This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 264: Soul Shepherd's Revenant Follower

  Chapter 264 The Soul Shepherd's Follower of the Dead

  【You are promoted to Sequence 4: Soul Shepherd】

  【You get the skill: Revenant follower】

  【The sequence promotion conditions are as follows:】

  【Revenant followers reach 100 (0/100)】

  After Chen Xiyi sent away the last ghost, he was successfully promoted to the soul shepherd of Sequence 4, and his new skill was soul follower.

   Slowly filling with your own spirituality, a dead soul will be born from your own shadow, and this dead soul is a follower who is loyal to you.

  Different from the guardian of the dead, these followers of the dead are not that strong, but the advantage is that they are more versatile. Not only are there fighters, but they may also be dead soul doctors, dead soul forgers, etc., and there is no distance limit.

   What's more important is that once the soul follower dies, Chen Xiyi only needs to fill his own spirituality into the shadow to revive him.

  He took the good line, so what he got was the soul follower. If he took the evil line, he got the ghost slave at this time.

  Evil ghost slaves have advantages in fighting and harming people, but they are a group of youngsters who resist at any time, the kind who bully the weak and fear the strong without discipline.

In addition to the soul followers, Chen Xiyi's death notice has also become stronger. In addition to the increase in the passive range, it is a qualitative change in the active ability, from the original single body to a group, and the enemies within the range will be blocked by the death notice mark.

   It has completely changed from tasteless to a large-scale DEBUFF.

The strength of the souls guarded by the souls of the dead has become stronger and bigger, and the range of movement has also changed from one meter to ten meters. The shields turned into huge tower shields, blocking Chen Xiyi like a hill.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, his physical fitness has far surpassed that of Foundation Establishment, and he seems to be able to fight Jindan.

  The language of the undead has naturally evolved, and it has become more powerful in terms of communication. It can communicate directly at the spiritual level, and has strengthened various auxiliary functions. As for the damage, it is still only a small amount.

   "This spiritual growth is really unscientific. It can actually make my primordial spirit stronger. Now my primordial spirit has probably increased from the strength of the soul in the early stage of golden elixir to the strength of soul in the late stage of golden elixir."

  Chen Xiyi was also a little surprised by this, but he didn't feel the change before, and he improved by leaps and bounds in Sequence 4.

  If it is said that completing the ceremony before only increased experience by 1%, then promotion to Sequence 4 is to directly ignore the experience bar to upgrade, which is equivalent to taking drugs.

   "Before Yuanshen was at the level of the Golden Core Stage, and Sequence 4 is also at the Golden Core Stage. If I guessed correctly, both are roughly equal to the level of the Immortal Cultivator around the Golden Core Stage."

  The historical sequence also focuses on the aspect of spirituality. It is said that spirituality, like the primordial spirit, also acts on the soul, especially after Chen Xiyi fused it, it is completely a 1+1 superimposed effect.

  Of course, it doesn’t have to soar to the effect that 1+1 is greater than 2. After all, there are not so many special effects.

   The amount itself is only so large, it is impossible to change it out of thin air.

   "And if I step into the Golden Core stage, then the strength of my Yuanshen is probably equivalent to the soul strength of the Nascent Soul stage."

His body has always been inferior to the original spirit. After all, the historical sequence and qi refiners are both biased towards the soul. As for the immortals, they practice both. The body is strengthened, but the soul is also there, so at present, the body must be It is very inferior to the soul, and even Yuanshen martial arts can't make up for the gap.

   Fortunately, there is currently a module called Immortal Cultivator in the body, and the upper limit is still very high, far from reaching the limit.

   "It's just another big consumer, what should I do."

   Chen Xiyi looked at the 100 soul followers, and felt that he was about to be hollowed out.

Followers of dead souls need spirituality. Chen Xiyi's spirituality has been fused and manifested in the form of mana, so a lot of mana is needed to fill it up in order to create one. According to Chen Xiyi's estimate, there can be one in a month, which is all the mana he smashed too much.

   But the problem is that there are too many places for him to use mana now, not to mention the passive aura, all kinds of daily experiments require the cooperation of mana.

  Of course, using one's own spirituality to create is the good line, and the evil line is of course using other people's spirituality, that is, the soul.

   It’s just that Chen Xiyi won’t take the evil line, it’s better to take the kind line, after all, it’s a set of procedures.

  So, don’t even think about having one Revenant follower a month, one in three months is considered almost him.

His mana is different from that of immortal cultivators. Immortal cultivators breathe out spiritual energy to restore their mana, and those who have money take pills and use spiritual stones, but Chen Xiyi can't. His mana is not only mana, but also spirituality, aura, etc. , so generally speaking, the recovery depends on the goblin.

  It is also possible to swallow and breathe spiritual energy independently, but because Chen Xiyi's mana quality is too high, the transformed mana is too little, and it is not more than 1% of the recovery of the goblin when he hangs it all over his body, and it will also attract attention.

  If Chen Xiyi lets go of his body and mind to swallow the spiritual energy, then it is not called swallowing, it is called swallowing, which can cause the phenomenon of spiritual energy siphoning, he has tried it.

   "It's a pity that this Guardian of the Dead can't find a power leveling." Chen Xiyi couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

  Don’t look at the subsystem’s 19% profit, but in fact there is not much benefit at all.

  So in terms of mana, he is still very lacking. Fortunately, he does not rely on mana, but on the primordial spirit.

After all, qi refiners don't have mana, so to say, the real power is the strong soul, and his mana is just the manifestation of spirituality and aura, probably because Chen Xiyi has blue bars, but the skills he releases are all powerful. No need for blue meaning.

  This is the advantage of multi-modules, the number of modules is not the essence.

  As long as he has billions of modules, even if he doesn't upgrade, he can rely on the modules to pile up his physical fitness and soul strength to a terrifying level.

  Add 1 attribute to each module, and billions of modules can add up to billions of attributes.

  After all, the modules are different, and the attributes are naturally superimposed.

  He is a player but not a normal person. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is a situation where attributes cannot be superimposed.

Zhou Zheng looked at Chen Xiyi who came back, and his expression became more and more strange: "What kind of treasures did you pick up when you went out, why did the kung fu soul of the gods have reached the strength of the late Jindan stage in a blink of an eye, wasn't it only the early Jindan stage before? "

   "Oh, I've upgraded." Chen Xiyi said directly.

   "Those ghosts still have this kind of effect? ​​No, they can't even eat them alive." Zhou Zheng couldn't help but complain.

   "Don't guess, I've not only upgraded, I've also changed jobs." Chen Xiyi continued, "Let's go, we have to run away."

   "It's no wonder. You can have a few attributes when you upgrade, and you can have more attributes when you change jobs. This is very reasonable." Zhou Zheng nodded, holding his laptop and preparing to leave with Chen Xiyi.

  The two went downstairs, and the abrupt Zhou Zheng grabbed Chen Xiyi.

"I don't know where my grandpa and grandson have offended fellow daoists, so let's draw a way." Zhou Zheng's tone was very indifferent. At this moment, it was like a different person, even if he didn't erupt any power, But it also carried a chilling aura.

At some point, the noise in the inn was as if the pause button had been pressed. Chen Xiyi looked carefully, and all the diners and guests had disappeared, leaving only a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi sitting on a table in the lobby of the inn. pour yourself

  【Shang Yuanqing of Immortal Cultivator, HP: 100%, Status: Curious, Vigilant】

  【Ability 1: Immortal Dao Guisheng】

  【Ability 2: Qingming Zhengfa】

  【Ability 3: Qing Cang Magic Body】

  【Ability 4: Green Bamboo Like Jade】


  【August: I came from the Qingming Palace in search of a breath of Tianmojiao, and I met two interesting people】

  【August: Looking for clues】


   "Draw a path? Where does this come from, a country slang?" Shang Yuanqing felt a little funny.

  The next moment, Zhou Zheng was sitting in front of him, while Chen Xiyi was standing behind him. Zhou Zheng had reacted, but Chen Xiyi hadn't.

   His sight just now was still at the stairs, and the next second he came to the lobby of the inn.

   "It's just some foul language. Fellow Daoist is standing here, I don't know what it is for, so let's be blunt." Zhou Zheng's tone was dignified.

  He knew that his soul was damaged, so there might be no problem in terms of combat power, but there must be a lot of omissions in terms of spiritual perception. For example, he didn't notice the opponent in the house just now, and he didn't feel it until he came out.

"Everyone in the world knows that three years ago, You Mo, the Taoist master of the Heavenly Demon, died by the riverside of Huangquan, but he didn't expect you to be so shameless as to steal the inheritance of my Qingming Palace. Why did you say I came to you? What?" Shang Yuanqing said with a chuckle.

  Hearing this, Zhou Zheng seemed to recall something in a trance, but he hid it very well, and the other party didn't see it.

   "Fellow Daoist is talking nonsense. I am not some kind of heavenly demon Taoist You Motian. My surname is Zhou Mingzheng. This is my grandson Xiyi." Zhou Zheng said that you have mistaken someone.

  Chen Xiyi smiled slightly, but did not speak.

  A trace of suspicion flashed in Shang Yuanqing's eyes. Although the aura on the opponent's body was restrained very well, it also made him aware of a hint of magic power.

   "Tianmo Daoist really knows how to joke, my eyes can't admit mistakes." Shang Yuanqing continued to test.

  Zhou Zheng shook his head resolutely: "Fellow Daoist, you are welcome, I am not the so-called Heavenly Demon Taoist You Motian, my name is Zhou Zheng."

   These words made Shang Yuanqing seem a little shaken, her temperament, personality and even appearance are not the same, even the breath on her body is different.

   Did he really admit his mistake?

You must know that in the past, You Motian had a domineering personality, and his temperament could be said to be accompanied by devilish energy all over his body. More importantly, his appearance. He also looked like he was protecting his grandson.

   and You Motian can be said to be two different people.

  However, the magic aura emanating from his body cannot be hidden.

   "Really, did I really admit my mistake?" Shang Yuanqing continued.

"You must have misunderstood. Since there is nothing wrong, our grandson and I will leave first. My grandson and I are just passing by. Today we will leave the boundary of Qingming Palace." Zhou Zheng, we can't afford to provoke but we can hide said in a tone.

  Hearing Zhou Zhengfu softened, Shang Yuanqing felt a little dazed. He felt that the person in front of him was definitely not Youmotian, and it was more difficult to make this Heavenly Demon Taoist subdued than to let him die.

  In the end, he had no choice but to bow his hands: "Then I won't delay fellow daoist leaving the city, and fellow daoist will have a smooth journey."

   After all, Shang Yuanqing's figure disappeared, and the originally empty inn lobby became full of people's voices again. If it weren't for the wine and food on the table and the information identified before, it would definitely be considered a hallucination.

   "Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." After Zhou Zheng gave Chen Xiyi an order in a low voice, he took him away and fled away, leaving this place.

  Chen Xiyi knew that Shang Yuanqing, who was facing Zhou Zheng just now, was definitely in the Mahayana period, and was very likely to be the lord of Qingming Palace.

  The aura left by Zhou Zheng was captured by the opponent, so he followed the trace.

  The other party was also somewhat apprehensive. After all, this was the territory of the Qingming Palace. If there was a fight, the Qingming Palace would definitely be severely damaged. In addition, nothing came out of the test, so they were let go.

  (end of this chapter)

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