This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 265: Take a chance

  Chapter 265 Wu Yu stays a chance

   "Patriarch Qing Ming, Qing Zhuzi, really lives up to his reputation."

  Millions of miles away, Zhou Zheng's tone was dignified and vigilant.

   "You know him?" Chen Xiyi was a little confused, shouldn't he be called Shang Yuanqing? How did it turn into a green bamboo.

"Just remembering the initial impression, he is the palace master of Qingming Palace. According to rumors, he was born with the green bamboo and jade spirit treasure, with extraordinary talents, and finally stepped into the fairyland and made great strides, creating the current Qingming Palace." Zhou Zheng explained. for a moment.

  Lingbao is different from magic weapon. Most of Lingbao are companions of certain people, monsters, and beasts. They are born with spirituality, unlike magic weapons, without any spirituality, just tools.

   These are two different types of items.

   "So, are you the Heavenly Demon Taoist Youmotian?" Chen Xiyi asked with some doubts.

  Analyzing from the situation of Shang Yuanqing and Qing Zhuzi, these immortal cultivators all had their own nicknames, not their real names.

  That's why Chen Xiyi suspects that Shang Yuanqing may have read it correctly, and it was only because of Zhou Zheng's personality change that he failed to recognize him.

  Zhou Zheng rolled his eyes: "I don't know, I have amnesia, and besides, you didn't say my name is Zhou Zheng."

"It seems to be such a reason." Chen Xiyi suddenly realized that he was stupid again. Zhou Zheng's situation of losing the chain halfway, he can know something, and even Shang Yuanqing's situation only surfaced after being stimulated. But they don't know each other.

"This is the Martial Domain, the gathering place of casual cultivators, martial cultivators, and immortal cultivators. It can be regarded as a three-way area. There are mixed forces here. Although it is not completely free from the restraint of the major sects, it still has great independence. Sex." Zhou Zheng said, looking at Fangshi not far away.

   He can understand casual cultivators and immortal cultivators, but what is martial arts? It can't be said that it's martial arts.

   "Wu Xiu, what is it?" Chen Xiyi asked.

"They are immortal cultivators who specialize in tempering the body and making their bodies strong to the extreme. They call themselves martial arts cultivators. However, there are only a small number of immortal cultivators of this type, and they only work in the martial domain and rarely leave the martial domain. Most of them are casual cultivators."

   "The practice of martial arts is very difficult, but there is an advantage, that is, the skills practiced are less dependent on the root bones, and there are not too many restrictions."

   "The only flaw is probably that it is too painful. Tormenting and tempering are unbearable for ordinary people. Even a careless person may die from various hidden injuries and silts."

   "So although Wuxiu has a way to rise, there are very few who can grow up."

   Zhou was explaining Wu Xiu's situation. Chen Xiyi didn't know where he got his common sense, but it was probably his memory before amnesia.

  In Chen Xiyi's eyes, Wuxiu is probably physical training. In other words, it means a group of handicapped people relying on the accumulation of attributes to catch up with skilled players.

"However, martial arts are not without benefits. Most of the spells they cultivate are for melee combat. With the same strength, once they are approached by martial arts, they can basically declare death. The opponent's body can be refined to be comparable to a magic weapon. To the extent that it is truly a humanoid beast.”

"It's just that their lifespan is far shorter than that of normal immortal cultivators. Even if they break through the realm, it is only one-tenth of it, which is pitiful. Baolai assists, otherwise, during the breakthrough process, it is likely to die suddenly."

   "Don't look at the little dependence on the root bone, but the resources of the flower are much more than normal cultivators. If there are not enough resources, it is impossible to refine a strong body."

  Listening to these words, Chen Xiyi also understood that stacking attributes not only requires liver daily, but also krypton gold.

   "Where there is gain, there is loss. There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world." Chen Xiyi didn't have any feelings about martial arts, it was nothing more than tempering the body through mana.

  Probably covering the entire process of the body training period to other realms, replacing the process of absorbing spiritual energy to increase mana, in fact, it is essentially the same.

  And the reason why melee martial arts are stronger under the same strength is because they specialize in this field.

   After the two entered this market, they simply inquired about the situation. This market is owned by the Lu family, a family of cultivators.

  The Lu family directly used a city with a population of one million to build this Xiuxianfang City, and obtained benefits through commerce and trade, rather than being mostly self-sufficient like sects.

  Chen Xiyi can't judge which situation is better, but he also knows that each has its own advantages.

  But mortals are still the most unlucky. No matter under the rule of the sect or the rule of the family, there is no possibility of shaking the sky. Either they become immortals, or they can only do so for a lifetime. There is no second possibility.

  In Fang City, Chen Xiyi discovered that demon meat and elixir are the most sold. This probably has something to do with martial arts. After all, martial arts cultivation cannot be separated from food.

   Poor culture and rich martial arts are naturally universal. You can’t even eat enough, and you still want to fight and temper your body. I’m afraid you will die after training.

   Seeing this situation, Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes.

   "This is a good place."

  When Zhou Zheng heard Chen Xiyi's words, he couldn't help feeling tense: "In addition to Wuyu, there is also the Dazhen Dynasty, which is completely independent from the sect, and we can also go."

   Whenever Chen Xiyi says a good word, it will definitely end badly.

   "That's a good relationship, we can go there then."

   "Well, good." Zhou Zheng didn't ask Chen Xiyi what he wanted to do, but he knew that it must not be a good thing.

The two turned into the market for a stroll, and Chen Xiyi bought a lot of refining formations and physical training exercises, and spent some spirit stones to buy a yard in the city. It's a pity that they didn't join the workshop. City, otherwise you can buy a Dongfu.

  Dongfu is a residence located on the aura node, practicing in it can get twice the result with half the effort.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't care about these things, and he doesn't plan to live here for a long time.

   No, he doesn't even plan to live here. Soon, this place will become the center of a storm, and all cultivators will focus their attention on Wuyu.

  The military domain is huge, but Chen Xiyi's greed is even greater.

   "I'm going to create a relic inheritance, the one that can be used repeatedly, preferably the one that can be as large as the Wuyu." Chen Xiyi said this carefully.

   "." Zhou Zheng has black lines all over his head, where did you come up with this idea, kid.

   "Tell me, is this feasible?" Chen Xiyi asked.

   "If you are in the Mahayana period, the feasibility is very high, but the problem is that you are still in the foundation building period. When will you finish digging?" Zhou Zheng couldn't help but complain.

   "How about making them smaller and spreading them apart?" Chen Xiyi continued to ask.

  Zhou Zheng still shook his head: "You want to use this method to fool the power leveling. It's fine, but how do you maintain it after the problems are scattered? This is not a small problem."

   Indeed, every maintenance is troublesome after being dispersed.

"Then the whole big one is troublesome, but according to my digging method, there are definitely not many problems, not to mention millions of miles, I will grit my teeth for a hundred thousand miles, and I can still dig it out with a little time. When the time comes Make arrangements, and make some big news, to ensure that there will be no problems."

  Chen Xiyi thought about it, but was still unwilling to give up.

Wuyu can be regarded as the most hip-prone area in these three-way areas. The reason is naturally the reason of Wuxiu. The slow growth rate, high resource consumption, high death rate, etc., if it is not for this. The cultivators had a chance of life, and maybe they all disappeared.

   This is also the case. Although Wu Yu said on the surface that he has broken away from the restraint of the major sects, in fact, who knows how much power is controlled by the sects.

  When Chen Xiyi chooses a power leveling, he definitely won't choose just one, of course there will be more.

   It is best for the whole world of cultivating immortals to help him level up.

  Of course, there must be a way to find power leveling. If you give it to them, the other party will definitely suspect it. Not everyone is a low-level immortal cultivator like Duan Shi.

  For those arrogances of famous sects, chance is actually not very important, after all, the skills and resources of their own sect are not inferior at all.

  So, they have to get it by themselves, and they have to be entrusted to help with publicity and so on.

   After all, they don't cherish things that fall from the sky. Only things that have been obtained through hard work will be regarded as treasures by the other party.

   "Then go ahead, the ruins of a hundred thousand miles, it depends on when you have to dig." Zhou Zheng gloated.

  Chen Xiyi is thinking about one thing, that is, he can dig for a hundred thousand miles, but the problem is that there are not so many shelters in his homeland.

   And he can't really just dig it out, and he has to carry out renovations.

  It is said to be an inheritance relic, but Chen Xiyi actually intends to use it only as a large shelter.

   Otherwise, you can’t just dig an empty underground labyrinth and be done?

   It doesn't seem to be compelling at all.

  Just in this way, the material consumption is not small.

   In the final calculation, Chen Xiyi planned to make it look like a ruin. In this way, a lot of resources can be saved, and the entrants can also make up their own brains.

   "I'm digging alone, of course it's slow, but with you around, it's a lot faster. With your hand speed, I can finish it in a day." Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Zheng.

   He dug himself?

  It really took a lot of time to dig, but with Zhou Zheng, a Mahayana cultivator, it was much faster.

  Give him an alloy pick, no, 10,000, and let him control it with his spiritual sense, the efficiency will be very fast.

   "." Zhou Zheng never expected that this grandson would actually stare at him and ask him to dig.

  Chen Xiyi's 100,000 miles is not just a simple area, it also includes volume.

   "Afterwards, I had a full meal, the kind I ate alone." Zhou Zheng knew that he couldn't avoid it.

  Since you can't hide, then don't hide, it's better to talk about terms.

   "The deal, you have to make sure that it will not be discovered by others, and that it will not collapse." Chen Xiyi, as a conscientious party A, would not make such unreasonable demands as zooming in and zooming out at the same time, or zooming in and zooming out at the same time.

  Zhou Zheng said that there is no problem, just look at it.

   "You have to take me to dig, dig with this thing." Saying that, Chen Xiyi took out the alloy pickaxe.

   Zhou Zheng was a little weird about Chen Xiyi's request, but he didn't say much.

   Then, I saw Chen Xiyi take out another pile of picks.

   "???" Zhou Zheng was at a loss as to what this meant.

   "Much more pickaxes, dig faster, I am Party A, listen to me." Seeing Zhou Zheng was about to speak, Chen Xiyi decisively interrupted the other party.

  Zhou Zheng could only nod helplessly: "Okay, as long as you are happy, where do you start digging?"

   Regarding this, Zhou Zheng put the laptop back into the storage ring with some reluctance, and then controlled the alloy pickaxe with his spiritual sense and said.

   "Don't worry, I'll make a plan."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game map, and then began to compare the data.

   "Dig from under your feet, go south first."

   After looking at it for two minutes, Chen Xiyi finally confirmed the direction of the excavation first and said to Zhou Zheng.

  Zhou Zheng was also unambiguous, and immediately started digging on the ground, and a unit of soil or stone fell into Chen Xiyi's body.

  (end of this chapter)

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