This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 347: The world's call to arms, true and false to distinguish the emperor

  Chapter 347 The Tianxia Calligraphy, Distinguishing the Emperor from the False

  Tie Mi looked at the proclamation in front of him, his expression was full of anger.

   "Bai Yunsheng, what a Bai Yunsheng, you dare to plot against me, how dare you plot against me!!"

   Kicked on the table, looking at the drinks and food scattered all over the floor, he couldn't stop roaring.

   "I want your reputation to be discredited, let that **** Xiang Xi decree to kill Bai Yunsheng, this **** who betrayed the Lord."

  In the palace, everyone stood aside tremblingly, with their heads down, not daring to look directly at Tie Mi who was furious.

  But soon, Tie Mi calmed down, sat in his seat, a little lost, he never thought that things would turn out like this.

  According to his thinking, Bai Yunsheng is loyal to him and will never betray him. He is his loyal subordinate.

"Go and ask His Majesty to make an order to let everyone destroy Bai Yunsheng, the fake Liangnan King and the fake Queen Mother, and tell the world that the Liangnan King and the Queen Mother died at his hands, or he dug the imperial tomb and burned the gods." All." Tie Mi yelled hysterically from his seat with resentment in his tone.

   "Yes, General." An **** hurriedly said, and ran out in a hurry after speaking.

   Tie Mi didn't care about this, and poured wine into his mouth: "Bai Yunsheng, heh, without my Tie family, how much power do you have?"

   "If I hadn't saved your life back then, you would have been nothing more than a yellow turban thief, and you would have died in an unknown place long ago."

  Hearing Tie Mi's loud yelling, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the court ladies and eunuchs present.

  Who doesn’t know how to belittle people, but you also have to look at your own virtues. If you met the other party at the beginning, maybe you are gone now. Without Bai Yunsheng, would you be in the position you are now?

   Tie Mi is anesthetizing himself, he is very sober now, he knows his ability, and also knows Bai Yunsheng's ability.

   It's just that he doesn't have any countermeasures. When he thinks that Bai Yunsheng is his enemy, he can't help but feel bitter.

  ‘No, maybe the other party doesn’t regard me as an enemy at all, maybe I’m not even qualified to be his enemy. ’ Tie Mi couldn't help but think so.

  For example, Bai Yunsheng has now occupied the entire Jinzhou, but he has no relevant information. Only this widely circulated proclamation let him know about it.

The reason is very simple, his Luo'an is isolated from the outside world, plus he indulges in drinking and **** every day, messes up the palace, and indulges the Nine Frontier Army and the Imperial Forest Army under his command. in serious confusion.

  He wanted to reorganize Luo'an, but found that the whole root was rotten. If he wanted to dig it, he would be backlashed immediately.

   As for when it started to rot, it made him a little dazed.

   Did it start when his father Tie Futu died or did it start after he killed his two elder brothers?

Now he has really become a loner. Even Dylan and Kui Wang don't know when they left. The building has been empty.

  But he doesn't care, it's nothing more than a word of death, can he still be afraid of death?

  In the blurred eyes, he suddenly became sober, dead? No, he absolutely can't die, he still has a good life, and he still wants to coerce the emperor to make the princes, absolutely can't just die like this.

   His expression gradually became ferocious.

  Although he knew the current situation, everyone outside of Luo'an was almost obedient to the announcement, but as long as he handed them the knife of Dayi, someone would definitely help him kill Bai Yunsheng.

After all, no one would look at another person who coerced the emperor to make the princes appear. Tie Mi was trapped in Luo'an, and his power could not come out at all, but if it were Bai Yunsheng, everyone would have heard of his reputation , the other party has quietly occupied Jinzhou, if it is not suppressed, the harm will be much greater than Tie Mi.

   The reason why no one came to attack Tie Mi is also very simple, that is, in the eyes of other princes and forces, the opponent is a mascot just like Ji Di, except that one is a smaller size and the other is a bigger size.

   There is no harm in raising it, otherwise, how could it be possible to live in peace until now.

  As long as he is a bit ambitious and wants to open up to the outside world, he may be hit by Sun Bing immediately.

  Sun took possession of the capital of God, even if it was burned to nothing by the fire, but the opponent insisted on developing, and he was the only one who could do it.

  As for the Nine Frontiers, they have already gone their separate ways.

In addition to those in Luo'anli, they also obeyed Tie Mi. Because of the death of Tie Futu and Tie Mi's two elder brothers, the Nine Frontier Army was either divided up by other members of the Tie family, or controlled by various generals in the army, forming a Various forces, although still under the banner of the Nine Frontier Army, have completely disobeyed orders.

Regarding this, Tie Mi was also thinking, if he hadn't thought about recruiting Bai Yunsheng at the beginning, then none of this would have happened, and now he is still the third son of the Tie family, with the protection of his father and brother, why should he face such an embarrassing situation? environment.

   Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game log and refreshed the news that Tie Mi was plotting against him, and this time, the enemy's hostility level soared to 5 stars.

   "Tsk, it seems that I should have received the notice, but it's too late."

  The call to action, everyone receives it at different times. For example, in a self-enclosed area like Tiemi, it is naturally the slowest one.

   Now Lu Bu has led troops to break through three states in a row, and the number of Longxiang troops has also increased to 15,000. The efficiency of attacking cities and villages is extremely high.

  Think about it, a first-rank martial artist with 15,000 third-rank martial artists, this is simply crushing in terms of strength.

   Unless Tie Futu and Sun Shenwu are still alive, and they bring all the Nine Frontier Army and Imperial Forest Army with them, maybe they can really stop Lu Bu's power, otherwise it will be useless for anyone to come.

   "Yun Sheng, General Lu is coming to the city again. Although it is good news, we are short of manpower, and the aristocratic family rejects you very much. Few scribes are willing to work for us." Sun Lingsi said with a hint of worry in his tone.

Chen Xiyi said indifferently about this: "Isn't there a division of the family, since the direct descendants are not willing to recruit the offspring of the sons and daughters, it will be fine. When the time comes, they will be staggered and transferred to allow them to re-open the same line. These **** are freed from the restraint of the direct line."

   "Presumably they will."

  There is a huge difference in the treatment between the legitimate son and the concubine son in the family, and the treatment of the main line and the side branch is even more obvious.

   Isn’t your main line lineage rejecting their side houses, so recruit side rooms, and transfer them to other states to serve, and allow these side rooms to start their own line, and put aside those noble families to play by themselves.

   If the aristocratic family dares to stop it, the solution is also very simple, isn't it equivalent to handing yourself a knife.

  You mere white-clothed civilians dared to prevent the imperial court from appointing officials to take up their posts, so they were all dragged to the entrance of the vegetable market and chopped down directly.

  Chen Xiyi used the initial rough method to deal with it. He has a gun in his hand, so how could he be controlled by a group of people who can only talk?

  Sun Lingsi was also a little speechless when he heard this. What you said is very simple, but it is not so simple to implement.

  But I have to admit that Chen Xiyi's violent method can indeed solve the current predicament.

The main descendants of the aristocratic families have lofty capital, but the **** in the side branches do not have such capital, so there is a high probability that they will be tempted. They are not in the position to be officials. It is rare that someone is willing to use them. , How could it be possible to give up, unless some people are really willing to die for the family.

   "Then, Grand Master Bai, what should we do?" Sun Lingsi said that since you proposed it, then let you come.

"Think about it yourself, how can you say that you are also a scribe with a good family status now, don't call me if you have anything to do, Xiang Hong is still young, and I will leave the matter of listening to the government behind the curtain in the future. You can just be a treacherous minister." Chen Xiyi also said that the world belongs to your son, not to me, so what does it mean to ask me to advise you all the time?

   "Teacher Bai, you are Hong'er's father-in-law. If you don't help him, whoever will help him." Sun Lingsi also said that they are all from his own family, so don't shirk.

  When Chen Xiyi heard this, he also rolled his eyes. This was simply because he wanted to let him work, but there were so many reasons.

"I'm here to exercise your ability. I have to do this kind of trivial matter now. You can't ask me everything in the future. What's more, I have more important things to deal with. I don't have so much free time to waste on these things." superior."

   "You have to understand one thing. I can't say that I will spend my whole life giving advice to you, Xiang Hong and Zhao Ning. You have to grow up on your own."

   "As far as your situation is concerned, I don't want to be number one in the world anymore, as long as I don't step on the gas pedal after I leave and bring the whole car overturned."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi came up and played the emotional card earnestly. Of course, the fact is true, he can't say that he will stay in this world forever.

   These words naturally made Sun Lingsi dumbfounded, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

   "I see, later"

   "In the future, you and Xiang Hong should try to deal with these matters with peace of mind. Now I can give you all the answers and you can do it boldly. If I leave later, no one will deal with the aftermath for you." Chen Xiyi interrupted the other party.

   "Okay, I see." Sun Lingsi said after a moment of silence, and left after answering.

  Chen Xiyi is at a loss, what do you know?

  'Gan, you must have made up something in your head again. '

  His words are just literal, and there is absolutely no other deeper meaning.

"Forget it, let her go. As long as it doesn't make up for me, it's fine to explain the funeral, but most people wouldn't say to make up for it." Chen Xiyi actually didn't have much confidence in this, after all, this Who knows where the other party is going to make up for this kind of thing.

   "Lu Bu's strength and reputation have risen rapidly, and his strength has also exploded, while Chituma has not changed at all. From this we can see that this should be an ability that only belongs to humans."

   "Perhaps because Lu Bu was cloned from the cells of Sun Shenwu and Tie Futu, so he is also classified as a human being, and there is an oath in his blood."

   "However, I didn't discover the other half of Lu Bu's divinity, probably because Sun Shenwu and Tie Futu died."

  A living person has the other half of divinity, but a dead person does not.

   Therefore, Lu Bu only has the mortal nature of the oath in his blood, and has no corresponding divinity.

  Chen Xiyi is different, he doesn't have both, he is simply a heretic.

  So, Lu Bu is essentially an incomplete existence.

   "Then if I get the corpse of the gods, wouldn't this world have to weaken and become a world without demons like Dali?"

Suddenly, Chen Xiyi thought of this matter. After all, no matter whether it is a warrior or a scholar, all the foundations come from the **** corpse. Without the **** corpse, the system of this world will decline, and everyone's physical fitness and strength will also decline. gradually weakened.

   "This seems to be a good thing? After all, their strength has regressed. My friends have the help of traveling merchants and other worlds. It is only a matter of time before they recover."

  (end of this chapter)

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