at the Man Han Banquet, I almost ate Zhou Zheng's tongue. After all, it was produced by Hell Magic Kitchen and Heaven Food Spirit. It's not easy. food.

   "Egg fried rice." Zhou Zheng lowered the dishes and made a small request: "Add some secret sauce from last time."

   "That's no problem. I'll accept the remaining jar of Buddha jumping over the wall." Chen Xiyi said it's no problem.

   "!!" Zhou Zheng had an expression on his face that your grandson is a real grandson.

  (end of this chapter)

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