This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 300: Kill the devil? you go or he go?

  Chapter 300 Demon killing? you go or he go?

   "I'm back, how is the situation outside?" Chen Xiyi asked.

Zhou Zheng's complexion was actually not very good-looking. It took him nearly three days to follow up with 300 demons. It wasn't that he was too slow, but that Bai Huangjun was too sharp. Basically, he could only shoot one shot to change places. He was almost caught by the opponent several times.

   "The situation is not optimistic. I am being targeted by a fairy." Zhou Zheng said.

  Chen Xiyi glanced at Zhou Zheng: "It's good that you're fine, you've just started, and it's normal for you not to be the opponent's opponent."

  【Ability 4: Hungry Stomach】

  【Ability 5: Greedy Stomach】

   Both abilities have evolved, and in Chen Xiyi's eyes, there is even a trend of fusion.

   If you guide the evolution later, the two abilities are likely to be fused into one ability, which is equivalent to the fusion of the greedy stomach into the organ of the demon.

"I can't beat him, but he can't catch me. Every time he comes, I run away early. I'm really aggrieved." Zhou Zheng felt very upset. It's really unlucky.

  I didn't do anything, but being chased by the other party like this is extremely hateful.

   Fortunately, he knew he couldn't beat the opponent, so he was very honest.

   "I can't help it, he is a veteran and strong player, and you, a newcomer, don't have any qualifications." Chen Xiyi spread his hands and said that there is no way, unless it is Zhou Zheng who used the picture of Shushan Sword Immortal.

  But Zhou Zhengke couldn't bear it. This is a treasure used to save his life, not to vent his anger, so he can clearly distinguish the priorities.

   "My abilities and magic treasures have evolved, but the problem is that I'm getting hungry faster now." Zhou Zheng explained his physical condition, which shouldn't have happened.

   "I know, don't worry, you will be hungrier in the next stage, but the opposite is the increase in strength, and it will be much better in the next stage."

   "You still need to continue to evolve."

"!!" Zhou Zheng looked shocked. In fact, he hasn't been hungry for many years. Basically, he can fast after refining qi. Apart from taking pills or treasures of heaven, materials and earth, immortal cultivators basically rely on food. Reiki dominates.

  So the feeling of being hungry is a long time ago for Zhou Zheng.

  The next stage is to fuse the Hungry Stomach of Ability 4 and the Greedy Stomach of Ability 5. Chen Xiyi doesn't know what the name is, but it will definitely cause hunger because of the strong digestion ability.

  Only in the next stage after fusion, Chen Xiyi will guide towards the soul, which is Zhou Zheng's demon soul.

   Immortal cultivators are called celestial beings, while those who control demons are naturally demon souls.

"It's really impossible, you give me the top of the whole meal, or I don't know what I will do when I'm hungry." Zhou Zheng knows that Chen Xiyi's food is different, it depends on the degree of satiety rather than the portion or Nutrition.

   "It's not impossible, but the question is, if you hold on, will you still have the appetite to devour the demon in the future? Hunger itself is the driving force for you to devour the demon." Chen Xiyi asked.

  When Zhou Zheng heard this, he felt that it made sense. If he was full, he must not be in the mood to eat other things.

"However, you can try it. Normally, food is placed in your own stomach, while the demon is placed in the gluttonous stomach. The two are actually irrelevant to each other. I am worried that your two stomachs will be so And hold on."

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi took out a food with 500 satiation degrees plus a lot of additional status and handed it to Zhou Zheng.

  He was also worried that Zhou Zhengzhen would be starved, even if he wouldn't lose his mind, it would still affect his state.

   You must know that there is Bai Wangjun outside who has been chasing and killing him, but if you slow down a bit, you may be caught up by the other party. When the two fight against each other, you don't need to think about it to know that Zhou Zheng is not an opponent.

   What's more important is that once Zhou Zheng is entangled, the remaining six immortals can arrive at the same time in an instant. When the seven immortals attack, Zhou Zheng will definitely not be able to escape.

  Many things fail in the details.

   "Okay, I'll give it a try." Zhou Zheng took the food with a smile on his face and began to eat.

   This bowl of food can be eaten in two minutes.

   Then he sat down on the recliner contentedly and said, "The hunger is gone, but the gluttonous stomach is still empty. The satiety of the food can completely suppress the hunger without affecting further eating demons."

   "However, the efficiency must be much slower. After all, I am full now, and there must be a difference from when I was hungry before."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Zhou Zheng with black lines all over his head: "Don't rest when you're full, hurry up and devour the demons. How can a person of your age dare to rest with such peace of mind."

   "." Zhou Zheng felt that Chen Xiyi had the feeling of a capitalist.

   "Come on, old man, I'm going out to work, and I'm kicked out this time before I get warm." Zhou Zheng's tone was full of vicissitudes and sadness.


  Chen Xiyi felt that this little old man was getting more and more fancy, and he could act in all of these.

   "Should I come back after the ability evolves?" Zhou Zheng asked before leaving.

"No, it's best to come back before evolution. This time is special. Your enhanced digestion will be integrated with your gluttonous stomach. It's safer to come back. It's best if the last few demons at the critical point come back and eat." Chen Xiyi estimated the data and said.

  This time is different from the previous evolution. It was evolution before, but now it is fusion.

   It is equivalent to breaking through the fourth turn of the magician.

   "Okay, I will pay attention." Zhou Zheng nodded in agreement.

Before leaving, Chen Xiyi took out a lot of food and handed it to Zhou Zheng: "You put it in the storage ring as a reserve food, this time it will take ten days and a half months, it will be troublesome if you come back halfway , eat a maximum satiety when you are hungry."

  The food that Chen Xiyi gave had a satiety level of 500. Fortunately, normal food would not kill people, at most it was just full.

   Zhou Zheng left after taking the food, Chen Xiyi wondered if Bai Wangjun would be irritable because of this, after all, it was no different from provocation.

  Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Chen Xiyi, and there should be no danger to his life. After all, wearing a mud suit, with the Shushan Sword Immortal for protection, and a lot of status given by food, basically it will not be a big deal.

   As long as he survived one move, Zhou Zheng would have a chance to escape or kill him in seconds with the Shushan Sword Immortal Picture.

  After dealing with Zhou Zheng's affairs, Chen Xiyi turned his attention back to himself.

   "The first stage of the innate supernatural power Yuanshi Tianma, which is improved from the magician system, has begun to simulate."

   After Chen Xiyi opened the recording system, he simulated the Nascent Soul, Heavenly Demon, Lingbao and Mobao to conduct evolution research.

  Of course, the key material is spirituality.

  While Bai Wangjun was comprehending the barrier of the ruins, he felt the aura of the demon king again, which made him frown, and his face was a little unsightly.

For the past three days, the two have been fighting guerrillas, and the other party doesn't know the reason, but he can always evacuate one step faster than him. Every time he misses the air, he is very irritable, and now this enlightenment is nothing. He became very upset, as if a suffocated volcano was about to erupt.

   "Brother Bai, why don't you let me go this time, you take a break first?" Sitting beside Yan Wensi also noticed Bai Wangjun's situation, so he asked.

"Don't worry about the Heavenly Demon King. This demon is so cunning that I can't even catch a trace of him. I'm afraid you are the same. You should comprehend this barrier as soon as possible, and strive to crack the remains of the Qingxu real person as soon as possible." Bai Wangjun glanced at it. This Yan Wensi said after a glance.

  He is telling the truth, this Yan Wensi is only a sixth-rank earth immortal, even a ninth-rank heavenly immortal can't catch him, so why waste such time.

Everyone present is actively comprehending the barrier, but these days have passed, let alone have any comprehension, but they can't even see what the barrier is. tone.

  Those who can become immortals are not easy-going lamps. Whether it is root, understanding, or chance and heart, they can be said to be the top figures in an era.

   Otherwise, if you can really come out on top in such a cruel world of cultivating immortals, do you really think you can break through just by yelling and breaking it for me?

   More often, they died in the process of breaking through, died of old age when they could not make progress for a lifetime, or died in the process of practicing.

  Of course, they did not give up, but their expectations were getting bigger and bigger.

  Even they can’t comprehend it, but there is a real miraculous existence. This shows that there is not a problem with the barrier of the ruins. They think that they are not qualified enough to comprehend it, so they can’t comprehend anything.

   Therefore, in their eyes, the value of this relic has soared to an extremely high level.

  They feel that if they realize something, it is likely that their strength will be further improved.

"But if you don't care about it, once you devour too many demons, your strength will become stronger. I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future. Why don't I take action together and suppress the demon king first before comprehending the relics of the real Qingxu?" Another fairy asked. Said a suggestion.

  Bai Wangjun looked at the crowd of immortals with a half-smile, and said, "Oh~ you all think like this?"

   Obviously, this Heavenly Demon King is very slippery, and he didn't catch it. Even if he wanted to chase him down, he might have to spend several days.

   A few days is really nothing to them in the past, and it will take a hundred years to retreat and understand the Dharma casually.

  But now is different. Now is the time when every second counts, but it is about enlightenment.

   "Hey, this matter should be discussed again, and discussed again. It's nothing more than a demon king. It's not good." The speaker was Shangguan Ze, a seventh-rank celestial being, who was considered the strongest person below Bai Huangjun.

There is a big gap between him and Bai Huangjun in strength, but it is not impossible to catch up. He feels that as long as he can comprehend the mysteries in the barrier of the ruins, he may be qualified to be equal to Bai Huangjun, so he naturally refuses. Now, who knows when this polluted spiritual energy will be transformed into magic energy.

  If it really turns into a demonic energy, it will be too late.

There is a sword hanging over everyone's head that may fall at any time. No one is willing to take the risk of giving up this life-saving straw, let alone this life-saving straw. When I get there, it's really up to me to see how long I can last.

  So no one wants to give up precious time to deal with a demon king.

  When they get the inheritance of Daoist Qingxu, let alone a Heavenly Demon King, the Great Chaos Heavenly Demon will not be afraid.

  More importantly, everyone doesn't know whether the inheritance can be shared. If there is only one copy and it still cannot be shared, then who is willing to give up.

   Besides, even if they can share, no one wants to. Everyone wants to be the only one, not to be equal to everyone else.

   "What do other people think?" Bai Wangjun asked again.

  Everyone looked at each other and said: "Brother Shangguan is right, a mere demon king is nothing."

  "That's the case, we should try our best to comprehend and master it."

   "That makes sense."

  Most people said they would not go, and in the end the matter was left alone.

  (end of this chapter)

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