This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 302: The Necromancer's Spiritual Mastery and The Last Goblin

  Chapter 302 The Necromancer's Spiritual Mastery and the Last Goblin

  【You are promoted to Sequence 5: Necromancer】

  【You get the skill: Spiritual mastery】

  【The sequence promotion conditions are as follows:】

  【Bring your guardians and followers, explore spiritual mysteries, and find the entrance to the underworld】

  Chen Xiyi thinks, the whole person is not well, what is looking for the entrance to the underworld, this is simply nonsense, okay?

  Where is the underworld in this world! !

  He felt that this wave might be a trap.

   "No, no, no, it doesn't have to be the underworld, the underworld should be fine, but the problem is that there is no such thing as this world of cultivating immortals."

  Chen Xiyi was quite helpless about this. He knew that promotion to Sequence 5 might be difficult, but he never expected that it would be so difficult.

  The difficulty is not to find the entrance to the underworld, but to explore the mysteries of spirituality and find the world with the underworld.

  The worlds his reincarnation function goes to are random. Not all worlds have structures such as the underworld and the underworld. Anyway, he has experienced so many worlds and has never encountered them.

   "However, does the underworld really refer to the underworld, and not something else?"

  First of all, it is necessary to explore the mysteries of spirituality first, which may be related to spirituality.

   As for the skill this time, it can be regarded as a passive skill. It can allow Chen Xiyi to have a more detailed grasp of his own spirituality, allowing him to do things that he couldn't do before.

  For example, manipulating those spirits that have lost their bodies but are unwilling to dissipate, that is, ghosts and the like.

   Or some people who have lost their souls, but their bodies still exist in the world, such as zombies.

   It is almost at the level of Tianke, and it can be called an enhanced version of the necromancer. No wonder it is called a necromancer.

   Of course, these are external abilities, not internal ones.

  The internal abilities have also become stronger, especially the fine manipulation of mana.

   It is a very strong passive ability, and it is also an important tool for exploring spirituality.

   "But the problem is, my spirituality is now fused with my primordial spirit, how can I explore this?" Chen Xiyi was at a loss.

  One more thing, let’s bring the guardian and followers. The guardian has now become his Nascent Soul, and a hundred followers have nothing to do, and they are waiting to be fused together into the Nascent Soul.

  However, this historical sequence is honest enough. Although the guarding of the dead and the death notification were integrated into the Yuanshi Tianmo Yuanying, there was naturally no reaction when they were promoted.

  Because the composition of Yuanshi Tianmo Yuanying is relatively complicated, it has become a bit weird.

  The Nascent Soul of a normal Nascent Soul cultivator is generally very fragile. Basically, the Nascent Soul escapes only when the body is destroyed and escapes after failing in a battle. Otherwise, the Nascent Soul is generally warmed in the body.

   But Chen Xiyi's is different. His Yuanshi Tianmo Yuanying is very powerful, and its combat power is very sturdy. It is completely the strength to protect the dead souls. It can also trigger the death notification during the battle.

More importantly, because this is a man-made Nascent Soul, it is formed by spirituality, golden elixir, and supernatural powers of the heavenly demon structure. Even if it is killed by someone, it can be resurrected after a while. If you really can't wait, you can also It takes a lot of mana to revive.

   "The system of this wave of immortal cultivators seems to be really crooked, but think about it, it seems that the tallest is immortal, and it can't even match the projection of the sword world. It is normal to be so crooked."

  Chen Xiyi sighed, the Immortal Cultivator System or Ascension Module in this world is not as powerful as other modules.

  A Qi Refiner lies in his potential, and the historical sequence lies in his upper limit.

This is the difference. The soul of a Qi refiner has no limit, can grow forever, and is gifted with supernatural powers. Chen Xiyi has also seen how strong the historical sequence is. The huge spiritual world can also control rules, concepts, and authority, and even interfere with history. , has a lot of incredible abilities.

   As for the cultivators, they must be much worse.

  Of course, it’s not that the system of immortal cultivators stretches the hips, but that the system of immortal cultivators in this world is relatively hip.

   "With my current strength, against a cultivator who is at the peak of the late stage of fusion and has half-stepped through the catastrophe, as long as I get out of my body, I have a 90% chance of winning." Chen Xiyi simply compared his own strength.

What? Nascent Soul Killing Transcendence Tribulation is a bit exaggerated?

   No, it’s not an exaggeration at all. He has so many cheats and several systems hanging on his body. If this is just a half-baked fight at the same level, then this is not called cheating, it is called suppression.

   Moreover, he felt that he was so weak that he couldn't easily kill the cultivator in the early stage of crossing the tribulation.

   Besides, Transcending Tribulation Period is now the bottom of existence in this world.

  Chen Xiyi's primordial spirit came out of his body, and a large amount of white clouds and mist rolled over. He was lying on the clouds and mist, like an exiled immortal, but if you look closely, his aura is striking, adding a touch of charm.

   "Yin and Yang are one, black and white twins."

   "Tsk, my immortal is Qingxu Daoist, and the demon is Tianmo Daojun."

  The next moment, the original appearance of the exiled immortal disappeared, and turned into a heavenly demon Taoist Lord dressed in black and wearing a black cloak, with an evil look on his face.

The congenital circle map was reversed, and a pair of hands appeared continuously in the clouds and mist. In an instant, the original demeanor of banishing immortals dissipated instantly, and some left only endless magic. .

  Among the black clouds and mist, a pair of scarlet eyes opened, and the black armored demon with the breath of death walked out slowly with a huge shield in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand.

   This is the first stage of Chen Xiyi's innate supernatural powers, the man-made Nascent Soul and the guardian of the souls of the Yuanshi Tianmo.

   Well, it’s only the first stage. It can be used as a summoned beast at present. In fact, the real function is the fusion medium, but it’s just that the fusion medium is not used yet.

  Further improvements are needed in the future.

  After testing Yuanshen, Chen Xiyi quickly took back Yuanshen, and further sorted out the data through the system.

   "A Qi Refiner does not have a follow-up level, an Immortal Cultivator is a Nascent Soul Stage, and a Necromancer whose historical sequence has reached Sequence 5, it is estimated that he will be stuck soon."

   "The next step is further integration, which is to break through the stage of transforming gods, and integrate the words of the dead and the followers of the dead souls to make the Yuanshi Tianmo of the Nascent Soul level into the Yuanshi Tianmo of the Transformation God level."

   Now, there is only one way left, and that is to improve the system of cultivators.

  Although this system is already crooked, even Chen Xiyi thinks that he may have no way out after reaching the fusion period.

  Originally, it might indeed be possible to become an immortal, but the problem is that Chen Xiyi's situation is quite special, and he may not necessarily have the two realms of Transcending Tribulation and Mahayana, and he may be able to jump directly to the level of immortality.

  【The adventurer has finished his treasure hunt and is repairing in his homeland. He brought you a lot of treasures】

  【You get the following items】

  【Items with historical details: strange stones】

  【Items Containing Historical Connotation: Broken Tip Hairpin】

  【Items Containing Historical Details: Ripped Clothes】

  【Items with historical details: Weird crutches】

  【Home space unit × 600】

   "Why did the adventurer come back so soon?"

  Chen Xiyi is a bit weird, he has only been out for a long time, and this time he brought back not many things, except for items with historical background, there are only 600 units of home space.

   Taking advantage of this free time, Chen Xiyi directly used the 600 units of home space, and then enlightened all the items that contained historical details.

  How about the four fairies, he is still very satisfied, they are mineral fairy: stonemason, jewelry fairy: jewelry, tailor fairy: skillful hand and carpentry fairy carpenter.

  【Mineral Fairy: Mason】

  【Ability 1: Mineral Vein Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Mining veins】

  【Ability 3: Raw Material Processing】

The stonemason's ability fully matches his name. The ore vein specialization can allow the stonemason to form veins on the ground and guide the birth of various mineral materials. This ability can cooperate with the mountain's land vein specialization, and then the mining of the veins is naturally the same as the name Generally, veins can be mined, but the mined minerals will have additional attributes.

  The subsequent raw material processing is to transform and burn the mined minerals, such as jewelry polishing or iron ore smelting, which can also add attributes again.

  If the mined minerals are spiritual objects, they can be processed to make them a higher level.

  【Accessory Fairy: Jewelry】

  【Ability 1: Jewelry Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Elaborate design】

  【Ability 3: Sculpting Expertise】

  Jewelry, like fairies such as blacksmiths and Bailian, are all fairies that make equipment. At this time, Chen Xiyi's equipment has another type of jewelry in addition to weapons, armor, and magic weapons.

  Of course, the raw materials of jewelry are selected from materials produced by stonemasons or materials that are about to be made into jewelry.

  The three abilities also complement each other. The two specializations ensure the quality of accessories, and careful design can not only obtain a beautiful appearance, but also obtain additional special attributes through design.

  【Tailor Fairy: Handy】

  【Ability 1: Tailor Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Diva Craftsmanship】

  【Ability 3: Weaving Craft】

   Skillful hands are specialized in clothing and hats. They can not only make clothes, but also hats, cloth shoes, etc., which is another category of armor.

  However, it is only limited to cloth products such as silk or silk, and fur must be treated well.

  In addition to the specialization of the three abilities, female red is good-looking and enchanted, and the weaving craft is to directly make cloth, and then use tailoring to make clothes.

  The good news is that Chen Xiyi doesn't have to worry about the negative state caused by too cold in winter or too hot in summer, because the cold clothes produced by skillful hands can resist severe cold, while the summer clothes can resist high temperatures.

   However, there is a certain limit. Of course, the higher the level of clothing, the greater the resistance.

  【Carpenter Fairy: Carpenter】

  【Ability 1: Woodworking Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Timber Processing】

  【Ability 3: Ingenuity】

  The three abilities still complement each other, from specialization to materials to enchantment, they are all the same.

  The four goblins completely completed Chen Xiyi's family system.

  In addition to the necessary qi and root bones, this time I also gathered a lot of fetters of the Eight Great Craftsmen, but it's a pity that I didn't have all of them.

[Eight Great Craftsmen: Carpenter (Carpenter Fairy: Carpenter), Brickmaker (Vacant), Blacksmith (Forging Fairy: Blacksmith), Stonemason (Mineral Fairy: Stonemason), Cobbler (Vacant), Feltsmith (Vacant), Shavers (Vacant), Tailor (Tailor Fairy: Skillful Hand), Bakemaker (Cooking Fairy: Hell's Magic Chef)]

   "Bricklayer, cobbler, felter, and barber, there are only four of the eight major craftsmen left, but I always feel that there seems to be something wrong."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the eight master craftsmen and pointed out nine.

   "Well, nine of your eight master craftsmen are really nonsense."

   "But how does the barber deal with it? It's not easy."

  Of course, apart from the Eight Great Craftsmen, jewelry has a separate fetter, which is gold, silver and jewelry.

  Currently, he still lacks two fetters of gold and silver, but he has all the jewels.

   "The twelve top fairies in the world of cultivating immortals have been gathered together. Now let's see if the knight and Hongyan can bring me back some new historical items from the past history."

  Chen Xiyi left his home after finishing all this. He knew that the game map might change a lot this time, so he had to go back and take a good look.

   Just don't know what new logos will appear.

  (end of this chapter)

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