This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 306: Leaving the evil taste of the prehistoric pass along the three friends

  Chapter 306 The Evil Taste of Leaving: A Passion to Three Friends

  Chen Xiyi sorted out the things that the field goblins had harvested. In fact, there was nothing good. After all, they came back halfway. Most of them were just some spiritual things, and there were not many of them.

   And it seems that it was also affected by the turbulent flow of time, which led to longer post-mortems.

  So Chen Xiyi just glanced at it briefly, and didn't plan to sort out these spiritual objects again.

  Spiritual objects are essentially used by goblins, not by Chen Xiyi.

   "What are your plans next?" Zhou Zheng asked Chen Xiyi.

  Chen Xiyi came to his senses, what could he have planned.

"What are your plans? With your current strength, Shou and Tianqi are the foundation. You may not have inherited much from Chaos Great Heavenly Demon, but you have fully inherited your strength. Have you ever thought about being the ancestor of Taoism, the real ancestor of Heavenly Demon Taoism? "There was a hint of temptation in Chen Xiyi's words.

  Zhou Zheng shook his head: "It's too troublesome, I think I may not be suitable for this era."

   "Not suitable? Old man, you are too polite, you have to understand one thing, now the times adapt to you, not you adapt to the times." Chen Xiyi said looking at this wild world.

   "Whoever preached in the beginning of ancient times, you never thought of leaving a name in history?"

"Low on the nine-fold cloud, the futon is true. The world is mysterious and yellow, and I will be the head teacher. Pan Gu gave birth to Tai Chi, and the two rituals and four images follow. One pass on three friends, and the two teachings explain and cut off. The Taoists are all outstanding, and one Qi transforms Hongjun. "

   "This era is not necessarily the era of immortal cultivators, it can also be the era of demon masters."

  Chen Xiyi said.

   "You want to do this?" Zhou Zheng asked.

  Chen Xiyi didn't answer, but said to himself: "You said, this era is called the prehistoric era, how about it?"

   "At this time, the monster race is still uninspired by the beasts, and the human race is still in ignorance before the chaos has arisen. The demon warrior can completely replace the immortal cultivator."

  Zhou was looking at this barbaric era, and his eyes fell on the human race who were still primitive people and the monster race who were still beasts. When they understood the method of spiritual energy in the future, the human race and monster race would open their spiritual wisdom and break free from ignorance.

   "Hongjun?" Zhou Zheng whispered.

   "To be honest, it is indeed a bit ironic to let a devil be the ancestor of Taoism."

  Chen Xiyi had a black line: "Old man, you are immoral. I told you from the beginning that we are both people of the right way. Why do you just remember to eat, and you don't remember at all."

  Hearing this, Zhou Zheng couldn't help but slapped his head, and said with a smirk, "Look at my brain, yes, yes, we are on the right path."

   "Just now you said that one teaching is passed on to three friends, and the second teaching is divided, right?"

After Zhou Zheng said that, first a phantom emerged from his body. The phantom shrank and turned into a boy holding a sword. The crimson gauze clothes with big red and white cranes are handsome.

  After coming out, he slapped Jishou: "Xiaodao will go ahead."

  As soon as the voice fell, he turned back to the east, swept the long sword in his hand, parted the land in the east, gushed out the endless sea, and raised three fairy mountains.

  Penglai, Yingzhou, and Abbot respectively took another fishing rod and fished out three giant aoes from the sea to carry the three fairy mountains on their backs.

   Afterwards, another giant broke free from Zhou Zheng's body. The giant's tall figure continued to shrink, and finally turned into a middle-aged man.

  Wearing a crown of jade-green lotus flowers on his head, wearing a neon gown with jade strands of gold silk, his face is as majestic as a deep mountain, holding a jade ruyi in his hand, and smiling slightly: "Poverty is going west."

   After finishing speaking, he headed towards the west, and saw that as soon as Yu Ruyi fell to the ground, mountains rose up on the ground, forming the Kunlun Ancestral Court, and then the Yuxu Palace was resplendent and resplendent, like a fairyland on earth.

  Since then, another vortex has emerged, turning into an old man, with a simple body as if returning to basics, with a trace of compassion on his face.

   "Old Taoists make their homes everywhere, and don't talk about orthodoxy."

   Leaning on crutches, the old man left slowly, intending to travel all over the world to spread his teachings.

  After this encounter, the orthodoxy of the demon-regulator has been established, but the problem is also obvious. The demon-regulator needs demons.

  Under the broad daylight and bright universe, how can there be a demon to control it.

  Zhou Zheng could also see that with a twist of his hand, a terrifying black shadow covered the sky and covered the sun, and then turned into an infinite black shadow and descended from the sky.

   Either fell on a dangerous cliff, or fell in a deep mountain forest, these are all magic eggs.

  When the time is right, the magic egg will be born.

  Of course, it is definitely not now. It takes time for the magic eggs to hatch, and it takes time for the orthodox preaching.

   "Look, how about my move?" Zhou Zheng's tone was showing off.

   "Tsk, amazing skills." Chen Xiyi looked at Zhou Zheng's status and attributes. At this time, Zhou Zheng, both in his prefixes and abilities, had undergone earth-shaking changes.

  【Zhou Zheng of the Heavenly Demon Master, HP:? ? ? , Status: Omit]

  【Ability 1: Way of Demon Control】

  【Ability 2: Suigu Daozu】

  【Ability 3: Homeland is hard to leave】

  【Ability 4: Unity of Heaven and Dao】

  【Ability 5: Eternal Existence】

  【Ability 6: Orthodoxy three points】



   With six abilities and no health bar, Zhou Zheng at this time may have inherited all the legacy of the Great Chaos Demon.

  This situation makes Chen Xiyi enviable. After all, the six abilities are strong to the limit, and there is no life value. If the world is immortal, he will not die.

  Even if reincarnation reappears, he cannot be obliterated, at most it can only bring him back to this time.

   But even if he goes back to the beginning of the era, Zhou Zheng's strength will not change, and he can even retain all his memories.

   "The Zixiao Palace of the Thirty-Three Heavens hasn't been built yet, what kind of palace do you want?" Zhou Zheng asked.

   After thinking for a while, Chen Xiyi seemed to have thought of something.

"I have a ready-made palace. At the beginning, a friend of mine gave me a palace called Yongning Palace. Although the special effects may not be able to keep up with it, the effect is still very good. You can change it into Zixiao Palace." Chen Xiyi remembered the palace that he stole away in Dali back then, and he hadn't had time to use it, so he would use it now.

  Zhou Zheng was a little curious: "I always thought you would only build underground shelters, but I didn't expect you to even have palaces."

  Chen Xiyi is naturally very good at digging underground shelters. As for architecture, to be honest, he doesn't have many artistic bacteria, so he can only flatten the lid or disassemble it.

   "Heh, let me tell you, I have a lot of good things here. When the palace is finished, I will install the electrical equipment for you without even taking out the door." Chen Xiyi said with a smile.

  He is a farming sandbox game, and he is very free in terms of DIY.

"Tsk, your skill is much better than mine, so I just rely on the inheritance of the Great Chaos Demon to pretend to be a force. It's not like you, but it's true." Don't look at Zhou Zhengxiang talking to Chen Xiyi, in fact It is still digesting the legacy of the Great Chaos Demon.

  As for the three incarnations of the young, the middle and the old, they are essentially the three abilities of Devouring Guiyuan, Yuanshi Tianma and Xingsu Mojie who were forcibly removed from the body by him.

  With the legacy of the Great Chaos Demon, these three abilities are actually just like that. He has already escaped from the original cage of the demon controller and embarked on a higher road.

  Zhou Zheng may not be able to ascend the dimension, but he can continue to unite man and nature and go out of the world.

   "By the way, what is beyond nine days?" Chen Xiyi asked.

  At this time, the Nine Heavens had no stellar qi, but it was built by Zhou Zheng into the Zixiao Palace of the Thirty-Three Heavens, which once again separated the heavens and the earth.

"The universe, beyond the thirty-third heaven, is a huge universe. I used the Zixiao Palace to isolate a large amount of radiation in the universe, so that this prehistoric era can grow better. The original Nine Heavens is also a legacy of the first generation of immortal civilization. One of the protective layers that came down." Zhou Zheng explained.

  He naturally knows the meaning of the universe, radiation, etc., after all, he has learned a lot of modern knowledge from the computer Chen Xiyi gave him.

   "Oh, the stellar gas version of the ozone layer, this is really cultivating immortals." Chen Xiyi was a little bit dumbfounded, he hadn't thought of this at all: "Then what the **** is the infinite sea?"

   "That's a timed alarm clock, don't worry about it, it's the product of a brain twitch after the Chaos Great Heavenly Demon distorted and ascended the dimension, so I didn't make it out." Zhou Zheng recalled and said.

  He also didn't understand what the Great Chaos Demon was thinking, that he actually made the alarm clock into such a thing.


   This made Chen Xiyi feel a little bit crazy. With such a big alarm clock, he really had to go and see his brain, but when he thought that the Great Chaos Demon might not have a brain at all, Chen Xiyi was relieved.

  The two came to the Thirty-Third Heaven, Chen Xiyi took out a wooden storage box, and then kept taking out the wooden storage box of the nesting doll under Zhou Zheng's speechless eyes.

   "It's been a long time, and it's a little deep. I have to look for it."

  From the world of Dali to the world of cultivating immortals, which is now changed to the world of the demon warrior, the time between is very long, so under Chen Xiyi's constant mating of dolls, the building materials of Yongning Palace are naturally placed deeper.

   "By the way, I'm going to leave in a while." After Chen Xiyi dug out the Yongning Palace, he said.

   "Go ahead, call me if there is any danger, and then I will send you a meteorite from the Thirty-Third Heaven." Zhou Zheng didn't seem to understand what Chen Xiyi meant.

   "I mean I might not be able to come back in the future, but I will ask my friend to send you a letter. By the way, let you meet my other friends. They are all very strong." Chen Xiyi said.

  Zhou Zheng couldn't help being silent. He had already guessed that Chen Xiyi might not be from this world. After all, it is impossible for people in this world to come up with these technological products.

  He really wanted to say that there is no need to leave, he is invincible in this world, and he can definitely cover him.

  But he still didn't say it in the end, but smiled reluctantly: "Okay, remember to send me some souvenirs then."

  Zhou Zheng didn't ask when he would leave. He was actually afraid that Chen Xiyi would leave tomorrow.

   "Don't worry, I might be back when." Chen Xiyi thinks, if one day he finds a goblin who can only go back to the world, then the reincarnation function will be able to come back.

  Three months have passed in a flash. In addition to the three friends of the human race, Zhou Zheng on the Yaozu side also divided into two groups of the Yaozu.

  In Zixiao Palace of the Thirty-Third Heaven, Zhou Zheng opened his eyes and sighed: "He's gone, I don't know which world Xi Yi went to."

   "I didn't say anything before I left."

   Afterwards, the thirty-three heavens were sealed off, and Zixiao Palace was tightly closed.

   "Thirty-three heavens are closed, and after three thousand years, Zixiao Palace will preach."

A vast sound spread throughout the entire prehistoric land, and all people, beasts, flowers, and grasses carved this message into their bodies, and only waited for their spiritual wisdom to live. Listen to the sermon.

  (end of this chapter)

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