This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 336: Jade is not cut, not a device

  Chapter 336 Jade can't be crafted

"A few days ago, Bai Yunsheng actually dug up the imperial tomb, took away a large number of funeral objects, and let Tie Mi, the son of Tiefutu, leave with His Majesty in his arms. According to the report from the detective, he was going to Luo'an. Evacuated." Sun Bin looked at Shendu not far away with a hint of anger in his expression.

  Sun didn’t say that, but everyone else seemed to be at odds with each other, not for anything else, because not long ago, there was a decree in the capital of God.

  The content is very complicated, but the meaning is very simple. Every force that raises troops has been canonized. As long as we look back now, the imperial court is now weak. As long as they control the area, they will be the princes of one side.

  So now, most people are thinking about how to evacuate.

  As for the emperor still falling into the hands of Tie Mi?

  To be honest, this is better for them. Not long ago, after Iron Buddha died of a sudden illness, each of them had a different idea.

  With soldiers and food in hand, and righteousness in hand, it is completely possible to separate one side, so why bother to die here.

  Sun Bing also saw that everyone in the alliance lost their hearts.

  Before, there was such a ruthless man as Tie Futu, so they had to unite, but now they naturally have their own ideas.

   "I don't know what you guys think?" Sun Bing asked angrily.

"The thief Tie Mi must have known about Tie Futu's death, that's why he coerced His Majesty to leave. This time is simply abominable. It's just that Luo'an is a dangerous place, and we need to discuss it later." The man who spoke said It was tactful, but the meaning was obvious, they no longer planned to get involved in this matter.

   As for entering the capital of God, to be honest, no one wants to go.

The information does not only talk about digging up the imperial tomb and coercing Emperor Ji to leave. Before that, Tie Mi also looted a large amount of gold, silver, jewelry, food, grass, etc. from the family and the people. Upside down.

  They formed the Rebellion Alliance, on the one hand, it is indeed to help the big season, and on the other hand, it must be for the promotion of officials.

  But now that the official promotion has been obtained, it is not worthwhile to go hard to help Da Ji, and if they really help Da Ji, then they are at a big loss.

  A big season with an empty name but no real power is what they need.

  Loyal to the emperor and patriotic?

   To put it bluntly, they are not from the capital of the gods, and have never experienced the power of the emperor. They have a sense of identity, but after all, it is only a small number of people who risk their lives.

   "Urgent report~ Bai Yunsheng set fire to Shendu, and now the fire is spreading, and it has a monstrous momentum." Outside the tent, a scout hurriedly reported.

   "What!!" Sun Bin's voice was a bit sharp, and his tone was full of disbelief.

  In addition to Sun Bing, the rest and other allied forces are also the same. They never thought that the other party would dare to set fire to Shendu.

   "Bai Yunsheng, Bai Yunsheng, it's really vicious, everyone, hurry up and fight the fire." Sun Bing said immediately.

  At this time, the crowd couldn't care about anything else, and immediately got up and prepared to gather troops.

  Chen Xiyi doesn't pay attention to righteousness, but these people can't, they must pay attention to it, because this is their rule.

  If they say they don’t know, then they don’t have to worry about this city, even if it is burned to a white ground, it’s none of their business, and they can use ignorance as an excuse afterwards.

   But it is different now. They know that as the minister of the Great Season, they must have an obligation, otherwise other people can use this reason to beat him at that time.

  As for Tie Mi and Ji Di, it is really impossible to catch up. They have already run away.

  If it wasn't for Tie Futu's death, their coalition forces would have been blown up long ago.

  When Tiefutu led the army before, they were beaten and retreated, which can be described as heavy losses.

  So they always felt that the Tiefutu was punished by God for its perverse actions. Otherwise, it would have died strangely at such a time, allowing them to turn the crisis into safety, and even counterattack a wave and obtain official positions.

  Looking at the fire soaring into the sky in Shendu, everyone is actually a little numb. How can such a big fire be extinguished?

   You must know that the fire covered the entire Shendu. If Tiefutu brought 10,000 frontier troops, it could still be extinguished by relying on the power of a first-rank warrior, but they really can't.

  Warriors and scribes may be comparable to immortal cultivators in terms of combat effectiveness, but they also have great limitations in many aspects. This system is more like a senior civilian general, rather than an individual mighty person.

   But even so, the Rebel Alliance has to bite the bullet, even if it is just pretending to wait until the fire is extinguished by itself.

   On the other side, Chen Xiyi took Zhao Ning and Ma Ke back to the underground shelter where Sun Lingsi and Xiang Hong were placed.

"Damn it, I finally got the job done. I almost died of exhaustion. Don't think about me working overtime." Chen Xiyi heaved a sigh of relief, and lay on the sofa in a paralyzed manner. The first stage of the plan was considered a success. Now waiting for the subsequent fermentation.

  Sun Lingsi looked at Chen Xiyi's situation in a daze, and asked Zhao Ning with his eyes, did you drop this poisonous man on the way back? This person's design collapsed immediately.

  In the eyes of her and Xiang Hong, Bai Yunsheng, the poisonous man, is a gentle and refined man, who looks like a modest gentleman who destroys thousands of troops while talking and laughing.

  But now, it's completely a lazy look like you can do whatever you like, and I don't want to move.

   Zhao Ning gave Sun Lingsi a look to express his reassurance. As long as he is not serious, it means nothing is wrong. If the other party suddenly becomes serious, then he has to be vigilant.

   "What are you two doing, eyelids are itchy?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help asking.

   "It's nothing, it's just that I have relaxed a lot, so I moved a little bit." Zhao Ning explained.

  Chen Xiyi has a black line all over his head, I really think he is a fool.

"Forget it, as long as you are happy, Xiang Hong, come here, take a look at these books, I will test you tomorrow, but if you make a mistake, I will hang you up and smoke, or the kind that can't die Just hit it hard." Chen Xiyi threw out a lot of books on economics, politics, and people's livelihood.

   "Father Xiangxiang, there are too many, I can't learn." Xiang Hong looked at a large stack of books, tears rolled in his eyes, as if he was frightened.

  Hearing this, Chen Xiyi walked over and patted his head, and said kindly: "Maybe it's a little too much, but it's okay, let's learn slowly, the worst thing is to get slapped."

   "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure, at most it's just rolling all over the floor in pain, there won't be any internal or external injuries, don't worry about that."

  Xiang Hong looked at Chen Xiyi as if he was looking at a devil. He really wanted to ask you how you said such terrible words with a kind expression.

   "Mother, I." Xiang Hong felt that begging Chen Xiyi must be useless, and he had also heard of Chen Xiyi's deeds. As a poisoner, cruelty is the basic quality.

Sun Lingsi was also a little bit reluctant when he heard that he was whipped, and wanted to ask for mercy, but was held back by Zhao Ning: "Brother Hong is unbearable, if it weren't for your mother, how could he have the status he is now and be able to ascend the throne?" , if you want him to become a talent now, you have to use strong medicine."

"Hong'er, I will listen to my father on this matter. He has great talents in the world, and he will definitely make you a talent." Although Sun Lingsi was reluctant, he also knew that today is different from the past. If he doesn't work hard , then Sun Lingsi has no way to protect him for the rest of his life.

   "That's right, if you can't cut a jade, you can't make a weapon. You didn't train him when he was a child. If you want to make a living now, you have to put in more effort." Chen Xiyi promised to let Xiang Hong become a talent.

  As a 4-star friend, Chen Xiyi has high expectations for Xiang Hong.

   Then he looked at Sun Lingsi and Zhao Ning: "There are two of you, the strength is too weak, look, one is a fourth-rank martial artist, so let me be my guard, who is protecting whom?"

"As for you, alas, to be honest, you can become a queen thanks to the credit of your brother and grandson Shenwu. Otherwise, with your strength, you would have fallen into the water within half a year. How could you become a queen and you have successfully upgraded now? For the Empress Dowager."

   "Although you two are a bit older, it's okay. I have high expectations for you. If you don't make it to the next level within a month, I will hang you both up and smoke."

   To be honest, this Zhao Ning is the worst among his friends. He doesn't require them to be as strong as Lin Feng and Zhou Zheng, nor to have the same skills as Liu Ping, or to be as scientific as Li Zhao.

   But anyway, there must be a number one in the world.

   Otherwise, where should he put his face? If friends can meet face to face in the future, the three of them will squat in the corner like a quail and watch a group of big shots talking and laughing happily?

   This is not appropriate.

   At least, it has to have some weight.

What? Is there any Wang Li left?

  His situation is different. If you compare a person in the doomed age with a person in the world of high martial arts, this is not bullying.

   "That's not good. Martial arts practice is about wearing water through stone. It is impossible for me to break through overnight." Zhao Ning said that otherwise I would not participate in this matter.

   "As far as your aptitude is concerned, Tie Mi is about the same age as you and is at the second rank. You can prove it if you are still at the fourth rank."

   "But the lack of qualifications is not the reason for your low strength. If you can't, I will help you."

  Chen Xiyi said quietly, Lin Feng is enough to stretch his hips, the acquired martial artist, he was pushed to this point abruptly.

  Zhou Zheng couldn't do it either, he lost his memory when he was beaten by the knight, and he also used the method of doves to occupy the magpie's nest to take away the strength of the Great Chaos Demon.

  Zhao Ning swallowed, she had an ominous premonition.


   "That's it. There is no need to change it. When the time comes, Ma Ke, you will also practice. Of course, I don't ask you too much. If you can't keep up, I will just beat you."

   "As for you, I'll give you one day to consider whether you want to go to the scribe system or the martial arts system. Give me an answer tomorrow morning. If you can't choose, I will help you choose."

   "Don't let me help you with things at the front, and you will hold me back."

  Chen Xiyi glanced at Sun Lingsi and said.

   "I understand, I will give you an answer tomorrow morning." Sun Lingsi also knew that it was for their own good, even if the tone was not very good.

  Sun Lingsi has no loyalty and courage, so he is just an ordinary person and has not practiced.

  At this time, she also felt the embarrassment of having no strength. If she was also a first-rank martial artist or a scribe in the world, Tie Futu would never dare to abolish the emperor.

   Not everyone knows how to practice, especially women, most of them get married as soon as they reach their age, and after that, they will naturally become husbands and children, and they don't know how to practice at all.

  Even Zhao Ning is a woman disguised as a man, and because of her family background, she can practice martial arts and become a martial artist.

  If Zhao Quan hadn't organized the Yellow Turban Army to rebel, Zhao Ning would have married a long time ago.

  Because there is no precedent for women serving in the army or as officials in Daji, the ideological aspect is the same as in feudal society, so it is natural to favor boys over girls.

  So in such a high-martial feudal society, most of the strong are actually men, and even strong women are extremely rare.

  (end of this chapter)

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