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Chapter 299: Immortals and demons, thoughts in the ruins

  Chapter 299 Immortals and Demons, Thoughts in the Ruins

   "The Heavenly Demon can't chew it. It tastes really bad." Zhou Zheng looked disgusted. He tried to chew the Heavenly Demon just now, but the taste almost didn't give him away.

   Then he cast his eyes on Wu Yu, his magic sense vaguely swept over, and then he snorted coldly: "I'll let you be proud for another two days, and then they will all be caught one by one."

   He felt very displeased that these immortals wanted to dig up Chen Xiyi's underground shelter. After all, it was his own property, so who would be happy if someone else caused disaster.

  However, he also has self-knowledge. He has just stepped into this level. He is not the opponent of these seven immortals, so he can only lie dormant first.

  Zhou Zheng also knows that he is not an orthodox immortal. If he is between an immortal cultivator and a heavenly demon, he is actually more inclined to the heavenly demon, so he is essentially a heavenly demon king rather than a fairy.

"According to what Xi Yi said, I am already the strongest among the demons at this time. It is estimated that except for the seven immortals and the great chaos demon, no one is my opponent." Zhou Zheng grabbed it casually. A celestial demon stuffed it into his mouth, feeling the energy pouring out continuously, he was actually picking and choosing the ability to swallow the celestial demon by him.

  The gluttonous stomach can give him the ability of a demon, but unfortunately this is not only temporary, it cannot be upgraded. We can only wait for the evolution of the gluttonous stomach to see if there will be any changes.

  Zhou Zheng narrowed his eyes abruptly, and after erasing his own traces immediately, he left and disappeared in place.

  In just a moment, Bai Wangjun appeared in the area where Zhou Zheng was originally.

  His expression was dignified, and his immortal consciousness kept scanning this place.

   "Is it an illusion? There was clearly the aura of the Heavenly Demon King just now, or did the other party discover me?" The Xuantian Sword in Bai Huangjun's hand trembled slightly, always on guard.

   Just now when he and others were trying to decipher the ruins, his immortal consciousness felt a subtle wave of demonic energy here. From the analysis of the wave, it is definitely the demon king.

  The corresponding level is naturally immortal.

If it was before, he really wouldn't have taken it to heart, but the celestial demons in this era are extremely weird, not only immortal, but also devouring evolution. Except that the celestial demons can kill the celestial demons by devouring them, there is no other way to kill the celestial demons. It can only be sealed and suppressed.

  In this way, the existence of the Demon King is simply a disaster.

   "The Heavenly Demon King was born so soon, this era is simply unreasonable." Bai Wangjun was vigilant in his heart, he didn't think it was an illusion, even if there were no traces when he came.

   It was precisely because there were no traces of this that he became vigilant. After all, the demons were raging, so how could there be no traces at all.

"I found you, come out." The celestial power on Bai Huangjun's body erupted, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, and a large number of heavenly demons couldn't bear the coercion at all, and were immediately crushed to pieces. It's just that there is still no death.

  The Xuantian sword in his hand slashed down, and the endless sword energy shattered hundreds of thousands of miles around into ruins, without a single bit of good ground.

  Bai Wangjun glanced around, while the immortal consciousness kept searching for some peculiarities.

   It's a pity that there is no gain at all.

   "It seems that he has escaped. The Heavenly Demon King should not be underestimated, but how could the Heavenly Demon King be born now?"

For the Heavenly Demon King, Bai Huangjun naturally has a deep understanding. It is impossible for the Heavenly Demon King to appear at this stage, at least until all the polluted spiritual energy has been transformed into demonic energy before there are enough resources to support the Heavenly Demon King. The birth of the Demon King.

  But he thought about it again, the demons of this era are completely different from those of other eras, as long as they devour enough of the same kind, it is not impossible to quickly grow into the demon king.

   It is even possible that some celestial demons can devour celestial demons with accompanying magic treasures to break the original restriction and be promoted to celestial demon king.

  Bai Wangjun's heart was covered with a haze, and the development of things became more and more strange.

  Bai Huangjun, who had nothing to gain, could only go back to Wuyu first. Since he didn't find the hidden demon king, of course he went back to continue researching the ruins.

   They have already excavated the ruins, which span the entire military domain and are very huge.

   But the problem is that they can't get in, because there is an invisible barrier that isolates them. This barrier is very powerful, far beyond their understanding.

   As for using force to break it down, they hadn't thought about it, but when they thought that the opponent could beat the Great Chaos Demon into such a ghostly state with a single sword, the matter of breaking it down was eventually rejected by unanimous veto.

   What's more, wouldn't it be much better than physical removal of this kind of barrier if they could comprehend exercises or some inheritance.

  Although this way the process will naturally slow down a lot.

   "Brother Bai, how are you? But the Demon King?" Someone asked.

  Bai Huangjun nodded: "Ninety-nine are inseparable, we must destroy the relics left by this real person as soon as possible, otherwise, if there are too many demon kings, we may never have peace."

  In fact, all the immortals know that there is another solution, which is to let them suppress and seal these heavenly demons everywhere, but the problem is that no one wants to go.

  Everyone wants to comprehend this relic here and obtain the inheritance of Daoist Qingxu, this is their path.

  One step late is every step late.

  So everyone knew it well and didn't mention this.

  Bai Wangjun also knows that if he really mentions it, it is one thing to object to it, and another thing is how many people will implement it sincerely.

  However, the appearance of the Heavenly Demon King made the seven immortals feel nervous. They never thought that the situation would develop like this.

  If there is one, there will naturally be two.

  Shang Yuanqing and other Mahayana immortal cultivators were hesitant to speak about this, but as a group of veterans, they naturally understood what the seven immortals were thinking, and they still didn't speak in the end.

   It’s okay if they didn’t speak up, but even if they did speak up in this situation, they still have other means of prevarication.

  From the very beginning, the group of Mahayana immortal cultivators and these seven immortals were not in the same status, and it can be said that they did not have any right to speak at all.

But they can't help it. It's better to be around these immortals. When the seven immortals breathe out the polluted spiritual energy, they will emit some pure fairy energy, and they use this to make a living to ensure their own survival. .

  If you really leave, I'm afraid you can only find a place to linger and wait to die.

  It's better to live than to die. They searched for immortals and asked, isn't it just to become immortals so that they can live forever, and now they naturally have no other reason to leave.

  Really think that like the protagonist, I can’t help but say that I can’t help myself, and then I can’t kill by leapfrogging?

  Don't make trouble, these seven immortals are at the level of old monsters, and they can easily wipe out the remaining Mahayana cultivators without even using their hands.

  They are the pride of heaven, but the Seven Immortals are not?

   Not everyone is like the protagonist, who can unreasonably leapfrog and kill a genius who can crush him to death with waste material qualifications, insufficient resources, and broken skills.

  If it is so easy to leapfrog and kill, Tianjiao is not Tianjiao, and the classification of ranks has no meaning.

   Zhou Zheng had a hint of surprise in his expression, and then he restrained his aura to the extreme with all his strength.

   "I didn't expect the opponent to be so strong. It only leaked a trace of breath, and the opponent could detect it thousands of miles away."

   "This immortal should be the strongest among the seven immortals."

   To be honest, if Zhou Zheng didn't run fast, maybe the other party would have noticed it.

  Bai Wangjun's sword was not his full strength, it was probably just a casual strike, otherwise, how could it be so small.

"It's just that I came in a hurry, and I went there in a hurry. It seems that I can't let go of the power leveling relic." Regarding the thoughts of the Seven Immortals, Zhou Zheng naturally had a guess. After all, who would not want that kind of power, let alone the Seven Immortals? Yes, Zhou Zheng wants it too.

  But he knows what that power is, and he actually has it, it's nothing more than a picture of Shushan Sword Immortal.

  When he came out before, Chen Xiyi used it for his self-defense. After all, it is not that easy to devour the heavenly demon under the eyes of the Seven Immortals.

  Zhou Zheng attracted Bai Huangjun with his previous carelessness. If he had acted more aggressively, maybe the Seven Immortals could have surrounded and killed him at the same time.

  So everything has to be cautious.

   "Look at this posture, it seems that there is no thought of forcibly entering."

   "It's normal to think about it, after all, they probably have already made up their minds beyond the sky."

  When Zhou Zheng thought of this possibility, he couldn't help but smile.

   After all, the seven powerful immortals are trembling because of this, so why not laugh at this contrast.

   "We still need about 300 celestial demons. Yuanshi celestial demon body, Xingsu demon robbery, digestion enhancement and gluttonous stomach can get the first evolution." Zhou Zheng restrained his smile and briefly estimated his own situation.

  The ability of the demon and the gluttonous stomach are now integrated with him to become an organ. Naturally, he can simply swallow and evaluate the amount needed for evolution.

It's true that Zhou Zheng couldn't keep up with the changes in Chen Xiyi's thinking, but it's not that Zhou Zheng didn't learn everything. Chen Xiyi would also mention some basics and common sense to him repeatedly and let him keep them in mind. These became his mastery of himself. Part of it.

   "Currently, the gluttonous stomach pouch can be filled with up to ten demons at a time. If the body is larger, it may be less. It takes three to five minutes to digest. I hope there will be no accidents during this."

  Zhou Zheng simply estimated the quantity and time. To be honest, this is still the result of his enhanced digestion and gluttonous stomach because he devoured the evolution.

  Originally, the gluttonous stomach bag can only hold one to three at a time, but it takes a minute to digest one, which takes longer.

"This gluttonous stomach bag is like a storage ring. After being swallowed by the demon, there is no change in the body. This is indeed a magic treasure transformed from a spirit treasure." Zhou Zheng couldn't help but sigh, this thing is real magic.

   After all, apart from the secret realm, there is nothing else that can be absorbed into the body.

   But it is not so easy to refine the secret realm, otherwise he would have refined the Heavenly Demon secret realm into his own secret realm and carried it with him.

   "It seems that the Seven Immortals also came from a secret realm. The other party did not rely on the secret realm to come to this era."

  Zhou Zheng was thinking about this matter, then randomly grabbed a demon and stuffed it into his mouth, and then swallowed it into his gluttonous stomach.

   "If this is the case, wouldn't the secret realm be extraordinarily powerful, even the Great Chaos Demon can resist it, and it is a treasure." Zhou Zheng's thoughts spread more and more.

  But soon he gathered his divergent thinking and focused on devouring the demon in front of him.

   "After the strength of my Demon Controller improves, let's see if I can get it."

  It's useless to think about it, just get it.

  In fact, he is not greedy for the secret realm, after all, it is much more difficult to refine the secret realm than to practice supernatural powers.

   There are still traces to practice supernatural powers, but refining the secret realm is different, it all depends on chance, not strength.

  So the secret realm is easy to meet, but not everyone can refine the secret realm to make it his own help. Anyway, he has never seen any Mahayana cultivator refining the secret realm, but some little-known little people got it by chance.

  (end of this chapter)

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