This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 283: Aido Skeleton Boat

  Chapter 283 Together with the bone boat

   "This mortal city of the demonic way is really hip-stretching. Compared with the mortal city of the righteous way, it is completely different." Chen Xiyi and Zhou Zheng couldn't help complaining as they walked in the city under the rule of the Tianmo Cult.

   Fortunately, this is the world of cultivating immortals, which can be suppressed by force, but if it is changed to a world without any supernatural elements, all the members of the Demon Sect will have to be pulled out one by one and slaughtered.

  All ordinary people are numb, but when they see immortal cultivators, they avoid them for fear that if they are not careful, they will be sucked out of their souls or refined into blood essence by the other party.

  In the whole city, there is no order at all, it is basically chaotic, and the disciples of the Demon Cult who are stationed in the city have no management ability at all, they only know how to ask and squeeze blindly, regardless of any sustainable development.

  It’s right to think about it. Most of them are selfish. Naturally, they are mainly self-cultivation during their tenure. How could they consider ordinary people?

"Oh, indeed, I don't even know how the huge Heavenly Demon Sect survives." Zhou Zheng also sighed. His impression of the Heavenly Demon Sect was only limited to a demonic sect. Got it, he lost his memory after all.

"This is already close to the main altar of the Demon Sect. It's the same at such a short distance. The horror in other places is even worse." Chen Xiyi looked at the dark clouds floating in the sky. The magic weapon, the cloud of the devil soul.

   This demonic cloud floats over the city, constantly absorbing the energy and spirit of all mortals in the city, as well as the living souls of mortals after death, etc.

  It looks like a dark cloud, but it is actually made of densely packed souls. Those souls have been obliterated and become puppets for the ruler of the city to drive.

  It seems to be very well-behaved, but in fact, if a person's energy is sucked away, how many lives can he have?

  The elderly will die suddenly, young children and babies will die young, and adults will be plagued by various diseases.

  In this way, the mortality rate has been greatly increased, and it is possible that a small disease can kill a person.

  Besides the ghost cloud, there are also a large number of ghosts patrolling the streets. If someone is found dead, they will rush up to have a meal. The soul will be sucked away, not even the body will be left behind.

  These ghosts will then be squeezed out of the benefits of devouring the corpses to form the Yin Demon Pill.

  Half of it will be handed over to the main altar of the Demon Sect, and the other half will be reserved for the garrison disciples as salaries. There is a fixed amount every month. If there is too much, nothing will happen. If there is less, the garrison disciples will be tortured.

  It is common for the upper class to oppress the lower class.

   "I don't understand. The Tianmo Sect is so oppressive that the population will collapse very quickly. Why are there so many people in the city?" Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled.

   With this method of squeezing, let alone a million people, even 10 million people will be wiped out after a year of tossing.

   This is basically treating these mortals as disposable consumables, without thinking about large-scale reproduction.

   "Plundering people from the territory of the orthodox sect to supplement the shortage is a bit dangerous, and it may not succeed every time."

   "Tianmo Sect doesn't care about the population or not, it just cares about whether the resources turned in every month are sufficient. If the amount is not enough, the garrison disciples will be punished."

  Zhou Zheng seemed to recall something, and then opened his mouth to explain.

   "Well, you were wicked enough in the past, no wonder everyone shouted and beat you, but if you manage with your heart, you won't end up like this." Chen Xiyi replied.

  How should I put it, in terms of long-term vision, the evil way is really inferior to the righteous way. They only want to get something for nothing and get rich overnight.

   A good hand was played like this.

   It is not easy to want to live souls, corpses, etc., as long as the population is large enough, they can be produced every day.

   Encourage an increase in the fertility rate, vigorously develop the people's livelihood, and then formulate a compensation policy for the recovery of corpses. At that time, I am afraid that there will be no corpses.

  As for the living soul, mortals can't see it, so naturally they can handle it however they want.

   But Chen Xiyi knew that this was easier said than done, not to mention that it was not in the interests of the Demon Dao.

  It is necessary to know that the practice of magic skills in the magic way is not a matter of whether they want to stop, but the magic skills force them to go, it is either success or death.

  Long-term interests simply have no chance to build.

  No devil is willing to make wedding clothes for others, and give his life away.

Especially the lower-level demon cultivators, the high-level demon cultivators have basically surrendered their magic skills. Although there are still backlashes, they are not so fatal. up.

   "Indeed, I used to be really wicked." Zhou Zheng nodded in agreement.

  What is the relationship between the previous him and the current him? What he scolded was Youmotian, the master of the heavenly demon, and not Zhou Zheng, the righteous man.

  So Zhou Zheng didn't have any psychological burden at all.

   "However, why do we stay here? Didn't we mean to go directly to the Moyuan behind the main altar of the Tianmo Sect?" Chen Xiyi asked with some doubts,

   "Didn't you want to practice the true biography of Yuanshitian Demon Physique before? I found out that he will come here today to inspect, so why don't you stop by and watch for a while." Zhou Zheng said after looking at it from a distance.


  Chen Xiyi really wanted to say, we are going to have a Heavenly Demon Secret Store soon, why do we need a Yuanshi Heavenly Demon Body.

  But after thinking about it, it was all for nothing anyway, and it was not too short of time to study what the ready-made Yuanshi Tianmo body looked like.

Compared with the difficulty of cultivating the Xingsu Demon Tribulation, the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon Physique can be obtained as long as you practice step by step to the fusion stage. Those who can be cultivated, I don't know how many people died to produce such a true biography of Yuanshitian Demon Physique.

   "The scope of your inquiry is wide enough, you can inquire about all of this." Chen Xiyi said that you are very brave.

   "It's okay, it's just a trivial matter. When people come, you should hide." Zhou Zheng said that he was super brave.

  In the distance, a flying boat made of countless white bones was pulled by countless yin demons, and the demonic energy was billowing like a great demon descending into the world.

  Although in the eyes of the Mahayana stage, the combined body stage is just a group of ants that can be crushed to death, but throwing away the Mahayana and Transcending Tribulation, it is already considered a part of the top pyramid of the immortal cultivator.

   Even if this is just a true disciple, but placed in the fringes of the Central Plains, it can easily destroy the existence of countless sects.

   "It's such a big show, Mahayana doesn't have such a posture." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but wonder what gave him such a big face.

   "This is an inspection, not just a matter of pomp and posture, but also a matter of dismounting." Zhou Zheng looked at the flying boat of bones and explained the situation to Chen Xiyi.

  Although Chen Xiyi didn't quite understand, he felt that it was an inspection tour. Shouldn't he be visiting privately to find out the truth? Why did he get involved with Xia Mawei?

  If it were Chen Xiyi, she would have to quietly investigate and find out the truth.

"It's not beneficial to get up early in the devil's way. Inspection is the duty of true disciples, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is not a duty at all, but to give true disciples the opportunity to search for resources. How much they can search is their ability, so they need to be disarmed. Let the disciples stationed in each city make offerings honestly."

   "Otherwise, the true disciples can just find a reason to kill the garrison disciples, and train the mortals in the city to eat blood."

  Hearing Zhou Zheng's words, Chen Xiyi couldn't help becoming more and more speechless: "It's a miracle that the Tianmo Sect survived with such a method of oppression."

  The sect squeezed a wave, the true disciples squeezed a wave, who lost in the end?

   Certainly not the garrison disciples, because the garrison disciples will only squeeze mortals even more crazily.

   "I'm also very puzzled about this matter. With this kind of squeezing method, the captive population may not be able to fill such a big hole." Zhou Zheng said that Mo Dao is a bunch of idiots.

   "I'm ready to do it, let's go after catching it." Zhou Zheng looked at the landing bone flying boat and said.

  Before Chen Xiyi could react, he suddenly realized that this week was holding a person in his hand, the mana on his body was forcibly suppressed, the kind that he couldn't even move.

   "So fast?" Chen Xiyi didn't even blink his eyes, and the matter was over.

  Thinking about it, it’s also true that one Mahayana period and one integration period can’t be said to last for a few days and nights and finally win by a narrow margin. This is unscientific.

  Crushing is the normal state. If you go down with one hand, let alone the integration period, you may not be able to react even in the tribulation period.

   This true biography is very handsome, with a kind of evil charm and madness, but his forehead is black and black, and there is a big swelling, and he passed out. It is obvious that Zhou Zheng hit him on the head with a sap.

   This Yuanshitian demon body couldn't hold Zhou Zheng's sap, and this stick was really desperate.

  Chen Xiyi stuffed the person into the carriage and put it in the inventory, and then watched the bone flying boat wobble a few times, and then lost control and fell towards the city.

   No nonsense, without the controller, it is naturally out of control.

   This bone flying boat is one of the magic weapons of this true disciple. With the strength and financial resources of the combined body stage, a mere bone flying boat is nothing. If you really want to refine it, you can refine it in the Yuanying stage.

Don't look at this bone flying boat that sounds bluffing, but in fact it is nothing more than human bones and living souls. The difficulty of obtaining materials is far lower than that of refining. Just slaughter a city with a population of tens of thousands, and you can refine one. , but depending on the amount of materials, the bone flying boats produced are also different.

This bone flying boat, at least, can only be refined according to the human bones and living souls of hundreds of millions. There is no way to cause any damage to it, it can be called a magic weapon for killing and cutting.

  So if this loss of control falls in the city, the whole city will suffer.

   At that time, the demons will devour souls and bones will devour corpses, and the whole city will not be enough to feed the flying boat of bones.

  Bone Flying Boat is not a simple victim. After experiencing a **** refinement, although he has no intelligence, he still instinctively desires blood and eats blood sacrifices to further temper himself.

   What's more, without the shackles of the master, it is naturally more unscrupulous.

  The moment it fell into the city, the entire bone flying boat began to turn into a ferocious monster, crazily eating away at the entire city.

  Even the guarding disciples of the Heavenly Demon Cult couldn't escape the opponent's predation, and they were eaten by a large number of Yin Demons just after meeting each other.

  The guarding disciples are only at the golden core stage, and they have no ability to resist at all, and there is no way to even escape.

  Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Xiyi. He and Zhou Zheng have already gone to the Moyuan behind the main altar of the Tianmo Sect.

  Even after being rescued, he still couldn't escape the territory of the Tianmo Cult.

   As for sending it out?

  He himself is the enemy of the world, and he put himself and Zhou Zheng in danger for a group of unknown NPCs?

  Chen Xiyi is not a saint, so he doesn't have the idea of ​​helping the world and the people. It is not worthwhile to gain such a reputation, and he does not have a reputation system.

  (end of this chapter)

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