This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 345: The stars rise to the gods, the Supreme Being talks about gossip

  Chapter 345 The stars ascended to the gods, the emperor talked about gossip

   With a heart move, the original fairy-like appearance turned into a demon king. In the demon realm, demon souls walked out one by one, guarding Chen Xiyi's body.

  At this moment, Chen Xiyi has become the master of Yuanshi Tianma, the man-made primordial spirit, which is equivalent to putting another layer of protection on himself.

   Demonic energy floated all over his body, and strange runes and black clouds kept floating away.

   "Barely considered a temporary fit."

  Although it has not reached the fit period, it is not a real fit, just wearing a set of clothes.

   "The artificial soul is much stronger, probably because it has incorporated the language of the dead and the followers of the dead soul before."

   After Chen Xiyi simply got used to Yuanshi Tianmo Yuanshen, he began to explore this absurd world with his own Yuanshen and mana.

  Spirituality is constantly resonating in his body, which is derived from the ability of spirituality. He explores the whole world bit by bit.

  Thinking began to calmly get rid of its own original aesthetics, no longer limited to beauty and ugliness, and the tranquility in the mind began to spread a little bit with the innate circle map and spiritual consciousness.

   Gradually, he found that the world became more and more psychedelic in his eyes.

  A large number of grotesque things continued to penetrate into Chen Xiyi's spirituality, and the system began to overload, receiving a large amount of information from all directions.

  The noisy and chaotic voice caused Chen Xiyi to sink into a distorted consciousness in a trance.

   "Is He dead?"

   "This is a disaster."

   "I swear, never."

   "No, it's a god!"

   "Heaven, He is coming!!"

   "Blood, the blood of the true God, we."

   "Fear? No, faith, I think."

   "It is the dead body, his dead body, we"


  A large number of disordered and incomplete words erupted in Chen Xiyi's mind, the distortion in Chen Xiyi's consciousness was broken, and a voice with various emotions broke through these words in his mind.

  "The positioning of heaven and earth, the ventilation of mountains and rivers, the thinning of thunder and wind, and the inconsistency of water and fire. The eight trigrams are wrong, and those who count the past will follow, and those who know the coming will go against it, so it is easy to reverse the number."

  "When the emperor came out, he was in Zhen, when he was in harmony, he was in Sunda, when he met, he was away, when he served him, he was in Kun, when he spoke, he was in dui, in battle, he was dry, in labor, he was in trouble, and in words, he was in Gen."

  Suddenly, Chen Xiyi vaguely saw a shapeless giant claw stretching out from the looming giant city in the deep sea, and then a huge vortex pulled it back again.

   The weird green scales reflected a disgusting light.

   "Oh my god, the **** majesty is gossiping."

  The next moment, Chen Xiyi regained consciousness in an instant, and his whole body was a little crazy.

  Everything that was messed up turned into nothing, and the first sentence when I woke up was to complain about the classical Chinese that I didn't know where I plagiarized.

  His memory kept scrolling, trying to find the place where the two sentences were related to the gossip, but he didn't think of other places except his innate square circle map, innate gossip and sixty-four hexagrams.

   "Also, that place looks familiar, why does it look a bit like La'lye?"

  Chen Xiyi recalled the cities in the deep sea, and felt that this matter seemed a bit ridiculous.

   "No, no, no, I must have been worrying too much. It is definitely not R'lyeh, and that terrifying existence seems to be dead."

   "The Star of Fate must have appeared from the opponent's body. Fuck, someone actually ate the blood and flesh of that terrifying existence!"

  He heard a lot of incomplete words before. Although the time was confusing, Chen Xiyi got some useful information after simply putting it together.

   Probably a huge corpse fell from the sky, and it caused terrible pollution immediately.

   This corpse is said to be that of a god.

  Next, someone swallowed the blood and flesh of the **** corpse. The blood drinker gained the power of the soul, while the meat eater gained the power of the body.

   Then as they further excavated the power brought by the corpse, they sensed the power in the stars.

  Ascend to the starry sky, turn into stars, and become a new god, which is called ascending to the gods.

   From this, it can be guessed that the blood drinkers evolved into today's scribe system, while the meat eaters are warriors.

  As for the people who both drink blood and eat meat, they could not bear the power of the gods and turned into divine monsters, and were finally wiped out by blood drinkers and meat eaters.

   Then, naturally, they discovered the relationship between fame and power. At first they thought it was fear, but in the end it turned into faith.

  Of course, the real thing is fame, but they don't know, and Chen Xiyi doesn't know whether the real situation has been discovered later.

   But in the end, the corpses of the gods returned after they had exhausted their food.

  The gods were revived from the stars of the blood drinkers and flesh eaters, and powerful forces ruled the world, turning the whole world into ghosts.

  In the end, eight people relied on their own abilities to divide the eight powers of the god, and finally took advantage of the weakness of the **** just after resurrection to kill them again, and then divided the world.

   Then, taking the power of the gods as an oath, they isolated the stars in the sky.

   At that time, everyone has already ascended into the starry sky, so if you want to isolate the stars, you must first divide everyone into two.

  The divinity in them stayed on the starry sky, and returned to the ground with their mortal nature.

   At this point, the ability of immortality disappears, the powerful force gradually decreases, and the last generation reproduces and dies.

  And in order to prevent repeating the same mistakes, the mortal power was continuously divided into various existences that are completely different from each other. Until today, it has been completely shaped like this.

   "This is in the starry sky and above the oath."

   "More importantly, what I stepped on was that divine corpse."

  Chen Xiyi finally understood why everyone is a monster, because that is their mortal nature.

  The reason is very simple. From their ancestors, the remaining human-like divinity has been left on the stars.

   "The city is the oath."

   Therefore, the corpse trapped in the city represents the unbreakable oath.

  Every vow, every other half, is eroding the power of the **** corpse, and it is just like this, an ordinary person in this world can have the strength of the body training period.

   This is not the superiority of the world, but that they are all nourished by the **** corpse and divinity.

   "In the starry sky, above the oath, the corpse of the **** has turned into the absurd side of the world."

   "So. This is wealth?"

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but asked back. As a player, he naturally thought of whether this thing could be a benefit for the first time.

   "Regardless of where the body of this **** came from, the Fate Star System is definitely a derivative of him."

   "He may be the same as the first immortal and the Great Chaos Demon. Although he is dead, he is not completely dead."

   "The most important thing is the gossip that He yelled at the end, what is it?"

  In my mind, I kept deducing those two words. At first glance, they sounded ordinary, but they seemed to contain some kind of terrifying thing that was being nourished little by little.

  Chen Xiyi decisively grabbed this part of his memory, and even cleared it from the system.

When    landed on his hand, he saw a strange and distorted light wriggling. When he saw this light, Chen Xiyi clearly felt that it was spirituality, pure spirituality.

   "A sequence?"

   "No, what exactly this thing is depends on my thoughts."

  Chen Xiyi quickly calmed down, looking at the brilliance, he thought it was spirituality just now, so it was spirituality.

  And at the next moment of thinking of spirituality, the sequence is derived, so it evolves into a sequence.

  If Chen Xiyi puts this memory back into his mind now, then he will get a brand new sequence, which may be the Taishang sequence or the Eight Diagrams sequence.

   Later, Chen Xiyi thought it was a book of exercises, and soon this group of brilliance became the exercises for cultivating immortals.

   "Depends on my cognition and observation?"

   "This thing must not be brought into reality, otherwise something big will happen."

   "However, it should not be taken out."

   In this regard, he also understood why his life star was a pit.

  The reason is simple, his life star progress is only halfway, and he still needs to ascend to the starry sky to be considered complete.

   But the problem is that you can’t ascend to the starry sky now, this is the starry sky, no one can succeed with the existence of the oath, everything is isolated by the oath.

  Of course, Chen Xiyi doesn't care much about Fate now, and it doesn't matter if he can do it or not. What he wants more now is the corpse of the **** under his feet.

  The life star is just a derivative of the other party, and the best is the best.

   "It's just why did he pass those two sentences to me from death?" Chen Xiyi had already forgotten the content of these words at this time, but he did not forget the others.

   "Is it resurrection?"

  Chen Xiyi thought of this possibility immediately. If he hadn't pulled out the gossip from his memory, the current words might have been automatically completed.

   "That is to say, this thing is likely to be his main practice method or a resurrection medium."

Looking at the brilliance in his hand, Chen Xiyi felt that he couldn't beat it, but the Homeland game would definitely be able to suppress this thing, even the Great Chaos Demon and the scale that caused the entire world of cultivating immortals to fall into an endless cycle of reincarnation and restarting could be wiped out, not to mention It's a memory.

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi took out a wooden box, and stuffed Guanghui into it casually.

  He took out the alloy pickaxe and struck it with his hand. The next moment, two beams of white light were sucked into his body.

  【You used the alloy pickaxe to cause 1 point of durability damage to the wooden box】

  【You got: 1 piece of wood board, resurgent embers: Taishang said the Eight Diagrams Sutra】

"Ah, it's really called Taishang Shuobaguajing. I thought it was just a name." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining. When he recovered, he subconsciously uttered the five words Taishang Shuobagua. He thought it was just a summary of those two sentences, but the truth was beyond his expectation.

  【Resurgent Embers: Taishang Talks about the Eight Diagrams (0.1%)】

  Chen Xiyi opened this thing. It was an e-book with very little content. There were only two sentences in total, which were the two sentences Chen Xiyi heard before.

   This time, when I remembered it again, there was no previous terrifying vision, and it was obviously suppressed.

   "There are only two sentences in total, there is Jier who can use it!!"

  Chen Xiyi had just finished complaining when he discovered another word appeared on the e-book.

   Look at the progress bar again, no change.

"Is it recovering? This is really... scary." He never expected that he would start to gradually recover. Fortunately, he was suppressed by the homeland game and turned into an e-book. It might be possible to recover this thing directly on his body.

  The Taishang, who only had two sentences, said that the Bagua Sutra is so terrifying. If the full text really appeared, it might be similar to the Chaos Great Heavenly Demon and the First Longevity.

   "From this point of view, the strength of this **** is far superior to that of Chaos Great Heavenly Demon and the First Immortal. It is simply unimaginable that a single memory can have such power."

   "Then how was he beaten into a corpse? He is still lying dead."

   "There are also eight people who killed this god. It should be the power of gossip that was separated from this god."

   "That is to say, this oath is actually the **** itself in essence. As long as the oath exists, the **** cannot be resurrected again."

  (end of this chapter)

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