This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 301: Transformation period? I think I can kill the fusion period

  Chapter 301 Transformation stage? I think I can kill the fusion period

   "Why did you come back so soon?" Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled.

  Zhou Zheng himself was also at a loss: "It's strange, no one came to chase me today, and the devouring went very smoothly."

   "Look, I brought a lot of them back, and the Seven Immortals didn't respond at all."

  Chen Xiyi glanced at the map, the Seven Immortals were still at the power leveling ruins, without any sign of moving.

  Obviously, Zhou Zheng's behavior might be regarded as teasing by the other party, so he ignored it.

   "Ah, it's not like the other party thinks you're playing guerrilla to delay time." Chen Xiyi thinks that this is a big misunderstanding.

   "I don't care about them. My new round of evolution is about to start. Do it now?" Zhou Zheng didn't think too much about it. Anyway, the Seven Immortals have nothing to do with him. What they think is their business.

   "Let's get started, stuff as much demon as possible into the stomach." Chen Xiyi said.

  After Zhou Zheng listened, Dang even started to act. He stuffed all the demons he brought back into his greedy stomach one by one. The hungry stomach started, and the digestion speed was extremely fast.

  As the celestial demons are being devoured one by one, the celestial demons' power organs and greedy stomachs are continuously guided and integrated by the preset program.

  【Ability 4: Greedy Magic】

  When the two abilities are integrated, there is naturally only one brand new ability left, not two independent abilities.

   Zhou Zheng of the devouring demon suddenly froze, and then the speed in his hand immediately increased by three points, and the demons were being eaten one after another, his eyes were red as if he had been erupted by some kind of emotion.

  However, his will is also extremely tenacious, that emotion was quickly suppressed by his reason, but the speed of devouring it was not slow at all.

   This time he brought back fifty demons of different shapes and sizes, but within a minute, these fifty demons were eaten.

   "What's the situation? Why can't I stop the hunger." After Zhou Zheng devoured the demon, he felt bad.

  The hunger didn't disappear, on the contrary, it intensified, and I had no choice but to take out a piece of food and start eating.

   Zhou Zheng breathed a sigh of relief when his full 500 points of satiety were supported.

  The original hunger subsides because of this, otherwise I may really be hungry after a while.

   "Greedy magic is the ability that evolved from the two abilities of gluttony and digestion enhancement. The next stage should be a complete body. After that, you can devour it with all your strength."

  Chen Xiyi said after analyzing a large amount of data.

  Currently, this ability has a lot of side effects. If it weren’t for the special food in the home game, Zhou Zheng might have been eroded by hunger at this time.

  The reason is very simple. Chen Xiyi's design at this stage is still a semi-finished product, and it needs a lot of demons as nutrients to complete and advance to the next stage.

   Therefore, the instinctive hunger will continuously urge the host to devour the demon, which will lead to the outbreak of hunger, and even those who are not determined will appear to be controlled by hunger and other behaviors.

   "Is the demon controller here?" Zhou Zheng was a little puzzled, he thought it would take at least a few decades to complete.

   "That's not true. The main follow-up is to fully enhance your three abilities. You have become a fairy, and the next step is naturally to move in the direction of the Great Chaos Demon."

   "The direction is also very clear, just swallow all the demons."

Although what Chen Xiyi said is simple, it is not so easy to do. The number of demons can be said to be innumerable. What is the population?

   To be able to support such a huge number of immortal cultivators, the base number of mortals is too large.

   Zhou Zheng really wants to devour them all, even if he is now a Heavenly Demon King-level four-turn demon warrior who has been marked as an immortal, it is not so easy.

"Like this, then I'll start now, but why do I feel like I can fight immortals a few times now." Zhou Zheng felt his own strength, he only knew that his strength had risen, but because there was no specific division, so also does not know any quantification.

   After all, it is a newly born professional system, plus Zhou Zheng is such a weird situation, people upgrade from level 1, Zhou Zheng will start from level 100, so naturally everything can only be kept simple, it all depends on my opinion.

   "You can try it. After your ability evolves, go and weigh yourself against the other party." Chen Xiyi didn't stop him either, and when his strength improved, it was natural to test his own strength.

  Zhou Zheng thought the same about this, and after hearing a few more instructions, he turned and left the underground shelter to devour the demons.

  As for Chen Xiyi, he was naturally not idle.

   "From the data point of view, there is no problem with the first-stage man-made Nascent Soul of the Primordial Heavenly Demon, who is gifted with supernatural powers, and can start to be embedded in the Nascent Soul."

   "This has to be coordinated with the process of the cultivator system to break through to the Nascent Soul, and let the pill break into a baby."

  Currently, he is only at the early stage of Golden Core, but this is not a big problem. Normal cultivators practice too slowly due to their own aptitude, skills, environmental resources and other reasons.

   But Chen Xiyi is different, he has experience medicine, dew's enlightenment ability can get a drop of experience medicine every day, he has saved it for so many years, and has never used it, so it will come in handy now.

  He is still a normal immortal cultivator system, and has not been modified to the magician. Even if he has completed the first stage of integration, it is only the integration of mana.

  【Dew used enlightenment for you, your attributes have changed】

  【The dew is for you.】

  The game logs were constantly refreshed, and Chen Xiyi felt that his mana, primordial spirit, spirituality, and even Jindan were constantly rising.

   Yuanshen is okay, this attribute has no upper limit at all, and it has been soaring all the way.

   But spirituality is different. After reaching a certain limit, it will merge into Chen Xiyi's shadow and give birth to a soul follower.

   "I didn't expect this thing to be able to be upgraded like this." Chen Xiyi was a little dumbfounded for a while, he always thought that the troubled sequence upgrade could be done so easily.

  He even suspected that the previous Sequence 123 could also be piled up with Dew's experience medicine.

  But soon he restrained his mind and focused on the golden core and mana.

  Golden Elixir represents the system of cultivators, while mana is the fusion energy of Qi Refining Morale Machine, historical sequence spirituality and the mana of cultivators.

  With the operation of mana and the continuous flourishing of the golden core, his level of cultivator gradually soared from the first level of the golden core to the ninth level of the golden core.

   At this time, he had consumed seven years of enlightenment experience medicine.

   "Three times the consumption, I can't bear it." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

   Dew used experience medicine for him, and each drop was divided into three parts and flowed to three modules, so it grew synchronously, and it was impossible to say that a single module was upgraded.

   At this moment, Chen Xiyi immediately broke through the Nascent Soul.

  I saw that the nine robbery patterns on the golden core cracked at the same time, and a strong suction broke out, constantly pulling his soul, intending to merge with it.

   But the problem is that Chen Xiyi's Yuanshen is still standing still, and even said that's it?

His primordial spirit is comparable to that of an immortal cultivator at the transformation stage, and with this round of upgrades, he has already touched the threshold of the fusion stage. As long as he breaks through the Nascent Soul stage, his primordial spirit, a qi refiner, can be comparable to a fusion stage. The primordial spirit of the immortal cultivators.

  So this Dan Pochengying just got stuck on this step.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi had already made preparations, and he put the two spiritual derivatives into the golden core that continuously absorbs the soul.

   These two spiritual derivatives are death notice and guardian of the dead, but Jindan is a bit repulsive.

  Chen Xiyi frowned, as expected, theories belong to theory, and practice belongs to practice.

  Fortunately, he has a backup plan, and a large influx of spirituality dissolves the mutual exclusion between the two systems.

   "Today I'm also coming to play a guest role as the main character, add some dew, break it for me~"

  Chen Xiyi gave himself two BUFFs at once, and Lushui once again continuously empowered Chen Xiyi with experience medicine. Taking advantage of this wave of experience, Chen Xiyi immediately leveled up.

  The golden elixir burst into light, fused with the spirituality, and turned into a ghost-like Nascent Soul filled with a lot of death.

   And this Nascent Soul is not only the Nascent Soul of the immortal cultivator, but also the innate supernatural power of the Qi Refiner, Yuanshi Tianma.

   "Wait, what about the fire calamity? It doesn't take the golden core to break through the Nascent Soul to go through the fire calamity, so why didn't it go?" Chen Xiyi was at a loss.

The second calamity of wind and fire is different from the calamity of thunder. The calamity of thunder is an external calamity, while the second calamity of wind and fire is an internal calamity. If you want the pill to break into a baby, you need a calamity of fire to burn the golden pill and help it grow golden lotus in the fire. Lian Kai gave birth to Yuan Ying.

   But for Chen Xiyi, he succeeded just like that, without even seeing a spark.

   "Could it be a bug again?" Chen Xiyi was in a bad mood, and he felt that the crookedness was getting worse.

  【Your skill: Jindan evolves into skill: Nascent Soul】

  【Your attribute: mana has changed】

  【Your attribute: Yuanshen has changed】

  【You have obtained a new ability: unnamed, please name it yourself】

  【Lingbao: Mo Shi Yupei is evolving, please provide enough spiritual energy】

  Looking at the refreshed game log, Chen Xiyi first changed the unnamed ability to Yuanshi Tianmo, and then asked Lushui to provide a large amount of enlightenment experience medicine to satisfy Mo Shiyupei's evolution.

  【Lingbao: Moshi Yupei evolves, please choose one of the following effects to enhance or increase】

  【1. Fortune+1】

  【2. Training speed +100%】

  【3. Healing effect +100%】

  【4. Negative states such as mind and spirit affect the effect of reducing the effect increased】

  【5. Shield trigger HP limit +0.1%】

  【6. Increased recovery distance】

  【7. New effect: slightly increased resistance to toxins】

  【8. New effect: Carrying it with you will warm up the soul slightly】

  This time, with a large amount of experience medicine provided, Moshi Yupei was upgraded in an instant, and a new effect was added, which can nourish the soul, but it was still useless to Chen Xiyi, so he decisively chose the speed of cultivation.

  700% training speed increase is naturally very easy to use.

   You must know that this is related to the hang-up experience multiplier that the goblins helped him. In an environment without a corresponding system, Chen Xiyi can only rely on the goblins' hang-up experience if he wants to upgrade quickly.

   "It's also fortunate that the enlightenment of dew can work on Mo Shiyupei, otherwise I would be cold."

  Mo Shiyu needs aura to upgrade the jade pendant. If there is no aura in the environment, he will look for Chen Xiyi's mana. His little mana is not enough.

  As for the spiritual energy, the external spiritual energy is polluted, and it is impossible to become the upgrade energy of Moshi Yupei. You must know that this is a spiritual treasure, not a magic treasure.

   "The soul shepherd of Sequence 4 can be upgraded with only 3 followers of the dead soul left. You can work harder to upgrade to Sequence 5 together."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the progress of 97/100 in the promotion conditions, and it seemed that he could sacrifice some time to make a sudden promotion.

   No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a loss.

  The other is to adapt to the skyrocketing strength during this period of time.

   "Shenhua stage? No, I think I can kill a cultivator in the fusion stage."

  (end of this chapter)

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