This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 282: The isolated island in the Central Plains, the wind of the nine heavens, and the endle

  Chapter 282 The isolated island in the Central Plains, the wind of the nine heavens, and the endless sea

  The two returned to the Dazhen Dynasty through the demon land, and they obviously felt that the guards were heavily guarded along the way. The news that the demon master was not dead had already been spread all over the sky by those Mahayana demon kings.

  The various forces of the human race sneered at this on the surface, but secretly strengthened their vigilance.

It's true that the master of the Heavenly Devil is a human immortal cultivator, but the Devil's way has always been equated with terrorists, let alone the righteous way, there are some people on the side of the Devil's way who are in danger, and there are even dark tides in the Heavenly Demon Cult, as if they are observing situation.

  The news said that the Heavenly Demon Daoist was seriously injured, but the question is who knows if it was a rumor spread by the monster race, what if the Tianmo Daoist was fakely injured, if he really got mad, it would not be just two people who died.

  But apart from these, there are naturally all kinds of inquiries in the dark. Whenever the figure of the demon master is found, he will definitely not show mercy. It is 100% that the righteous and the demon will join forces to kill the opponent again.

  As for the fact that the Heavenly Demon Daoist is false, it is simply impossible.

   You must know that the reason why Zhou Zheng's Xingsu Demon Tribulation was able to scare away the opponent that day was due to the deterrent status of the Heavenly Demon Dao Master on the one hand, and the half-step immortal strength that exploded out of overload on the other hand.

At the beginning, the Righteous Way teamed up to besiege and kill the Heavenly Demon Daoist, not because he was already a half-step immortal, and if he took another half step forward, he would be a fairy. opponent.

  Thinking about Ao Lu who became a fairy back then, the Taiyi True Water alone could destroy the world, not to mention the Heavenly Demon Taoist Master.

"The Yaozu have worked **** public opinion. In less than a day, the news that the Heavenly Demon Dao Lord is still alive and seriously injured is spreading. It seems that Emperor Zhen has been busy for a while." Chen Xiyi He said with a hint of teasing in his tone.

   "Stealing chickens won't be a loss, it's a big loss for this demon clan." Zhou Zheng naturally didn't care about the uproarious news, and the big forces should have a headache.

  The monster race can spread public opinion wantonly in the territory of the human race. If there is no problem here, I really think that the brains of those in power have been kicked by donkeys.

  The momentum is so huge, it shows that the more secret operations have penetrated into the interior of the forces, and even the higher the position they sit on.

  This should not be alarming.

  In Zhou Zheng's eyes, such a big-spread exposure and secret operation is to let him die. If he dies, everything is easy to say, but if he doesn't die, it will be a real loss.

  Of course, if this move is successful, the harvest will not be small. With Zhou Zheng's strength, there are some who really want to die together and take away a Mahayana, but no matter how many, at most they will be seriously injured or the like.

   After entering the Dazhen Dynasty, if you want to go to the Tianmo Sect, you will naturally have to spend a lot of effort.

   "Can the blackness under the lights you mentioned really be successful? After all, we are walking on the street in a fair manner, so nothing will happen." Zhou Zheng was still a little puzzled, after all, under normal circumstances, they should hide from XZ.

   "Generally speaking, you can't succeed, but your helmet can reduce your sense of presence. As long as you don't speak up and keep a low profile, basically no one will notice you." Chen Xiyi said.

  As for why he can ignore the effect of reducing the sense of presence.

  Let's put it this way, there is Zhou Zheng's name, health bar, and status bar floating in front of him, even if Chen Xiyi wants to ignore it, he can't ignore it.

  And Zhou Zheng chatted with Chen Xiyi from time to time, how could he forget it.

   After all, this effect is a decrease in the sense of presence, not a disappearance of the sense of presence. The effect is limited.

  In the eyes of others, Zhou Zheng is just an unknown passer-by, without many characteristics, and he will never take a second look when he sees him at first glance. He has never thought that this person is suspicious, at most he is just a background board.

   "I see, but how many attributes did you add to my suit?" Zhou Zheng was still quite curious about this.

Zhou Zheng already has a lot of understanding of Chen Xiyi's peculiarities. After all, he has played a lot of games and watched a lot of novels, movies and TV series. Even if he is a cultivator in the feudal era, Today's thinking is also close to that of modern people, so there are many guesses about Chen Xiyi's situation.

"To be honest, the equipment you have is all my wealth in it. I am also very surprised that you can survive with so many state blessings." After Chen Xiyi sighed, he explained the ten-piece mud set to Zhou Zheng. properties and functions.

   "It turned out to be like this. Why don't you give me a whole knife or sword? The musket is easy to use, but the bullet is a problem. If there is no bullet, it will become a decoration." Zhou Zheng said cheekily.

   "You are really going to use this thing as a weapon, it is for your death." Chen Xiyi said with black lines.

"Ah, didn't you say that a million mud giants can kill the Mahayana? I want to gather a million mud giants to come out. At that time, the two of us don't have to hide from XZ, and we can directly take down the Demon Cult as a base .” Zhou Zheng said.

  ". "Well, what time is this, and I'm still thinking about a million mud giants, so I have to save my life before talking about this.

   "It will take some time. After all, my friend is forging by hand, so it's not that fast."

  Chen Xiyi sighed, and ordered the blacksmith to make an alloy sword made of mud, and enchant it by the way.

   "It's okay, I can wait. It will take a little time for us to go to Tianmojiao, one month should be enough." Zhou Zheng calculated the time and said.

   "Enough, I'll give you the sword when the time comes." Chen Xiyi didn't say much, he vaguely guessed what Zhou Zheng was thinking.

Zhou Zheng's idea was very simple. He knew that he might not have much left to live. After all, Chen Xiyi's equipment was powerful enough to be alive and kicking with such a serious injury. As the ancestor of the demonic way, Zhou Zheng knew that he had offended too many people. If he was planning to do something about his funeral, he would have disappeared with one kick, and Chen Xiyi would be out of luck.

  So, he had to think about Chen Xiyi.

  Before, he was thinking about giving Chen Xiyi the Heavenly Demon Secret Treasure, so that he would have a safe future, but after getting the mud suit, he thought about it even more.

  Millions of mud giants plus the Demon Sect should be able to keep them safe.

  Of course, this is Zhou Zheng's idea, not Chen Xiyi's. Chen Xiyi thinks that Zhou Zheng can still be rescued. He has a big boss behind him, so it shouldn't be difficult to restore his soul.

   Among other things, Liu Ping, the reincarnation of the first God of Cookery who has grown up, probably can solve this problem with one dish.

   Not to mention Qi Refiner Li Zhao and Rule Sword Lin Feng.

   It just takes time, because Liu Ping hasn't grown to the limit yet, and Li Zhao has only been a Qi refiner for a few years now. Lin Feng is rather embarrassed, and it's just that his major doesn't match his mouth.

  It is very simple to ask Lin Feng to kill the soul, but if he is asked to help with the treatment, it will be a bit numb. For Chen Xiyi's commission, Lin Feng can only say that he will do his best.

Of course, if Zhou Zheng's broken soul can be retrieved, it can also be repaired, but the problem is that most of his soul was wiped out by the knight's sword in the battle of Huangquanhe, and he can't get it back at all. It is estimated that there is not even a scum left. Down.

  The two entered the airship in order. This airship was heading west. Although it did not reach the Demon Sect, it saved a lot of time.

   With Zhou Zheng's injury, he might not be able to take Chen Xiyi across such a long distance, even if he could, it would be impossible. After all, it is easy to arouse the vigilance of the local forces.

   You know, there are a lot of sects to pass through, and there are many top sects with Mahayana masters.

   If you really want to move away, you will definitely be discovered. It is better to sneak into the court flying boat of the Dazhen Dynasty, which is not only safe but also comfortable.

  There are many censorships on the road, but with the abilities of Chen Xiyi and Zhou Zheng, it is still very easy to fool them.

  Unless they came during the Mahayana period, as long as Zhou Zheng didn't reveal his secrets, he would basically not be discovered. Even Chen Xiyi had disguised himself to prevent accidents.

   Go according to the room they bought originally. The two of them bought a long-distance ticket, which is naturally a bedroom instead of a seat.

  It's a long way, so I can't really sit down.

  Even at the speed of a flying boat, it would take a month to cross it. Do you really think that three days will be enough?

  The world of cultivating immortals has a vast territory. For now, no one knows what is beyond the Central Plains, only that it is covered by the infinite sea.

   Even in the Mahayana period, no one has found the boundary of the world. As for the nine heavens, it is said that there is a layer of terrifying wind.

Immortal cultivators in the Mahayana period cannot last too long in the wind. The wind can not only cause damage to the body, but also damage the soul of the cultivator. More importantly, there is no spiritual energy in the wind, like a barren land .

   Of course, this is not only the case with Gang Feng, but also above the infinite sea area, no matter whether it is above the sea or below the sea, there is no aura.

   This spiritual energy seems to only exist in the Central Plains, and the closer to the center, the more prosperous the concentration of spiritual energy.

As for the reasons for these, Chen Xiyi is not clear, nor are the Mahayana cultivators. There was a Mahayana who flew into the infinite sea at an extremely fast speed, and returned after a day and a night. He only said that the sea is endless and has no end. to speak of.

   This made Chen Xiyi feel that the entire world of cultivating immortals is an isolated island.

  Of course, the Extreme Sea of ​​the Dragon Clan is not considered to be within the infinite sea area, but an artificial sea area excavated by the Dragon Clan back then. It is located in the interior of the Central Plains and is rich in aura.

   And Naguixu is the sea eye introduced by the extreme sea.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't know why the Jihai Returnee Market can send Ao Lu to the world of extraordinary chefs, but one thing is certain, that is, the history of Jihai is extremely long.

   "Unexpectedly, we really came up." After Zhou Zheng entered the flying boat, he was a little dumbfounded, after all, this matter was really too weird.

   "Is there anything I didn't expect, isn't this a very normal thing?" Chen Xiyi asked back.

  It is nothing more than the inherent thinking that affects Zhou Zheng, and Chen Xiyi's hand is a little dark under the light.

  Of course, the mud suit is very important. Without the blessing of this suit, let alone the dark under the lights, even if the eyeballs of the Mahayana stage are pulled out, the opponent can find the two of us.

  The reduced sense of presence makes many things more convenient.

  'I always feel that there is a second dark line in this world of cultivating immortals, which is not as simple as it seems on the surface. '

  Chen Xiyi's mind was constantly connected with some information.

  From the supernatural powers that allow immortal cultivators to adapt to the method, to the wind above the nine heavens and the Central Plains like an isolated island, and the artificially excavated Guixu under the polar sea, why can Ao Lu pass through.

  Even Meng Xingqiu, who came from the world of the spirit master, didn't know how many traversers there were in this huge isolated island world.

  The more important point is that the spiritual stone mines that have been mined for tens of thousands of years, the continuous spiritual energy, etc., where do these things come from.

You have to know one thing, this world is not just a few qi refiners in the world, but an innumerable number of immortal cultivators. Such endless mining has not exhausted the resources, but there is a kind of The feeling of thriving.

   This is totally out of the ordinary.

  (end of this chapter)

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