This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 335: Iron family's unkindness

  Chapter 335 The Iron Family's Unkindness

   "The general died suddenly, and the coalition army marched triumphantly to conquer the nine cities. Now the soldiers are pointing directly at the capital of God, and will arrive soon." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but chuckled, and touched the demon blood knife in his hand.

  Don’t ask him how he knew, he killed people with the demon blood knife.

   This thing is really easy to use. In every sense, whether it is a frontal attack or a sneak attack, it is impeccable.

   Fortunately, this can choose whether to generate Omens or not, otherwise he now has two Omens for him to control.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't need Heavenly Demons, or such rare Heavenly Demons are useless.

  Zhao Ning was a little puzzled when he heard Chen Xiyi's words: "How is this possible? If it is the number one in the world, there is no one else except Tiefutu, how could he die suddenly?"

  To tell the truth, Chen Xiyi even said that Tie Mi's sudden death was more real than Tie Futu's sudden death.

  For someone as strong as the Iron Buddha, the most likely thing is to die.

   "Believe it or not, Tie Mi definitely got the news, and it will be interesting then." Chen Xiyi has been under house arrest for about ten days.

  The various confrontation information not long ago should have been sent back to Shendu.

  Chen Xiyi had just finished speaking, when hurried footsteps came from outside.

  Tie Mi hurriedly entered, and didn't care about any notification. After entering, he looked at Chen Xiyi anxiously and said, "Brother Yunsheng, something serious happened."

  Chen Xiyi pretended not to know, and comforted him, "Don't worry, Captain Tie, what happened?"

   It's just that Tie Mi didn't answer, but glanced at Zhao Ning and Ma Ke, and the meaning was obvious, that is, let them go out first.

   "Go out, this matter is confidential, and you can't listen to it." Chen Xiyi said with a serious expression.

  The two of them naturally would not refute, and left on their own.

After the people left, Tie Mi said with a nervous expression: "My father had an accident. I don't know why he died of a sudden illness. The latest news today is that without my father's host, the group of rebel alliances have already conquered nine cities. You can reach the capital of God in five days at most."

   "How to do this."

  Tie Mi was also confused for a while.

   "It's impossible. The general is invincible. How could he die of a sudden illness? Could it be that someone falsely passed on the information." Chen Xiyi was shocked and couldn't believe it in his tone.

"It's not fake, it's been confirmed, my father's body has been brought back, Yun Sheng, what should we do next." Tie Mi no longer cared about how his father died, the most important thing now is what he should do.

  The matter of his father's death has been suppressed, but it must not be suppressed for long. Once it explodes, the entire relevant interest group will definitely be backlashed by it.

  Tie Futu is their Dinghaishenzhen, without him, the backlash of the entire God City would kill Tie Mi.

   "Don't worry, don't worry, let me think about it." Chen Xiyi pretended to calm down and think.

  At this time, Tie Mi didn't dare to disturb him, even though he was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

   "Lieutenant Tie, tell me the truth now, how many soldiers and horses do you have in the capital?" Chen Xiyi asked in a deep voice.

   "Basically, as long as my father's death is not exposed, I can control 80% of the troops." Tie Mi knew at this moment that there was no turning back.

  Chen Xiyi is one point: "Okay, it's enough to make a comeback, and now our only way is to move the capital, and move the capital to Luo'an City with Emperor Ji."

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi took out the map and began to explain to him.

   "Luo'an has a natural barrier as a strong pass, and its wealth is no less than that of the gods. At that time, the emperor will be forced to order him not to be a minister, and his grandson and others will be entrusted with the positions of various states to break their alliance."

   "Just like this, the world is in chaos, but we are also free from worries, only two things are more difficult."

  Chen Xiyi half-spoken, making Tie Mi anxious.

   "Hurry up, Yun Sheng, why are you hesitating." Tie Mi asked hastily.

   "In the first place, with your and my abilities, the determination is not as good as the general, so even after moving the capital to save our lives, we can't hold back the Imperial Forest Army, so we need a lot of money to buy people's hearts."

   "Secondly, it is to cut off the queen. It is definitely not easy to **** so much wealth and goods to move the capital. Someone needs to cut off the queen to stop the rebels."

  Chen Xiyi said with a serious tone.

   "Wealth. Is the aristocratic family in the capital of God enough?" Tie Mi said with a venomous look in his eyes.

  I can't survive myself, so I don't care what other families do.

   "Not enough, but I have a countermeasure, but I don't know if Captain Tie dares to do it?" Chen Xiyi didn't say it clearly.

  Tie Mi felt relieved, he even wanted to copy the aristocratic family, so why not dare: "Yun Sheng, tell me, you have reached this point, why not dare?"

   "Daji Imperial Mausoleum."

  When these four words came out, Tie Mi was also shocked. He understood what Chen Xiyi meant, which was nothing more than digging up the imperial tomb and taking out the funeral objects.

  If you want to talk about this idea, he really doesn't have it.

   "Okay, that's what Yi Yunsheng meant, it's just this." Obviously, Tie Mi cherishes his life and wants Chen Xiyi to do it.

"I'll leave this matter to me, but we need to divide our troops into two groups. Lieutenant Tie, you lead some troops to search for the aristocratic family, while I lead people to dig the imperial tomb, and then you take Emperor Ji and others to go first. Come and give the lieutenant a break."

   "Thanks to the whole school lieutenant for saving me that day."

  Chen Xiyi's tone was sincere, as if saying goodbye.

  Tie Mi was silent, he didn't expect that the other party would speak first before he asked him to stop.

   "Okay, I will trouble Yunsheng on this matter, time is urgent, you and I will act separately." Tie Mi didn't say anything more, and this is not the time to speak.

   After finishing speaking, he gave Chen Xiyi a piece of soldier talisman, and asked him to mobilize the soldiers from the Nine Sides who entered the capital together to dig the imperial tomb.

   After finishing these, Tie Mi hurriedly left.

   Chen Xiyi couldn't help feeling a little disdainful about this.

   "It's really mean and ungrateful. This is only 2.5 stars, which is really cheap." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sneered and said.

  The favorability of Tie Mi has changed from 0.5 stars to 2.5 stars just now, but Chen Xiyi feels that this impression is probably temporary, and after a long time, it will definitely drop again.

   "You fooled Tie Mi away?" Zhao Ning said after entering.

   "Well, the imperial tomb is going to be excavated next. Has your mother or brother told you which imperial tombs contain good things?" Chen Xiyi asked.

  Zhao Ning rolled his eyes: "How could my mother know this?"

   "Oh, that's such a pity, let's go, go to work with me." Chen Xiyi got up and walked towards the door.

   "Is it really worth it?"

  Suddenly, Zhao Ning yelled.

   "What's worthless? Are you trying to talk about fame?" Chen Xiyi turned to look at Zhao Ning and asked.

   "After digging the emperor's tomb and burning the capital of the gods, I'm afraid you will have no turning back, and you will have to bear the name of evil and rebel for the rest of your life." Zhao Ning actually wanted to persuade. For scholars, reputation is far more important than profit.

   If it is just a matter of poisoning the Liangnan King and the Queen Mother, as long as it is carried out according to Li Daitao's plan, it can be washed away, and even the things that were done before can be washed away.

   But once Chen Xiyi did these two things, he would never be cleansed.

   "Xiang Hong is too weak. Before he grows up, he needs to be escorted by someone. In the future, he needs a goal of standing up to the ninth five."

   "He called me Xiangfu, so I have to help him pave the way, just like you took me in back then."

  Chen Xiyi came up with a provocative meal, let's not care about the other things, let's just brush up his favorability.

   "Of course, in fact, I also want to try the feeling of coercing the emperor to make the princes, worshiping without being famous, entering the court without going, and walking on the sword." Chen Xiyi's tone was a little relaxed.

   "Okay, I understand." Zhao Ning knew that he was determined not to persuade the other party, but we will talk about the future.

  Chen Xiyi is a little weird, what do you understand? Why doesn't he understand?

   "Okay, time has almost been delayed, it's time to leave." Chen Xiyi couldn't care so much at this time.

  First finish the task of making the world famous. He has been planning for so long just to get a chaotic and evil fate star. How could he switch to the good line now.

  If this is really the case, wouldn’t all previous efforts be for naught.

   As for fooling the other party?

  Chen Xiyi didn't fool around either, a plan is a plan, and a goal is a goal.

  They focus on the process, while Chen Xiyi focuses on the result. As long as he can achieve the result he needs, he doesn't really care much about the process.

   "Yun Sheng, where are we going after we have something to do here?" Zhao Ning asked before walking out of the mansion.

   "Of course it's Liangnan. Xiang Hong is the king of Liangnan. Where else would he go?" Chen Xiyi said casually.

  This Liangnan City can be regarded as a rich place, the only flaw is that it may not be under their control, and they need certain means to get it.

  Of course, this method is not a big deal for Chen Xiyi.

   Zhao Ning's eyes lit up, she never thought that Chen Xiyi would actually want to go to Liang Nancheng.

   "By the way, do you know the way? Actually, I don't know much about the way. I will have to rely on you to show me the way to Liangnan." Chen Xiyi added this sentence when he arrived.

   "I don't know him either, let's find out later." Zhao Ning didn't know where Liang Nan was.

   "Success, that's it." Chen Xiyi didn't struggle too much, if he really couldn't find Liang Nan, he could just find a big city.

Chen Xiyi will only use these righteousness and rules when it is beneficial to Chen Xiyi. If it is unfavorable, no matter what the righteousness and rules are, as long as those who oppose him are hanged upside down at the gate of the city to let their blood be let out for ten and a half months, Chen Xiyi said The other party will not refute anything, even if the sky is purple, the water is red, and people walk with hands, the other party will acquiesce that Chen Xiyi is right.

  The hard power is the key, not the so-called righteousness and rules. As long as he has enough hard power, the rules are not set by him. No matter how loud the righteousness is, it is just an empty slogan.

  Chen Xiyi understands this, so he is so unscrupulous.

   Soon, Chen Xiyi summoned a thousand and nine frontier soldiers and led them towards the imperial mausoleum.

   Regarding Chen Xiyi's order to dig the imperial tomb, the soldiers of the Nine Frontiers were a little hesitant at first. After all, this was a treasonous thing.

However, these days, following Tiefutu in the capital of the gods, he has also lived a life of luxury and lust. Naturally, he has obeyed orders even more. In addition to Chen Xiyi's previous reputation and military amulet, although he hesitated, he finally started digging according to Chen Xiyi's order. .

  How can I say that this group of soldiers from the Nine Frontiers is also a direct descendant of the Tie family, and they are still better than the Imperial Forest Army in the matter of obeying orders.

  If this were replaced by the Imperial Forest Army, they would definitely not listen to Chen Xiyi, and would most likely mutiny.

   After all, he was born in the capital of God, and his awe of imperial power is much greater than that of the Nine Frontiers who were born in the frontier.

  Of course, the fact that Chen Xiyi led the Nine Frontier Army to the Imperial Mausoleum was naturally not hidden from the major families and the common people, but the family was too busy to take care of themselves at this time, because Tie Mi had already arrived with his soldiers.

  Chen Xiyi harmed the dead to obtain property, while Tie Mi harmed the living to rob gold and silver.

  (end of this chapter)

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