This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 305: After a flash, the BOSS was poisoned by food

  Chapter 305 After a flash, the boss died of food poisoning

The last heavenly demon entered the belly. At this time, Zhou Zheng was not pure Zhou Zheng, but a dimension-enhancing existence who had obtained the authority of the great chaotic heavenly demon. Surrounded by countless glimmers of light, these were civilizations of thinking, chaos, and indescribable dimensions. The external factors formed by the exclusion of the three abilities.

  These three abilities were replaced by Zhou Zheng with the three abilities of Yuanshi Tianma, Xingsu Mojie, and Devouring Guiyuan. This has completed 90% of the plan of borrowing chickens to lay eggs and doves to occupy magpies' nests.

  Unfortunately, the remaining 10% is completely too late.

   "Go, the time is about to reset, go back to the shelter"

  Before Zhou Zheng sent Chen Xiyi back to the underground shelter, the whole world came to a standstill.

  Chen Xiyi looked up at the sky. It was not a distorted line at all, but a white to reflective object. If you insist on describing it, what caught your eye was a scale, the scale of a snake.

   It's just that if you look carefully, there is a world reflected in the scales. He doesn't know what that world is, but in his eyes, countless times are going backwards.

   Then it got stuck.

   The backward time is stuck in the underground shelter he dug along the way.

   It's as if someone stepped on the brakes while reversing.


  The scale that overwhelmed the entire world suddenly burst out with a crisp sound, and a huge crack appeared on the surface.

  【Shelter Encounter? ? ? ? Back in time, the durability of the shelter of the homeland is reduced by 100 points]

  【Shelter Encounter】

  A series of game logs kept appearing, and the durability of each home protector was reduced by 100 points at the same time.

   Then, the stagnant time flowed again, and everything returned to normal.

   "Go to the office!!" Zhou Zheng continued what he had just said.

   Just as soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

   "Old man, what's going on?" Chen Xiyi took the time to ask.

  Zhou Zheng didn't answer, but took Chen Xiyi to return to the shelter in an instant.

   It's a pity that it was still a step too late, and the two of them were constantly being dragged back and forth.

   It's not their pattern of behavior, it's time that keeps going backwards and then gets stuck again.

  【Shelter Encounter? ? ? ? Back in time, the durability of the shelter of the homeland is reduced by 1000 points]


  After the time resumed, this time it was even more exaggerated, and the durability was directly deducted by 1,000. Then this third time must not blow up the durability of the remaining home protectors.

  The durability of the protector of his homeland is only 10,000 points in total. Adding a zero this time will not be able to bear it.

  Chen Xiyi decisively took out an alloy carriage and said, "You come in first, I'll find a way to escape, you can't win this reincarnation."

  Zhou Zheng knew that this was not the time to hesitate, so he got into the carriage decisively.

   Then he took out a top-level dark dish cooked by Hell Magic Chef and whispered in deep space.

  【Deep Space Whisper】

  【Saturation: 500000】

  【Life limit -50%】

  【Severe hallucinogenic】


  【Life is dying】


  【Cause 10% health damage every minute】

  【weak and weak】


  【Soul failure】

  【40% chance of death】

  【Probability of whole body distortion +70%】

  【Whispers of Fear】

  【Star Meteor Attack +100%】

  【Physical failure】

  Then said to the rule sword that has not disappeared: "Come, take this thing and rush into the crack, feed this thing to that thing, and then attack freely."

  The rule-sword that looked like a light saber didn't hesitate, and immediately disappeared with this food called Deep Space Whisper, which was actually a top poison.


  The two collided with each other, everything began to distort, and Chen Xiyi could clearly see that time began to become disordered.

  【Shelter Encounter? ? ? ? Time turbulence, the durability of the shelter of the homeland is reduced by 8900 points]

  【The shelter has been damaged】


  【Xia Ke from】

  【Senior Cong】

  【Orion from】

  【Adventurer from.】


   The whole time began to twist wildly, the shelter has been destroyed, and except for the traveling merchants who went to other worlds, all the other field goblins have returned.

  This not only affects the present, but even the knights and confidante who went to the past were interrupted and forced to return.

  Chen Xiyi watched the surrounding scenes constantly distort and change, with past, future, and present.

  The only thing that remains the same is Chen Xiyi and the huge scale with a long and narrow crack in the sky.

  He knew that the rule sword lost, because the rhythm of all things was torn apart by time.

   "This homeland game is a bit too strong, and there is nothing you can do about it." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

  【? ? ? ? Eat the deep space whisper, triggering a 40% chance of death]

  【? ? ? ? dead]


  Time stagnated, and everything became a wilderness. He didn't know what time period he was in, but analyzing it from the map, the infinite sea disappeared, and the whole world became a continent, at least when it all started.

  In the sky, after a burst of brilliance that shone across the entire world erupted, the huge scales began to appear illusory and disintegrated. Chen Xiyi was very frightened.

   It was as if he had been hit by a flash spell, so dazzling that the light was all over his eyes, and then this thing ended up being anticlimactic.

  The reason was that he ate a piece of dark food, which resulted in the death of a thing that could not even be identified by the homeland game poison.

   "40% death rate, does this mean that the rules of the Homeland game are too strong, or is this thing too unlucky? Forget it, collect."

  【Acquisition? ? ? ? fail】

   "What's the situation? Why did the collection fail?" Chen Xiyi frowned, and shouted again: "Collect."

  【Acquisition? ? ? ? fail】

   "Ah, this... won't be pulling your hips at a critical moment."

  In the sky, the scales dissipated, and Chen Xiyi became more and more anxious until he collected them again but there was no response.

   "It's over. Although the boss was killed with props, he didn't drop anything. This is a big loss." Chen Xiyi's face sank. Of course, the greatest joy of fighting the boss is the harvest. Maybe it's the process of fighting the boss.

  Profit-oriented players don't think so at all.

   "Thinking about it this way, the homeland game is not so omnipotent, but the strength is really strength."

  Chen Xiyi released Zhou Zheng from the alloy carriage, and Zhou Zheng looked at the surrounding environment with some confusion: "So where is this?"

   "I don't know, but I can be sure of one thing, that is, the matter is over. By the way, how did you know about reincarnation and time reset." Chen Xiyi asked curiously.

"Before your plan to occupy the magpie's nest was very successful. The Great Chaos Demon always wanted to be reborn in my body. When I used the mud suit to fight against him, I obtained a lot of memories from it. The most important thing is that the Great Chaos Demon is not It is an individual, but a civilization, the immortal civilization of the first era."

   Then Zhou Zheng told Chen Xiyi little by little about this glorious fairy civilization. They even came into contact with the time domain, and finally, a scale was salvaged from the long river of time.

  That's right, it was this scale that caused the entire civilization to fall into an endless cycle.

Fortunately, this fairy civilization forced everyone to ascend, and finally merged into the heaven, but something went wrong. The ascension was successful, that is, the dimension was raised, but all the lives were smelted into one, and the body melted in countless distortions. Became the existence of colored mud, constantly swallowing time in the cycle of reincarnation to transform spiritual energy and spiritual stones.

  In the end, it followed the endless reincarnation of this scale, and it was precisely because of the continuous mutation of the great chaotic demon that the immortal civilization gradually shifted, forming the completely weird immortal civilization today.

   The Great Chaos Demon has been fighting against this scale, but the Great Chaos Demon is not an opponent at all. He can only passively generate the Heavenly Demon again and again. He wants to use this to forcefully terminate the process, but unfortunately all fail without exception.

  Only Chen Xiyi relied on such an extremely unscientific gadget as the homeland game to cause that piece of scale to stumble and die in a dark meal.

   Thinking about it is extremely grassy.

   "What about the Great Chaos Demon now?" Chen Xiyi asked the most critical question.

   "I don't know, it was gone when I came out, but now I have inherited all the strength of the Great Chaos Demon, and I haven't sensed reincarnation. How did you end reincarnation?" Zhou Zheng asked curiously.

   "You might not believe me, but I fed Samsara a piece of food, and then died suddenly on the spot." Chen Xiyi said after considering his words.


  Zhou Zheng is also very crap, what kind of thing did you feed Samsara? It's too much to eat such a horrible thing to death.

   "It was an accident. The fatality rate was only 40%. Who would have thought that this thing would be eaten to death with such bad luck." Chen Xiyi explained.

  But it seems to be getting darker and darker. This is a 40% chance of death.

"Okay, what shall we do next?" Zhou Zheng finished speaking, scanned the whole world with his magic sense, and his expression became strange: "The turbulent flow of time seems to have sent us to ancient times, where even the first generation of immortal civilization was not born. The time has come."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the white dots on the game map. At this time, the prefix was no longer Immortal Cultivator, but a unified primitive person. He didn't even have the concept of a name, and most of them were unnamed primitive people.

  Of course, civilization has already begun to flourish. Although the language is not there yet, it does not delay this group of primitive people's progress towards the immortal road.

There are already some primitive people who are ignorant, relying on their bones to discover some mysteries between auras, and can simply release some seemingly rough spells, but even if they are extremely rough spells, these primitive people have been rejected. The danger of backlash.

   The exploration of a system is not so easy.

  The primitive people who can master these rough spells are the leaders of the primitive people, and they are called witches.

  So the prefix of this small group of people is the unnamed name of the leader Wu.

  Although it was a bit awkward, Chen Xiyi could tell that the classes were splitting up.

  Even if the immortal way is redeveloped, these rules of the jungle will not change, but will continue, just as the sect raises mortals to obtain a large amount of food to support themselves.

   Roots and talents, resources and understanding, etc. will usher in a grand era.

  However, there are no accompanying spirit treasures and supernatural powers, etc. This is essentially derived from the Great Chaos Demon. Now the Great Chaos Demon has disappeared, leaving only Zhou Zheng, unless Zhou Zheng is willing to do so.

   More importantly, the resources of this world are no longer as inexhaustible as they used to be.

   Without the throughput time of the Great Chaos Demon to produce resources, once they are used up, they will really not recover.

   At that time, there is a great possibility that it will become the same doomsday world as the Dali.

   Fortunately, there is still a way out in this world, such as the Nine Heavens.

  Before, there was the interception of the Nine Heavens Gangfeng, and all the cultivators could not go to investigate, but now the Nine Heavens Gangfeng was not born like an infinite sea.

  Perhaps, there may be a huge universe outside.

   After all, even in the world of extraordinary chefs, they can go to the universe, why can't the cultivators of immortality.

  (end of this chapter)

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