This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 360: buried in history

  Chapter 360 Buried in History

Hu Huai didn't talk too much to Chen Xiyi, but took a nap to recover his energy, and then walked into the black mist with the luggage made of special materials. Chen Xiyi didn't know that Hu Huai had There is no chance to return to Qingyi City, but he knows that he should go to Qingyi City to take a look.

  This civilization immersed in darkness seems to have found a new path. For example, the equipment on Hu Huai can effectively restrain the erosion of the black mist, which allows an ordinary person to walk in the black mist.

  However, this suppression method did not reach 100%, but only reduced its corruption effect.

Otherwise, there would be no black scars on the face due to corruption. Everyone regards it as an honor, but in essence it is still a life-threatening talisman. However, ordinary explorers will not live to corruption, but will explore died from various reasons.

   Or dying in the black mist after running out of ammunition, or encountering a lost person, or becoming a lost person because of despair, etc. There are many, many such situations.

   "Perhaps, it is the legacy of the spirit master." Chen Xiyi didn't know what happened back then, so he needed to find out by himself.

  The situation in this world is very complicated, and the value is not very clear, but it is certain that the black mist and stone statue should have a certain value.

  So what Chen Xiyi has to do now is of course want to get to know the other party.

  Explorers are divided into two factions, one is the Stone Statue faction and the other is the Black Mist faction.

And there are many other branch specialties under these two factions. The Stone Statue Sect has only two branches, Stone Statue and Pursuit, while the Black Mist Sect has a little more. Some weird phenomena and so on.

   However, the Black Mist Sect in Qingyi City does not have so many branches, because it is too small, and the mainstream is the Stone Statue Sect.

   Naturally, Chen Xiyi learned this knowledge from Hu Huai's memory. The other party's first three explorations in the black mist could be said to have narrowly escaped death. If it wasn't for his luck, he might not be able to go back.

  And most of the knowledge taught in the academy is to track down the stone statue and how to survive in the black mist as best as possible.

  The former needs to be practiced. So far, Hu Huai has not found a stone statue. Stone statues are not so easy to find. It requires not only experienced experience, but also good luck.

   As for survival, Hu Huai is still very proficient in this aspect, and has developed abilities.

  Hu Huai is essentially just an ordinary person, and it would be nice to have an ability. Like the people in Yueyi Village, basically no one has the ability to be recognized by Homeland Games.

  Not everyone can have the ability recognized by the homeland, and they must achieve certain attainments in this area before they can be recognized.

  Chen Xiyi walked in the black mist. For explorers, it was impossible to see clearly in the black mist, and a lamp was needed to lighten the black mist.

This lantern is made of fragments of the light source on the chest of the stone statue, so it can have the function of diluting the fog. Of course, because it is incomplete, it cannot be expelled, it can only be diluted, and with the protection of protective clothing, this is the Reduced pollution.

  If the black fog is not lightened, then the explorers will have no way to distinguish the direction in the black fog, just like walking in the dark.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi is not afraid of the black fog at all, and he doesn't just rely on the vision of the eyes, he also has other means of observation.

  With his speed, he came to Qingyi City in the blink of an eye.

  Compared to Yueyi Village, Qingyi City is simply a magnificent city.

  The majestic city wall encloses the entire city tightly. There is only one city gate that can enter and exit. Generally speaking, except for explorers, other people are forbidden to leave Qingyi City.

  There is a stone statue at a certain distance, so as to ensure that the light source on the chest of the stone statue can cover the whole city, and the restraint method is much taller than that of Yueyi Village.

The stone statues in Yueyi Village were simply **** with chains, but the one in Qingyi City was different. It was placed on a high tower, and the brilliance was fully burst out in a unique design method, so as to maximize the Let all places in Qingyi City be photographed.

   But at the same time, the spiritual pollution naturally multiplied.

Chen Xiyi entered Qingyi City easily. Compared with those survivors in Yueyi Village who were wrapped up tightly, the survivors in Qingyi City are much better. At least there is no need to worry about the lack of brilliance of the stone statues. And there is the infiltration of black mist.

  Of course, even if the black mist seeps in, there is no way for clothes to stop it. It can only be said to be a self-consolation.

   "It's really a weird world. A group of ordinary people without any supernatural power can actually restrain a stone statue that is nearly ten meters high, and even stuff it into a tower."

  Chen Xiyi was curious about this, and it was absolutely inseparable from the explorers. Chen Xiyi kept reading the memories of everyone in the city.

   "This is really true."

He found that all the people in this city, whether they are civilians or high-level officials, in their memory, the stone statue of Qingyi City has existed since they were born. Anyway, in their memory, they live day after day. , and then cultivate explorers.

  But for so many years, the stone statue has never died. Even if it follows the previous technology to remove a piece of light from the stone statue as a lantern, it will not damage the stone statue, and it will recover after a while.

There is also a more important point. Even in the memory of the oldest old man, the academy has no record of capturing the stone statue. After all, if it is really captured, the academy will definitely announce it as soon as possible to inspire people. More importantly The most important thing is that he has the evidence of the high-level college.

   It's not that they haven't found or tried to capture them, but without exception, they all failed. Basically, all the explorers who went to capture the stone statues died.

   That is to say, it is true to check and stabilize this, but the ability to capture the stone statue is doubtful.

  As for the stone statues in Yueyi Village, they also existed before the village head was born, and they were not captured later at all.

   "The capture records are spread by word of mouth, but so far there is no successful case of capture, and all of them have failed. This is really interesting."

  Chen Xiyi felt that there must be something hidden here.

And Chen Xiyi also knows one thing from memory, that is, these stone statues about ten meters in size are actually quite small and exquisite. From some records collected in Qingyi City Academy, most of the stone statues found are at least the size of these statues. Ten times the size of the stone statue bound to act as a light source against the black mist.

   That is, the wild stone statue is at least about 100 meters.

The behavior of the stone statues is very chaotic. Some of the stone statues are full of all kinds of destructive desires, while some of the stone statues are very peaceful and don't care about humans following their brilliance to gain shelter. This is the village without the brilliance of the stone statues to resist the black mist. The way of life is to wander around following the stone statues. This type of village is called a migrating tribe, and they follow the stone statues all the time in order to survive.

  Of course, this peaceful character is more like ignorance. If someone does something, this kind of stone statue will immediately go crazy, and the entire migratory tribe will be wiped out in an instant.

  Chen Xiyi browsed various documents and materials in the Academy of Expedition and Exploration in Qingyi City very quickly, and finished browsing all of them in a short time.

  He found some of the earliest records in these documents, such as what forces established the academy, and helped capture stone statues and teach the explorer system.

   "Wangcheng? Does it mean that a certain ruling class sent someone here?"

  There are no detailed records in these documents, only that the royal family in the Wangcheng sent people to help them, but later because of the thickening of the black fog, Qingyi City gradually lost contact with the Wangcheng.

   "From this point of view, the black mist is actually a gradual process, and it didn't develop to this point all at once."

   "The brilliance of the stone statue can drive away the black mist, which was discovered by Wangcheng first, and then shared. This shows that the demise of the spirit master is much earlier than I thought."

   "Even the death of the spirit."

  The records of the Royal City in the literature of Qingyi City are really limited.

"There are only three cities left in the whole world. Apart from Qingyi City, the one in the east is ten times larger than Qingyi City. I don't know if it is the royal city, but the city in the north is much smaller. "

   "Most of the rest are villages and migratory tribes, with a population of less than one million and even declining."

   "Although it is said that there is a new way out, it may not be able to sustain it, not to mention that this stone statue is also a big hole."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help sighing with emotion. This one million population seems to be a lot, but compared with this world, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi is actually not sure whether people in this world can really find their own way out before they perish.

   Fortunately, in this dangerous end-time, most people are young and strong, don't even think about aging.

For example, the head of Yueyi Village is considered physically strong if he can live to that age. According to Chen Xiyi's bone age, he is only about fifty-five years old, but because of various external environmental factors, etc., he looks like a seventy-year-old More or less.

  In the whole village, there are very few people whose bone age is over forty, even in Qingyi City, the situation is similar.

  So among the population of less than one million, most of them are young and strong, which is good news.

After simply searching his memory and various documents in Qingyi City Academy, Chen Xiyi planned to go to the city to the east. After all, Chen Xiyi felt that it might be the royal city in the documents, and he might be able to find what he needed from it. Things, if you don't have them, you can only go to the slightly smaller city in the north.

  He was worried that Wangcheng had already disappeared in the black mist, so the process for him to explore the truth would have to be a lot of twists and turns.

   "However, when I was pursuing the extinct past, my spirituality seemed to be vaguely boiling. Does this mean that this is the true meaning of the historical sequence?"

   "But what does this have to do with the gates of the underworld and the mysteries of spirituality?"

  Chen Xiyi seems to understand that he has always used this historical sequence as a death sequence. At this moment, he seems to understand that his previous research has been in the wrong direction.

  He understood that when he refined the **** corpse, it was not because the **** corpse provided a lot of merit, but because the **** corpse was history and the past, so it induced such a huge spiritual boiling.

   "History, past, demise, death."

   "This so-called necromancer is actually a historian who digs out the truth about the past and those who have died."

  He also had guesses in this regard before, but the problem is that this historical sequence has nothing to do with history from the beginning, but it is more like death, which made Chen Xiyi unable to react.

   "Perhaps, after I find the secret of the stone statue and black mist, as well as the truth about the royal city, I will be able to advance to Sequence 6."

   "This broken game is very mysterious. If it weren't for good luck, my Sequence 6 would probably be stuck soon. No wonder I was always close to refining the corpse before."

  (end of this chapter)

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