This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 346: The five elements are complete, and the human body is unified

  Chapter 346 The five elements are complete, and the person is unified

  【The adventurer has finished his treasure hunt and is repairing in his homeland. He brought you a lot of treasures】

  【You get the following items】

  【Items with historical details: sealed residue × 5】

  【A lot of useless books】

  【Some sundries on the battlefield】

  【I forgot where I found the gold and silver jewelry】

  【Useless currency × 11354】

  【Spiritual Object: Dry Skin of the Gods】

  【Spiritual Object: Withered Flesh of God】

  【Spiritual Object: Broken Bone of God】

  【Spiritual Object: Damaged Tendon of God】

  【Spiritual Object: Incomplete Veins of the Gods】

   "." Chen Xiyi looked at the things the adventurer brought him, and he felt a little bit crazy. Where did the adventurer go to find him a bunch of **** materials.

  And why the items that contain historical details are actually sealed residues? It’s still multiplied by five. It can’t be that they picked up these spiritual objects when looking for this thing.

  These five sealed residues looked like some kind of weathered human tissue, which made Chen Xiyi wonder for a while that these things might not be part of the divine corpse.

  After Chen Xiyi returned home, he immediately enlightened him.

   Although this thing is very simple, but the enlightened thing is not ordinary, it directly shocked Chen Xiyi, and it was the kind of one that was shocked again and again, and almost said something terrifying.

  【Wood Spirit Fairy: Aoki Spirit Rhyme】

  【Ability 1: Spirit of Liver and Gallbladder】

  【Ability 2: Wind and Thunder into the tendons】

  【Ability 3: Aoki nourishes the soul】

  【Fire Fairy: Red Fire Aura】

  【Ability 1: Spirit of Soul】

  【Ability 2: From the fire into the pulse】

  【Ability 3: Red Fire Restoration】

  【Earth Spirit Fairy: Loess Spirit Rhyme】

  【Ability 1: Spleen Qi】

  【Ability 2: Gen Kun enters the flesh】

  【Ability 3: Loess nourishes the mind】

  【Golden Spirit Fairy: Platinum Spiritual Rhyme】

  【Ability 1: Qi of the lung appendix】

  【Ability 2: Dry Blending into Skin】

  【Ability 3: Platinum Nourishment】

  【Water Fairy: Black Water Spirit Rhyme】

  【Ability 1: Kidney Qi】

  【Ability 2: Breaking Water into the Bone】

  【Ability 3: Black Water Cultivation】

  【You have activated the fetter: five elements, acquired the ability: innate five elements】

  【You have activated the fetter: five bodies, acquired the ability: human body】

  【You have activated the fetter: internal organs, and gained the ability: internal organs】

  【You have activated the fetter: Wuhua, gained the ability: brain】

  【You have activated】

  A large number of fetters related to the five were directly activated, and the most intuitive manifestation was giving Chen Xiyi a body.

  Chen Xiyi's whole body was in a trough. He never expected that this time it would be a set of five fetters, and it was the most extensive type of five elements.

As for the abilities of the goblins, all five goblins are the same. Ability 1 is to strengthen the internal organs, Ability 2 is to strengthen the whole body, and the last ability is to nourish the soul. .

   These five goblins are possessed and fused, but Chen Xiyi didn't directly fuse them into his body, but fused with Qianmian.

   Qianmian, who originally had only one face, merged into the five spirits and fairies, and gradually became a tall and burly person, but he was still invisible and undetectable.

   This is just one, and Chen Xiyi can also clearly feel that a body is gradually breaking free from the back of his head.

   "Good guy, I must be conjoined twins." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but complain.

  The person behind him is naturally capable of both good and evil. It’s just that it’s okay to have one face on the back of the head before. After all, it doesn’t matter.

   But fortunately, the person behind him is not consciously controlled by him, and it will be fine to let the system control it when the time comes.

   "Qianmian, now that there are so many goblins, you can be regarded as a complete person. From now on, the work in this home will be entrusted to you."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Qianmian and said earnestly.

  It is a pity that such a good labor force follows him. You must know that Qianmian is not just one fairy, but many fairies.

   Moreover, Chen Xiyi has already enjoyed the strengthening of the possessive type, and the two sides of good and evil were born for this situation.

  【Qian Fang said it’s okay, the same goes for other elves】

   "That's good, come on, I'll rely on you in the future." Chen Xiyi encouraged her and left her home.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game map, and the map was updated again, perhaps because the scope of the five elements was too broad, which made the map present more and more detailed things.

"I don't quite get used to it, I always feel weird." Chen Xiyi felt the people behind him. This kind of conjoined twins made him feel uncomfortable. After all, Chen Xiyi suddenly had more hands and feet, how could it be possible for him to be overwhelmed all of a sudden? adapted.

  【Five Elements of Heaven: One is called Water, the other is called Fire, the third is called Wood, the fourth is called Metal, and the fifth is called Earth】

   "It's another ability that I don't understand. Don't think about it, it's definitely a good ability." Chen Xiyi looked at the only ability that was not rewarded by the body. He didn't know about the five elements, or he didn't know what the function was.

   Just like Six Arts, it explained to you what six are.

  Chen Xiyi estimated that it was another five-in-one ability.

   "So now there is a problem, that is, I have a body, but why can't I take off the default clothes and fashions!!"

  He looked crazy at the decorations on his body. He has a body, but he is still a player, and he still can't take off the 404 part.

   "Wait, what the hell, isn't it really just an ability?"

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi hurriedly cut open his belly and cut off a section of his small intestine.

  【You caused 1% HP damage to yourself】

  Looking at the small intestine that turned into ashes in the hand and the small intestine that was cut due to the recovery of the full life value was restored.

   "Gan, my three souls and seven souls can't be in the same situation."

  Chen Xiyi felt bad all over.

   He has all the things that a person should have, and it can be used, but the problem is that this thing is not real at all in essence, but a texture formed by a small module.

  The nature is the same as Jishou Yongchang, Tongyu, etc.

  Before it was a soul, so Chen Xiyi didn't know much about it, but now he understands the real situation.

   "I'm still a player, I thought I became a human."

  Chen Xiyi felt helpless for a while, originally, after becoming a human, he could transfer to the Dao of Acacia, but it turned out that all these were stickers, at most they were just a little more realistic.

   He even ripped out his own heart, 1% damage, and recovered normally.

  This means that whether it is the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys or brain, it is actually no different from his skin.

   "Ai~ Sure enough, I can't expect too much."

   "Grandma, if these small modules came earlier, how could I have changed my skills in the world of cultivating immortals so much that I didn't even know the founder."

   "Give me a ghost now!!"

   After simply getting used to the fact that he had an invisible Siamese twin back to back, Chen Xiyi felt the strength changes in his body.

   "The overall strength has increased a lot, and the increase brought about by the complete body of thousands of faces is really terrifying."

  At this moment, Chen Xiyi was able to fight the Mahayana period with his physical body alone, and his primordial spirit had also skyrocketed to a terrifying level.

   "Is it a half-step fairy-level primordial spirit?"

   Naturally, it is not only the credit of Qianmian and the five-element spirit goblin, but also the large amount of physical abilities given to him by the fetter system.

  Don't look at these small modules that are fragmented and stretch your hips, but if they are combined together, the growth rate is also very powerful.

   "That's why I have to open it up. It's really a step-by-step practice. I'm only in the stage of transformation."

  The soul is half-step fairy level, and the physical body is Mahayana level.

  As long as he completes the second stage of fusion and breaks through to the fusion stage, the primordial spirit is at least the first level of immortality, and the physical body may be a little lower, only half-step immortal.

   But it doesn't matter, he modified the fusion breakthrough of the second stage, not only to merge with Yuanshi Tianmo Yuanshen, but also add the mystery of the life star and that god.

   Anyway, it’s all about opening and hanging, so it’s better to do it in one step.

   "I don't have high requirements, not to mention destroying the world, at least I have to be at the level of the first immortal."

  The level of Immortal is still too low, of course the goal should be set higher, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of my own advantage.

   "In this way, when I break through the integration period, what about the Dujie, Mahayana, and Immortals of the immortal cultivator system?"

  Chen Xiyi suddenly thought of this, should he push this module to the full level again?

  He also wanted to turn his divine consciousness into an immortal consciousness, and after becoming an immortal, there would be a wave of growth, probably because the primordial spirit would become an immortal soul, which could be further strengthened.

   "Let's keep it, and I'll change it when the time comes, otherwise it will be bad if it gets stuck again."

   "Anyway, it's already crooked, so where can it go?"

  He even changed two of the three realms of Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen, which are necessary for the Three Tribulations of Thunder, Fire and Wind, so he actually can't guarantee whether the Tribulation Stage can really break through normally.

  After all, the primordial spirit of his cultivator is man-made.

   While thinking about his own situation, Ma Ke's voice suddenly came from outside.

   "Master Bai, the good news is that Huaibo City has already been taken into our hands. General Lu led his troops to sweep across the entire Jinzhou, and he will be able to grasp it in half a month at most." After Ma Ke came in, he hurried over to report.

  Chen Xiyi wasn't surprised by this. No one could stop Lu Bu from his creations without the help of first-rank warriors and scribes in the Peaceful World Realm.

   "Well, I see." Chen Xiyi said calmly.

   "One more thing, Grand Master Bai, you probably don't know yet. Tie Mi killed his two elder brothers, and said that you, the grand master, did it." Ma Ke was a little angry about this, why did he throw everything on Chen Xiyi.

   "." Chen Xiyi was also speechless, the news spread slowly enough, he had received the game log of Tie Mi conspiring against him a long time ago, he didn't expect to know why he conspired now.

However, Chen Xiyi didn't care about it: "Don't care about him, this is just a trivial matter. Take Jinzhou as soon as possible, and then issue a statement saying that the Emperor Ji in Luo'an City is a false emperor established by Tie Futu, a rebellious minister, and declare that Xiang Hong is the real emperor. "

   "But in this way, aren't we exposed?" Ma Ke said hesitantly.

   Wouldn’t it be better to develop secretly like now?

"Sooner or later, it will be exposed, and as long as we have the basic situation of Jinzhou and then announce this matter, Dayi is by our side. In the next step, as long as we hold the south in our hands, we can completely divide the north and the south, advance, attack, retreat, and defend. "Chen Xiyi explained briefly.

Of course, the main reason is that he has become impatient. If it was before, he might play a game of hegemony with the world, but now there is not so much free time. To start the experiment as soon as possible, a huge force is needed To provide public support.

   What's more, now that his strength has skyrocketed, he doesn't have much thought about playing this house-like game.

  If it wasn't for him not being able to move away, he would have done it himself to let them know what the strength of a descendant of the Fenglingyue Shadow Sect is.

   Just a ding, and the whole world will be amazed by it.

  (end of this chapter)

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